DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1326: Feeling extremely flattered

„Were you now tier six alchemist? Growth real quick.” “你现在是六品炼药师了吗?成长的真快。” That is natural. I am practicing every day diligently, refine the pill of immortality. I can use the poison auxiliary cultivation fortunately, otherwise studies the words cultivation speed of compounded drug certainly to slow down.” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) happy was telling success that she cultivated for several days. jj.br > “那是自然。我每天都在努力修炼,炼丹。还好我可以用毒物辅助修炼,不然的话研究丹药的话修炼速度一定会变慢下来。”小医仙开心的诉说着她这些天修炼的成功。jj.br> Although there is Xu Ran to keep compounded drug inheritance in her mind, but can obtain such quick progress and Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) effort cannot separate. 虽说有徐然留在她脑海中的丹药传承,可能够获得这么快的进步与小医仙的努力是分不开的。 Especially the progress of Cultivation(Level), Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) now to Dou Emperor is only the one pace, can break through momentarily. When the time comes Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) should almost be able to launch the research to tier seven pill. 尤其是修为的进步,小医仙现在离斗皇都只是一步之遥,随时都可以突破。到时候小医仙应该差不多就能够展开对七品丹药的研究了。 Can refine tier six pill, so long as Central Plains where was top alchemist. When the time comes had you to help me refine the compounded drug I also to idle.” Happen to the compounded drug of Ya Fei that side auction can make Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) help refine. So long as Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) can refine tier six pill, that nondefective rate/lead not possible low. “能够炼制六品丹药,只要不去中州无论是在哪里都算是顶尖的炼药师了。到时候有你帮我炼制丹药我也能闲下来了。”正好雅妃那边拍卖会的丹药可以让小医仙帮忙炼制。小医仙只要能够炼制六品丹药,那良品率也不可能低。 That must look at my mood. Who makes you annoy me to be angry.” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) both hands hug in the chest front, is shrivelled the mouth, does intentionally saying that is angry. However even if Xu Ran did not say, she still with the past. Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran must follow Xu Ran to walk, she does not want to stay in this place. Moreover refines the medicinal herb that the high quality the compounded drug needs is very rare in Jia Ma Empire. “那要看我心情。谁让你惹我生气。”小医仙双手抱在胸前,瘪着嘴,故作生气的说道。不过就算徐然不说,她也会跟过去的。云韵纳兰嫣然都要跟着徐然走了,她可不想留在这个地方。而且炼制高品质的丹药所需要的药材在加玛帝国也十分罕见。 Hou. How that wants Elder Brother Xu Ran, my family isn't Xian'er angry? Or does Elder Brother Xu Ran raise the tiger by the body tonight?” Xu Ran smiles. Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) this puts on a serious face to be angry the pretty appearance that another face blushes, is white hair heroine in these animations is simply same. That time that Xu Ran passes through, in the animation is popular the white hair younger sister. If the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) picture passing to that world, does not know that many people will therefore fall to the enemy. The white hair is really the rare hair color. “嚯。那要徐然哥哥怎样,我家仙儿才不生气呢?要不徐然哥哥今晚以身饲虎?”徐然一笑。小医仙这板起脸生气又一脸红晕的俏丽样子,简直就是那些动漫里的白毛女主一样。徐然穿越的那时候,动漫里正流行白发妹子呢。要是小医仙的照片给传到那个世界,不知道多少人会因此沦陷。白发果然是稀有发色啊。 However in this world, as if does not have any white hair controls and so on. 不过在这個世界,似乎没有什么白毛控之类的。 „Do you also raise the tiger by the body? Bah bah bah...... my my I......” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) responded actually some little time. Xu Ran obviously is a big sexual harasser, actually added oneself raise the tiger by the body. Is she tigress? Oneself take advantage obviously also shows off cleverness unexpectedly. “你还以身饲虎?呸呸呸……我我我……”小医仙硬是好一会儿才反应过来。徐然明明自己就是一只大色狼,竟然还说自己以身饲虎。她难道是母老虎吗?明明自己占了大便宜竟然还卖乖。 You? Are and Xue Mei loaf?” Xu Ran looks to below two young girls. “你们呢?琳菲和雪魅有没有偷懒啊?”徐然看向下方的两位少女。 We...... we can only refine tier three pill, was far compared with the incoming messenger with Elder Sister Xian'er.” Two young girls have not thought that Xu Ran actually will remember them, but also talked with them, immediately was joyful. However thinks oneself grow somewhat loses slowly immediately. “我们……我们才只能炼制三品丹药,和仙儿姐姐比起来差远了。”两位少女没想到徐然竟然会记得她们,还和她们搭话,顿时欣喜不已。不过想到自己成长的这么慢顿时有些失落起来。 Own talents and these people compared with the words, the disparity was too big. 自己的天赋和这些人比的话,差距太大了。 Originally they can also be considered as the Heaven talent in some Jia Ma Empire small place, placing Jia Ma Empire can only be good. But Yun Yun, Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) each once was the top talent or the powerhouse. 本来她们也只是在加玛帝国某一个小地方才能算得上天才,放在加玛帝国只能算是不错。而云韵,纳兰嫣然,小医仙她们每一个都曾经是顶尖天才或是强者。 Three alchemist? You are very good.” Fei Lin and Xue Mei talent and Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) compare to have the disparity surely. Moreover Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) can break through is so quick , because of Poison Calamity Body. Even if no Xu Ran, the Poison Calamity Body potential erupts later Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) Cultivation(Level) still to rub to rise upward. Fei Lin and Xue Mei have not broken through Dou Spirit now, the alchemist rank naturally cannot promote. “三品炼药师吗?你们已经很不错了。”菲琳雪魅的天赋和小医仙比起来必定是有差距的。而且小医仙能够突破这么快,还是因为厄难毒体。就算是没有徐然,厄难毒体的潜力爆发出来之后小医仙修为也是蹭蹭蹭往上涨的。菲琳雪魅现在还没有突破斗灵,炼药师的级别自然提升不上去。 Xu Ran was also short compared with Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) to the alchemist inheritance of Fei Lin and Xue Mei. 徐然菲琳雪魅炼药师传承也比小医仙少了许多。 These compounded drug some promotes the cultivation, some promotion cultivation aptitude, should enough you promote to Dou King.” Xu Ran puts out two bottles of compounded drugs to give and Xue Mei conveniently. “这些丹药有的是提升修炼的,还有一些提升修炼资质的,应该足够你们提升到斗王了。”徐然随手拿出两瓶丹药交给琳菲和雪魅 Thanks Sir Xu Ran.” Two females feel extremely flattered takes two bottles of compounded drugs, stands to salute to Xu Ran from the chair hastily. “谢谢徐然大人。”两女受宠若惊的拿着两瓶丹药,连忙从椅子上站起来给徐然行礼。 They do not have to place with the position that in Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) they are equal, naturally does not dare satisfiedly takes the Xu Ran's thing. 她们还是没有将自己放在和小医仙她们等同的位置上,自然不敢心安理得的拿徐然的东西。 Does not need to be overly courteous. Before wasn't says to you? Moreover these things are also unworthy what money. You take are being, finished eating asked me to want again, if could not find me to look for the Xian'er medicine, she will pass some days should also to refine. You called me Xu Ran or Elder Brother Xu Ran are good.” Xu Ran prevents them to salute hastily, may not have that type by own woman to the odd that oneself kneel down. Although when certain specific, hey, but that is not the formal occasion, naturally does not calculate. Although Xu Ran many fondness are strange, but normal time Xu Ran always respects very much their. “不必多礼。之前不是都给你们说了吗?而且这些东西也不值什么钱。你们拿着就是,吃完了再找我要,如果找不到我的话就找仙儿药,她过些天应该也会炼制了。你们叫我徐然或者徐然哥哥都行。”徐然连忙阻止她们行礼,可没有那种让自己女人给自己下跪的怪癖。虽说在某些特定的时候,嘿,但那又不是正式场合,自然不算。徐然许多癖好虽然古怪,但正常的时候徐然可是从来都是很尊重她们的。 If not the system, and Xue Mei not necessarily cannot soak. 如果不是系统,琳菲和雪魅自己都不一定泡不上呢。 Thanks Elder Brother Xu Ran.” And Xue Mei( this chapter has not ended!) “谢谢徐然哥哥。”琳菲和雪魅(本章未完!) Chapter 4026 第4026章 Feeling extremely flattered 受宠若惊 Compounded drug tight grasping in the hand, moves at heart. 将丹药紧紧的握在手中,心里感动不已。 Xu Ran now absolutely was a great person, absolutely did not have the temperament of great person. Their status is mean, Xu Ran did not shut out them not saying that was really unexpectedly well-mannered to them, their where can not be affected. 徐然现在绝对算是大人物了,却完全没有大人物的脾气。她们身份低微,徐然不嫌弃她们不说,竟然还真的对她们彬彬有礼,她们哪里会不感动。 In Douqi Continent, human life such as worthless, most people may not care including oneself wives. 要知道,在斗气大陆,人命如草芥,大多数人连自己的正妻都不一定会在乎。 Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) their vision were also gentle. Although Xu Ran in the method went bad, always thinks some patterns of hearing something never heard of before, but has actually paid great attention to their feeling. By the Xu Ran's strength, if really wants to make certain things, depended on own strength to make obviously forcefully. 小医仙她们的目光也是温柔了许多。徐然虽说手段上坏了一些,总是想些闻所未闻的花样,但却一直注重她们的感受。以徐然的实力,如果真的想要做成某些东西,明明靠着自己的实力就可以强行做成了。 Regardless of Xu Ran is strong, how long knows with them, has respected their everyone's idea. If they really do not permit, Xu Ran will not go a step further absolutely. 无论徐然多强,和她们认识多久,都一直顾全她们所有人的想法。如果她们真的不允的话,徐然绝对不会更进一步。 This point, said that seems like no, person but who can achieve truly how many? 这一点,说起来似乎没什么,但真正能够做到的人又有多少呢? Thing that can easily obtain , will how many people choose to continue to respect? 能够轻易得到的东西,又有多少人会选择继续去尊重呢? Therefore, this is also Yun Yun their Xu Ran sincere point. 所以,这也是云韵她们都徐然倾心的一点。 Even if they will not be jealous, but is not willing to see that own love rival was punished by Xu Ran. Xu Ran of heavy affectionate righteousness is they likes. 即使她们不会吃醋,但也不愿意看到自己的情敌被徐然责罚。重情重义的徐然才是她们所喜欢的。 You think so *** what?” Xu Ran touches the nose, then the peaceful atmosphere makes Xu Ran find it strange suddenly. Especially everyone closely is staring at him. Is his compounded drug charm so big? “你们都这么看着***什么?”徐然摸了摸鼻子,骤然便得安静的气氛让徐然觉得怪怪的吧。尤其是所有人都紧紧地盯着他。难道他的丹药魅力就这么大? We were looking how Elder Brother Xu Ran deceives the girl. No wonder Elder Brother Xu Ran girl meets so many.” Nalan Yanran giggle smiles, is good to everyone so, may be liked by everyone.” “我们在看徐然哥哥是怎么骗女孩子的。难怪徐然哥哥身边的女孩子会那么多。”纳兰嫣然咯咯直笑,“对每个人都这么好,可能会受所有人喜欢嘛。” Who lets my inborn such Kindness?” “谁让我天生就这么善良呢?” Obviously is that Kindness to the pretty girl.” Nalan Yanran small sound said. “明明是对漂亮的女孩子才那么善良。”纳兰嫣然小声道。 Good. Since you came, I said the later arrangement. I prepare to build a space wormhole in cloud mist sect, connects cloud mist sect and Black Horn Territory. When the time comes even if here has what issue, you can still fast hurrying back.” Except for cloud mist sect, Snake-People that side Xu Ran will also build the space wormhole, facilitates the contacts of various places. Xu Ran is actually indifferent, which goes quickly, others were different, the space wormhole can be more convenient without doubt. “好了好了。既然你们都来了,那我就说说以后的安排吧。我准备在云岚宗搭建一个空间虫洞,将云岚宗和黑角域连通起来。到时候就算这边有什么问题,你们也能快速的赶回来。”除了云岚宗,蛇人族那边徐然也会搭建空间虫洞,方便各处的联络。徐然倒是无所谓,去哪儿都快,其他人就不同了,空间虫洞无疑能方便许多。
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