EH :: Volume #25

#64: 1 end and start that cuts

Between the real universes and sea of these two colossi quantum annihilate and swallow mutually, in the criterion, has the innumerable galaxy destruction every seconds. 真实宇宙与量子之海这两个庞然大物之间相互湮灭、吞噬,每一秒的时间尺度上,都有数不清的星系毁灭。 Is obtaining the follower strength supplies Yae Ji, first time turns around the situation, making the sea of quantum shake off the fetter. 在获得信徒力量供给的八重霁,头一次将战局扭转,使得量子之海重新挣脱束缚。 The present real universe, can regard as Decayed within the body world bubble, but the sea of quantum, is the Yae Ji world bubble, they grasps the supreme power. 如今的真实宇宙,可以看成【腐朽】的体内世界泡,而量子之海,则是八重霁的世界泡,祂们双方在其中掌握至高无上的权能。 At this time, these two colossi are going on a punitive expedition against, hidden has the trace that the trend destroys. 此时,这两个庞然大物在征伐中,隐有走向毁灭的痕迹。 The time wears down, Yae Ji has not known many years, only knew the range of sea of oneself body quantum to reduce unceasingly, crash into the civilized approach of sea of quantum without from the real universe, the brilliance of dawn belief is dim. 时光消磨间,八重霁不知道过了多少岁月,只知晓己身量子之海的范围在不断缩小,从真实宇宙中坠入量子之海的文明趋近于无,曙光信仰的光辉再度黯淡。 Hehe Hē~ Decayed The information that the consciousness coerces the chaotic disorder intrudes in Yae Ji the sea of consciousness, „ human ~ the civilization in universe will only be born from the real universe, will not be born in sea of that type of incinerator quantum. “呵呵呵~”【腐朽】的意识裹挟混乱无序的信息闯入八重霁的意识之海中,“人类啊~宇宙中的文明只会从真实宇宙中诞生,不会在量子之海那种垃圾焚化炉中诞生。 Under is in inverse proportion, you to suffering a defeat and fleeing are also the time issue. 此消彼长之下,你离败亡也不过是时间问题。 Human, I admire you very much, only in such a short time, the growth to can with the degree that I contend with reluctantly, but... also was only restricted in this. ” 人类,吾很佩服你,只在那么短的时间内,就成长到能与吾勉强抗衡的程度,但...也仅限于此了。” Yae Ji silent did not say, the godship is astonishing every information content that in the second calculated every time, which path but regardless of looked from, left the human civilization, to leave the dawn, fell from the sky thoroughly a way. 八重霁缄默不言,神格每时每秒内计算的信息量惊人,但无论从哪条道路上看,留给人类文明、留给曙光的,都是彻底陨灭一途。 I have not believed!’ Since the Yae Ji mind has flashed through the trillion eras the innumerable dangers, these dangers overcame by Its one by one completely, now in final battlefield, It but actually here? ‘我还不信了!’八重霁脑海中闪过自己亿万纪元以来遇到的无数危险,那些危险全部被祂一一克服,如今在最终的战场上,祂会倒在这里? Recalled that Kallen, plum, cherry and the others renouncing, in the Yae Ji pupil the god light/only, assembles the sea of entire quantum to launch the impact on the real universe! 回想起卡莲、梅、樱等人的决绝,八重霁眸中神光更甚,调集整个量子之海向真实宇宙发起冲击! Bang ~ 轰~ Universe rank is shattered greatly the production, Yae Ji is the dawn god to be only dim, the innumerable world soak the wreckage and star wreckage is involved in the void chaos. 宇宙级别的大破灭产生,八重霁属于曙光的神光黯淡,无数世界泡残骸与星球残骸被卷入虚空混沌之中。 Your lunatic!” Decayed The sound keeps aloof as before, but this time, It obviously had some angers. “你个疯子!”【腐朽】的声音依旧高高在上,不过这次,祂明显带有了些愤怒。 In his opinion, this universe must put in the bag sooner or later by It, now becomes is so damaged, to open the new world to restore the beforehand grand occasion, does not know that must experience many years. 在祂看来,这个宇宙迟早要被祂收入囊中,如今却变得如此破败不堪,若想开辟新世界恢复成以前的盛况,不知要经历多少岁月。 But the chief criminal, is that human! 而罪魁祸首,正是那个人类! Decayed In not treasuring the civilization in real universe, combustion follower the strength of soul, the real universe is swallowing the sea of quantum full power unceasingly! 【腐朽】不在珍惜真实宇宙中的文明,全力燃烧信徒的灵魂之力,真实宇宙不断吞噬着量子之海! Even if Yae Ji whole-heartedly, the dawn godship goes all out to calculate, to a member has its function, but does not help matters. 哪怕八重霁全力以赴,曙光神格拼命计算,小到一颗分子都有它的作用,但还是无济于事。 The disparity of both mass in that swayed, real universe , even after is shattered greatly, the birth new civilization, believe as before Decayed, But the sea of quantum, the aura of life has drawn close in infinitely not having. 两者体量的差距在那摆着,真实宇宙纵使经过大破灭,依旧会诞生新的文明,会信仰【腐朽】,而量子之海,生灵的气息已无限趋近于无。 I have experienced the birth of universe, seeks the control universe innumerable eras, does a you small human, why fight with me?” “吾经历过宇宙的诞生,谋求掌控宇宙无数纪元,你一个小小的人类,凭什么与吾争锋?” Decayed Has studied the civilization of human civilization, It ridiculed: You want to depend on love and courage, or is friendship this kind of illusory thing defeats me?” 【腐朽】研究过人类文明的文明,祂讥讽道:“你是想靠‘爱’、‘勇气’,亦或者是‘友情’这类虚无缥缈的东西战胜吾?” All materials have the total quantity, but I occupy the entire universe 3/5 quantity bodies, the victory forever me!” “一切物质都有总量,而吾占据整个宇宙五分之三的量体,胜利就永远是在吾这边!” Accompanies in your civilization these so-called faith, annihilates the nihility thoroughly!” “陪你文明中那些所谓的信念,彻底湮灭成虚无吧!” How long did not know and crossed, the sea of quantum is split up under swallowing of real universe, the Yae Ji dawn godship light of belief, dissipates in the nihility, that godship, makes the sound that is unable to withstand the load finally, the crack connects above the social climbing, imitates, if the distance falls from the sky to be only the one pace. 不知又过了多久,量子之海在真实宇宙的吞噬下四分五裂,八重霁曙光神格中的信仰之光,也消散于虚无,那枚神格,最终也发出不堪重负的声响,裂纹接连攀附其上,仿若距离陨灭只有一步之遥。 Ji, did you give up?’ 阿霁,你放弃了吗?’ In the consciousness presents the familiar typeface, the Yae Ji forced smile said: I have not given up, I will put together the completely last strength, but......” 意识中出现熟悉的字体,八重霁苦笑道:“我没放弃,我会拼尽最后一丝力量,但......” Will only make the heart deep place feel better? Said, only by doing so, to Kallen and plum, with the endless life confession of belief dawn?’ ‘只会让你内心深处好受一些?还是说,只有这样,才是给卡莲与梅,与信仰曙光的无尽生灵一个交代?’ Yae Ji shakes the head, cell phone, before I fall from the sky, you hurry, to your universe, do not come back again. In brief, thank you these years companions.” 八重霁摇首,“‘手机’,趁我陨落之前,你赶紧走吧,去往你的宇宙,别再回来了。总之,谢谢你这些年的陪伴。” Your courage? You when Yae Village does not have before not, is cold puts together completely all, to discard all courage?’ ‘你的勇气呢?你在八重村时无往不前,为凛拼尽一切、舍弃一切的勇气呢?’ Haha ~ Yae Ji smiled, like Decayed Then, the courage will not increase my total quantity, extraterrestrial resources and belief that so many we occupy respectively, although does not want to acknowledge, but I......” 哈哈~”八重霁笑了,“就像【腐朽】说的,勇气并不会增加我的总量,我们各自占据的宇宙资源、信仰就那么多,虽然很不想承认,但我......” cough cough ~ who to these that you did say? Did you forget me?’ 哼哼~谁给你说的就这些了?你是忘了我吗?’ You?” The Yae Ji smile said: In final of life, but can also chat with you, is good.” “你?”八重霁微笑道:“在生命的最后,还能和你聊聊天,也不错。” Irritated me! Your stubborn!’ The cell phone in the writing that in the Yae Ji mind appears gradually manic, I spoke frankly, in my world, some similarly many lives has witnessed your growth, they! Will become your final boost!’ ‘气死我了!你个榆木脑袋!’手机在八重霁脑海中显现的文字逐渐狂躁,‘我就直说了,在我的世界中,同样有很多生灵见证过你的成长,祂们!都会成为你最后的助力!’ The Yae Ji complexion gradually enforces, really?” 八重霁的面色逐渐严肃下来,“真的?” Prepares to receive to come from the higher-dimensional universe the strength! This is also I helps you for the last time! Snort!’ ‘准备接收来自更高维宇宙的力量吧!这也是我最后一次帮你!哼!’ Good!” Yae Ji stands firm the godship who will soon disrupt forcefully, the great power that is inconceivable suddenly pours into! “好!”八重霁强行稳住即将碎裂的神格,忽地,一股难以想象的强大力量注入其中! Controlled seas of quantum to be stronger than before!’ Yae Ji shock, not, but also is increasing upwardly!’ ‘比之前掌控量子之海的总量还要强!’八重霁震惊,‘不,还在向上攀升!’ Yae Ji looks to the real universe , so long as It puts out a hand, can easily erase all. 八重霁望向真实宇宙,恍惚间,只要祂伸出手,就能轻易抹除此间一切。 Eliminates decayed! This is the ending of kingly way plot! Is we desired!’ The cell phone said. ‘去消灭腐朽吧!这才是王道剧情的结尾!才是我们希望看到的!’手机说。 The Yae Ji thought raises, the endless higher-dimensional strength construction has sea of one brand-new quantum again, no, is two and three...... 八重霁念头升起,无尽高维力量重新架构出一个全新的量子之海,不,是两个、三个...... In Decayed In sensation, his broken real universe, unexpectedly by that sea of surrounding that quantum has the human aura! 在【腐朽】的感知中,祂那残破的真实宇宙,竟被那个带有人类气息的量子之海包围! Is impossible! Is impossible! How the material may be born baseless! Is absolutely impossible!” “不可能!不可能!物质怎么可能会凭空诞生!绝对不可能!” Will soon hit in the sea of endless quantum to that flash of real universe, Decayed Roaring appears in Yae Ji the sea of consciousness: 在无尽量子之海即将撞向真实宇宙的那一刹那,【腐朽】的咆哮出现在八重霁的意识之海中: Human! What did you make?!!!” “人类!你到底做了什么?!!!” Bye.” Yae Ji puts out a hand to forward, the big hand comprised of the endless higher-dimensional strength grasps firmly Decayed Main body, in Its panic-stricken and puzzled, draws in the finger slowly. “再见吧。”八重霁伸手向前,由无尽高维力量组成的大手攥住【腐朽】的本体,在祂的惊恐与不解中,缓缓收拢手指。 Purgatory Quest three: Strikes to kill the decayed god( has completed)】 【炼狱任务三:击杀腐朽神(已完成)】 Quest reward: The heart of Honkai 任务奖励:崩坏之心】 „The heart of Honkai? What is that?” Yae Ji reaches Inventory, discovered impressively Inventory is unable to use, but the heart of that sending out universe source aura, has fused his within the body quietly. 崩坏之心?那是什么?”八重霁伸向‘背包’,赫然发现背包无法使用,而那枚散发宇宙本源气息的心脏,已悄然融合进他的体内。 Cell phone? What is this thing?” “‘手机’?这东西是什么?” Long time, in the mind the familiar writing has not launched. 半晌,脑海中熟悉的文字也没有展开。 Cell phone?” “‘手机’?” Void does not have the response again. 虚空中再无回应。 Quest Window also gradually dissipates in Yae Ji at present, he looks confusedly to all around, the chaos with being shattered to become this universe subject. 任务面板也在八重霁眼前逐渐消散,他迷茫地看向四周,混沌与破灭成为了这个宇宙的主题。 „Did all finish?” Yae Ji puts out a hand to touch to the position of chest, the feeling the heart that makes an effort to beat, suddenly, Its vision pierced all, this/should universe endless time line in winds through at present slowly. “一切都结束了?”八重霁伸手摸向胸口的位置,感受其中用力跳动的心脏,突然间,祂的目光洞穿了一切,该宇宙无尽的时间线在眼前缓慢流过。 „Did I... control universe all probably?” “我好像...掌控了此间宇宙的一切?” The Yae Ji thought raises, the wreckage of real universe and quantum sea of remoulds, suddenly returns to the beforehand appearance. 八重霁念头升起,真实宇宙与量子之海的残骸重塑,眨眼间回归之前的模样。 It looks toward the sea of quantum. 祂朝量子之海中看去。 Theiler world bubble. 泰莱雅世界泡。 The eye flower of plum, looks to the familiar scene, she gawked for two seconds, in the memory is more chaotic, ‚didn't I offer sacrifices?’ 梅的眼睛一花,望向眼前熟悉的场景,她愣了两秒,记忆中更为混乱,‘我不是献祭了吗?’ The plum turns around after looks, Kallen, ignorant young, Thea, Yae Sakura, Yae Rin, cherry and bell...... these familiar people or the brows reduce, or a face compels ignorant. 梅又转身朝后望去,卡莲、蚩小尤、西娅辛、八重樱八重凛、樱、铃......那些熟悉的人或眉头紧缩,或一脸懵逼。 The brain extreme speed of plum revolves, she thought of a possibility! Possibility that one type is almost impossible to have! 梅的大脑极速运转,她想到了一种可能!一种几乎不可能存在的可能! The sound of „Ji!” plum shivers, she looks to the sea of quantum, with the line of sight of Yae Ji to. “霁!”梅的声音颤抖,她望向量子之海上空,与八重霁的视线对上。 Kallen and the others looked to the plum. 卡莲等人看向梅。 „Did we win?” The plum cannot believe. “我们赢了?”梅仍不敢相信。 The Yae Ji sound appears in the universe in the consciousness of each life. 八重霁的声音出现在宇宙中每个生灵的意识里。 Un, we won.” “恩,我们赢了。” ...... ...... ( The book ends) (全书完) Please remember this book first round domain name:. The apex novel net cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说网手机版更新最快网址:
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