EH :: Volume #25

#50: I for dawn (Last Part)

„Affected?” Plum faint smile looks at angry Yae Ji, even consciousness the body, the expression on face is still lifelike, even through fluctuation of consciousness, but can also the mood of better understanding current individual change. “感动了?”梅似笑非笑的看着愤怒的八重霁,即便是意识体,脸上的表情依旧惟妙惟肖,甚至通过意识的波动,还能更好的了解当前个体的情绪变化。 You!” Yae Ji forces itself to calm down with the state of mind, on the existing research, after the fusion world soaks, will gain the enormous advantage, but also soaks binding with that world, a Rong Jurong, suffering if either one suffers, in other words, when the world bubbling through passes the time the baptism, when drops to the bottom of sea of quantum will soon corrupt, his fusion also has the enormous probability to fall from the sky. “你!”八重霁用心境强制自己冷静下来,就现有的研究来看,融合世界泡后会获得极大好处,但也和那颗世界泡绑定,一荣俱荣、一损俱损,也就是说,当世界泡经过时间的洗礼,跌落至量子之海的底部即将腐烂时,其融合者也有极大概率陨落。 Yae Ji does not believe that the plum will do the so not sane matter. 八重霁不相信梅会干出如此不理智的事情。 Soaks the research in aspect to break through in the fusion world?” “在融合世界泡方面的研究有所突破?” It can be said that” saw Yae Ji to restore the normal state, the plum opens the mouth saying: This must be lucky recently to consciousness the switch the research, abandons the world bubble to need to give up part of consciousness.” “可以这么说,”见八重霁恢复常态,梅开口道:“这还要多亏了近些日子对意识转换器的研究,抛弃世界泡需要割舍一部分意识。” The superficialness that said that Yae Ji actually knows that gives the consequence of consciousness, light falls into the stupor dispiritedly, heaviness is for a lifetime ignorant. 梅说的轻描淡写,八重霁却知道割舍意识的后果,轻则萎靡不振陷入昏迷,重者一辈子浑浑噩噩。 Ok, Aiyi brought the remaining micro silent hearts, we walk.” “好了,爱衣把剩下的微缩寂静之心拿来了,我们走吧。” Yae Ji puts out a hand a stroke, the power is closely associated, easily delimits together the dark gold/metal slit in the space. 八重霁”伸手一划,权能如影随形,轻易在空间上划出一道暗金缝隙。 What's wrong?” After seeing the plum control power, then did not have the sound, Yae Ji to care to say. “怎么了?”见梅操控权能后便没了动静,八重霁关心道。 Feels in within the body exquisite energy to revolve carefully, the plum shakes the head, comes the inspiration suddenly, had the approximate conception to the design of key of next generation blank.” 细细感受体内细腻的能量运转,梅摇头,“突来灵感,对下一代空白之键的设计有了大致的构想。” Oh. Yae Ji is unalarmed by strange sights, the plum is the Previous Civilization Era chief scientist , to promote the super talent that the civilized advance and Honkai contend with by one's effort, regarding miraculous glow that this other researchers only happen by happy circumstance one presently, is actually very normal in plum this. 哦。八重霁对此见怪不怪,梅是上个文明纪元的首席科学家,是凭借一己之力推动文明前进与崩坏抗衡的超级天才,对于这种其他研究员可遇不可求的灵光一现,在梅这倒是很正常。 Walks.” The plum controls this not to calculate that the strange body strides in the space crack, has taken the micro silent heart of Aiyi preparation, after several hundred spaces jump, finally arrives at the seabed of level quantum. “走吧。”梅操控这具不算陌生的躯体跨入空间裂缝,拿过爱衣准备的微缩寂静之心,经过数百次空间跳跃后,终于来到量子之海底层。 Here same as usual, often has the ruined world bubble to drop hence, then dissolves to provide for the nourishment of sea of quantum, disclosed the desperate meaning everywhere. 这里还是老样子,不时有破败的世界泡跌落至此,而后溶解成供养量子之海的养料,处处透露出绝望之意。 Compared with the sea of level color strange quantum, here deep color brought the depression, even if existence of Yae Ji this equivalent, here the time long will also feel ill, within the body energy flow is blocked. 比起本就色彩奇异的量子之海上层,这里的深色给人带来压抑感,哪怕是八重霁这种等阶的存在,在这里时间久了也会感觉身体不适,体内能量流动受阻。 Yae Ji emits the embodiment godship, the consciousness of plum pushes to the front, previously was jet black and scarlet alternate turbulent vastness receives the unknown suppression probably, is gentle, except for kills intent intermittently, does not have other dangers again. 八重霁”放出具象神格,梅的意识一马当先,先前漆黑与猩红交替的汹涌汪洋像是受到未知压制,已然平缓,除了阵阵杀意,再无其它危险。 Was honest to the big strainer floor.” The plum observes 12, receives the embodiment godship , to continue to jump toward the front. “到大过滤网底层就老实了。”梅观测一二,重新收起具象神格,继续朝前方跳跃。 About after ten several times of spaces jump, Mei Ting before a ruined world soaks, the line of sight of Yae Ji has swept, the brow wrinkles slightly. 大约十数次空间跳跃后,梅停到一处破败的世界泡前,八重霁的视线扫过,眉头微微皱起。 This world soaked has crashed one less than half, exposed inside world to overseas of quantum, overwhelming majority areas by the aura pollution of floor sending out, does not have any life had had. 这处世界泡已然崩塌了一小半,向量子之海外界裸露出内里的世界,其中绝大部分地区已被底层散发的气息污染,没有任何生灵存在。 Arrived.” “到了。” How long this world bubble could not support.” Yae Ji sinking sound. “这个世界泡撑不了多久。”八重霁沉声。 It that therefore chooses, is good to control, is good to throw away.” Mei Zaici displays the power, jumps to this ruined world bubble in only complete the region. “所以才选择的它,好控制,好甩脱。”梅再次施展权能,跃迁到这颗破败世界泡内唯一完好的地带。 Land about 100,000 square kilometers of under foot, human about 1 million, the place of seeing completely all ruined, is good because of can keep the order reluctantly. 脚下的大地大约十万平方公里,人类在百万左右,所见之处尽皆破败,好在勉强能维持秩序。 In the city of distant place seems like some people of sensations to anything, the flowing light speeds away to come, to stop to Yae Ji in front of together. The young girls wear the battle dress in Fire Moth, a silver gray short hair, seems like quite the heroic bearing, Honkai Energy fluctuates probably in the artificial Herrscher category. 远方的城市中似乎有人感知到什么,一道流光疾驰而来,停到八重霁面前。少女身着逐火之蛾中的作战服,一头灰色短发,看起来颇英姿,身上的崩坏能波动大概在拟似律者的范畴内。 God causes the Sir!” The young girls see to lie down the plum in nutrition warehouse, having a big shock, the elegant face is pale, as if saw the world soaks thoroughly collapse destroys the picture. “神使大人!”少女见到躺在营养仓内的梅,大惊失色,俏脸惨白,仿佛见到了世界泡彻底崩毁的画面。 I in this.” The plum has no other choice but to find out the consciousness from the Yae Ji body, comforts the young girl. “我在这。”梅不得已从八重霁体中探出意识,安抚少女。 God causes the Sir...” The line of sight of young girl unceasingly transforms on the consciousness body and Yae Ji of plum, alerts hidden. “神使大人...”少女的视线不断在梅的意识体与八重霁身上转换,其中暗藏戒备。 This time is helped shift the population by him, but needs to transfer the strength of the world, land momentarily possible collapse destroys, allowing the complete person to enter the refuge shelter.” Mei say/way. “这次由他来帮助转移人口,不过需要调动世界之力,大地随时可能崩毁,让全部人进入避难所。”梅道。 Heard that is shifts the population, the eyes of young girl shine, after saluting respectfully, changes to the flowing light to fly toward the city. 听说是来转移人口的,少女的眼睛亮了亮,恭敬行礼后,化作流光朝城市内飞去。 Helpless Yae Ji said: I do not know I must the demography transition that is responsible for this world soaking.” 八重霁无奈道:“我可不知道我还要负责这颗世界泡的人口转移。” They also believe the dawn.” Mei Pie Yae Ji, 1 million population, one will borrow the channel of Su, I made Kallen set aside part of positions in the newly developed world bubble.” “她们也信仰曙光。”梅瞥了眼八重霁,“不过百万人口,一会借用苏的通道,我让卡莲在新开发的世界泡中腾出了一部分位置。” Final beneficiaries are you,” plum continues saying: You really become Shuguang, we matter of doing cannot escape your line of sight.” “最终的受益者都是你,”梅继续道:“等你真的成为‘曙光’,我们所做之事也逃不过你的视线。” Yae Ji: „......” 八重霁:“......” She knows, he from the start is not this meaning. 她知道,他压根不是这个意思。 Quick, the city of distant place sends out to seek asylum the broadcast, the crowd from gathers to come like the ant in all directions, finally rushes to the refuge shelter. 很快,远处的城市发出避难广播,人群如蚂蚁般从四面八方汇聚而来,最终涌向避难所之中。 However 20 minutes, the young girl appears in front of Yae Ji again, among the volumes of young girl has the sweat to trickle, on the small face is to the hope of new life, as well as... anxious. 不过二十分钟,少女再次出现在八重霁面前,少女的额间有汗水滴下,小脸上是对新生活的渴望,以及...紧张。 Yae Ji and plum look at each other one, consciousness the body to drill into the embodiment godship simultaneously. 八重霁与梅对视一眼,意识体同时钻入具象神格。 The young girls clearly undergo unconsciously, calmly under waits, causes the follower who the Sir designates as the god, she has to the Shuguang most reverent belief, her confidence to Shuguang also whether there is ratio. 少女不觉明历,静静在下方等待,作为神使大人选定的信徒,她拥有对‘曙光’最虔诚的信仰,她对‘曙光’也有无比的信心。 The plum as control who this world soaks, how even if the world soaks again broken, can transfer strength of the part of the world, but transfers the consequence of strength of the world... 梅作为这颗世界泡的掌控者,即便世界泡再怎么残破,还是能调动一部分世界之力,不过调动世界之力的后果... The land of distant place starts to vibrate and sway, the been too deep to see the bottom big rift valley production, embezzles the only tall buildings, the final strength in the world bubble screened out by the plum, is unable to maintain this 100,000 square kilometers land again. 远处的大地开始震动、摇晃,深不见底的大裂谷产生,将仅有的高楼大厦吞没,世界泡中的最后力量被梅抽走,再也无法维持这块十万平方公里的大地。 Sees the hometown gradually collapse Huicheng the nihility, the young girl wipes tears silently, dies is staring in the air Yae Ji with the tense vision. 见到故乡逐渐崩毁成虚无,少女默默擦干眼泪,用紧张的目光死盯着空中的“八重霁”。 In the embodiment godship, the vastness like the stagnant water, from has killed intent also to weaken gently in all directions to the vague degree, the consciousness of Yae Ji gradually infiltrates, gradually, huge consciousness thoroughly embodiment godship package... 具象神格内,汪洋已平缓如死水,来自四面八方的杀意也削弱到若有若无的程度,八重霁的意识逐渐在其中渗透,渐渐地,庞大的意识彻底将具象神格包裹... Saw that the consciousness of Yae Ji permeates completely, the plum could not have helped, has to in the side anxious waiting. 见到八重霁的意识完全渗入,梅已经帮不上什么忙了,只得在旁焦急等待。 Minute and hour and a day... 一分钟、一小时、一天... Human is unable to fuse the godship ~ ‘人类无法融合神格哦~’ Yae Ji opens eyes suddenly, to cell phone teased the speechless say/way: You also issued obtained the belief Quest?” 八重霁猛然睁开眼,对‘手机’的调笑无语道:“那你还发布获得信仰的任务?” ~ isn't also I? You do not think, if the embodiment godship really can be used by human, You Wenming hunted and killed so many evil gods, some super to exist? Why can that also run dingily this universe?’ ‘~不是还有我吗?你也不想想,若是具象神格真能被人类所使用,哈游文明猎杀了那么多邪神,岂不是有许多超级存在?那为什么还要灰溜溜地跑出这个宇宙?’ How should I do?’ Yae Ji calm inquiry. ‘我该怎么做?’八重霁冷静询问。 After your consciousness thorough fusion embodiment godship, looks for your follower in the sea of quantum, will have the pleasant surprise.’ ‘用你的意识彻底融合具象神格后,在量子之海中寻找你的信徒吧,会有惊喜。’ ...... ...... Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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