GCSAT :: Volume #7

#624: Self-destruction

The age in simulation, human had same as the enemy has opened the ability of neighboring channel, but this does not mean, creates the entropy production jump area artificially, is safe. The reason is very simple, what they must do is not a forward channel, but to the reversion channel of opposite party output energy. As a result of the irreversibility of entropy production, such operation likely causes the region to lose control, swallows all materials and energies including guidepost center. Once this situation happened, waits for Chengdu Center only has a result ---- Beyond redemption. Naturally, human not just their only hopes, even if were defeated for the first time , can after the new guidepost center establishes attempts. But the issue is, no one knows that needs many attempts to succeed. We need your assistance.” When Ye Zhou is the future of Chengdu Center worried, the voice of woman again bridges over for several hundred years passed on. Ye Zhou shakes the head gently, scatters at heart the chaotic train of thought that opens the mouth to ask: What needs me to make?” I need you to leave still sea center, goes to the entropy production jump collection data, then gives the information to me.” We need to rebuild still sea center model, 100% return to original state its external environment!” At this time the when voice of woman changed before and Ye Zhou communication tranquility and calm, instead took for several points to murder decisive renouncing. She also knows probably, this is one time cannot miss, opportunity that also cannot evade. I understood, but I need the long-distance instruction.” „The transportation system of still sea center had been paralyzed completely, at present all exits have been sealed up, I need you to help me discover the structure weak point, I must blast out the channel!” In fact, Ye Zhou can also seek for the weak point with the aid of talent of theory of structures Grandmaster, but the issue is, the scale of still sea center is really big, when he looks, the day lily is cool. Understood, here has still sea center structure drawing, gives me 20 seconds.” Stopped a moment later, the woman continues saying: East district No. 6 spare warehouse, inside and outside wall thickness, be only 6 meters, do not have the solid steel structure, is highest from here going out efficiency, but this region belongs to the redundancy region, what use is the gravity market economy, the external force destroys likely causes collapsing.” „After collapsing, here structure will form the new support to the entire still sea center......, if must make a breach here, must control the TNT equivalent extremely precisely.” Ye Zhou reads the simple structure drawing that the woman transmits, just as she said that No. 6 warehouse is the pure redundant design, is very far from the kernel range of still sea center. Even if not consider the success ratio, he does not want to choose this point. The reason is very simple, the energy of still sea center has almost cut off completely, now can maintain most basic life-support system, if he wants to draw the blasting explosive, can only be the personnel draws the way that the shoulder shoulders. Travels between one at least to take 4 hours, the efficiency was really low. Has other alternative plans?” He opens the mouth to ask. „No. 1 staff lodging region terminal outer wall, there protection is very firm, has the solid steel structure support, but I remember that each center will provide a number of high-temperature blasting explosive, the equivalent should be sufficient.” With No. 1 area relative No. 3 area is also same.” In addition, was the side outer wall of staff hall, there issue was the space is too big, the explosion possibly affected the entire center, complete destruction life-support system.” „After ruling out these all options, the last option walks the central front door, but, according to your data, to front door had partially collapsed, you need to bridge over two stretches of diked areas, the cost is too high.” still sea center in fact is beyond a regular pentagon connects the star structure of radial construction, several positions that the woman said respectively in the peaks of two star glow, as well as in pentagon vertex angle. bi Di pavilion from the success ratio, the pentagon peak is the best choice. Moreover, No. 1 staff lodging area to dangerous material reserve cabin, leaves the position is quite near, in time completely with enough time. I understood, now goes to stockpile the warehouse, the preparation starts to carry out.” Then, Ye Zhou lifts the foot then to walk toward the direction of warehouse. In the previous simulation, he had basically found out the route, all conduct extremely smoothly, spent merely less than 4 hours, then already prepare all blasting explosive. Direct detonation?” Ye Zhou opens the mouth to ask. This time he has evacuated to the staff quarter in distant place , the heavy/thick wall will cover the high temperature and impulse that the explosion has for him, if the direct exposure in the channel, it is estimated that the whole person will be evaporated. Wait a bit, we need to make the preliminary damage estimate.” still sea center surrounding should be the vacuum environment, once the exit|to speak were opened, after balancing was broken, the entropy production jump area has the proliferation the risk.” „Did your exposure suit confirm completely?” The exposure suit that on Ye Zhou wears was just took from the guidepost nuclear ventricle, in the previous simulation has undergone the test, the security has not been a problem. Confirmation is complete, no issue understands, please use the intelligent assistant to connect the detonator, gives me the detonation jurisdiction, we will conduct the progressive detonation to the blasting explosive.” Good, reassignment.” After short silence, the woman says: Was ready.” Starts.” Ye Zhou said calm. His body sticks to the wall, the dormitory door shuts tightly, has prepared all against impact. But another head, that side Chengdu does not have the sound. What issue has?” He opens the mouth to ask. ....... This is not an absolutely safe action, this point, are you clear?” Ye Zhou cannot help but some want to smile, but he can also certainly understand the good intentions of opposite party. I am completely clear. However, in any event we must first take the first step.” If must say the risk, following close to the entropy production jump area is a bigger danger, but also without arriving that step, do not waste the time, fights a battle to force a quick decision!” Receives. Demolition countdown 30 seconds.” 20 seconds.” Ye Zhou calmly sits in same place, his does not have unusual mighty waves at heart. To him, the result of sacrifice was to actually be doomed, made the choice was not he, but was that he acted ....... own later generation. As the countdown ended, the fierce demolition sound tore the air suddenly, in the corridor, howls like the ghosts and demons common wailing. The temperature of entire region rose several hundred degrees instantaneously, under the protection of exposure suit, Ye Zhou has not obstructed slightly greatly. But, this starts merely. In the exterior vacuum and center constructed formed the huge pressure difference, in the room that Ye Zhou was , a door cuns (2.5 cm) distortion, was raised to fly like the slip of paper later! But his own body, flies upside down in the strong winds, flies following the corridor to the apex of star glow. In his front, is the light of turbulent retreat. But in his back, is the vast darkness. 在模拟中的这个年代,人类早就已经具备了跟敌人一样的打开相邻维通道的能力,但这并不意味着,人为创造熵增跳变区,就是安全的。原因很简单,他们要做的并不是正向通道,而是向对方输出能量的逆向通道。由于熵增的不可逆性,这样的操作很可能导致区域失控,吞噬掉包括路标中心在内的所有物质和能量。而一旦这种情况发生,等待蓉城中心的就只有一个结局----万劫不复。当然,人类并不是只有他们这一个唯一的希望,哪怕第一次失败了,也可以在新的路标中心建立起来之后重新尝试。但问题是,谁也不知道需要多少次的尝试才能成功。“我们需要你的协助。”正当叶舟为蓉城中心的未来担忧时,女人的声音再次跨过数百年的时间传了过来。叶舟轻轻摇头,驱散心里纷乱的思绪,开口问道:“需要我做什么?”“我需要你离开尚海中心内部,前往外界的熵增跳变层收集数据,然后把信息传递给我。”“我们需要重建尚海中心模型,百分之百还原它的外界环境!”此时女人的声音一改之前与叶舟沟通时的平静和沉稳,反而带上了几分杀伐果断的决绝。她大概也知道,这是一次不能错过,也不能逃避的机会。“我明白了,但我需要远程指导。”“尚海中心的交通系统已经全部瘫痪了,目前所有出口都已经被封闭,我需要你们帮我找出结构薄弱点,我要炸开通道!”实际上,叶舟也可以借助结构学大师的天赋自己去寻找薄弱点,但问题是,尚海中心的规模实在是太大,等他找完回来,黄花菜都已经凉了。“明白,我这里有尚海中心的结构图,给我二十秒。”停顿了片刻之后,女人继续说道:“东区六号备用仓,内外墙厚度只有六米,没有实心钢结构,从这里出去效率最高,但是这块区域属于冗余备份区域,使用的是重力稳定结构,外力破坏很可能导致坍塌。”“坍塌之后,这里的结构会对整个尚海中心形成新的支撑......如果要在这里打开缺口,必须极为精确地控制爆炸当量。”叶舟看着女人传递过来的简易结构图,正如她所说的一样,六号仓是纯粹的冗余设计,距离尚海中心的核心区很远。哪怕不考虑成功率,他也不想选择这个点。原因很简单,尚海中心的能源几乎已经完全断绝,现在能维持的只是最基本的维生系统,如果他想要把炸药拉过去,只能是用人拉肩扛的方式。往返一趟至少需要四个小时,效率实在是太低了。“有其他备选方案吗?”他开口问道。“一号员工住宿区域末端外墙可以,那里的防护很坚固,有实心钢结构支撑,但我记得每个中心都会配备一批高温炸药,当量应该是够用的。”“还有跟一号区相对的三号区也是一样。”“除此之外,就是员工大厅的侧外墙了,那里的问题是空间太大,爆炸可能波及整个中心,完全破坏维生系统。”“排除掉这些所有的选项之后,最后的选择是走中心大门,不过,根据你的数据,通往大门的部分已经坍塌了,你需要跨过两片障碍区,成本太高。”尚海中心实际上是一个规则五边形外连接放射形建筑的星形结构,女人所说的几个位置分别在两条星芒的顶端,以及五边形的顶角上。哔嘀阁从成功率来看,五边形顶端是最好的选择。而且,一号员工住宿区无论是离危险品储备舱,还是离自己所处的位置都比较近,在时间上完全来得及。“我明白了,现在前往储备仓,准备开始执行。”说罢,叶舟抬脚便向仓库的方向走去。在上一次模拟中,他已经基本上摸清楚了路线,一切进行得极为顺利,仅仅花了不到四个小时的时间,便已经布置好了所有炸药。“直接引爆吗?”叶舟开口问道。此时的他已经撤离到远处的员工宿舍里,厚重的隔离墙会为他遮挡住爆炸产生的高温和冲击力,而如果直接暴露在通道中的话,估计整个人都会被蒸发掉。“稍等,我们需要做初步的损伤估算。”“尚海中心外围应该是真空环境,一旦出口被打开,平衡被打破之后,熵增跳变区存在扩散的风险。”“你的防护服都确认完备了吗?”叶舟身上穿着的防护服是刚从路标核心室取出来的,上一次模拟中已经经过了测试,安全性不成问题。“确认完备,没有问题明白,请你用智能助手连接引爆器,把引爆权限交给我,我们会对炸药进行逐级引爆。”“好,移交了。”短暂的沉默之后,女人开口说道:“就绪了。”“开始吧。”叶舟沉稳地说道。他的身体紧贴在墙壁上,宿舍房门紧闭,已经做好了一切防冲击准备。但另一头,蓉城那边却迟迟没有动静。“有什么问题吗?”他开口问道。“.......这不是一次万无一失的行动,这一点,你清楚吗?”叶舟不由得有些想笑,但他当然也能理解对方的善意。“我完全清楚。但是,无论如何我们都要先迈出第一步。”“如果要说危险性,后续靠近熵增跳变区才是更大的危险,还没到那一步,就不要浪费时间了,速战速决吧!”“收到。爆破倒计时30秒。”“20秒。”叶舟静静地坐在原地,他的心里没有一丝异常的波澜。对于他来说,牺牲的结局其实是注定的,做出选择的也不是他,而是他所扮演的这个.......自己的后辈。随着倒计时结束,剧烈的爆破声陡然撕裂了空气,走廊里,如同鬼魅一般的尖啸呼啸而过。整个区域的温度瞬间上升到了数百度,在防护服的保护之下,叶舟没有丝毫大碍。但,这才仅仅是开始。外部的真空与中心建筑内形成了巨大的压力差,叶舟所在的房间里,房门寸寸变形,随后更是像纸片一样被掀飞了出去!而他自己的身体,也在狂风之中倒飞而出,顺着走廊一路飞向星芒的顶点。在他的面前,是汹涌后退的灯光。而在他的背后,则是一望无际的黑暗。
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