LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5285: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 15 )

But valley God wants to use the strength of resistance good fortune jade small dish, was suppressed by the Zi Ming star town/subdues stubbornly ; Let alone Xiao Hua or Jaded-Document Xiao Hua are familiar with the strength of Jaded Document, therefore valley God the strength of Jaded Document limited stubbornly! 而谷神想要动用造化玉碟之力反抗,又被子明的星镇死死镇压;更别说无论是萧华还是玉牒萧华都对玉牒之力了如指掌,所以谷神的玉牒之力被限制的死死! desolate Heavenly King, desolate Heavenly King ~ “萧天王,萧天王~” Arrived at this time, valley God has to beg for mercy, the entreaty said, your I live with the root, now should you kill me with burning anger......” 到得此时,谷神不得不求饶,哀求道,“你我本身同根生,如今相煎何太急啊……” Fellow Daoist ~ “道友~” Xiao Hua sneers saying that „, if you previously tolerated 萧华冷笑道,“若你先前能容 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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