EH :: Volume #25

#63: Final war

You!” “你!” The Honkai god is angry, since trillion eras, It has also never seen the so extremely arrogant person. 崩坏神大怒,在亿万纪元以来,祂还从未见过如此狂妄之人。 Even if you jumped out of Honkai shackles, becomes one in evil god, but in my eyes, you were still the ants!” “纵使你跳出了‘崩坏’的桎梏,成为邪神中的一员,但在我眼里,你仍不过是蝼蚁!” The outside world, the Yae Ji empty shadow dies to grip the god country of Honkai god, the palm strength of swallowing absorbs the power of Honkai god continuously. 外界,八重霁的虚影死握住崩坏神的神国,掌心中的吞噬之力源源不断地汲取崩坏神的权能。 „It is not right! You are not he!” The god country collapsing destruction, the Honkai god dies to observe closely Yae Ji, said sternly: You are not he! Who you are!” “不对!你不是他!”神国坍塌毁灭,崩坏神死盯住八重霁,厉声道:“你绝不是他!你到底是谁!” I?” Yae Ji goes forward, hasn't said to the high Honkai god? I am human evil god Yae Ji.” “我?”八重霁上前,“至高的崩坏神不是说过了吗?我是人类邪神‘八重霁’啊。” Yae Ji slender palm the nape of the neck that grasps firmly the Honkai god, under the strength of swallowing, the gods of infinite level is also incapable of resisting continually. 八重霁纤细的手掌一把攥住崩坏神的脖颈,在吞噬的力量下,连无限位阶的神明也无力抵抗。 The Honkai god as if saw on Yae Ji has the sea of quantum the endless world soaks. 恍惚间,崩坏神在八重霁身上仿佛看到了拥有无尽世界泡的量子之海。 No wonder......” the Honkai god whispered , the god country avalanche, the power of Honkai god was absorbed by Yae Ji, the weak aurora pierced the universe at the inconceivable speed together, the shuttle goes. “难怪......”崩坏神低语,随之神国崩塌,崩坏神的权能被八重霁所吸取,一道微弱的极光以不可思议的速度洞穿宇宙,穿梭而去。 Yae Ji closes the eye, he can only have some fragmentary small regions the sensation to the Honkai god's territory in real universe, the primitive culture that just started to grow is not infrequent. 八重霁闭上眼睛,他能感知到崩坏神在真实宇宙内的领地只剩下零星一小部分区域,其中刚刚开始成长的原始文明更是不在少数。 „From here.” “就从这里开始吧。” In the Yae Ji conformity imaginary number space all Honkai Energy, believe the decayed civilization to sound the first wave of charge toward the real universe in the bugle. 八重霁整合虚数空间内所有的崩坏能,朝真实宇宙中信仰腐朽的文明吹响第一波冲锋的号角。 Buzz ~ 嗡~ The huge pressure that is inconceivable extrudes the space that Yae Ji is at unceasingly. 难以想象的庞大压力不断挤压八重霁所在的空间。 The decayed evil god's consciousness is connected with it. 腐朽邪神的意识与之相连。 „Since human, trillion eras, you are willing to come out from sea of that tortoiseshell quantum finally!” Decayed turbulent, if the consciousness of endless star sea is attacking Yae Ji heartily, you think why I do put Honkai to be motionless?” “人类,亿万纪元以来,你终于肯从量子之海那个乌龟壳内出来了!”腐朽汹涌如无尽星海的意识尽情冲击着八重霁,“你以为我为什么放着崩坏一直不动?” What's wrong?” Yae Ji assembles the sea of quantum power, goes all out to launch the impact toward the real universe, is congealed the individual that to show the smile by the consciousness, I remember before you, never spoke, was the real universe evil gods is swallowed up by you, were yourself also bored to the extreme?” “怎么?”八重霁调集量子之海的权能,拼命朝真实宇宙中发起冲击,由意识凝结的个体露出微笑,“我记得你以前从不说话,是不是真实宇宙的邪神都被你吞噬光了,你自己也无聊到极点?” Snort! When I completely control the real universe and quantum sea , when all will return in the new student/life!” “哼!待吾全然掌控真实宇宙与量子之海,一切将重归于新生之时!” The countless distracting thoughts attack the consciousness of Yae Ji, the proliferation of Honkai power are blocked, but the domain of sea of level quantum, took by him completely. 数不尽的杂念冲击八重霁的意识,崩坏权能的扩散受阻,但量子之海上层的领域,却被他完整的拿了下来。 Under the control of Yae Ji, the world of seabed of level nearly destruction quantum soaks continually rises, floats to the real universe directly, carries the destruction aura to pound to flooding the galaxy of decayed aura. 八重霁的操控下,量子之海底层近乎毁灭的世界泡不断上升,直接漂浮至真实宇宙,携带毁灭气息砸向充斥腐朽气息的星系。 Two similarly as huge as the extreme world, by most is started the mutual probe that to the eruption of all-out war, but short several years time, compared with frequently the years of trillion eras, regarding Yae Ji and decayed, the time of but suddenly flickering. 两个同样庞大到极点的世界,由最开始的相互试探,到全面战争的爆发,不过短短数年时光,比起动辄亿万纪元的岁月,对于八重霁与腐朽来说,不过眨眼一瞬的时间。 The galaxy is destroying, surface layer the sea of quantum damages, the black hole of real universe moves toward the end, all materials in real universe and quantum sea of start to initiate the impact and collision to the opposite party. 星河在毁灭,量子之海表层破损,真实宇宙的黑洞走向尽头,真实宇宙与量子之海中的一切物质开始向对方发起冲击、碰撞。 Civilizations in offering sacrifices in the decayed process collapse the destruction to perish, as occupying sea of quantum Yae Ji, after all -out war opens the 30 th year, feels for the first time strenuously. 一个个文明在献祭腐朽的过程中崩毁灭亡,作为占据量子之海的八重霁,在全面战争开启后的第三十个年头,第一次感觉到吃力。 ‚Under the world that in the sea of quantum survives, falls off after all the product from the real universe, by the potential, is the real universe even better.’ ‘量子之海中生存的世界,毕竟只是从真实宇宙上脱落下的产物,论起潜能,还是真实宇宙更胜一筹。’ In the mind recalled that the plum once to the words that oneself spoke, Yae Ji clenched teeth to insist, every seconds, had the countless materials to annihilate the nihility every minute, accelerated the entire universe to move toward the hot lonesome process unceasingly. 脑海中回想起梅曾经对自己说的话,八重霁咬牙坚持,每一分每一秒,都有数不尽的物质湮灭成虚无,不断加速整个宇宙走向热寂的过程。 Human.” “人类。” The decayed quite weak consciousness transmits together. 腐朽一道较为微弱的意识传来。 We disputed again, the entire universe will move toward the destruction, this was you and I do not want to see.” Decayed say/way: Was inferior that your I consciousness to melt, common control new universe.” “我们再争执下去,整个宇宙都会走向毁灭,这是你和我都不想看到的。”腐朽道:“不如你我意识相融,共同主宰新宇宙。” Good.” Yae Ji sneers: Was inferior that you liberate your consciousness completely, is led the fusion by me.” “好。”八重霁冷笑:“不如你完全解放你的意识,由我来主导融合。” Sure.” The real universe of decayed control stops the attack unexpectedly strangely, during is void all in the release friendly meaning. “当然可以。”腐朽控制的真实宇宙竟诡异停下进攻,虚空之中无不在释放友善之意。 You...” When Yae Ji is surprisedly uncertain, in the real universe the innumerable civilizations offer sacrifices again, the decayed mass rises to the sea of quantum in a big way, goes directly to the middle-level region! “你...”八重霁惊疑不定之际,真实宇宙内无数文明再度献祭,腐朽的体量涨大到量子之海之中,直达中层区域! The seabed of level quantum, here was soaked to occupy by the innumerable world, the world soak is one of them crowded, often has the accident/surprise to happen, making the civilizations in two world bubbles also fall from the sky. 量子之海底层,这里被无数世界泡所占据,一颗又一颗世界泡挤在其中,不时有意外发生,使得两颗世界泡中的文明同时陨灭。 The life in the world bubble looks up to the sea of quantum, there has been flooding the aura of decayed evil god, causing the myriad things to be on the wane, even the quantum material is also difficult to escape the pollution. 世界泡中的生灵抬头望向量子之海中层,那里已充斥着腐朽邪神的气息,致使万物凋零,连量子物质也难逃污染。 Civilized elegy as if at present. 文明的悲歌似乎就在眼前。 „The civilizations of flood human federation, everyone's good.” “泛人类联邦的诸文明,大家好。” Is low when all living things morale, deeply feels despairs, together the mature female voice spreads over in the endless civilization in the consciousness of all lives. 在众生士气低迷,深感绝望之时,一道成熟的女声传遍无尽文明中所有生灵的意识内。 I am the flood human federation commander-in-chief, plum.” “我是泛人类联邦的最高指挥官,‘梅’。” War has reached the final stage, before the dawn has become us to fall from the sky the last barrier.” “战争已到最后阶段,曙光已成为我们陨灭前的最后一道屏障。” Hū~ Mei deep inspires, dawn never accepts offering sacrifices of civilized life, but the evil god in real universe is decayed, can actually the falling from the sky civilization, absorb the strength wantonly, exploits the victory unceasingly.” 呼~”梅深吸一口气,“曙光从不接受文明生灵的献祭,而在真实宇宙中的邪神腐朽,却能大肆陨灭文明,汲取战力,不断扩大战果。” Flames of war the fever will extinguish all finally, I only hope, before perishing to approach, everyone might as well completely biggest courage, returns the soul and destiny with the dawn.” “战火最终会烧灭一切,我只希望,在灭亡来临之前,大家不妨尽自己最大的勇气,将灵魂、命运交还与曙光。” „The sea of civilization biggest song of praise quantum, is the courage song of praise.” “量子之海文明最大的赞歌,就是勇气的赞歌。” I can be the last time issue circular , I, when advances.” “我会是最后一次发布通告,诸位,我当先行。” Hopes us, the time scale of after being inconceivable, when next Poincarb returns, meets again.” “希望我们,在难以想象的时间尺度后,在下一个庞加莱回归时,再相见。” Theiler world bubble, this met the sea of middle-level world bubble quantum recently. 泰莱雅世界泡,这是最近接量子之海中层的世界泡。 At this time so long as looks into the distance upward, then can see the destructions of all materials, talking during sleep of evil god imitates, if on ear near, the consciousness of some lives are chaotic. 此时只要往上眺望,便能见到一切物质的毁灭,邪神的呓语仿若在就耳边,部分生灵的意识已然混乱。 Mei Bishang the eyes, the sea of consciousness burns unceasingly, finally the whole person changes to the nihility, the strength through the sea of dawn godship, the supplies is struggling hard Yae Ji. 梅闭上双眼,意识之海不断燃烧,最终整个人化作虚无,力量通过曙光神格的海洋,供给正在苦战中的八重霁 What, obviously I am the Ji lover, understood that what is called first come first served?” On the Kallen mouth complained, both hands thread up to put in the chest front, a pair of beautiful pupil shuts tightly, the sea of consciousness also burns. “什么嘛,明明我才是阿霁的爱人,懂不懂得什么叫做先来后到?”卡莲嘴上抱怨,双手紧扣放于胸前,一双美眸紧闭,意识之海随之燃烧。 Ignorant little especially behind her follows the example, nearly changes to the nihility at the same time. 在她后方的蚩小尤有样学样,近乎同一时间化作虚无。 Cold, to us. The small hand who” Yae Sakura holds the younger sister, in the eye has unprecedented resolute. Hehe ~cold said with a smile: My this life, should give back to Onii-sama early.” “凛,到我们了。”八重樱牵住自己妹妹的小手,眼中有前所未有的果决。嘿嘿~”凛笑道:“我这条命,早该还给兄长大人了。” also we!” The cherry and bell also close the eyes, burns the sea of consciousness. 还有我们!”樱与铃同样闭上双眼,燃烧起意识之海。 Assumes each world bubble Raiden Mei, Bronya and the others, changes to the purest strength one after another, continuous growth Yae Ji dawn godship. 坐镇各个世界泡中的雷电芽衣布洛妮娅等人,接连化作最为纯粹的力量,不断壮大八重霁曙光的神格。 Sits well Kiana above Tiva throne, looks at eye had once struggled the world again, controls this world trillion eras great strength , the body flowing light goes. 端坐在提瓦特王座之上的琪亚娜,再度看了眼自己曾奋斗过的世界,主宰此世界亿万纪元的强大者,也身化流光而去。 In the endless world bubble, the followers of dawn kneel to bend down in the place, the consciousness combustion, the strength supplies dawn of courage and soul. 无尽世界泡中,一个个曙光的信徒跪伏在地,意识燃烧,将勇气与灵魂的力量供给曙光。 The lord of Theiler, Thea overlooks the world bubble of seabed of level quantum, at this time, in these world bubbles the aura of life vanished half to be many, but also in dropped at an exceptional pace unceasingly, the strength changed to the dawn continuously. 泰莱雅之主,西娅辛俯视量子之海底层的世界泡,此时,那些世界泡内生灵的气息消失了一半还多,还在以惊人的速度不断下降,源源不断地力量化作曙光。 This I.” “该我了。” Thea looked to the sky, the line of sight as if penetrated the barrier of decayed aura constitution, passed through the sea of quantum, the direct link real universe central battlefield. 西娅辛望向上空,视线似乎穿透了腐朽气息构成的屏障,穿过了量子之海,直达真实宇宙的中心战场。 There, has the sending out endless dawn form to stand erect above void. 那里,有散发无尽曙光的身影屹立在虚空之上。 Thea closes the eye. 西娅辛闭上眼睛。 Clearing weather elder sister, hopes when our also said goodbye.” “霁姐姐,希望我们还有再见之时。” ...... ...... 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