DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1363: The body of having no time

Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Explosive sounds from resound in all directions, the innumerable snake-shaped demon beasts that summer Mang summoned all turned into the blood fog in this moment unexpectedly. 一道道爆炸声从四面八方响起,夏莽召唤出来的无数蛇形魔兽竟然全在这一刻变成了血雾。 It looks like blooming blood-color fireworks the same as bring the strange beauty, but this beautiful actually brings with Sheng Ming of so many demon beasts. These snakes may be summer Mang think of every means to train, snake type magic beast of many Dou Spirit rank, some includes violently poisonously very rare. 就像是一朵朵绽放的血色烟花一样带着诡异的美丽,可是这美丽却是用那么多魔兽的生命带来的啊。那些蛇可都是夏莽费尽心思培养的,其中不乏斗灵级别的蛇类魔兽,更是有一些含有剧毒十分稀有。 But in this short 而在这短短的 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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