EH :: Volume #25

#28: The War God honor teaches

Earth also has 373 refuge shelters, in the large-scale refuge shelter has Raiden Mei and the others to maintain the revolution, the Honkai furnace of each refuge shelter can insist some time.” The plum makes the computation slightly, draws the conclusion: Has us revolution commodity the words from other world bubbles, suffices to maintain for more than hundred years.” “地球还剩下三百七十三个避难所,其中大型避难所中有雷电芽衣等人维持运转,各个避难所的崩坏熔炉能坚持一段时间。”梅稍作计算,得出结论:“有我们从其他世界泡中运转物资的话,够维持百余年。” That is barely manages to maintain a feeble existence.” Yae Ji said: We make Earth drop the sea of quantum, wanted is not such result.” “那是苟延残喘。”八重霁道:“我们让地球跌落量子之海,要的可不是这样的结果。” We can also seek for other world “我们还能寻找其他世界 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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