FSM :: Volume #22

#2184: Invited

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Saw only Yelu Nanxian to lead one team of Xixia (Western Xia) cavalries to catch up toward here, she body raised the makings high excellent, now a person rides, the big long leg was joined to the deep red rouge horse, was seriously valiant makes one have a shocking feeling. 只见耶律南仙带着一队西夏骑兵往这边赶了过来,她本就身型高挑气质绝佳,如今一人一骑,大长腿配上枣红色的胭脂马,当真是英姿飒爽得让人产生一种惊艳的感觉。 Sees the Xixia (Western Xia) army to catch up, many Ascendant Hall experts, in the mountain the old person drink one lowly: Withdraw!” Seeing only his figure is strange, several swayed from side to side then got rid of Xiao Feng, vanished in the darkness quickly. 西夏军队赶来,其中还不乏一品堂的高手,山中老人低喝一声:“撤!”只见他身形诡异,几个扭动便摆脱了萧峰,很快消失在了黑暗之中。 Other these black-clothed person quickly follow retreat, Yelu Nanxian cold snort/hum, the hand wields in these cavalry hands the bow crossbow to fire, although these black-clothed person martial arts are good, but where comparing favorably with mountain old person's escaping speed, was shot the hedgehog by everywhere arrow rain instantaneously, some were sewn on the ground, some were sewn on the tree, seeming like seriously is pitiful incomparable. 其他那些黑衣人急忙跟随撤退,耶律南仙冷哼一声,手一挥那些骑兵手中弓弩齐发,这些黑衣人武功虽不错,但哪里比得上山中老人的逃跑速度,瞬间被漫天的箭雨射成刺猬,有的被钉在地上,有的被钉在树上,看起来当真是凄惨无比。 Fu sisters looks that these massacre the people of Korean Mission so to be out, feels extremely venting, Fu Junyu cannot bear to praise sigh: This Consort Xixia (Western Xia) crown prince lives beautifully, directing the army is so also charming, when if I can be good like her.” 傅氏姐妹看着这些残杀高丽使团的人这般下场,觉得极为解气,傅君瑜忍不住赞叹道:“这位西夏太子妃生得又美,指挥军队又这么帅气,我要是什么时候能像她这样就好了。” Fu Junnao cannot bear say: Perhaps you were nothing opportunity direction army, but this crown prince imperial concubine was indeed impressive.” 傅君婥忍不住说道:“恐怕你是没什么机会指挥军队了,不过这位太子妃的确让人印象深刻。” Song Qingshu smiles, actually fell into hesitation secretly, in the mountain the old person was known as that the king of killer, will not understand could not hit the truth of far escaping thousand li (500 km), why they pestered with Xiao Feng here is so long? So that was made dumplings by the Xixia (Western Xia) cavalry? How to see that he a little delivers the feeling of head/number of people intentionally, is it possible that...... 宋青书笑了笑,却暗自陷入了沉吟,山中老人号称杀手之王,不会不懂得一击不中远遁千里的道理,为何和萧峰他们在这里纠缠这么久?以致被西夏骑兵包了饺子?怎么看他都有点故意送人头的感觉,莫非…… Who are you?” Yelu Nanxian looks at manor Juxian head bamboo hat, the sinking sound is asking. “你是何人?”耶律南仙望着庄聚贤头上的斗笠,沉声问道。 Has his subordinate to run to reply early: This is our Beggars’ Sect Master manor Juxian.” 早有他的手下跑来回答:“这位是我们丐帮帮主庄聚贤。” Master Beggars’ Sect?” Yelu Nanxian remembers vaguely this time has Master Beggars’ Sect to participate to live with the bride's family, before the semi-final intended extremely also to arouse many disapprovals sinisterly, without thinking was this person, was long somewhat fat, on scar by head mourning band faintly visible face, well ~ ~, if the Qinglu (clear dew) younger sister knows that he was also runs to marry her, perhaps wanted disgustingly bad. 丐帮帮主?”耶律南仙依稀记得这次是有位丐帮帮主参加招亲,之前小组赛出手太过毒辣还引起了不少非议,没想到就是这个人,长得有些胖,透过头上的黑纱依稀可见脸上的疤痕,咦~~要是清露妹子知道他也是跑来娶她的,恐怕要恶心坏。 Under shares a common hatred, subconscious some are unhappy, Yelu Nanxian takes up in the hand the horsewhip to point at him: Since is Master Beggars’ Sect, why helps these black-clothed person slaughter the Korean Mission?” 同仇敌忾之下,下意识就有些不喜,耶律南仙拿起手中马鞭遥指着他:“既然是丐帮帮主,为何帮助那些黑衣人屠戮高丽使团?” manor Juxian the jar sound jar air/Qi replied: I do not know what Korea Mission, does not know these black-clothed person, but I and Xiao Feng have a grudge, therefore fought with him.” 庄聚贤瓮声瓮气地答道:“我不知道什么高丽使团,也不认识那些黑衣人,只不过我和萧峰有仇,所以才和他打了起来。” Nearby Xiao Feng doubts said: Who your excellency is, has what enmity with Xiao?” 一旁的萧峰疑惑道:“阁下到底是谁,和萧某有何仇怨?” manor Juxian cold -ly snorted and said: On your poor hand contaminated too many blood, does not remember that I am also normal.” 庄聚贤冷哼道:“你这一生手上沾染了太多鲜血,不记得我也正常。” Xiao Feng is silent immediately, thinks own this life has indeed killed many people, other, were also in a rage to kill the kind person chivalrous people in many Jianghu (rivers and lakes) in Juxianzhuang initially...... 萧峰顿时默然,想到自己这一生的确杀过不少人,其他倒也罢了,当初在聚贤庄一怒之下杀过不少江湖中的仁人义士…… Wait, manor Juxian, Juxianzhuang, is it possible that both have what to be connected? 等等,庄聚贤,聚贤庄,莫非两者有什么关联? When raised the head wants to inquire again, discovered that manor Juxian has left early. 抬起头来再想询问时,发现庄聚贤已经早早离开了。 Great King Xiao, are you all right?” Yelu Nanxian dismounts the inquiry, just saw that from afar he makes one group with that crowd of black-clothed person wars, in the past still worked as under the opposite party hand in Liao Empire excessively badly, naturally must care. 萧大王,你们没事吧?”耶律南仙下马走过来询问,刚刚远远看到他和那群黑衣人战作一团,当年在辽国的时候还在对方手底下当过差,自然要关心一下。 All right, but these black-clothed person martial arts are very high, moreover does not look like the path in Central Plain, I guessed that possibly is Persian Ming Cult that side person.” Xiao Feng recalled that just with the scene that the opposite party fought, the opposite party intended to incur a move of fatality, he since martial arts great accomplishment, independent combat has not bumped into such bad risk opponent. “没事,只不过那些黑衣人武功很高,而且不太像中原的路子,我猜测可能是波斯明教那边的人。”萧峰回想刚刚和对方交手的场景,对方出手可谓招招致命,他自武功大成以来,单打独斗还没碰上过这样凶险的对手。 „Wasn't Persian Ming Cult, extinguished by Mongolia?” Yelu Nanxian fell into hesitation. 波斯明教,不是被蒙古灭了么?”耶律南仙陷入了沉吟。 At this time side heard a chilly female voice: Asked crown prince imperial concubine to take responsibility for us.” 这时候旁边传来一个清冷的女声:“请太子妃为我们做主。” Yelu Nanxian turns head, discovered that two attractive Fu sisters double even and odd knees kneel before oneself, what makes her care is two female's behind Song Qingshu. 耶律南仙回过头来,发现那两个漂亮的傅氏姐妹双双单膝跪在自己面前,不过更让她在意的是两女身后的宋青书 Notices her line of sight, the Song Qingshu face heat, thought that I obviously am the nosing Prince of Ruyang mansion information, is making the proper business, how now afraid feelings? 注意到她的视线,宋青书老脸一热,心想我明明是去查探汝阳王府的情报的,是在做正事,怎么现在有一股心虚的感觉? Two girls please get up in a big hurry.” Yelu Nanxian quickly helps up Fu sisters, notices two people of wounds, but also sends people to look for two camp stools to make them sit. “两位姑娘快快请起。”耶律南仙急忙扶起傅氏姐妹,注意到两人身上的伤,还派人找来两下马扎让她们坐着。 In Fu sisters heart one warm, thank will say from now on: Our crown princes were caught by these people, now is uncertain of one's fate, but also asked crown prince imperial concubine to intend to rescue.” 傅氏姐妹心中一暖,感谢过后说道:“我们太子被那些人抓了,如今生死未卜,还请太子妃出手相救。” Yelu Nanxian white nearby Song Qingshu, thought that you put this big buddha not to strive, looks for me: You know that who the opposite party is?” 耶律南仙白了一旁的宋青书一眼,心想你俩放着这尊大佛不去求,偏偏来找我:“你们知道对方是什么人么?” Fu sisters fell into hesitation, the opposite party entire journey wears a mask, without the exposed status, they really did not determine that who the opposite party is, originally from the beginning the suspicion is a native of Japan, the opposite party most has the motive, but will fight from now on not like the way of native of Japan. 傅氏姐妹陷入了迟疑,对方全程蒙着面,又没有暴露身份,她们真不确定对方是谁,本来一开始怀疑是东瀛人,对方最有动机,但交手过后又不像东瀛人的路数。 Is the Hulagu Khan person!” Men's clear and resonant voice said, the people turned head, see only king Baobao surrounded by expert. “是旭烈兀的人!”一个男子朗声说道,众人回头,只见王保保在一众高手的簇拥下走了过来。 Hulagu Khan?” Yelu Nanxian stares, although knows the dispute of their Mongolia faction, but has not expected king Baobao to undermine unexpectedly blatantly. 旭烈兀?”耶律南仙一愣,虽然知道他们蒙古派系之争,但没料到王保保竟然公然拆台。 Lead should be the Persian Ming Cult big elder, has Huoshan of king of given name killer,” king Baobao sinking sound said, just Great King Xiao and he has fought, should clearest.” “领头的应该是波斯明教大长老,有着杀手之王名号的霍山,”王保保沉声说道,“刚刚萧大王和他交过手,应该最清楚。” Xiao Feng nods, what the opposite party indeed causes is the Heaven and Earth Great Shift way. 萧峰点了点头,对方的确使的是乾坤大挪移的路数。 Yelu Nanxian hesitation moment: Good, we go to Hulagu Khan there important person together!” Until now they indeed receive are not offending the principle of envoys, but this Hulagu Khan did extremely, extinguished in the Xixia (Western Xia) capital city publicly kills a Country Mission, now other everyone are waiting response that looked at Xixia (Western Xia), if Xixia (Western Xia) flinched at this time, other countries followed suit probably, that managed more troublesome ; Cannot, because this matter makes various nations feel Xixia (Western Xia) to be easily bullied, otherwise is easy to draw on the invasion war. 耶律南仙沉吟片刻:“好,我们一起去旭烈兀那里要人!”一直以来她们的确是秉承着不得罪各国使节的原则,但这次旭烈兀做得太过了,在西夏的都城公开灭杀一国使团,现在其他各国所有人都等着看西夏的反应,如果这时候西夏退缩了,保不齐其他各国纷纷效仿,那管理起来更麻烦;绝不能因为这件事让列国觉得西夏软弱可欺,否则容易招来入侵战争。 king Baobao is somewhat surprised: Crown prince imperial concubine really the hero, this king also thinks that your Xixia (Western Xia) border region small country, does not dare to offend Mongolia.” 王保保有些意外:“太子妃果然女中豪杰,本王还以为你们西夏边陲小国,不敢得罪蒙古呢。” This not work you worry!” Yelu Nanxian wields, the direction hand/subordinate cavalry as well as Ascendant Hall expert hurries to toward the Hulagu Khan temporary office of president. “这个不劳你操心!”耶律南仙手一挥,指挥手下骑兵以及一品堂高手往旭烈兀的行馆赶去。 Attractive turns over/stands up to start, Yelu Nanxian said to Fu sisters: „Can two girls also ride a horse?” Has these two Korean victims, even if encircled the Hulagu Khan temporary office of president still to occupy a principle character, even if were Temüjin knows did not say anything. 一个漂亮的翻身上马,耶律南仙傅氏姐妹说道:“两位姑娘还能骑马么?”有这两位高丽苦主在,就算围了旭烈兀的行馆也占着一个理字,哪怕是铁木真知道了也不好说什么。 Fu sisters nods: Ok!” 傅氏姐妹点了点头:“可以!” Fu Junyu turn head looks to Song Qingshu, the facial expression were more than delicately some past: You and we together?” 傅君瑜回头望向宋青书,神情比以往多了一些柔弱:“你和我们一起么?” Song Qingshu is just about to reply, Yelu Nanxian coughs lightly: Young Master Jia also the same place, you saved two girls after all, is a witness, but the horse is now insufficient, the young master or rides one with me.” 宋青书正要回答,耶律南仙轻咳一声:“贾公子也一起吧,毕竟你救了两位姑娘,也算是一个证人,不过现在马不够了,公子要不就和我同乘一匹吧。” Such remarks, the avenue that makes noise fell into instantaneously silent, everyone is looking at two people extremely strangely. 此言一出,喧闹的大街瞬间陷入了寂静,所有人都极为诡异地望着两人。
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