DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1362: The heroes rescue the beautiful idea two

Your this big bastard, you also bullied the person.” “你这个大坏蛋,你也太欺负人了。” Some Han Yue vitality/angry, she naturally can look at Xu Ran intentionally to wait till acts finally, is simply more exasperating than Hong Family these Bastard. 韩月有些生气,她自然看得出来徐然是故意要等到最后再出手,简直是比洪家的那些混蛋还要气人。 I do not believe that what hero rescued beautiful.” Nod that Xinlan also approves very much. Before she also often heard some heroes to rescue the beautiful story, these love stories of Heaven's Chosen they are also praises. “我再也不相信什么英雄救美了。”欣蓝也是很认同的点点头。以前她也是经常听到一些英雄救美的故事,那些天骄们的爱情故事她们也是十分的追捧。 But now witnesses 而现在亲眼目睹了一场 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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