DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#348: Murders the cauldron leather not to extinguish the ya zi Dharmakaya

It seems like, the movement of punishment day city was ahead of time.” “看来,刑天城的动作提前了。” On the shoulder of demons giant, book mountain Huting the punishment day painful moan, is wrinkling own snow white brow. 罗刹巨人的肩膀上,书山虎听着刑天痛苦的呻吟声,皱起了自己的雪白眉头。 Why is brother depressed? “老哥为何闷闷不乐? The waiting resurrecting ceremony starts, we wait for an opportunity to intend it to break again, making the punishment day city fail when success seemed within reach, but can also make their even white consume several hundred years of accumulation the blood of punishment day, is this not just the result that we want? ” 等待复活仪式启动,我们再伺机出手将其打断,使刑天城功败垂成,还能让他们平白消耗掉几百年积累的刑天之血,这不正是我们想要的结果吗?” In the battlefield the ice and fire interweave 战场中冰与火交织成的 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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