DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1346: Chatted the ideal of life?

Dou Saint? 斗圣 All people who hear these two characters have a scare. Even if that several talent from far Gu Family clan is still so. Except for Hun Clan and Gu Clan, the Dou Saint powerhouses of other far Gu Family clans have not been the degree of being in flood, each Dou Saint can the mainstay. 所有听到这两个字的人都吓了一跳。即使是那几个来自远古家族的天才也是如此。除了魂族古族,其他的远古家族的斗圣强者并没有达到泛滥的程度,每一位斗圣都能中流砥柱。 Even if the far Gu Family clan needs to treat with good manners regarding Dou Saint, for fear that the opposite party has anything to be discontented. 即使是远古家族对于斗圣都需要以礼相待,生怕对方有什么不满。 mother. Does Xu Ran make to guard the door the Dou Saint powerhouse? 尼玛。徐然斗圣强者弄来看门? Makes a mistake? 有没有搞错? In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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