EH :: Volume #25

#51: Red lotus level

Talent one second remembers the home station address:[] https:// quickest renewal! Adless! 天才一秒记住本站地址:[]https://最快更新!无广告! That dual combustion draws out the divine nature pale gold/metal pupil to look into the distance toward the front, in the sea of place of quantum seeing the ordinary scenery, consciousness with the line of sight extends, in the time of next flash, Yae Ji found the summon from dawn. lan 那双燃起神性的淡金眸子朝前方眺望,所见之处不过量子之海中再普通不过的风景,意识随着视线延伸,在下一刹那的时光内,八重霁找到了来自曙光的呼唤。阑 Theiler federation, Awes province, under this place most famous construction, kneels is the case everywhere to the person who the dawn prayed, looked again outward, dense people heads, opened compared with that god in Bundesplatz, this pray was grander. Under indulging of federal government, the government functionaries who maintain the order much are also demonstrating their irreverence to the dawn. 泰莱雅联邦,奥斯图州,此地最负盛名的建筑下,跪地向曙光祈祷的人比比皆是,再往外看,黑压压的一众人头,比起在联邦广场的那一次神启,这次的祈祷更为盛大。在联邦政府的放纵下,不少维护秩序的政府人员也在向曙光展示他们的虔诚。 For those same at dead center Dezzi in the past, sways the god graciousness, the people that lets Theiler bathe under the dawn brilliance, in half a month many time, his miracle no longer deceives the acrobatics of person, the media cause the god who he calls it the new generation, the myth history is performing at present! Often he has not arrived in the place that the next god opens, the local follower has formed the prevailing situation. 处在正中心的奥德齐向往常一样,挥洒神恩,让泰莱雅的子民沐浴在曙光的光辉之下,半月多的时光里,他的神迹不再是糊弄人的把戏,媒体将他称之为新一代的神使,神话历史正在眼前上演!往往他还没抵达下一个神启的地点,当地的信徒就已然形成燎原之势。 Greatly to high dawn, you walk in hardship land, without disappointing your hope, when can you arrive to us side truly?’ ‘伟大至高的曙光啊,您在疾苦大地上的行走者,没有辜负您的期盼,您何时能真正降临到我们身边呢?’ Dezzi was infected by a follower, both eyes shut tightly, in heart to dawn prayer. 奥德齐被一众信徒感染,双目紧闭,在心中向曙光祷告。 , Dezzi felt suddenly wraps itself warm, he steps into again belongs to the palace of god! 忽地,奥德齐感觉温暖包裹自身,他再次踏入属于神的殿堂! But this time no longer has fine spring day, but is the place of endless brilliance, he spies on the dawn in that brilliance end faintly the outline... 只不过这次不再有鸟语花香,而是无尽光辉之地,他隐隐在那光辉尽头窥探到曙光的轮廓... The belief that Theiler federation provides is not 1 million population place of belief can compare, Yae Ji detected that own consciousness, or is the godship is expanding unceasingly, the unprecedented full feeling floods the whole body, but, that sea the fetter of quantum adds the body again! Filled the unwieldy shackles like the wrap/sets from top to bottom. lan 泰莱雅联邦提供的信仰远不是一个百万人口的信仰之地能够比拟,八重霁发觉自身的意识,或者说是神格正在不断扩大,前所未有的充盈感充斥全身,但紧接着,那股来自量子之海的束缚再次加身!就像浑身上下套满了笨重的枷锁。阑 Clearing weather elder sister?” “霁姐姐?” Familiar consciousness Telepathy on, Yae Ji actually discovered that this belongs to Theiler world the Lord consciousness to be not very powerful, so long as if he bumps gently, at present in Theiler people eyes great will dissipate without. 熟悉的意识纠缠而上,八重霁却发现这股属于泰莱雅世界之主的意识并不是很强大,仿佛他只要轻轻一碰,眼前泰莱雅人民眼中的伟大将会消逝于无。 Is I, Thea.” Yae Ji also gives the information with the consciousness. “是我,小西娅辛。”八重霁同样用意识传递出信息。 Good,” the Thea consciousness was very active, I said that this powerful consciousness is how familiar and strange. The clearing weather elder sister, did you succeed?” “太好了,”西娅辛的意识很活跃,“我就说这股强大的意识怎么又熟悉又陌生。霁姐姐,你成功了?” Right, should succeed,” the Yae Ji silent meeting, said: I am the dawn.” “对,应该是成功了,”八重霁沉默一会,道:“我就是曙光。” „!” Thea still when the new consciousness of feeling familiar Yae Ji, determined this share of consciousness truly own elder sister, Thea did not have the sound. “恩恩!”西娅辛还在感受熟悉八重霁的新意识,确定这股意识确实属于自己的姐姐时,西娅辛没了动静。 …… 紧接着, Yae Ji felt that own strength inflates again, even broke through the fetter of sea of quantum! But, the fetter strengthens again! lan 八重霁感觉自身的力量再膨胀,甚至突破了量子之海的束缚!但紧接着,束缚再次加强!阑 In his godship consciousness, star glow representative is the ordinary follower's belief, these star glow still constantly grow in the by how much multiple, but Dezzi with the aid of Theiler strength, has formed the human form reluctantly. 在他的神格意识中,点点星芒代表的属于普通信徒的信仰,这些星芒还在以几何倍数不断增长,而奥德齐借助泰莱雅的力量,已勉强形成人形。 Finally, under his god throne, a lifelike form appears, the appearance of young girl has 7-8 minute/share of similar to him, on the elegant face on full is happy and devout. 最后,在他神座之下,一个活灵活现的身影浮现,少女的长相与他有七八分相似,俏脸上满上高兴与虔诚。 Thea...” Yae Ji is helpless, this beyond his plan. “小西娅辛...”八重霁无奈,这在他的计划之外啊。 To the high dawn, your faithful follower Thea awaits your summon greatly.” Young girl light shadow very gravely good a ritual. “伟大至高的曙光,您忠实的信徒西娅辛听候您的召唤。”少女光影很是庄重地行了一礼。 Soaks control and power Herrscher the belief of the world, lets the Yae Ji strength inflates at the same time, feels funny. 来自世界泡掌控者、权能律者的信仰,让八重霁自身力量膨胀的同时,又感到好笑。 Ok, Thea, do not play, comes this.” Yae Ji patted god throne the right position. “好了,小西娅辛,别玩了,来这。”八重霁拍了拍神座之右的位置。 Good, clearing weather elder sister.” Thea stood hopping along, little girl who as if also locates the weak age. lan “好的,霁姐姐。”西娅辛一蹦一跳地站了上去,仿佛还处幼稚年纪的小女孩。阑 The followers headed by Dezzi, in the side of endless dawn, sees the goddess faintly the form, but that gods are called... the lord of Theiler! 恍惚间,以奥德齐为首的信徒们,隐隐在无尽曙光的身边,看到女神的身影,而那个神明叫做...泰莱雅之主! ...... ...... The line of sight of Yae Ji takes back, the godship consciousness also with returning to oneself. 八重霁的视线收回,神格意识也随着回归自身。 Has not thought of ten million kilometers distance, I actually feel close.’ Yae Ji shakes the head, looked at the eye also the plum in stupor, fast toward the position jump that the silent war star is. ‘没想到千万千米的距离,我竟然感觉近在咫尺。’八重霁摇了摇头,看了眼还在昏迷中的梅,快速朝寂静战星所在的方位跳跃。 War star that the cobalt blue covers brilliance, strange and mysterious, where attractive to does not know compared with bare Earth nowadays, is occupied by the people in refuge shelter much has the opportunity to look up to the starry sky rarely, will have the favorable impression to the silent war star. 钴蓝光辉笼罩的战星,奇异而又神秘,比起现如今光秃秃的地球好看到不知道哪里,不少住在避难所中的民众难得有机会仰望星空,都会对寂静战星产生好感。 In their opinion, that strange mysterious cobalt blue is symbolizing the origin of life water, as everyone knows that is jumps the engine frequently the preparatory work to erupt, but the brilliance of granule sending out, compared with Earth that human is, full is the silent war star that the alloy packages ice-colder and secluded and lonely. 在他们看来,那奇异神秘的钴蓝象征着生命之源的水,殊不知那是跃迁引擎时刻准备工作喷发而出的粒子散发的光辉,比起人类所在的地球,满是合金包裹的寂静战星更为冰冷、幽寂。 The body of Aiyi sits on the chair of control room, but this body has not opened eyes a long time, is her consciousness in the database that leaves behind silent to roam through always, the overwhelming majority work of human civilization have to give Prometheus. lan 爱衣的躯体坐在控制室的椅子上,但她这具躯体已经很长一段时间没有睁开眼,属于她的意识无时无刻不在寂静留下的资料库中遨游,以至于人类文明的绝大部分工作不得不交给‘普罗米修斯’进行。阑 Is accelerating to absorb the knowledge Aiyi to tremble fiercely, now she and silent war star combine, her sense replaced the monitoring system of silent war star, but the distant place not covers up extremely slightly, is sending out to be the powerful energy body of evil god mass to approach the human civilization rapidly! 正在加速吸收知识的爱衣猛地一颤,如今她和寂静战星合二为一,她的感官取代了寂静战星的监测系统,而极远处丝毫不加掩饰,正散发属于邪神体量的强大能量体正飞速逼近人类文明! Hou, at this time! Sister Mei and boss went to the floor, Thea in Theiler, Mei and Sirin was also called by them... without enough time without enough time...” Aiyi anxious straight stamping one's foot, how that group of evil gods dive to enter the sea of quantum not to have a sound!” “嚯,偏偏是在这个时候!梅姐和老板去底层了,西娅辛在泰莱雅,芽衣西琳又被她们叫走...来不及了来不及了...”爱衣急的直跳脚,“那群邪神下潜进入量子之海怎么没有一点动静!” Bright tong Lin!” Aiyi rushes to inform the time for the elf young girl who the silent war star jump engine energizes, evil god attacks, immediately leaves jumps the engine! Let prepare to connect with the population, Earth we drag to entrain as far as possible!” “亮烔琳!”爱衣赶忙通知时刻为寂静战星跃迁引擎供能的精灵少女,“邪神来袭,立即离开跃迁引擎!让苏准备好交接人口,地球方面我们尽量拖拽!” Is jumping bright tong Lin who the engine place catches a fish by hand to hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, experience who as evil god war, she has spied on exaggerating of evil god mass, that at all is not a civilization and Herrscher can contend, even if in the legend finally Herrscher, very difficult to cause the substantive damage to the evil god. 正在跃迁引擎处摸鱼的亮烔琳打了一个激灵,作为邪神战争的经历者,她可是窥探过邪神体量的夸张,那根本不是一个文明、一个律者能够抗衡,哪怕是传说之中的终焉律者,也很难对邪神造成实质性伤害。 How to come! The Aiyi elder sister, I said early dives is safer to the sea of quantum middle level!” Bright tong Lin complained one in the consciousness, left rapidly jumps the engine, „ this time made Bronya calculate, I stimulated to movement the attraction saying that key of one set of fiery-red blank has appeared on bright tong Lin. “怎么又来了!爱衣姐,我早说下潜到量子之海中层才更安全嘛!”亮烔琳在意识中抱怨一句,飞速离开跃迁引擎,“这次让布洛妮娅计算,我来催动引力说着,一套火红色的空白之键已然出现在亮烔琳身上。 Right, did the Aiyi elder sister, how many strengths this time evil nerve cross the strainer of sea of quantum also to remain?” lan “对了,爱衣姐,这次的邪神经过量子之海的过滤网还剩多少实力?”阑 Many strengths are not you can come up to spell, we not in the floor of sea of quantum!” “多少实力也不是你能上去拼的,我们又不是在量子之海的底层!” That may perhaps.” Bright tong Lin the tooth, trades in middle level has the silent heart to cover, I dare to fight one fight with It!” “那可说不定。”亮烔琳呲牙,“换在中层有寂静之心笼罩,我就敢与祂斗一斗!” Suppresses middle level, this evil god also has the original sin primary, endures finally Herrscher that Theiler federation appears.” “压制到中层,这个邪神也有原罪初级,堪比泰莱雅联邦出现的终焉律者。” In other words...” The bright tong Lin tooth acid, this also is really not boss that she can brush. “那就是说...”亮烔琳牙酸,这还真不是她一个人能刷的boss。 In other words, Its present level in pain primary, on floats the real universe the words...” “就是说,祂现在的位阶在苦痛初级,上浮到真实宇宙的话...” Red lotus level!” “红莲位阶!” ...... lan ......阑
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