DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1345: Guards a gate, Dou Saint

What Han Yue and Xinlan put on is the black Xu Sect martial arts clothing/taking, although is not the skirt, their heroic bearing that but a vigor installs was uncommon, was short of the gently beautifulness of some females, was very capable, outlined their perfect stature curves. 韩月欣蓝穿的是黑色的徐门武道服,虽然不是裙子,可一身劲装下的她们英姿不凡,少了些女子的柔美,十分干练,将她们完美的身材曲线都勾勒出来了。 Lining up these want to visit them through fellow also almost all looking at steadily of inspection. 排队的这些想要通过考核的家伙也几乎全都是目不转睛的看着她们。 The Xu Sect beautiful woman is floating about like clouds, many people also come to the beautiful woman. 徐门美女如云,许多人还都是冲着美女来的。 „ The Xu Sect beautiful woman were also too many. Be responsible for giving us to inspect 徐门的美女也太多了。负责给我们考核的 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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