EH :: Volume #25

#40: Dawn god

Dezzi.” “奥德齐。” A summon from innermost soul direct link source, making Dezzi whole body shiver, he is excited, he is terrified. 一声来自灵魂深处直达本源的呼唤,让奥德齐浑身颤抖,他激动,他惶恐。 Indoor this interrogation without a doubt only then he and Baud, but such as the belt/bring divine nature words, are not Baud that middle age bald person dead fatty can say obviously. 这间审讯室内毫无疑问只有他和伯特两人,而如带神性的话语,显然不是伯特那个中年秃顶死胖子能够说出。 Suddenly, the Dezzi's present line of sight becomes chaotic, whole body material line, gradually reverses an vortex, in vortex that head, whether there is to perform the township of bright dream. 忽地,奥德齐眼前的视线变得混乱,周身物质线条化,逐渐扭转成一个漩涡,在漩涡那头,有无尽光明的梦之乡。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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