EH :: Volume #25

#41: Miracle? By the conspiracy of hot civilization!

Clatter Thatta ~ 嗒塔塔~ Baud looks helplessly Dezzi departs, oneself will cannot control the body, he seems like the person who binds by the invisible silk thread occasionally, every action and every movement of body have are not in his grasping. 伯特眼睁睁看着奥德齐离去,自身意志仍不能操控身体,他像是由无形丝线绑住的人偶,身体的一举一动具不在他的掌握之中。 Until the sound of footsteps vanishes thoroughly, Baud restores the control to the body, the strength to flicker from within the body screens out, that share powerless feeling well ups, making the man sit on the ground. 直到脚步声彻底消失,伯特才恢复对身体的控制权,力气一瞬从体内抽走,那股子无力感涌上心头,使得男人一屁股坐在地上。 Dezzi walked... that group of people to affirm that the suspicion was he who I let go ‘奥德齐走了...那群人肯定怀疑是我放走的他 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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