DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#315: Neighboring deep pool dreamland, imperial city Si health/guard

Name: star dream liquor 【姓名】:星梦酒 Rank: High-grade 等级:中上品 Characteristics: 特性: The star dream is drunk: The entrance of punishment day dwelling place of Buddhist immortals hidden in the whole city clear dream of deep pool city , after taking this liquor, may help the member obtain 12 the nightmare monster bodies of double-hour. 星梦醉:刑天洞天的入口隐藏在临渊城的满城清梦中,服用此酒之后,可使修士获得十二个时辰的梦魇妖体。 Note: Takes liquor to in city several million people of collective dreamlands seek for the entrance that the dwelling place of Buddhist immortals hidden, if before the nightmare monster body expires, cannot leave the dreamland, will live in distress forever. 注:服酒者需在一城几百万人的集体梦境中找寻洞天隐藏的入口,若在梦魇妖体失效之前,未能离开梦境,将被永远困居其中。 This is Du Kang carries the star dream liquor 这是杜康端起星梦酒 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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