LCGIR :: Volume #53

#5284: star Yu Dafeng god finally war ( 14 )

Xiao Hua does not know, Zi Ming does not know, after all day earth range the law of sacrifice building up is Mao Mao keeps the inheritance of zhan ( zhan ) sandalwood star space, but Zi Ming uses day of earth range the law of sacrifice building up to be complete star town/subdues patching merely. 萧华不知道,子明也不知道,毕竟天地炉的祭炼之法是茅茅留在旃(zhan)檀星宇的传承,而子明仅仅使用天地炉的祭炼之法把星镇修补完好。 But valley God actually knows, the day earth range is divine artifact, is the Divine World Spiritual God with „one of the running away refinement, in boundless universe, special collection good fortune Jaded Document fragment. 但谷神却知道,天地炉乃神器,是神界神灵用“遁去的一”炼制而成,于茫茫宇宙之中,专门收集造化玉牒碎片之用。 The use of day earth range are many, possibly Mao Maoxiang saves three to live the god tribulation with it. 天地炉的用处很多,可能茅茅想用它来挽救“三生神劫”吧。 Since the star town/subdues is 108 stone Kuangkuang one, is complete with day earth range law of patching of sacrifice building up, no wonder Zi Ming appears in the space, poses the enormous threat to various Jaded Document clone. 星镇既然是一百零八石丱卝之一,又是用天地炉的祭炼之法修补完好,难怪子明出现在空间,给诸玉牒分身造成极大的威胁。 This naturally is also valley God saw reason that Zi Ming makes a getaway immediately. 这自然也是谷神见到子明立即逃之夭夭的缘由。 What a pity valley God underestimated fierce of star town/subdues, they just escaped count breaths, bang ~ the Zi Ming six big hands firmly hold them. 可惜谷神还是小看了星镇的厉害,他们不过刚刚逃出数息,“轰~”子明六个大手已经将他们牢牢的抓住。 However, when star town/subdues the strength of suppression falls into the valley god hatch. 但是,当得星镇的镇压之力落入谷神顶门。 Bang ~ “轰~” The valley god whole body exudes the fierce brilliance, the single layer heavy blood light direct impact Zi Ming palm, Zi Ming is almost impossible to suppress six valley gods. 谷神周身泛起剧烈的光耀,一重重血光直冲子明手心,子明几乎无法镇压六个谷神。 Haha, haha ~ “哈哈,哈哈~” But listened to valley God to laugh, said, originally was the incomplete star town/subdues, this grade of goods, but was whited sepulchre defeat cotton wool in, also with bringing to frighten us?” 但听谷神哈哈大笑起来了,说道,“原来不过是残缺的星镇啊,这等货色,不过是金玉其外败絮其中,也跟拿来吓唬吾等?” Big brother ~ “诸位大哥~” And in within the body of valley god, the demon god murders to go all out to shout, quick, little brother with the aid of Liujia Heavenly Book, sister-in-law's the strength of suppression, the actually some strength of resistance!” 其中一个谷神的体内,魔神弑拼命喊道,“快,小弟借助六甲天书,还有大嫂的镇压之力,倒是有些反抗之力!” Fellow Daoist ~ “诸位道友~” Xiao Hua gets angry immediately exclaims, also stares is doing really?” 萧华立即怒吼道,“还愣着作甚?” Then, Xiao Hua dashes to that say/way Paradise Valley god. 说完,萧华直直扑向那个道仙谷神。 Brushes ~ “刷刷~” Daoist Shaman, Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya, Wen Qu and Feng Wu plunge a valley god respectively. 巫道人弥勒尊佛世尊文曲凤梧各自扑向一个谷神。 Big brother ~ “大哥~” Daoist Lei Ting became impatient, shouts, I and others what to do?” 雷霆真人等急了,喊道,“我等怎么办?” Myna!!” “八哥!!” The demon god murdered greatly was also anxious, shouted, this boy must act out of desperation, I could not withstand, helped me quickly!” 魔神弑也大急了,喊道,“这厮要狗急跳墙,我顶不住了,快来助我!” Said ~ “好说~” Although Celestial usually could not see clearly the demon god to murder, at this time does not dare to neglect, bellows to throw. 天人虽然素来看不清魔神弑,此时也不敢怠慢,大吼一声扑了过去。 Fellow Daoist is not anxious ~ ~ ~ “道友莫急~~~” Huang Tong saw with own eyes Feng Wu to be difficult, loudly calls out, threw. 凰桐眼见凤梧艰难,大叫一声,扑了过去。 Fellow Daoist is not anxious ~ “道友莫急~” The Daoist Dá vision has swept the mistake, exclaimed to Wen Qu, I helped you!” 龘真人目光扫过过处,冲文曲吼道,“我来助你!” Daoist Lei Ting must plunge Xiao Hua, but Xiao Hua called out: Xiao here does not use, you aid the lesser monk quickly!” 雷霆真人本要扑向萧华,但萧华叫道:“萧某这里不用,你快去援助小和尚!” Roar ~ “吼~” Daoist Lei Ting does not dare to neglect, plunges Revered One of the World Venerable Buddha Maitreya. 雷霆真人不敢怠慢,扑向弥勒尊佛世尊 Then, only has Daoist Shaman and Xiao Hua faces two valley gods alone. 如此一来,只有巫道人萧华单独面对两个谷神。 Xiao Hua with the aid of Zi Ming the strength of suppression, shares half and half with the valley god, Daoist Shaman obviously is inferior. 萧华借助子明的镇压之力,堪堪跟谷神平分秋色,巫道人就明显逊色。 Xiao Hua wait/etc. were greatly anxious, they go all out to slaughter with the valley god, wants to win early a little, good to aid Daoist Shaman early. 萧华等大急,他们跟谷神拼命厮杀,想早一点儿取胜,好早一步去援助巫道人 Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” The entire jade faint star space is collapsing, although six regiments were sewn by the star town/subdues in six institutes stubbornly are, but the strength of jade faint star space unique Jaded Document is not the jade faint star space corps and honored day Star Territory corps is conceivable, they have given up slaughtering, distant avoidance, for fear that made the mackerel shad. 整个玉微星宇都在崩溃,六个战团虽然被星镇死死钉在六个所在,但玉微星宇特有的玉牒之力根本就不是玉微星宇战队和钧天星域战队可以想象的,他们已经放弃厮杀,远远的躲避,唯恐做了池鱼。 My God ~ “我的天啊~” don't said that Eastern benefit and the others, even Xu Zhi, still inconceivable looks at this to fight with all might, in the heart shouted lowly, „the strength of Higher Realm Spiritual God to Lower Realm, did fear also can only so?” 莫说东方惠等人,即便是徐志,也不可思议的看着这拼杀,心中低呼道,“上界神灵之力到了下界,怕也只能如此了吧?” Fellow Daoist ~ “诸位道友~” Daoist Shaman is unable to resist valley God eventually, he said resolutely, this poor Daoist first walks one step!” 巫道人终究是无法抵挡谷神,他毅然决然道,“贫道先走一步!” Seeing with own eyes Daoist Shaman must from exploding, the Xiao Hua luck sincere and truthful heart passes, immediately in the heart exclaimed: Witch fellow daoist, uses Liujia Heavenly Book to communicate Jaded Document clone!” 眼见巫道人要自爆,萧华福至心通,立即心中吼道:“巫道友,动用六甲天书沟通玉牒分身!” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Daoist Shaman was puzzled, asked that this poor Daoist has been using Liujia Heavenly Book!” 巫道人不解了,反问道,“贫道一直在动用六甲天书啊!” From exploding ~ “自爆~” Xiao Hua urgently said, communicates Jaded Document clone with the flesh and blood! Day after tomorrow Great God of taichao star space, after is not the Shaman Race blood sacrifice, valley did God with the strength of Liujia Heavenly Book, deliver to the taichao star space the strength of Jaded Document??” 萧华急道,“用血肉之躯沟通玉牒分身!太昭星宇的后天大神,不就是巫族血祭之后,谷神用六甲天书之力,把玉牒之力送到了太昭星宇??” Bang ~ “轰~” Daoist Shaman whole body fulmination, flesh direct impact Shaman Race valley God. 巫道人周身爆鸣,血肉直冲巫族谷神。 Haha ~ “哈哈~” Saw with own eyes flesh unexpectedly obstacle-free integrated within the body, Shaman Race valley God laughs, said, fruit worthily was cultivation Liujia Heavenly Book flesh, and others offered a sacrifice to refine to want usefully compared with me many......” 眼见血肉居然毫无障碍的融入自己体内,巫族谷神哈哈大笑起来了,说道,“果不愧是修炼过六甲天书的血肉,远比我等自己祭炼要有用的多……” What a pity, Shaman Race valley God just at this point, bang ~ world splits the Jaded-Document Shaman outline tearing space to fall baseless directly! 可惜,巫族谷神刚刚说到此处,“轰~”天地凭空裂开玉牒巫的轮廓撕裂空间直接落入! „???” “啊???” The Shaman Race valley God laughter stops suddenly, what replaces it is the unequalled fear, he called out, what this...... is this?” 巫族谷神的笑声戛然而止,取而代之的是无与伦比的恐惧,他叫道,“这……这是什么?” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Ends...... the complete good fortune jade small dish??” “完……完整的造化玉碟??” Help......” “救命啊……” Rumbling ~ “轰轰轰~” Though the Shaman Race valley God terrified, his figure blooms the emerald light sparkle that soars to the heavens, a good fortune jade small dish fragment flashes to pass! 虽则巫族谷神的惶恐,他的身形绽放冲天的碧光闪耀,一个造化玉碟碎片一闪而逝! Snort ~ “哼~” In emerald light, the Daoist Shaman sound in the heart gives birth in Xiao Hua and the others, is the incomplete good fortune jade small dish, is rampant? even white cheap this poor Daoist!” 碧光中,巫道人的声音在萧华等人心中生出,“不过是个残缺的造化玉碟,也敢嚣张?平白便宜了贫道!” ~ “嗷~” The demon god murders one hear, immediately called, immediately bang ~ blasted open. 魔神弑一听,立即嗷嗷直叫,当即“轰~”的一声炸裂起来。 Nnd ~ “nnd~” Celestial was greatly anxious, exclaimed, „do you dare to snatch the Jaded Document fragment with some?” 天人大急了,吼道,“你敢跟某家抢玉牒碎片?” Bang ~ “轰~” The Celestial skeleton also blasts open. 天人的骨头架子也炸裂开来。 Therefore Jaded-Document Shí and Jaded-Document Celestial depart together...... 于是玉牒弑玉牒天人齐齐飞出…… Hehe ~ “嘿嘿~” Saw with own eyes that other clone simultaneous/uniform Qihui Fleshly Body inspired Jaded Document clone to arrive, Xiao Hua shows a faint smile, the heart said, fellow daoist is laborious, this poor Daoist is loaf!” 眼见其他诸分身齐齐毁了肉身引动玉牒分身降临,萧华微微一笑,心道,“诸位道友辛苦,贫道偷了个懒!” Xiao Hua can draw support from the strength of space Jaded Document, now other clone inspire Jaded Document clone, he displays Liujia Heavenly Book Magical Ability slightly, bang ~ space thunders, Jaded-Document Xiao Hua treads the cloud! 萧华本就可以借助空间玉牒之力,如今其它分身都引动了玉牒分身,他略微施展六甲天书神通,“轰~”空间轰鸣,玉牒萧华踏云而来! Damn ~ “该死~” Beyond the valley Divine Soul flying, yelled, desolate Heavenly King, you...... you are atypical, unexpectedly also has the jade......” 神魂飞天外了,大叫,“萧天王,伱……你也太不地道了,居然也有玉……” ~ “噗~” Xiao Hua spoke with various clone, all through the heart language, sees with own eyes that now the valley god must bring to light, his Jaded Document clone jumped into immediately, interrupted the words of valley god. 萧华跟诸分身说话,皆是通过心语,如今眼见谷神要挑明,他的玉牒分身立即扑入,将谷神的话打断。 Snort ~ “哼~” Jaded-Document Xiao Hua swallows a valley god within the body biggest piece of good fortune jade small dish melts with Xiao Hua Fleshly Body in the same place, in the mouth cold -ly snorted and said, this was so-called using up all the tricks is too intelligent instead harmed the qing qing life!” 玉牒萧华边是吞噬谷神体内最大的一片造化玉碟边是跟萧华肉身融在一起,口中冷哼道,“这才是所谓的机关算尽太聪明反误了卿卿性命!” valley God feels helpless now, he is full power stimulate to motion Liujia Heavenly Book Magical Ability, wants to resist with Xiao Hua, but the strength of Jaded-Document Xiao Hua complete Jaded Document like the strength of Source, attracted him to fall into, like liking a moth to the flame. 谷神如今不知所措,他越是全力催动六甲天书神通,想要跟萧华对抗,可玉牒萧华完整的玉牒之力如同本源之力,吸引了他落入其中,如同飞蛾扑火。 But if his not stimulate to motion Liujia Heavenly Book, Jaded-Document Xiao Hua the strength of Liujia Heavenly Book endures compared with the gluttony, swallows his consciousness crazily...... 可若是他不催动六甲天书,玉牒萧华的六甲天书之力又堪比饕餮,疯狂的吞噬他的意识…… Thank Li Jian, daddy longlegs and dark green to cut and return and clown dragon and to move bricks labor and once to anticipatebird that the present and Jing Wei and dust non- and arrogant divine land and cold and still, Alan, „my good and Lianshui modification person and little segment examiner, Wang Chenglin, singsand blue sea advertisement and chalk and other fellow daoist supported, continue ~ 感谢“李健”、“臭蚊子”、“苍斩”、“回归”、“小丑龙”、“搬砖工”、“曾经期待现在”、“荆未”、“尘非”、“傲神州”、“冷寂”、“阿伦”、“我本善良”、“涟水修缘人”、“小段主考官”、“王成林”、“唱歌的小鸟”、“碧海广告”、“白墨”等道友支持,继续加更~ Thank everyone enthusiastic support, everyone while beginning subscription, do not forget helps the 3 d highest place in hanun propagandize on, micro blog, trill and quick worker and other channels, thanked again 感谢大家热情支持,大家在起点订阅的同时,别忘了在、微博、抖音和快手等渠道上帮探花宣传,再次感谢了 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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