DDCTGFD :: Volume #14

#1325: Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) being jealous

Now the Xu Ran's boundary was high, Xu Ran also understanding gradually, the world myriad things have mystical powers. Even the mainland, is still same. 现在徐然的境界高了,徐然也渐渐的明白,世间万物都是有灵的。即使是大陆,也是一样。 Origin Qi did not have, in the final analysis the powerhouse were too many, does not have limited many. 源气之所以没了,归根究底还是强者太多了,没有节制的多。 The cultivation energy is not inexhaustible, used was too quick, naturally did not have. 修炼能量也不是无穷无尽的,用的太快了,自然没了。 Xu Ran thought that the system of Divine Realm is quite outstanding, only if there is old god to yield , will otherwise not present the powerhouse again. But god position inheritance in the past, the old god did not have these source strengths. 徐然觉得神界的体系还是比较优秀的,除非是有老神让位不然不会再出现强者。而将神位传承过去之后,老神也没有了那些本源力量了。 Actually so long as Dou Di dies in Douqi Continent finally, he once refine Origin Qi also naturally can return to this stretch of the world. But these Dou Di run one by one quickly, the entire running energy was richer the higher level the powerful mainland. 其实只要斗帝最后死在斗气大陆的话,他曾经炼化的源气也自然会回到这片天地中。但这些斗帝一个比一个跑得快,全跑能量更浓郁更高级的强大大陆去了。 No longer manages Void Devouring Flame to swallow the Origin Qi matter, Xu Ran soul force sweeps toward all around, then toward somewhere the room. 不再管虚无吞炎吞噬源气的事情,徐然灵魂力朝着四周扫荡,便朝着某处房间去了。 In the discussing official business main hall has the females of five acmes of beauty and deportment. 议事大殿里有五個千娇百媚的女子。 High what in most above sits is golden color inlays Yun Yun of purple tight-fitting brocade robe, 3000 black hair held in place by a phoenix accessory, the body passes noble that one point of unobtainable is concealing, the appearance is tranquil. What is worth mentioning is, although present Yun Yun makes people feel unattainable as before, but that gentle quiet and refined makings actually in the Yun Yun beautiful brow tips even more obviously obviously. On the face that rare ruddy flesh made her flesh seem like the family/home young and fresh-looking several points, was really the water sleek/moist young married woman. 在最上方高坐的是一身金色镶紫紧身锦袍的云韵,三千青丝被挽成凤凰长鸣之状,身上透着一分难以掩饰的高贵,容颜恬静美丽。值得一提的是,现在的云韵虽然依旧让人感到高不可攀,可那股温柔娴静的气质却是在云韵秀丽的眉梢间越发的明显可见。脸上那少见的红润肌肤让她的肌肤看上去更家水嫩了几分,真是个水润的少妇啊。 Even Xu Ran saw must stare the big eye, Yun Yun looked like the sweet and pretty young married woman of newly-married newlyweds at this moment. 徐然见了都得瞪大眼睛,云韵此刻就像是新婚燕尔的娇美少妇。 This morning gets up the Yun Yun discovery is not right, even to conceal change on the makings is still nothing means. Even if on the face covered, oneself intrinsic makings change cannot change. 今早起来云韵就发现不对劲了,不过即使想要掩饰自己气质上的变化也是没有任何办法。即使脸上遮盖住了,自己内在的气质变化却怎么也变不回来了。 It is estimated that saw personally Yun Yun at this moment will think. After all, this change was really obvious. 估计是个人看到了此刻的云韵都会浮想联翩。毕竟,这变化实在是太明显了。 The flesh of that face glowing with health, obviously experienced anything to change. 那容光焕发的肌肤,明显就是经历了一些什么才变化的。 Achieves Dou Di regarding Xu Ran, is Divine Realm control Xu Ran, even if Xu Ran spits a saliva is the superior day spirit treasure. The Xu Ran's taking a bath water can perhaps the life-saving life, be the good therapy wondrous medicines. Let alone...... regarding Yun Yun them, wants useful many compared with any cosmeceutical absolutely. 对于徐然达到斗帝,又是神界主宰的徐然来说,就算徐然吐个口水都是上等的天灵地宝。徐然的洗澡水说不定就能救人性命,是上好的疗伤圣药。更别说……对于云韵她们来说,绝对比任何保养品都要有用的多。 Nalan Yanran sits in Yun Yun left, is manipulating own hair, is in a daze. 纳兰嫣然坐在云韵左下边,摆弄着自己的头发,在发着呆。 Damn it Elder Brother Xu Ran. Had come cloud mist sect obviously, first does not visit me unexpectedly.” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) is whispering extremely low voice. How many women to woman change are sensitive, saw that days before was also similar to two female all of a sudden face glowing with health of boudoir embittered wife, her where hadn't had what clearly? 该死徐然哥哥。明明已经来了云岚宗,竟然首先不去看我。”小医仙极其小声的嘀咕着。女人对女人身上的变化是几位敏感的,看到前几日还如同深闺怨妇的两女一下子容光焕发,她哪里还不清楚发生了什么? Between she and Xu Ran also has to experience. 她和徐然之间又不是没有经历过。 Immediately somewhat eats the taste to get up. 顿时有些吃味起来。 Her Cultivation(Level) has reached the Dou King peak now, may break through Dou Di anytime, Poison Calamity Body breaks through simply should not be too quick, especially can also refine the compounded drug to eat to oneself can be simple. 她的修为现在已经达到了斗王巅峰,随时都有可能突破斗帝,厄难毒体突破起来简直不要太快,尤其还能自己给自己炼制丹药吃就能简单了。 And Xue Mei also successfully refined tier three pill recently, becomes three alchemist, but their Cultivation(Level) were also the Dou Grandmaster degree. 琳菲和雪魅最近也成功炼制了三品丹药,成为了三品炼药师,而她们的修为也达到了大斗师的程度。 Initially Xu Ran and Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) met their times, they were also only tier one alchemist. But now they pursue catch up with their elders. Although their growth speeds were badly far compared with Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor), can their talents be obviously progresses. By their talents, being doomed was Dou Di was hopeless, Xu Ran planned, gave them to ask an idle young god to do in Divine Realm. Even if Xu Ran can provide a lot of cultivation resources and treasures even can still greatly enhance their cultivation aptitude, but something are doomed to need to select the talent. 要知道,当初徐然小医仙遇到她们的时候,她们还只是一品炼药师而已。而现在她们都追追上她们的长辈了。虽说她们的成长速度比起小医仙差远了,可以她们的天赋而言已经算是十分明显的进步了。以她们的天赋,注定是斗帝无望了,徐然打算以后给她们在神界找个清闲的小神做做。即使徐然能够提供很多修炼资源和宝物甚至也能大幅提高她们的修炼资质,可有些东西注定还是需要点天赋的。 „Does immortal elder, what you stare at me to regard as?” Yun Yun by scalp tingles that the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) look looks , after because particularly yesterday made anything, somewhat afraid Yun Yun was been quite sensitive by others' vision, let alone is Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) that naked vision. “仙长老,你老是盯着我看做什么?”云韵小医仙的眼神看的头皮发麻,尤其是因为昨天做了什么之后有些心虚的云韵被别人的目光极为敏感,更别说是小医仙那赤裸裸的目光。 Certain people were anything to be clear.” The Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) sound is sour, the eye puts aside in the main hall is sizing up everywhere, sees, low voice whisper that cleanly all around cleans, cleaning up is really clean.” “某些人做了什么自己清楚。”小医仙的声音酸溜溜的,眼睛移开在大殿四处打量着,见四周打扫的干干净净的,又小声的嘀咕,“清理的还真干净。” hears word, Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran are the complexion encircle change, at heart bashful nervous. 闻言,云韵纳兰嫣然都是脸色围变,心里臊的慌。 They knew that yesterday was certainly bumped into by Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor). 她们晓得昨天一定是被小医仙撞见了。 Others do not dare to come to this place casually, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) is the Xu Ran's person naturally cannot have scruples as tier six alchemist. Therefore after coming, bumps into Yun Yun to kneel to sit on the chair, both hands tight grabbing arm rest. 别人不敢随便来这个地方,小医仙作为六品炼药师又是徐然的人自然不会顾忌。所以来了之后就撞见云韵跪坐在椅子上,双手紧紧的抓着扶手。 Does not think fortunately, remembers that picture Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) on the vitality/angry. 不想起来还好,想起那画面小医仙就生气。 Yun Yun sovereign, finally works has no sense of propriety! Snort! 云韵还是宗主呢,结果做事这么不知分寸!哼! And matter of Xue Mei actually not clear yesterday. They they envy about Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor). They self-knowledge, Xu Ran absolutely was also impossible to their loves to Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) their so many, moreover oneself could not compare them by far. They only hope to be able, even if on Xu Ran 1/100000000 loves. 琳菲和雪魅倒是不清楚昨天发生的事。她们对小医仙她们十分羡慕。她们又自知之明,徐然对她们的爱绝对不可能有对小医仙她们那么多,而且自己也远远比不上她们。她们只期盼能够得到哪怕徐然身上亿分之一的宠爱。 „Did I work?” “我做什么事了?” Yun Yun is red a face, but conceals the flustered mood quickly. 云韵红着一张脸,不过很快掩饰掉自己慌张的情绪。 Nalan Yanran also does calmly. Although after she follows Xu Ran , the courage also increased, but that is because thought that will not have others to know will be brave. If were discovered by others, that also lost face. Especially Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) they. 纳兰嫣然也强作镇定。虽然她跟着徐然之后胆子也变大了许多,但那都是因为觉得不会有别人知道才会胆大。要是被别人发现了,那也太丢脸了。尤其是小医仙她们。 Really wanted me to say?” “真的要我说吗?” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) sweet smiles, the taste of vinegar in that smile followed very far Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran smells. The women eat the vinegar to come that to be very crazy. 小医仙甜甜一笑,那笑容里的醋味跟着很远云韵纳兰嫣然都是闻到了。女人吃起醋来那可是很疯狂的。 „? What did younger sister Xian'er have to say? Gave me also to say.” Xu Ran collected. Sees Xu Ran, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) first is one happy, then immediately puts on a serious face does not look at Xu Ran. “哦?仙儿妹妹有什么要说啊?给我也说说呗。”徐然凑了过来。看到徐然,小医仙先是一喜,然后立刻板起脸不去看徐然 Xian'er, how?” Xu Ran does not care at all arrives at the Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) side, hugs to sit Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) on the chair directly. 仙儿,怎么了?”徐然毫不在意的来到小医仙的身边,直接将小医仙抱起来坐在椅子上。 The body of Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) is very light, the body is sending out the special fragrance that the body fragrance and medicine mix to weave fragrant. Feels relieved the thin white skirt obviously to dress up carefully, slender white hair in broken bits uses the black hair clip don't. Even if the vitality/angry, Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) does not think that the influence in Xu Ran heart are damaged. Xu Ran is thinking Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) that is angry and dresses up own picture to find it very ridiculous carefully. 小医仙的身体很轻,身上散发着体香和药香混织起来的特殊香味。一身轻薄的白裙明显是精心打扮过的,细碎修长的白发用黑色发夹别着。即使是生气,小医仙也不想自己在徐然心中的影响受损。徐然想着小医仙那又生气又仔细的打扮自己的画面就觉得很好笑。 Yesterday I came you not. Otherwise such spacious place, cannot contain. Even if called you.” Xu Ran low voice teasing. “昨天我来了你也没在啊。不然这么宽敞的地方,又不是容纳不下。就算把你们都叫过来都可以。”徐然小声的调侃道。 Originally Xu Ran wants to call yesterday Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor). However such Yun Yun will not comply absolutely, therefore even. Yun Yun and Yanran's combine are more reasonable. 本来徐然昨天是想将小医仙叫过来的。不过那样云韵绝对不会答应,所以就算了。云韵嫣然的组合更加合理呢。 I have not thought. I not such......” Xiao Yixian (Little Fairy Doctor) like them ruthlessly white Xu Ran, then on deep burying in the Xu Ran's bosom. “我才没有那么想呢。我可不会像她们一样那样……”小医仙狠狠的白了徐然一样,然后就深深的埋在徐然的怀里了。
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