KB :: Volume #6

#245 Part 2: Calm

So long as or has the sufficient strength, can lift the stone table, rocking checkerboard- even a recast pot.” “或者说,只要有足够的力量,就能抬起石桌,晃动棋盘-甚至重铸一口锅。” Must,” Paul be categorical, must have the sufficient strength, can lift the stone table, the rocking checkerboard.” “必须,”保罗斩钉截铁,“必须有足够的力量,才能抬起石桌,晃动棋盘。” We designate the most perfect center carefully,” bosom inferior (Asia) looking pensive, „, when the board game pieces gather toward it, four sides the stress is average, then, the checkerboard will not turn.” “那我们就小心选定一个最完美的中心,”怀亚若有所思,“当棋子们都往它聚拢时,四面应力都是平均的,如此一来,棋盘就不会翻了。” That was not I said that recast pot......” “那不就是我说的,重铸个锅嘛……” Wait, where is the perfect center of checkerboard, or is decided the center of checkerboard by whom?” “等等,那哪里才是棋盘的完美中心,或者说,由谁来定棋盘的中心?” Left Kong Mutuo has a look to have a look at the right, only thought that in the brain crowded the question mark: 孔穆托看看左边又看看右边,只觉得脑子里塞满了问号: How I know that- feeds, this topic are you bothersome?” “我怎么知道-喂喂,这话题你们烦不烦啊?” Perhaps does not have the answer.” “也许没有答案。” Taiersi voice suddenly resounded, attracted everyone's attention. 泰尔斯的声音突然响起,吸引了所有人的注意。 Checkerboard is also good, the board game piece, rocks also well, the glide, gathers also well, dispersion, fixed also good, loosens, the rule is also good, chaotic, actually not end point and eternal answer inevitably, only then the board game piece of unceasing vanguard and sometimes moves sometimes static checkerboard, the process and history that only then forms in their interactions,” prince said with a sigh, perhaps this was the essence of chessgame.” “棋盘也好,棋子也罢,晃动也好,滑动也罢,聚拢也好,分散也罢,固定也好,松脱也罢,规则也好,混乱也罢,其实并没有必然的终点和永恒的答案,只有不断前行的棋子和时动时静的棋盘,只有在它们的互动中形成的过程与历史,”王子叹息道,“或许这才是棋局的本质。” What essence? 啥本质? Although some people do not understand or refuse to accept as before, but no one dares to closely examine, the idle talk refuted the prince. 尽管依旧有人不懂或不服,但没有人敢追问,遑论反驳王子殿下。 Only has horse slightly cold snort/hum one that did not say for a very long time, turned head to look to out of the window: 唯有久久不言的马略斯冷哼一声,扭头看向窗外: Sounded and returned to the zero point, anything has not been solved, does not have the significance.” “听上去又回到了原点,什么也没有解决,毫无意义。” In the chess player, and even the gods above unique checkerboard looks like, this possibly truly does not have the significance,” Taiersi nods, is slightly lost, may, once feels, perceives and awakens these, board game piece that moves in low spirits......” “在棋手,乃至超脱棋盘之上的众神看来,这可能确实毫无意义,”泰尔斯点点头,略略出神,“可一旦感受、觉察、醒悟这些的,是闷头行棋的棋子本身……” He deeply inspires: 他深吸一口气: Its significance then exceeds all.” “其意义便超越一切。” horse slightly frowns: 马略斯皱起眉头: „Is that also useful? Even if perceived, what can the board game piece make?” “那又有什么用?纵然觉察到了,棋子又能做什么?” Taiersi looks to the keeping watch person, shows a faint smile: 泰尔斯看向守望人,微微一笑: That was another topic.” “那就是另一个话题了。” By the dining car, held Custa: 餐车旁,捅了捅身边的库斯塔: Strange, how we talked about this bored topic, but can also chat?” “奇怪,我们是怎么聊到这个无聊的话题,还能一路聊下去的?” „Did you also ask me?” “你还问我?” Your highness after all is the cultural worker......” “殿下毕竟是文化人……” Perhaps,” has taken the note diligently, bosom inferior (Asia) that has no free time to eat meal makes the ponder shape, because perhaps this topic is not boring, even is related to everyone.” “也许,”一直努力记笔记,都没空吃饭的怀亚作沉思状,“也许因为这个话题并不无聊,甚至事关每一个人。” Looks at each other one with Custa, both rolls the eyes. 和库斯塔对视一眼,双双翻白眼。 Bosom inferior (Asia) felt that anything, sudden one startled was on the rise: 怀亚感觉到了什么,突然一惊抬头: „Does your highness you go?” “殿下您去哪?” The people also raise the head, this discovers Taiersi already about ten steps. 众人同样抬头,这才发现泰尔斯已经在十步开外。 Sat for day, was big, takes a stroll.” The prince waves on meat intestines toward the rear area, leaves a they natural back. “坐了一天了,头都大了,出去散散步。”王子朝后方挥了挥手上的肉肠,留给他们一个潇洒的背影。 Bosom inferior (Asia) dumbfounded, he has a look at the note, has a look at the half piece of bread in dining car, muttered: 怀亚呆住了,他看看笔记,又看看餐车上的半块面包,喃喃道: Works as, naturally, your highness......” “当,当然,殿下……” The complexion serious horse slightly deep sigh one breath, puts down the soup in hand. 面色严肃的马略斯长叹一口气,放下手里的汤。 Is gawking doing?” “愣着干嘛?” He coldly orders: 他冷冷下令: Follows!” “跟上啊!” - -- He where? 他在哪儿? Lausanne second awaking revolutions, a darkness, in the nose is flooding rotten and odor taste of urine show leisurely at present. 洛桑二世悠悠醒转,眼前一片漆黑,鼻子里充斥着腐烂和尿骚的恶臭味儿。 Dim. 昏暗。 Dirty. 肮脏。 Moist. 湿润。 Silent. 寂静。 Suffering injustice. 不见天日。 These thoughts flash past, the ache comes. 这几个念头一闪而过,疼痛如约而至。 „......” “呃……” Lausanne second hurts stuffily snort/hum makes noise. 洛桑二世疼得闷哼出声。 His breaking arm place transmits numb itch and severe pain by fits and starts, the wounds in various chest and belly places also refuses to admit being inferior. 他的断臂处传来一阵又一阵的麻痒和剧痛,胸腹各处的伤口也不甘示弱。 Severe wound. 重伤。 Being on the verge of death. 濒死。 Lausanne second clenches the teeth, the muscles and blood vessels of various body wounds live immediately coming, stretches out the slight granulation, such as the earthworm struggles furiously, wants to display the blood group the ability, sewing recovers, but helpless...... 洛桑二世咬紧牙关,身上各处伤口的肌肉和血管立刻“活了过来”,伸出细微的肉芽,如蚯蚓般奋力挣扎,想要发挥血族的能力,缝补复原,可无奈…… Blood!!!】 【血!!!】 Trembling of innermost soul spreads, made him in a flash! 一阵灵魂深处的颤栗传开来,令他生生一晃! Shuts up!】 【闭嘴!】 Lausanne second first angrily roars in the heart, at once eats to sneer. 洛桑二世先在心底里怒吼,旋即吃吃冷笑。 Really, the monster in within the body never absents, comes. 果然,体内的怪物从不缺席,也如约而来。 But he, after severe wound, he regardless of the physical strength or the resiliency, nearly dries up. 而他,重伤过后,他无论体力还是恢复力,都近乎枯竭。 Truly needs- blood. 确实需要-血。 A lot of blood. 大量的血。 High-quality blood. 优质的血。 The next second, Lausanne second bears the gastric disorder and illness, the severe pain and blood are thirsty, deeply inspires, wants to struggle from the ground, actually the discovery lies down in the ground whole body is serious, is entirely still. 下一秒,洛桑二世忍住反胃和不适,剧痛和血渴,深吸一口气,想要从地上挣扎起来,却发现躺在地上的自己浑身沉重,纹丝不动。 Strange. 奇怪。 Lausanne second vision blood red, the whole body muscle tightens, starts again full power! 洛桑二世目光血红,浑身肌肉收紧,再全力发动! When lang! 当啷! The blood group struggles full power, actually drove a coarse metal fricative merely. 血族全力挣扎,却仅仅带动了一片难听的金属摩擦声。 The killers understand immediately has anything. 杀手立刻明白了身上有什么。 Iron chain. 铁链。 Shackles. 镣铐。 Shackles. 枷锁。 Accompanies his most lifetime, most familiar friend. 陪伴他大半生的,最熟悉的朋友。 Ha hahahaha......” “哈哈哈哈哈……” Brought dismal self-ridiculing, Lausanne second to burn, eats to sneer. 带着悲凉的自嘲,洛桑二世烫了回去,吃吃冷笑。 He no longer struggles vigorously, but makes an effort to turn head, all around observation in narrow field of vision. 他不再大力挣扎,而是用力扭头,在狭窄的视野里观察四周。 His blood group sense plays the effect slowly: 他的血族感官慢慢发挥功效: This is a typical dungeon, four sides up and down is the thick stone layers, -and-a-half the person of high pinholes take the access. 这是一个再典型不过的地牢,四面上下都是厚厚的石层,只有身后一个半人高的小洞作为出入口。 The ground full is the sewage, in the air the fluttering full odor, the cockroach creeps along in not far away. 地上满是污水,空气里飘满恶臭,蟑螂在不远处爬动。 Only then corner small candlelight, is very difficult to illuminate including the surrounding several chi (0.33 m). 只有角落处的一盏小小烛火,连周围几尺都很难照亮。 As for him, his body four limbs- perhaps only remains three extremities- was very been together heavy, the pattern complicated black mechanical stone-lock dumbbell to fasten tightly, locks extends Shanghai to have four sturdy chains, fixes in the dungeon four corners. 至于他,他的身体四肢-也许只剩三肢-被一块无比沉重、花纹繁复的黑色机械石锁扣紧,锁上延申出四根粗壮的锁链,固定在地牢的四个角落。 Cannot move. 动弹不得。 He awoke.” “他醒了。” A calm sound conveys, from four iron chain directions: 一个沉稳的声音传来,源自四根铁链其中一根的方向: Enhances the security.” “提高警戒。” Lausanne second has turned head strongly, what a pity the field of vision narrow in addition light is dim, he cannot see clearly the appearance of opposite party, can only feel that person of courage vigor to be full, even the outline is sending the red light. 洛桑二世竭力扭过头,可惜视野狭窄加灯光昏暗,他看不清对方的样貌,只能感受到那人血气充盈,连轮廓都发着红光。 However...... 但是…… Lausanne second receives the feedbacks of other senses earnestly: 洛桑二世认真地接收其他感官的反馈: This person breathes evenly. 此人呼吸均匀。 The heartbeat is steady. 心跳平稳。 On the knee is putting a sword. 膝盖上放着一把剑。 The graces are indifferent. 举手投足淡然优雅。 Either is a expert. 要么是个高手。 Either is the expert who installs. 要么是个装出来的高手。 Wait, this person of sound, he has listened probably. 等等,这人的声音,他好像听过。 Lausanne second look moves. 洛桑二世眼神一动。 Was that day encircles and hunts one of the own people. 是那天围猎自己的人之一。 Wanted me saying that this/should gave his head to come again, convenient- or at least changed the silver nature locking device.” “要我说,就该再给他头上来一下,省事儿-或者至少换银质锁具。” The direction of another chains, a rough sound conveys, the tone disdains. 另一根锁链的方向,一个粗犷的声音传来,语气不屑。 The second guard, the weapon in the body, the body also has the light bloody taste. 第二个守卫,武器在身,身上还有淡淡的血腥味儿。 Recently had been injured. 最近受过伤。 Miss Hilay said that a while must interrogate,” the voice of first person conveys, he has been seriously injured, although does not know the vampire physique to what situation well, but must have scruples......” “希莱小姐说了,一会儿还要审问,”第一个人的声音传来,“他已经身受重伤,虽然不知道吸血鬼体质好到什么地步,但也不能毫无顾忌……” The third sound inserted, flustered: 第三个声音插了进来,慌里慌张: Therefore I said, can actually defend when? Although the reward is very high, but here was very smelly...... I saying that you will not be carried out kidnapping...... do not misunderstand, my my I, I had no opinion, very much I supported......” “所以我说,究竟要守到什么时候?虽然报酬很高但是这里很臭啊……我说,你们不会是搞绑架的吧……别误会,我我我,我没有任何意见,我很支持的……” The third guard, panting respite, the hand and foot worn out and aching, is an average person, no, even must be weaker than the average person. 第三个守卫,气短喘息,手足酸软,是个普通人,不,甚至比普通人还要更弱。 Lausanne second is calculating the population silently. 洛桑二世默默计算着人数。 Shut up, does not want dead to sit to me.” Another sound conveyed, broke the third person, the latter keeps silent immediately. “闭嘴,不想死就给我坐好了。”另一个声音传来,打断了第三个人,后者立刻噤声。 Fourth, woman. 第四个,女人。 The sound is chilly, the tone is discrete, the body also has the light bloody taste. 声音清冷,语气谨慎,身上也有淡淡的血腥味儿。 First, two, three, four...... 一,二,三,四…… Lausanne second ended the observation, deeply inspires. 洛桑二世结束观察,深吸一口气。 Four people. 四个人。 Is guarding him. 看守着他。 Coward who and a woman, words has not talked clearly. 其中还有一个女人,一个话都说不清的胆小鬼。 Lausanne second narrows the eye, the left hand that only remains starts the range that explores to move, slowly touches to black shackles. 洛桑二世眯起眼睛,仅剩的左手开始探索能活动的范围,慢慢摸向身上的黑色枷锁。 This also belittled him. 这也小觑他了。 Even if severely wounded dying he. 哪怕是重伤垂死的他。 Initially that group of vampires, but closed/pass him in guarding the jail of stern banning blood, and heard something never heard of before the magic curse that to defend by various types of terrifying old zombies. 当初那帮吸血鬼,可是把他关在守卫森严的禁血之牢里,由各种恐怖的老僵尸和闻所未闻的魔法诅咒守着呢。 Blood! Blood! Blood!】 【血!血!血!】 The hope of Lausanne second to within the body turns a deaf ear, secret cold snort/hum. 洛桑二世对体内的渴望充耳不闻,暗暗冷哼一声。 They will pay the price for oneself having a low opinion of the enemy. 他们会为自己的轻敌付出代价的。 I injure very much heavily,” Lausanne second hoarse opens the mouth, the hope in amenable body, does not have the blood unavoidablily, will die.” “我伤得很重,”洛桑二世嘶哑开口,不得已顺从身体里的渴望,“没有血,会死的。” First escapes...... 先逃出去…… The guards are motionless, turn a deaf ear. 守卫们一动不动,充耳不闻。 I died, your mistress final chips did not have,” Lausanne second is feeling the ache and exhausted, „does she coerce North Star with what?” “我死了,你们的女主人就连最后的筹码都没了,”洛桑二世感受着疼痛和疲惫,“她拿什么去要挟北极星?” In dungeon a silence. 地牢里一片沉默。 Until after several seconds, the chilly female voice opened the mouth: 直到几秒后,清冷的女声开口了: Waiting.” “等着。” Thump! 咚! A dull thumping sound, the equally soft thing was lost to the mouth of Lausanne second. 一声闷响,一样软物被丢到洛桑二世的嘴边。 Sees clearly the goal, Lausanne second stares the big eye. 看清目标,洛桑二世瞪大眼睛。 That is a dead mouse. 那是一只死老鼠。 Smelly. 臭。 Rank. 腥。 Stiff. 僵硬。 Also has the disgusting rotten unusual flavor. 还带着恶心腐烂的奇特味道。 What? 什么? Lausanne second frowns. 洛桑二世皱起眉头。 This?” “就这?” What's wrong, wasn't the blood of mouse the blood?” The female guard coldly said, can't support you to restore the injury?” “怎么,老鼠的血就不是血了吗?”女守卫冷冷道,“不能支撑你恢复伤势?” In Lausanne second chest surges a anger. 洛桑二世胸中涌起一股怒火。 Naturally can. 当然能。 Only if continuous, motionless does not consume day and night, eats several hundred and several thousand continuously...... 除非日夜不休,不动不耗,连续吃上几百、几千只…… At least gives me freshly only.” “至少给我只新鲜的吧。” In order to get out of trouble, he swallows an insult. 为了脱困,他忍气吞声。 Left, here mouse is very fierce,” the male guard satire of another side said, „your appearance, feared cannot be victorious it.” “别了,这儿的老鼠很厉害的,”另一边的男守卫讽刺道,“你这个样子,怕是打不过它。” Lausanne second pinches tightly the fist. 洛桑二世捏紧拳头。 Blood, blood! Wants the blood!】 【血,血!要血!】 Lausanne second closes the eye. 洛桑二世闭上眼睛。 Good. 好吧。 Damn. 该死的。 This is to run away. 这是为了逃走。 At least, at least that is not the person blood. 至少,至少那不是人血。 It is not...... the blood of innocent person. 不是……无辜者的鲜血。 Feeling that is only dead on the mouse bloody taste, Lausanne second forces itself to bear the nausea and dislike, the opens the mouth, the bright tooth, bites through the corpse of mouse tremblingly. 感受着那只死老鼠身上的血腥味儿,洛桑二世强迫自己忍住恶心和厌恶,颤巍巍地张口,亮齿,咬穿老鼠的尸体。 Tittering. 噗嗤。 In the pilosity and stiff taste, the solidification, brings the odor cold blood to splash gradually slightly obviously rottenly from the blood vessel of mouse, enters his mouth. 多毛和僵硬的口感中,渐渐凝固,更稍显腐烂还带着恶臭的冷血从老鼠的血管里溅出,进入他的口腔。 Let him feel disgusting and bitter and astringent. 让他倍感恶心和苦涩。 Blood...... really...... smelly......】 【血……真……臭……】 Shuts up!】 【闭嘴!】 Lausanne second closes the eye, is painfully difficult to drink the blood that to swallow this. 洛桑二世闭上眼睛,痛苦地把这股难喝的血吞咽下去。 Although is very slow, the courage vigor that but truly, his within the body suffocates starts to agitate. 虽然很缓慢,但是确实,他体内奄奄一息的血气开始鼓动。 Restores. 重新恢复。 Look, the photo does not eat,” male guard disdains saying that where comes so many art......” “看,不也照吃嘛,”男守卫不屑道,“哪来那么多讲究……” The next second, restored Lausanne second of some physical strengths to open eyes suddenly, in eye blood red! 下一秒,恢复了一些体力的洛桑二世突然睁眼,目中血红! His left hand revolution, melts the sharp claws. 他的左手一转,化出利爪。 Brush! 刷! The flame four shoot, his sharp claws dash to lock catch, produces the grating coarse fricative! 火光四射,他的利爪直扑身上的锁扣,磨出刺耳难听的摩擦声! Has the accident steep, that average person frightens to scream, other three people set out immediately, the weapon in the hand, is ready in full battle array! 陡生变故,那个普通人吓得尖叫起来,其余三人立刻起身,武器在手,严阵以待! Weapon!” “武器!” He is removing the lock!” “他在拆锁!” I said that he is not a law-abiding disaster,” the first rough vigorous sound wicked said/tunnel, this/should he-” “我就说了他是个不安分的祸害,”第一个粗犷浑厚的声音恶狠狠地道,“就该把他-” Calm,” obviously is the Kaxien calm opens the mouth of lead, making the tense companions relax, looked, he could not work loose.” “冷静,”显然是领头的卡西恩淡定开口,让紧张的同伴们放松下来,“看,他挣脱不了。” The vision focus place of people, Lausanne second dumbfounded. 众人的目光焦点处,洛桑二世呆住了。 Lies down in him of ground, struggles is beginning supinely: 躺在地上的他,挣扎着仰起头: Sees only the black stone-lock dumbbell under sharp claws to be entirely still, the tiny bit scratch has not stayed behind continually. 只见利爪下的黑色石锁纹丝不动,连一丝一毫的划痕都没有留下。 Actually his blood group sharp claws, because of just now fierce friction, are emitting the light light smoke at this moment. 倒是他的血族利爪,此刻正因方才的剧烈摩擦,冒出淡淡青烟。 Can't this lock...... open? 这锁……打不开? But he has tried,” female guards him behind, observes him cautiously, sword point throughout toward opponent, „, but he will try again.” “但他试过了,”女守卫他身后,小心翼翼地观察他,剑尖始终朝着对手,“而他会再试的。” Lausanne second was still startled dull, cannot think through the blood group sharp claws that oneself also most hate sharply to be why unfruitful. 洛桑二世仍旧呆怔着,想不通自己最锋利也最痛恨的血族利爪为何毫无效果。 Kaxien frowns. 卡西恩皱起眉头。 He holds the candlelight, gradually close to Lausanne second. 他执起烛火,缓步靠近洛桑二世。 Do not be unproductive,” Kaxien is observing the movement of Lausanne second carefully, looks at the sharp claws on latter hand to wither gradually, I know that you are extremely the boundary expert, but you cannot work loose this lock.” “别徒劳了,”卡西恩细细观察着洛桑二世的动作,看着后者手上的利爪渐渐萎缩,“我知道你是极境高手,但你挣不脱这锁的。” Lausanne second sneers, did not reply. 洛桑二世冷笑一声,并不答话。 What has to be good rubbish with the deceased person? 跟死人有什么好废话? Naturally cannot work loose,” the first sound vigorous male guard pulls out the long sword, approaches to him, clenches jaws, „, if both hands did not have, I thought that he works loose with anything......” “当然挣不脱,”第一个声音浑厚的男守卫抽出长剑,向他靠近,咬牙切齿,“要是两只手都没了,我看他拿什么挣脱……” But Kaxien actually put out a hand decisively, held down the male guard. 但卡西恩却果断伸手,按住了男守卫。 He looks to the latter, shakes the head: 他看向后者,摇了摇头: He is a captive, without influence security, should have the treatment of earning.” “他是俘虏,在不影响安全的前提下,该有应得的待遇。” The male guard anger snort/hum, throws away Kaxien hand: 男守卫怒哼一声,甩脱卡西恩的手: Stodgy.” “迂腐。” The Kaxien non- worried thoughts are not angry, but looks at the captive silently. 卡西恩不愠不恼,只是默默看着俘虏。 You know, I graduate left the day before the end tower, wild rose a Kula Delphi of lineage/vein to me told a story.” “你知道,我结业离开终结塔的前一天,‘蔷薇’一脉的库拉德尔跟我讲了一个故事。” Kaxien knight spooky say/way. 卡西恩骑士幽幽道。 Lausanne second was deliberately considering how uses another method to work loose the chains, hears word frowns. 洛桑二世寻思着如何用另一个方法挣脱锁链,闻言蹙眉。 He said that before for a long time is very very long, the masters in legend have done many many misdemeanors,” in Kaxien eyes exudes missing, „one of them for limit that to survey the human body can reach- speed, response and strength, pliable but hard to break and durable, receive the wound, and even the strength of end, was called unusual strength at that time- however did massive activity-body tests, from old person, child, woman, man, soldier, artisan to......” “他说,很久很久以前,传说中的法师们做过很多很多坏事,”卡西恩眼里泛起思念,“其中之一就是为了测量人体所能达到的极限-速度、反应、力量、柔韧、耐久、承伤,乃至终结之力,那时还叫超凡之力-而做了大量的活体实验,从老人,小孩,女人,男人,士兵,工匠到……” Other guards simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform knit the brows, Kaxien as if also realizes anything, shows a faint smile. 其他守卫们齐齐皱眉,卡西恩似乎也意识到什么,微微一笑。 They made anything not saying that but through the complex experiment and formula calculation, the masters truly surveyed the limit of human body, and induced one set of theory- perhaps you do not believe that this limit exaggerating, as well as only mortal, only depended on the strength of flesh and blood and end, can achieve how extraordinary thing.” “他们做过什么就不说了,但通过复杂的实验和公式演算,法师们确实测量出了人体的极限,并归纳出一整套理论-你恐怕不会相信这个极限有多夸张,以及区区一个凡人,只靠着血肉之躯和终结之力,能做到多么了不得的事。” Lausanne second disdains cold snort/hum. 洛桑二世不屑冷哼。 Therefore then people think, this was the limit of mortal, and was called it......” “所以当时的人们一致认为,这就是凡人的极限了,并把它叫做……” Kaxien looked at oneself sword, shakes the head: 卡西恩看了看自己的剑,摇摇头: Limit boundary.” “极限境界。” Kaxien sighed in a soft voice. 卡西恩轻声叹息。 „A person is powerful again fiercely also well, they said, this was the highest critical point that the person can achieve, upward, was the manpower cannot again and place. To break through this critical point, must exceed the human body, breaks through the flesh and blood shackles. Therefore, the masters handled more worse things......” “一个人再强大再厉害也好,他们说,这就是人所能达到的最高临界点了,再往上,就是人力所不能及之处。而为了突破这个临界点,就必须要超越人体,突破血肉之躯的桎梏。为此,法师们做了更多更糟的事情……” Lausanne second remains unmoved, was still trying to find out shackles diligently. 洛桑二世不为所动,仍在努力摸索身上的枷锁。 But another side, usually related inharmonious another group of people with the masters- knight, is not convinced.” “但是另一边,跟法师们素来关系不睦的另一群人们-骑士,并不服气。” Kaxien raised the head, the look is limpid: 卡西恩抬起头,眼神清澈: For many years wielded a sword, they know that the body has the limit, understands that the flesh has the end point, but they do not believe the manpower, or does not believe that the will and spirit of knight have its limit.” “经年挥剑,他们知道身体有极限,明白血肉有终点,但他们绝不相信人力,或者说,不相信骑士的意志和精神有其极限。” Brush! 刷! The hot light flash gets up, other person of anxiety. 火光闪起,其他人一阵紧张。 Bah, goes to your spirit!” “呸,去你他妈的精神!” Once again unlocks Lausanne second of failure to shout abuse, his sharp claws were even produced the blood. 又一次开锁失败的洛桑二世破口大骂,他的利爪甚至被磨出了血。 Is highest is also limit boundary ’ the theory to master that set of human ‚, they snort contemptuously,” Kaxien looks at struggling of killer calm, calling itfalse boundary’.” “对法师那套人类最高也就是‘极限境界’的理论,他们嗤之以鼻,”卡西恩淡定地看着杀手的挣扎,“称之为‘虚假的境界’。” They believe, believes that so long as achieves some condition- diligently, sweat, firm and resolute, will, determination and method, or other anything, trivial mortal, can surpass the limit.” “他们坚信,坚信只要达成某项条件-努力、汗水、坚毅、意志、决心、方法,或者别的什么,区区凡人,也能超越极限。” To reach to true boundary.” “以臻至‘真正的境界’。” This is unusual above, extremely boundary and real view origin- at least is one of the views.” “这就是超凡之上,‘极境’和‘真界’的说法由来-至少是说法之一。” Other guards in dungeon have not spoken. 地牢里的其他守卫们都没有说话。 Kaxien recovers. 卡西恩回过神来。 However on you this lock, is Kevin Til the ancient demon lock obtained from Lyon, it is said before is very long, they hold the masters according to limit boundary theory the casting, guaranteed, even if the locked in captive is the expert who various abilities advance the peak, is unable to work loose.” “而你身上的这把锁,是凯文迪尔从科里昂家得到的古老魔锁,据说就是很久以前,他们托法师们按照‘极限境界’理论所铸造的,确保哪怕被锁住的俘虏是个把各项能力都推到巅峰的高手,也无法挣脱。” The knights look at captive black stone-lock dumbbell, the vision is sorrowful. 骑士看着俘虏身上的黑色石锁,目光悲哀。 Right, this significance of lock, locks in extremely the boundary expert.” “没错,这把锁的意义,就是锁住极境高手。” Also locks in the human the limit. 也锁住人类的极限。 Symbolizes own small and weak. 标志自身的弱小。 Lausanne second hears word frowns. 洛桑二世闻言蹙眉。 What kind of expert that must look is,” the killer under severe wound pants for breath even more fiercely, but is still obstinate argumentative, will be will unlock by some chance specially?” “那也得看是怎样的高手,”重伤之下的杀手喘息越发剧烈,但兀自嘴硬,“万一是个专会开锁的?” Kaxien shakes the head: 卡西恩摇摇头: This life, I never see it to be broken finally.” “终此一生,我从未见过它被打破过。” In fact, he has seen one time. 事实上,他见过一次。 But the opposite party does not need to know, not? 但对方不需要知道,不是么? Therefore acts charitably,” Kaxien said with a sigh, do not have its idea again, making our two sides convenient?” “因此行行好,”卡西恩叹息道,“别再打它的主意了,让我们两边都省事儿?” Lausanne second was silent. 洛桑二世沉默了。 He had not answered, but also no longer tries to pick a lock. 他没有回话,但也不再试图撬锁。 You said before, when you are young will visit me to choose the martial arts contest,” killer will shift the topic suddenly, what did you see?” “你之前说,你年轻时看过我在选将会的比武,”杀手突然转移话题,“你看见什么了?” Kaxien knight vision moves. 卡西恩骑士目光一动。 He looks that in killer who the ground barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, remembered once electing at the meeting, that high-spirited knight apprentice. 他看着在地上苟延残喘的杀手,想起曾经的选将会上,那个意气风发的骑士学徒。 I see your sword technique to be exquisite, one ’ a expert of lineage/vein opposes the enemy withwild rose, meets the approaching enemy facing his subsequent hand, you actually often can in......” “我看见你剑术精妙,其中一场是跟‘蔷薇’一脉的高手对敌,面对他的后手迎击,你却每每能在……” Lausanne second disdains the hum/snort: 洛桑二世不屑哼声: You know what I asked was anything.” “你知道我问的是什么。” You and Prince Horace final showdown, killed inextricably involved, once even got the winning side.” “你和贺拉斯王子最终对决,杀得难分难解,一度甚至占据上风。” Kaxien, exhaled the one breath. 卡西恩顿了一下,呼出一口气。 At the last minute, was held the flaw by him......” “却在最后一刻,被他抓住破绽……” If I said, I had the opportunity to kill him, you do believe?” Lausanne second coldly breaks him. “如果我说,我本有机会杀他,你信吗?”洛桑二世冷冷打断他。
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