EH :: Volume #25

#27: Observes civilization that Earth drops

~ “噗~” Changes to jet black attraction singular point ignorant little especially to hear to puncture thoroughly the thin film faintly the sound, then, that exerts the terrifying line of sight on oneself has vanished, seems shakes off the fetter thoroughly, the singular point loses the control in the sea of quantum. 化作漆黑引力奇点的蚩小尤隐隐听到刺透薄膜的响声,接着,那股施加在自身上的恐怖视线已然消失,好似彻底挣脱束缚般,奇点在量子之海内部失去控制。 Here is at the sea of level quantum, falls into sea of quantum the first stand of civilization from the real universe is this place. Is towed by the ignorant little especially attraction singular point, world in all directions soaks all comes under the influences in varying degrees. 这里处在量子之海上层,许多从真实宇宙跌入量子之海的文明的第一站便是此地。由蚩小尤引力奇点牵引,四面八方的世界泡皆受到不同程度的影响。 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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