GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#6639: Everything has 2 nature!

Newest website: Although everyone accepted the king to propagate with Guo Yuan explanation, however their at heart actually many were somewhat disappointed. 最新网址:大家虽然接受了王宏扬和郭元的解释,但是他们的心里却多少是有些失望的。 Since this heaven gave them a huge good opportunity, but has not thought this opportunity comes quickly goes is quicker. 本以来上天送给了他们一个天大的好机会,只是没有想到这个机会来的快去的更快。 Also without opportunity more thorough discussion, how they must tempt Holy City to be swindled to attack the meteor city, finally this plan was overruled. 还没有机会更加深入的讨论一下,他们到底要如何去引诱圣城来上当攻打流星城,结果这个计划就被否决了。 Everyone does not use too sadly, what we want not only completes the task, must assure our securities. “大家也不用太难过,我们要的是不仅仅只是完成任务,更要保证我们大家的安全。 Once really has such big fight with Holy City, then we really won even, to be honest, you can guarantee can oneself certainly live? 要知道,一旦真的跟圣城发生这么大的战斗,那么就算我们真的胜利了,说实话,你们敢保证自己一定能够活下来吗? Moreover we do not understand that now Holy City's any situation, you know how many people their these did come time? 而且我们现在根本就不了解圣城的任何情况,你们知道他们这一次到底来了多少人吗? You think to look, even if we really attracted to attack the meteor city them, if others military were our several times? 你们想想看,就算我们真的把他们吸引过来攻打流星城了,万一人家的兵力是我们的好几倍呢? Such even if they really do not know that our situations, have not coped with us with the counter- sinister plot, we also similarly are not their opponents. 那样就算他们真的并不知道我们的情况,也并没有用反奸计来对付我们,我们也同样不是他们的对手。 Therefore although this method is seemingly useful, but absolutely is not useful. 所以这个方法虽然看起来有用,但也并不是绝对有用。 Before king vice general, was such a saying, if Holy City after we left the meteor city, then in others after to city made war the situation, we could turn back in order to help friendly forces Holy City solving. 王副将之前也是那么一说,万一圣城在我们离开了流星城之后,便对城内的其他人开战之后的这种情况,我们或许可以回援来将圣城给解决掉。 But this situation is not absolute, if the Holy City's military above us, even our plan really successes, we were actually impossible to achieve to collaborate from outside with the inside. 但这种情况本身就不是绝对的,如果圣城的兵力在我们之上,其实就算我们的计划真的成功了,我们也不可能做到里应外合。 Therefore this method on was facing the sudden outbreak the words, has no alternative. 所以这个方法本来就只是在面对突发状况的话,不得已而为之。 If planned really the success, that naturally was best. 如果计划真的成功了,那自然是最好。 But if is not successful, then we were finished completely. ” Guo Yuan sees everyone's mood is not high, opens the mouth to comfort to say. 可若是不成功,那么我们就全部完蛋了。”郭元见大家的情绪不高,不由开口安抚道。 But these own main force, if these fellows have no confidence to their following plans, how they then do implement this plan? 这些可是自己的主力,若是这些家伙都对他们接下来的计划没有什么信心的话,那他们接下来又如何去实施这个计划呢? Therefore he must make these vice generals be able to be clear that the present situation, uses all ideas in the original plan, rather than always thinks some far-fetched matter. 所以他必须要让这些副将都能够想清楚现在的情况,把所有的想法都用在原本的计划上,而不是总想一些不靠谱的事情。 Moreover the beforehand that view also truly was only king Hongyang speaks thoughtlessly a saying. 而且之前的那种说法也确实只是王宏扬随口一说。 Because Yuan forest asked that if they left the meteor city, what to do finally Holy City did initiate to the meteor city attacked? 因为袁林问了,如果他们离开了流星城,结果圣城就对流星城发起了攻击怎么办? Pure facing this issue, the king propagates has not thought so many, therefore then said that this is a good deed. 只是单纯的面对这个问题,王宏扬也并没有想那么多,所以便说这是一件好事。 But is this really certainly a good deed? 可是这真的就一定是一件好事吗? Of course not. 当然不是。 In all situations to their advantageous situations, this naturally is a good deed. 在一切的情况都对他们有利的情况下,这当然是一件好事。 But if this Holy City's troops or the expert quantity above them, that this is a good deed? 可是万一这圣城的兵力或者强者的数量都在他们之上,那这还是一件好事吗? To be honest, even if Holy City really does not know that their these empty immortals have gone out of town, their these empty immortals wheel around and strike at the pursuer again, could not rescue these every immortals in meteor city, even they might build the life. 说实话,即便圣城真的不知道他们这些虚仙已经出城了,他们这些虚仙再杀回马枪,也救不了流星城内的这些凡仙,甚至连他们自己都有可能会把性命搭进去。 Therefore one side many things cannot always look, dual character that must see the matter. 所以很多的事情不能总看一面,必须要看到事情的两面性。 However these vice general innermost feelings somewhat dread Holy City, actually the hope defeats Holy City in method easily, is this possible? 但是这些副将内心都有些畏惧圣城,却希望以更加轻易的方法就击败圣城,这怎么可能呢? If others Holy City were really defeated easily, that will not frighten this them. 人家圣城如果真的这么容易被击败,那也不会把他们吓成这样了。 Matter develops now, they can be said as by running around in circles that Holy City plays, but their Holy City's root hair has not seen, on the contrary is their extreme nervousness of lane. 事情发展到现在,他们可以说是被圣城耍的团团转,而他们连圣城的一根毛都没有看到,反倒是弄的他们草木皆兵。 Has not seen the Holy City soldier, they thought that in meteor city outside city, everywhere is the Holy City's shadows. 从来没有见过圣城一兵一卒,他们却觉得无论是流星城内还是城外,到处都是圣城的影子。 Has saying that this Holy City's method really fierce, not only on the actual combat, this psychological warfare, they is also superb that causes, making their most people lose the faith of fight. 不得不说,这圣城的手段是真的厉害,不仅是在实战上面,就连这心理战,他们也是使的出神入化,让他们大部分人都失去了战斗的信念。 Thinks to look, including their these empty dwelling places of celestial beings was so, do not say that other these every immortals as well as every cultivated/repaired. 想想看,连他们这些虚仙都是如此了,就更不要说其他那些凡仙以及凡修了。 They are definitely afraid meet Holy City. 他们肯定更加害怕遇到圣城 However by their present situations, if cannot fight with Holy City, then their situations have continued, they have also continued frightened to Holy City's. 但是以他们现在的处境来说,如果不能跟圣城交手,那么他们的处境将会一直这么持续下去,他们对圣城的恐惧也会一直这么持续下去。 They have not had such life in Immortal World, finally arrived at Mortal Realm, every was actually repaired the mental aberration of frightening by one crowd, this said disgraced. 他们在仙界的时候都没有过这样的生活,结果来到了人界,却是被一群凡修吓的精神失常,这说出去都丢人。 Therefore if they want to change this condition, the plan that then currently speaking, the king propagates is truly most appropriate. 所以他们要是想要改变这种状态,那么就目前来说,王宏扬的计划确实是最合适不过的。 Because this plan is complex enough, therefore Holy City is hard to completely understand, is hard to guess correctly. 就因为这个计划足够复杂,所以圣城才难以看透,难以猜到。 They can be monitored by Holy City now, but after cold Shuicheng, they have the confidence to transform the condition, making Holy City unable to discover them, thus they also from shifted the hidden place outwardly. 他们现在可以被圣城监视,但是到了寒水城之后,他们就有信心转变状态,让圣城发现不了他们,从而他们也就从明面转移到了暗处。 Once they entered the hidden place, could not discover them Holy City, then their victories also nearby. 而一旦他们进入了暗处,连圣城都发现不了他们了,那么他们的胜利也就近了。 Before was they investigates the Holy City's whereabouts, was in turn, Holy City must find the way to investigate their whereabouts now. 以前都是他们去侦查圣城的下落,可是反过来,现在圣城就得想办法来侦查他们的下落了。 As the matter stands, is Holy City is easier to expose, are they easier to expose? 这样一来,到底是圣城更加容易暴露,还是他们更加容易暴露呢? That looked at the respective skill again. 那就得再看各自的本事了。 Although this plan is not certainly to be successful, but they really will at least have many hopes. 虽说这个计划也并不是一定能够成功,但是至少他们确实会有更多的希望。 With words that the king propagates, they will have more initiatives. 用王宏扬的话来说,他们会有更多的主动权。 Rather than pins all chances of success on Holy City's makes a mistake, or is to their surveillance insufficient situations. 而不是把所有成功的希望都寄托在圣城的失误,或者是对他们的监视不够的情况上。 If by some chance others have not made a mistake, really conducts enough surveillance to them, then their did plan not to remain newly including oneself escape route? 万一人家没有失误,也真的对他们进行足够的监视,那么他们这个新计划岂不是连自己的后路都没有留下来了? Made war with others Holy City, either fresh, or the death, either was grasped, either completes the task, the Holy City's person grasping. 都跟人家圣城开战了,要么生,要么死,要么被抓,要么完成任务,把圣城的人给抓起来。 But their several tenths assurances! 可是他们到底有几成把握呢! He did not think in any case this assurance Holy City's score has been placed in their front very much after all, was Marvin is grasped to their time recent score. 反正他并不觉得这个把握很大毕竟圣城的战绩早就已经摆在他们的面前了,离他们时间最近的战绩就是马文被抓了。 But the Holy City biggest score is without a trace that to let Qin Hui 80,000 armies vanished completely. 圣城最大的战绩就是让秦辉八万大军全部消失的无影无踪。 Such score retreats in fear sufficiently they, lets them without knowing opposite party, truly does not dare to act rashly, must first find the way to have many understanding after Holy City, is better to start. 这样的战绩足以吓退他们,也让他们在不了解对方的情况下,确实不敢轻举妄动,还是得先想办法对圣城有更多的了解之后,才更好下手。 General, I understand your meaning, can understand. Even if truly, they have not really discovered us to go out of town, the strength that but they still have not necessarily is we can contend. “将军,我明白你的意思,也能够理解。确实,就算他们真的没有发现我们出城,可是他们所拥有的力量也未必就是我们能够抗衡的。 Even if we really want to cope with them, still can only as scheduled, first in secret inquiry their situations. 即便我们真的想要对付他们,也只能按照原计划,先在暗中的打探他们的情况。 Once we changed over to secret, even their military and strengths really before us, we still would the means consuming them slowly. 一旦我们转入了暗中,就算他们的兵力和实力真的在我们之前,我们也总会有办法慢慢去消耗他们。 Suffers us like their Holy City now like this, we must suffer them to be good like this, otherwise is really unfair! ” Yuan forest said. 就像他们圣城现在这样折磨我们一样,我们也必须要这样去折磨折磨他们才行,要不然就真的太不公平了!”袁林说道。
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