DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#314: After being drunk, does not know that the day in the water, full Chuanqing the dream presses the galaxy

Although is the night 1 to 3 a.m., but still had the scattered pedestrian near the avenue in deep pool city on. 虽然已经是深夜丑时,但临渊城的大街上仍有稀稀落落的行人。 Just since the brothel came out, whole body effeminacy brothel customer ; Drinks in the wineshop is dead drunk, male drunkard of lying down corpse in corner ; Opens for the night guest specially, makes a laborious money the snack booth, rolls up the beggar under shop spacious eaves...... 刚从青楼出来,满身脂粉气的嫖客;在酒肆中喝得酩酊大醉,躺尸在街角的醉汉;专门为深夜客人开设,赚点辛苦钱的小食摊,还有蜷缩在店铺宽大屋檐下的乞丐…… These streams of people and street sparse lights, constituted together near the night scene of deep pool city. 这些人流和街边稀疏的灯火,共同构成了临渊城的夜景。 With 6 p.m. to midnight a babel of voices and stream of people 和前半夜的人声鼎沸、人流 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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