Fu Junnaostares, thisis the smalltalk, who would have guessed that does the opposite partyreallyget to the root of a matter?傅君婥一愣,这样的话本来是客套而已,哪知道对方真的刨根究底?Thinks that shereplied: „The next generationmakes the cowto make the horseto repayyou, ok?”This is also very difficultto pick up the reply of problem, shedoes not wantwithgratefuling even unto deathand so onwords and expressions, was worried that hemisunderstandsanything.
想了想她还是答道:“下辈子做牛做马报答你,行了吧?”这也是很难挑出毛病的回答,她不想用结草衔环之类的词语,就是担心他误会什么。„Makes the cowto make the horse?”Song Qingshustares, „don't Itill the fields, want the beast of burdento do? Well, the cow and horseseem likecanride, yourefer to......”
“做牛做马?”宋青书一愣,“我又不耕田,要牛马干什么?咦,牛和马好像是可以骑的,难道你是指……”„Gets the hell out!”Fu Junnaofilled with frustration/anger, if not the opposite partyhad saved himselfseveral times, tradesto beotherplayboysto sexually harassherlike this, was punctured a holeby her swordearly.
“滚蛋!”傅君婥气不打一处来,若非对方数次救过自己,换作其他纨绔子弟这样调戏她,早被她一剑刺了个窟窿。NearbyFu Junyucould not bearpullhisear: „Yourboycouragewas getting bigger and bigger, daresto sexually harassmyelder sisterunexpectedly?”
边上的傅君瑜忍不住扯了扯他耳朵:“你小子胆子越来越大了,竟然敢调戏我姐姐?”Song Qingshuis innocent: „Ithink that youare suggestinganything.”宋青书一脸无辜:“我以为你们在暗示什么嘛。”ThenevenFu Junyualsocomplexionslightlyred: „Ok, wesaved the crown prince, thismatterandyouhad nothing to do, youdo not needwith, so as to avoiddanger.”
这下连傅君瑜也不禁脸色微红:“行了,我们去救太子,这件事和你无关,你不必跟来了,免得危险。”„Both of youinjurenowheavily, like thisgoesto bring death?”Looks attwofemalepaleweakcomplexions, Song Qingshuknits the browsto say.
“你们俩现在伤得这么重,这样去岂不是送死么?”看着两女苍白虚弱的脸色,宋青书皱眉道。„Butheisourcrown princes, mustbe saved.”Fu Junnaohas heldyounger sister'shand, „ok, youwent back, ifreallywantsto help, helpedusinform the Xixia (Western Xia)aspect.”
“可他是我们的太子,必须得救。”傅君婥拉过妹妹的手,“行了,你回去吧,如果真想帮忙,就帮我们通知一下西夏方面。”Song Qingshusighs: „Yourcrown princesindeedhave not relatedwithme, butyouandIhave the bigrelations, youalsoowedmybenevolencenot, ifyoudid dieIto owein a big way? It is not good, Imustwithyoutogether.”宋青书叹了一口气:“你们太子的确和我没关系,但你们和我有大大的关系啊,你们还欠了我的恩情没还呢,如果你们死了我岂不是亏大了?不行,我得跟你们一起。”Althoughlistened tohim saying that suchwords, Fu sisters was actually in the heartonewarm, includingconsistentlyhadFu Junnao of prejudicealsoto feelinhisbonetohimgood.
尽管听着他说这样的话,傅氏姐妹却是心中一暖,连一向对他有成见的傅君婥也觉得他骨子里还是挺好的嘛。Song Qingshuraises hand, in the Central Plaintodarknesssaidred: „Youdid not needto follow, oneselffound a placeto process the woundwell.”宋青书扬了扬手,冲着黑暗里的中原一点红说道:“你不用跟着了,自己找个地方好好处理伤口吧。”In the darknessbroadcasts a coldlysound: „What to do didn't Ifollowyou dead?”
黑暗中传来一个冷冷的声音:“我不跟着你死了怎么办?”„Youthisinjuryalsohas no battle efficiencynow,”Song Qingshurecollectionjustfightsituation, theseblack-clothed personmartial arts were very actually high, has been as good asCentral Plainredexistence, butheintendedto add onby the woundsuddenlyagaintrades the life the fighting method, thissolved the opposite partyin a short time, buthe himselfwas also injuredveryheavily, „felt relieved that the elder brotherhad money, when the time comeswas battered to deaththey.”
“你现在这伤势也没啥战斗力了,”宋青书回想刚刚的战斗情形,其实这些黑衣人武功都很高,其中还有不亚于中原一点红的存在,只不过他出手突然再加上以伤换命的打法,这才在短时间内解决了对方,可他自己也受伤很重,“放心吧,哥有钱,到时候砸死他们。”Looks in hishandto takethatpack of thickpaper money, the Central Plainred: „......”
看着他手里拿出来那叠厚厚的银票,中原一点红:“……”Fu sisters: „......”傅氏姐妹:“……”Finally the Central Plainleftred, as a killer, hecanjudge the enemy and ourselvesstrengthvery muchcalmly, presenthewithcould not protect the opposite partyevenmostly, might as wellwent backto informSouthern Song Dynasty and Xixia (Western Xia)persona bit fasterhelps.
最终中原一点红还是离开了,作为一个杀手,他能很冷静地评判敌我实力,现在的他就算跟上去多半也保护不了对方,还不如快点回去通知南宋和西夏的人来帮忙。Onlyis left overSong QingshuandFu sisters, hecollectedwith a smile: „Ilook atyouto injureheavily, walksalsowalks not quickly, whenovertakesfearedyourcrown princesto be cool, wantedmeto holdyou?”
只剩下宋青书和傅氏姐妹,他笑着凑了过去:“我看你们伤得蛮重的,走路也走不快,等赶过去的时候恐怕你们太子已经凉了,要不要我扶着你们啊?”Fu Junnaowhitehiseyes, being disinclinedmanagedhim, the Fu Junyufaint smileis taking a look athim: „Howbeforenot to have thought that youare so bad, takesoursisters'advantagesusing an alternative?”傅君婥白了他一眼,懒得理他,傅君瑜则似笑非笑地打量着他:“以前怎么没觉得你这么坏呢,变着法儿来占我们姐妹的便宜?”Song Qingshuridiculestwo: „Ireallyam worried aboutyourbodies.”宋青书讪笑两声:“我是真担心你们的身体。”„All right, thisinjuresusalsoto support.”Fu Junnaojustspokethese words, thenfeels a dizziness, the whole personcreakies, if not the one sideyounger sistersupports, perhapswill fall downon the ground.
“没事,这点伤我们还支持得住。”傅君婥刚说完这句话,便觉得一阵眩晕,整个人摇摇欲坠,若非一旁妹妹扶住,恐怕会栽倒在地上。Fu JunyuquicklysummonedSong Qingshu: „Youhelphold the elder sister, sheis injuredis heavier.”傅君瑜急忙呼唤宋青书:“你帮忙扶着姐姐吧,她受伤更重。”„...... Does not use.”Fu Junnaoquicklybeckons with the hand the rejection.
“不……不用。”傅君婥急忙摆手拒绝。Fu Junyuholds downherhand: „Elder sisterdo not show off power, firstpreserves the physical strengthas far as possible, a whilehas the physical strengthlife-saving.”傅君瑜按住她的手:“姐姐不要逞强了,先尽可能保存体力,等会儿才有体力救人。”Heardherto saylike this,Fu Junnaothendoes not speak, Song Qingshuwalkedto squat: „Holding is too slow, mydirectback.”
听到她这样说,傅君婥这才不吭声了,宋青书走过去蹲了下来:“扶着走太慢,我直接背吧。”Fu Junnaolooks the hesitantcolor, butnodsfinally, dependedgently.傅君婥面露犹豫之色,不过最终还是点了点头,轻轻地靠了上去。Time that Song Qingshustandsputs out a handto supportherbuttocksto liftupward, obviouslyfelt the body of thatflashbeautiful womanis somewhat stiff.宋青书站起来的时候伸手托住她的臀部往上一抬,明显感觉到那一刹那佳人的身体有些僵硬。„You, ifseizes the chanceto occupymeto be cheap, Iwill killyou.”Fu Junnaosaidnearhisearlow voice.
“你要是趁机占我便宜,我会杀了你。”傅君婥在他耳边小声说道。Song Qingshusmiles: „Does not holdyouto fall down.”宋青书笑了笑:“不扶着你会掉下去的。”„What are yousaying?”NearbyFu Junyulookedcuriously.
“你们在说什么?”一旁的傅君瑜好奇地望了过来。OnFu Junnaoface a heat: „Not...... no.”Sees the hand of opposite partynot to move heedlessly, shejust nowrelaxes.傅君婥脸上一热:“没……没什么。”见对方的手并没有乱动,她方才松了一口气。
The Fu Junnaostiffback, the elbowsupportsall the waystraightlyin the opposite party conducts the back, does not want the bodyandhehas many contacts, made that Song Qingshusaid with a smile: „Isn't your tired?”
一路上傅君婥直挺挺地挺直腰杆,手肘撑在对方背上,不欲身体和他有过多的接触,弄得宋青书笑道:“你这样不累么?”„Youdo not needto be worried.”Fu Junnaois putting on a serious faceto reply.
“你不用担心。”傅君婥板着脸答道。„Butyoumadelike this after the center of gravitymoves, Icarryam more tired.” A Song Qingshufaceis speechless.
“可是你这样弄得重心后移,我背着更累啊。”宋青书一脸无语。Fu Junyucannot bearridicule saying: „Myelder sister is so slenderyouto carrytired, heard that the son of the influential of yourSouthern Song Dynastymostliked the lingeringbrothel, can it be that had youpulled outto empty the body?”傅君瑜忍不住揶揄道:“我姐姐这么苗条你都背着累,听说你们南宋的公子哥最喜欢流连青楼,莫不是你已经被掏空了身体吧?”Song Qingshuis depressed: „Did your little miss, howmentionthesemattersto comenot to bringbashfully?”宋青书郁闷道:“你一个小姑娘,怎么说起这些事来都不带害臊的?”Fu Junyusnort/hum: „OurKoreanotlikeyourSouthern Song Dynastyso manyat sixes and sevenscustoms.”傅君瑜哼了一声:“我们高丽又不像你们南宋那么多乱七八糟的规矩。”
……Listens totwo peopleto bickerall the way, the Fu Junnaotighthearthas relaxedgradually, soondiscovers the armnumb and aching, the waisthas supportedis being uncomfortable, finallyunknowingly the lowbody, by conducted the backin the opposite partygently.
一路上听着两人斗嘴,傅君婥一直紧张的心渐渐放松下来,很快发现手臂酸麻,腰一直挺着也不舒服,最后不知不觉低下身子,轻轻靠在了对方背上。„Fu does Miss, youdrink the milkinKoreadaily?”Song Qingshuaskedsuddenly.
“傅姑娘,你们在高丽天天喝牛奶么?”宋青书忽然问道。Fu Junnaostares: „No, how?”傅君婥一愣:“没有啊,怎么了?”„Thisfelt strange, howonlybyeating the pickled vegetablecanbe long is so learned......”feelssoft of conducting the back, Song Qingshuwas falling into the doubts.
“这就奇怪了,单靠吃泡菜怎么能长得这么有料……”感受着背上的柔软,宋青书陷入了疑惑。„What are yousaying?”Fu Junnaoalwaysthought that the opposite partysomewhatharbors evil intentions.
“你在说什么?”傅君婥总觉得对方有些不怀好意。Inthis time, not far awayis broadcasting the sound of fighting, sees onlyin the mountain the old personandXiao Feng games becomesonegroup, manorJuxianandDuan Yu games makes the same place, Yelu Qiunder several other black-clothed personbesiegesupportby strenuous efforts, if notXiao FengandDuan Yuhelper, heperhapsis not once for a while good.
正在这时,不远处传来了打斗的声音,只见山中老人与萧峰成一团,庄聚贤则和段誉作一块,耶律齐则在其他几个黑衣人围攻下苦苦支撑,若非萧峰和段誉时不时帮手一下,他恐怕已经不行了。OriginallyjustmanorJuxiansupportedXiao Feng, fightseveralmovesXiao Fengwill see the chill/yin coldinner strength of opposite partyfrom now onquickly, althoughis mysterious, but the kungfu skillis too bad, thereforepretends carelessness, luring the opposite partyto attackharebrainedly, will overpowerhim when with ease, in the mountain of attentionheretactical situation the old personhas immediately cometo rescue.
Then formedold person of Xiao Feng to climbing mountains, Duan Yugathers the virtuoustoShangzhuang the aspect, the lattertwo peoplemartial arts was very mysterious, butsamenofought the experience, pouredalsofightswell-matched.
然后便形成了萧峰对上山中老人,段誉对上庄聚贤的局面,后两人武功都很神奇,但同样的没什么打斗经验,倒也斗得旗鼓相当。„Whereyougot so far asourcrown princes!”Fu Junyudraws outlong swordoneto drinktenderly, Fu Junnaoalsogets downfromSong Qingshu.
“你把我们太子弄到哪里去了!”傅君瑜拔出长剑一声娇喝,傅君婥也从宋青书身上下来。In the mountain the old personturn headnoticed that theyhave gotten out of trouble, in the heartin great surprise, Xiao Fengsaid: „Justthatwhitehairalsohasthatbeautifulfemaleto leadyourcrown princesto leavefromthatdirection.”
山中老人回头看到她俩已经脱困,心中大惊,萧峰则说道:“刚刚那个白头发的还有那个美艳女子带着你们太子从那个方向离开。”„Does cranesend the young person?”According tohisdescription, Song Qingshurealizes the twostatusimmediately.
“鹤发红颜?”根据他的形容,宋青书立马意识到那两人身份。At this moment, oneteam of hoofbeatstransmit, scoldstenderly: „Really isabsurd, whenreallymyXixia (Western Xia)no one?”
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