GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#6640: Too anxious!

Newest website: Guo Yuan and king Hongyang said so many, everyone also slowly wants to be clear, knows that other method is not quite eventually credible, everyone can only conduct as scheduled perhaps is best. 最新网址:郭元和王宏扬说了那么多,大家也都慢慢的想清楚了,知道别的方法终究还是不太靠谱的,大家还是只能按照原计划进行或许是最好的。 Therefore in the following several days, they also can only wait for the time. 于是接下来的几天时间内,他们也就只能等待时机了。 However to provide against contingencies, fear walls have ears, when therefore Guo Yuan has not set the third group of people as well as they must go out of town. 不过为了以防万一,就害怕隔墙有耳,所以郭元也并没有定下第三批人以及他们自己到底要在什么时候出城。 After all this plan was too important to them. 毕竟这个计划对他们真的太重要了。 Once leaks out, that consequence is dreadful. 一旦泄露出去,那后果不堪设想。 Moreover they are so careful, if this will also leak out the plan, Guo Yuan cannot want to get down again. 而且他们已经这么小心了,若是这样都还会把计划泄露出去,郭元都不敢再想下去。 Because he can only think, possibly was really among these vice generals had/left the traitor within. 因为他只能想到,可能真的是这些副将当中出了内奸了。 However he has not really been willing to think. 不过他还真的不愿意这么想。 Everyone may be came from Immortal World together, moreover is here that arrives at from inner court, how he thinks again, not possible to suspect that these vice generals can be the traitors within. 大家可都是一起从仙界过来的,而且也是一路从内朝来到的这里,他再怎么想,也都不可能去怀疑这些副将会是内奸。 For all this, but he did not feel relieved, therefore the time issue about going out of town, he thought the announcement, even he himself has not or been deciding anxiously. 尽管如此,可是他还是不放心,所以关于出城的时间问题,他还是觉得不急着公布,或者说连他自己都还没有定下来。 Since he himself does not know, he has really not believed Holy City will know ahead of time. 既然他自己都不知道,他还真不相信圣城又会提前知晓了。 For these days perhaps was they feel the longest day. 这几天或许是他们觉得最为漫长的日子了。 Several vice generals have asked several times, when must, but Guo Yuan reply is indefinite forever. 几个副将也来问过好几次,到底要什么时候出发,可是郭元的回复也永远都是还未确定。 These vice generals are getting more and more anxious, feared that they drag, they have not gone out of town, really first gave the Holy City's person, that may on the gain does not equal the loss. 这些副将都越来越焦急,就怕他们这么拖下去,他们还没有出城,就真的先把圣城的人给等来了,那可就得不偿失了。 But when they are getting more and more anxious, Guo Yuan calls finally again everyone. 可就在他们越来越焦急的时候,郭元总算是把大家再次召集起来。 This is fifth day early morning! 这已经是第五天凌晨了! Decision that does not have any ahead of time arrangement, makes completely temporarily. 没有任何的提前安排,全部都是临时做出的决定。 That two before they hit fights, the team that makes the introduction, convenes temporarily. 就连那两支为他们打前战,做引子的队伍,也都是临时召集起来的。 When the city gate of meteor city opens, the first group of people then mix in the middle of the crowd of going out of town, dispersed is going out of town from the east gate one after another. 在流星城的城门打开之时,第一批人便混在出城的人群当中,分散着从东城门陆陆续续的出城了。 Probably after half double-hour, the second group of people then went out of town from the north gate in the same fashion. 大概半个时辰之后,第二批人便以同样的方式从北城门出城了。 After passing the less than half double-hour, several empty immortals are also intense. 过了小半个时辰之后,几位虚仙也是紧张不已。 What kind of? Are all smooth? Was this/should we go out of town? Holy City these people not really in we?” Yuan forest said very anxiously. “怎么样?一切都顺利吧?是不是该我们出城了?圣城那些人不会真的是在等我们吧?”袁林十分紧张地说道。 Also without the determination goes out of town, his at heart specially anxious, wants to go out of town earlier. 还没有确定出城的时候,他的心里就特别的急切,想要早点出城。 Now this day arrives finally, but he was afraid intensely. 如今这一天终于到来了,可是他心里又紧张害怕起来了。 The front several groups of people who although go out of town seem smooth, but these people after all are only every immortal, perhaps before them, such that guessed, the Holy City's primary purpose was their these empty immortals. 虽说出城的前面几批人似乎都很顺利,但是这些人毕竟只是凡仙,也许正是他们之前所猜测的那样,圣城的根本目的就是他们这些虚仙。 If the Holy City's goal is their all immortals, then according to the truth, these every immortals should the not possible smooth departure meteor city. 如果圣城的目标是他们所有仙人,那么按道理来说,这些凡仙应该也不可能顺利的离开流星城。 Now but these every dwelling places of celestial beings leave smoothly, this also means that their goals were the possibility of empty immortal are also bigger. 可是现在那些凡仙都顺利的离开了,这也就意味着他们的目标是虚仙的可能性也就更大了。 Therefore these every immortals go out of town to be all right, but their these empty immortals go out of town, possibly really must have an accident, how he does not worry! 所以那些凡仙出城没事,但是他们这些虚仙一出城,可能就真的要出事了,他又如何不着急呢! This has really not said that front these people have not had an accident, perhaps they really in we. “这还真不好说,前面这些人都没有出事,他们也许真的就是在等我们。 However may also be our plan extremely in hiding, they have not really discovered the front these people. 不过也有可能是我们的计划太过于隐蔽,他们真的没有发现前面那些人。 Therefore everyone do not think so many, when they had not discovered these people, perhaps you will be like this more relieved! ” Guo Yuan said to everyone. 所以大家还是不要想那么多了,就当他们是没有发现那些人吧,或许这样你们会安心些!”郭元对大家说道。 Actually his was also very worried at heart, but at this moment, they must attempt, otherwise they really must be stranded in this meteor city. 其实他的心里也挺担心的,不过事到如今,他们总要去尝试一下,要不然他们就真的要一直被困在这流星城内了。 We could believe that but the fact actually not necessarily is this. Moreover such essential time, do we deceive oneself and others again are also useful? “我们或许可以这么认为,但是事实却未必是这样。而且这么关键的时候,我们再自欺欺人又有什么用呢? If really deceived oneself, was relaxed by oneself, if later really met Holy City's expert, we instead could be thrown into confusion! ” Hejiang is also anxious said. 真要是自己把自己骗了,让自己放松下来,待会真要是遇到了圣城的强者,我们反而可能就要乱了阵脚了!”贺江也是紧张不已地说道。 Who can think, empty immortal of one crowd from Immortal World, in this Mortal Realm unexpectedly anxiously to this share. 谁能想到,一群来自仙界的虚仙,在这人界竟然会紧张到这个份上。 But only then they know, although here is Mortal Realm, however their enemies are not the common enemies. 可是只有他们自己知道,这里虽然是人界,但是他们的敌人绝非一般的敌人。 Moreover they had changed the thought that will not really be regarded as ordinary Mortal Realm to cultivate/repair the influence on regard Holy City. 而且他们早就已经转变了思想,可不会真的把圣城当作是一个普通的人界凡修势力看待。 Since they have to deal with the immortal, moreover there are skill that can cope with the empty immortal, they must be regarded as one to regard with the Immortal World suitable immortal sect influence this Holy City are good. 他们既然有对付仙人,而且还有能够对付虚仙的本事,他们就必须把这个圣城当作是一个与仙界相当的仙宗势力看待才行。 Otherwise they will capsize in in the sewers sooner or later! 要不然他们早晚会在阴沟里翻船的! General, I thought that the time was also up. If the Holy City's goal is really we, how then we waited actually still to have no significance even again. “将军,我觉得时间也差不多了。圣城的目标如果真的是我们,那么我们就算再怎么等下去其实也没有什么意义了。 If Holy City discovered other these people, has possibly acted. 如果圣城发现了其他的那些人,也可能早就出手了。 Now but Holy City has not acted to them, even if it seems like wants to draw out the Holy City's person, still was only left over us. 可是现在圣城并没有对他们出手,看来就算想要引出圣城的人,也就只剩下我们自己了。 Either becomes, either the defeat, the success or failure depended on this! ” king Hongyang reminded. 要么成,要么败,成败在此一举了!”王宏扬提醒道。 He told everyone before, he has completely understood the life and death. 他之前跟大家说,他早就看透了生死。 But did he really completely understand? 可是他真的看透了吗? If he really completely understood, initially will not supply ideas for Guo Yuan, found out this to plan. 如果他真的看透了,当初就不会为郭元出谋划策了,想出这个计划来了。 Therefore he also wants to go on living eventually. 所以他终究也还是想要活下去的。 So long as he wants to live, then he will be afraid, will be anxious. 只要他想活,那么他就会害怕,会紧张。 At this moment , he same cannot get out of these negative mood even. 此时此刻,就算是他,也一样摆脱不了这些负面的情绪。 However he will be more sober, the plan has thought that everyone also approved. 但是他会更加清醒一些,计划都已经想好了,大家也都认同了。 Moreover the time had also arrived, they changed the plan also to be definitely useless again. 而且时间也都已经到了,他们再改变计划肯定也是没什么用了。 Also, even if they do not go out of town now, they must go out of town sooner or later. 再说了,就算他们现在不出城,他们迟早也还是得出城。 If the Holy City's goal is really their these empty immortals, then they, regardless of goes out of town, actually will face the present situation. 如果圣城的目标真的是他们这些虚仙,那么他们无论什么时候出城,其实都将面临现在的情况。 Walks! Everyone hidden own cultivation base as far as possible, easily do not divulge own aura. Now we also can only bet one, perhaps Holy City really could not discover us, we do not need extremely in the fear. “走!大家尽量的隐藏自己的修为,不要轻易的泄露自己的气息。现在我们也只能赌一把了,或许圣城真的发现不了我们,我们也没有必要太过于害怕。 However those words, we can not in the same place, absolutely but cannot leave was too far. 不过还是那句话,我们可以不在一起,但是绝对不能离的太远了。 If by some chance really has any unexpected situation to happen, can save our people are our unity, otherwise must die not only absolutely among us somebody, but is all of us. 万一真的有什么意外情况发生,能够救我们的人就是我们大家的团结了,否则要死的绝对不只是我们当中的某个人,而是我们所有人。 Therefore everyone do not see after some people had an accident, everyone disregards, only then we unite, we can assure our securities! ” Guo Yuan clenches teeth, was saying to each vice general. 所以大家千万不要看到有人出事了之后,大家就不管不顾,只有我们自己团结起来,我们才能够保证我们大家的安全!”郭元一咬牙,对着每一个副将说道。 They as the empty immortal, the risk absolutely are biggest. 他们作为虚仙,风险绝对是最大的。 Who he does not dare to be will first encounter the mishap in the final analysis, if he? 他也不敢说到底是谁会先遭到不测,万一是他呢? Therefore he must first give everyone to talk clearly, everyone cannot, when he encounters the problem escaped respectively, that may play in a big way. 所以他必须要先给大家说清楚,大家可不能在他遇到麻烦的时候各自逃了,那可就玩大了。
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