GCSAT :: Volume #7

#623: Difference

Ye Zhou has not displayed any exceptionally, but this time he has known, overtime entanglement quantum to the appearance absolutely is not accidental. If according to forest zero said, all entanglement quanta to have the overtime effect, then, human will one day discover the principle of this overtime effect sooner or later, thus enters the brand-new time. After inquiring about the issue of some detail again, Ye Zhou at heart to overtime quantum to having approximate concept, but on the other hand, he wanted to solve the plan of guidepost system expiration issue also through forest zero to fail. After all, when the fundamental research is also at the initial steps, must make her diagnose the real issue, that forced someone to do something against his will purely. Therefore, he does not have to ask again, while the time of forest between-meal snack surface, chatted the issues of some plans for the aftermath with her with pauses, under Wuping's look supervision, sets out to send back her reluctantly. Gets in home again, Ye Zhou felt that the energy has restored sharply, he not hesitant, lies down after the bed, entered in the simulator again. Void echo Four large characters appear in his at present, later, he prepares the center to wake up at still sea guidepost disaster again. Similarly, after the short waiting, he made the contact with Chengdu Center, and rapid delivery the data, obtained the preliminary results analysis. But this time, when further does exceptionally investigates, he put forward the different views. Now we basically can confirm, was still sea guidepost center issue caused the integrity collapse, can we further confirm, which time point , the guidepost system started unable to give the information forward?” Opposite woman silent, seems like in again the inspection data, after more than ten seconds, she replied: Can confirm. We first activated the urgent early warning procedure/program after the big cataclysm, but that and following all communications, have not received the response completely.” Also was at this time, we confirmed that the guidepost system was destroyed.” In fact, today is we make the contact with other guideposts for the first time ---- We guessed correctly that can be the postpositioned coordinates, but has not thought that is still sea.” Hears here, a Ye Zhou brow wrinkle, he feels slightly, oneself as if caught a critical information. Chengdu Center, only made the contact with still sea center. That in other words, is not only the extant guidepost center, in fact, even human in all guidepost centers that later constructs, is unable again to the prerequisite guidepost transmission information! He immediately proposes to the woman this question, the latter un, replied: Yes, we also considered this issue. However, we are unable to confirm the reason of this issue at present.” Has the possibility, we have not constructed the new guidepost center in later again, because presently resources were really limited, the decision-making body has also started to discuss that gave up the guidepost system the issue ....... not being impossible!” Also without and other women said, Ye Zhou then breaks him immediately. Is absolutely impossible, the strategic significance of guidepost system is above human has constructed all infrastructures, even if gives up other all, Chinese is impossible to give up the guidepost system!” Certainly had other reasons to cause the guidepost system that constructed unable to become effective.” This is a paradox, single guidepost center you cannot receive any information while under construction, when completes the grouped network, can operate normally.” Therefore, no one can the functionality of validation assembly, this likely cause the overall system to move toward the wrong direction while under construction ....... you so to be how definite?” The women, continued to ask: You are so definite, will we certainly construct the new guidepost center? The biggest problem that if from the rational angle, we faces now is the resources is insufficient ---- Or must go on living!” Your possibly not too clear situation, but I can tell you, now the land surface temperature has fallen to 20 degrees below zero, according to the forecast, the super glacier climate will continue for over 40 years ....... many people dead like this.” Ye Zhou nods heavily, the tone also cannot help but becomes low and deep. Yes, I know.” After undergoing such attack, the situation of Earth inevitably is extremely difficult.” But you also said that we have two backup stars to take the seed base, that also means, we have not arrived at must choose in the hopeless situation.” Since this, I believe, these Chinese absolutely are impossible to satisfy using the limited resources barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, they will spare nothing to fight tooth and nail!” Initially our anything no time, even if having an empty stomach, even if the starving to death person must make two missiles and one satellite, but the issue that now, the guidepost system faces is another two missiles and one satellite time.” You can entirely believe this point, several days, you should be able to receive to restart the notice of guidepost system project.” Hears the Ye Zhou words, the woman seemed to be also convinced by his faith, after silent several seconds, she opens the mouth to ask: „What can this explain? Even we really rebuilt the guidepost system, but I am unable to receive any call from postpositioned guidepost now, that explained that these systems have not had the function......” not, you received!” I am, still sea center is!” The Ye Zhou mood becomes excited him to feel that oneself grasps the core of issue. Therefore, has the problem is not still sea center ---- Yes, the channel invades is exists, but its exists is impossible to cause the overall system to collapse, when because Chinese realized the system when still sea node was destroyed, destroying is the inevitable choice.” We had seen the future way ---- Even if not need to draw support from the guidepost system, we can also see.” „, The conclusion only has one.” Except for all guidepost centers of still sea center, lost forward the function of communication, but the basic reason that causes this problem, certainly invades related with neighboring.” Your meaning is, had the entire Earth been given ....... the pollution by the neighboring channel?” The voice of woman somewhat hoarse, can think, what pressure she is facing now. If really said like Ye Zhou, then this Earth, even can say that this universe, faces pollution possibly is not the minor matter. What pollution can disturb the physical rule? Only can be rule pollution. In the universe some concealed constant, had the possibility to be changed, or cancels. „Very likely this.” Ye Zhou sighed, but immediately, he also raised the spirit. But, we have the opportunity.” We are first clear, still sea center still had the ability of communication forward, that explained that still sea center with other guidepost existing differences.” However this difference, likely is ....... by the entropy production channel complete coverage isolation.” Right.” Ye Zhou long sighs, this is his judgment. But then, must be one's turn Chengdu to make the choice. Must confirm the view of Ye Zhou, they have to themselves, send in the extremely dangerous situation on own initiative. 叶舟没有表现出任何异常,但此时的他已经知道,超时纠缠量子对的出现绝对不会是偶然。如果按照林零所说,所有的纠缠量子对都具有超时效应的话,那么迟早有一天,人类会发现这种超时效应的原理,从而跨入崭新的时代。再次询问了一些更细节的问题后,叶舟心里已经对超时量子对有了大致的概念,但另一方面,他想要通过林零解决路标系统失效问题的打算也落空了。毕竟,在理论研究都还处于起步阶段的时候,要让她去诊断实际的问题,那就是纯粹的强人所难了。于是,他也没有再多问,趁着林零吃面的功夫,跟她有一搭没一搭地聊了些后续计划的问题,又在武平的眼神监督下,无奈地起身把她送了回去。再次回到自己家里,叶舟感觉精力已经大幅恢复,他没有犹豫,躺倒在床上之后,再一次进入了模拟器中。【虚空回响】四个大字浮现在他的眼前,随后,他再一次在尚海路标灾备中心醒来。同样的,在短暂的等待之后,他跟蓉城中心建立了联系,并且迅速传输完数据,得出了初步的分析结果。但这一次,在进一步做异常排查时,他提出了不一样的看法。“现在我们基本能够确认,是尚海路标中心的问题导致了整体性崩溃,那我们能不能进一步确认,到底是在哪一个时间点上,路标系统开始无法向前传递信息的?”对面的女人沉默了下来,似乎是在重新检查数据,十几秒之后,她才回答道:“可以确认。我们在大灾变之后第一时间就启动了紧急预警程序,但那一次以及后面所有通信,全部都没有收到回应。”“也就是这个时候,我们才确认路标系统受到破坏的。”“实际上,今天是我们首次跟其他路标建立联系----我们猜到会是后置坐标,但没想到是尚海。”听到这里,叶舟的眉头微微一皱,他感觉到,自己似乎捕捉到了一个关键信息。蓉城中心,只跟尚海中心建立了联系。那也就是说,不仅仅是现存的路标中心,实际上,连人类在之后建造的所有路标中心,都无法再向前置路标传递信息!他立刻向女人提出了这个疑问,后者嗯了一声,回答道:“是的,我们也考虑到了这个问题。但是,我们目前无法确认这个问题的原因。”“有可能,我们在之后就再也没有建造过新的路标中心,因为当前的资源实在是太有限了,决策部门也已经开始讨论放弃路标系统的问题.......”“不可能!”还没等女人说完,叶舟便立刻打断了他。“绝对不可能,路标系统的战略意义超乎人类所建设过的所有基础设施,哪怕是放弃其他的一切,华夏人都不可能放弃路标系统!”“一定是有其他原因导致了已经建造的路标系统无法生效。”“这是一个悖论,单个路标中心在建设时你并不能收到任何信息,只有完成系统组网时,才能正常运作。”“所以,在建设时没有人能验证系统的功能性,这很可能导致了整个系统走向了错误的方向.......”“你怎么那么确定?”女人顿了一顿,继续问道:“你怎么那么确定,我们一定会建设新的路标中心?如果以理性的角度来看,我们现在面临的最大问题是资源不足----或者说,是要活下去!”“你可能不太清楚外界的情况,但我可以告诉你,现在地表温度已经降到零下二十度了,根据预测,这样的超级冰河气候会持续超过四十年.......很多人会死的。”叶舟沉重地点了点头,语气也不由自主地变得低沉。“是的,我知道。”“在经受这样的打击之后,地球的处境必然是极为艰难的。”“但是你也说了,我们还拥有两个备份星球作为种子基地,那也就意味着,我们还没有到‘必须选择’的绝境上。”“既然这样,我相信,这些华夏人就绝对不可能满足于用有限的资源苟延残喘,他们会不惜一切代价去搏命的!”“当初我们什么都没有的时候,哪怕饿着肚子、哪怕饿死人也要做两弹一星,而现在,路标系统面临的问题不过就是另一个两弹一星时代罢了。”“你可以完全相信这一点,过不了几天,你就应该能收到重启路标系统项目的通知了。”听到叶舟的话,女人似乎也被他的信念说服,沉默了几秒钟后,她开口问道:“可是这能说明什么?就算我们真的重建了路标系统,可我现在无法收到任何来自后置路标的呼叫,那就说明那些系统没有发生作用......”“不,你收到了!”“我就是,尚海中心就是!”叶舟的情绪变得激动起他感觉自己已经抓住了问题的核心。“所以,出现问题的不是尚海中心----是的,信道侵占是存在的,但它的存在不可能导致整个系统崩溃,因为当华夏人意识到系统因为尚海节点受到破坏时,摧毁就是必然的选择。”“我们已经看到了未来的路径----哪怕不需要借助路标系统,我们也能看到。”“那么,结论就只有一个。”“除了尚海中心的所有路标中心,都丧失了向前通信的功能,而造成这个问题的根本原因,一定跟相邻维入侵有关。”“你的意思是,整个地球都已经被相邻维通道给.......污染了?”女人的声音有些嘶哑,可以想想,她现在正面临着什么样的压力。如果真的像叶舟所说的一样,那么这个地球、甚至可以说这个宇宙,所面临的“污染”就不可能是小事。什么样的污染可以干扰到物理规律?只能是“规则污染”。宇宙中某个隐含的常量,有可能已经被改变、或者抹去了。“很有可能是这样的。”叶舟叹了口气,但立刻,他又重新提起了精神。“不过,我们不是没有机会。”“我们首先要明白,尚海中心仍然具有向前通信的能力,那就说明,尚海中心跟其他路标存在差异。”“而这种差异,很可能就是.......”“被熵增通道完全覆盖隔绝。”“没错。”叶舟长叹了一口气,这就是他的判断。而接下来,就要轮到蓉城做选择了。要验证叶舟的这个说法,他们就不得不把自己,主动送入极度危险的处境之中。
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