DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#347: The fight tyrannosaurus, the ceremony starts

In the jet black curtain of night the cold wind howls, this is the metal great plains that one crowded magma networks of waterways surround, a continuous over a hundred ten li (0.5 km) prolonged mountain range, is situated on ten thousand li (0.5 km) wilderness that extremely towering, in the terrain too has not fluctuated greatly. 漆黑的夜幕中寒风呼啸,这是一片密集岩浆河网环绕的金属大平原,一座连绵上百十里的绵长山脉,极为突兀地坐落在地形没有太大起伏的万里原野上。 In valley that in two mountain range mountains included angles form, in a huge metal city, is sparkling the magnificent lights. 在某个两条山脉余脉夹角形成的谷底里,一座庞大的金属城市中,正闪耀着辉煌的灯火。 Enters this punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals biggest city, sees to see, is stands tall and erect palatially, even the window does not have 走进这座刑天洞天最大的城市,入目所见,皆是一栋栋高耸巍峨,连窗户都没有的 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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