DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#268: Today winter solstice, lofty moral character in water

Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Tonight is starless and moonless, the jet black vault of heaven covers all fields of vision of top of the head, the ice-cold sea water is also the similar color. 今夜无星无月,漆黑的苍穹覆盖头顶的所有视野,冰冷的海水亦是同样的色彩。 Has several zhang (3.33 m) large ship of four garrets to go in the jet black sea level, under the wooden eaves of garret is hanging the red lantern of jubilation crowded, the well-illuminated lights illuminated nearby sea level, the laughing sound that the intermittent pleasant sound and feasts spreads by far, for this lonely sea night without the moon/month increased a rare popularity. 拥有四层阁楼的十几丈楼船行驶在漆黑的海面上,阁楼的木质屋檐下密集地挂着喜庆的红色灯笼,通明的灯火照亮了附近的海面,阵阵的喜乐声和宴饮的欢笑声远远传开,为这个无月的寂寥海夜增添了一份少有的人气。 The side also several volume slightly small ships of large ship, composed a fleet together, on the ship were holding a grand wedding banquet. 楼船的旁边还有几只体积稍小的船只,共同组成了一支船队,船上正在举行一场盛大的婚宴。 The high-profile sound of Suona horn, the hoarse yu sound, the clear cymbals sound and cheerful drumbeat, interweave jubilation the happiness of wedding banquet, in the deck, the waiter is continuous, guests lively banquet scene, during exchanging toasts full is the joyous feelings of attending the wedding. 张扬的唢呐声、嘶哑的竽声、清脆的钹声、欢快的鼓声,交织成一曲喜庆的婚宴之乐,甲板上,侍者川流不息,宾客们觥筹交错,推杯换盏之间满是参加婚礼的喜悦之情。 But in the top layer of Lord ship, was arranged in the spacious cabin in nuptial chamber, here atmosphere is also fiery. 而在主船的顶层,被布置成洞房的宽敞舱房内,这里的气氛同样火热。 Under the red tent/account jogging, was turned is laid up, Du Kang stands in the bedside, one time was really has completed to bride's interrogation. 红帐轻摇,被翻落床下,杜康站在床边,确是已经完成了一次对新娘的审问。 In new home that this hung all over the red curtain, the red candle sends out the ambiguous red light, the cheeks red bride is trying hard to be gentle own breath, she loosened closely grabbed the hand of pillow, started to lift hand cleaning to fall on the beads of sweat to nape of the neck. 这个挂满了红色帷帐的新房之内,红烛散发着暧昧的红光,脸颊通红的新娘努力平缓着自己的呼吸,她松开了紧紧抓着枕头的手,开始抬手擦拭滑落到脖颈上的汗珠。 When the body and mind mighty waves completely all return to normal, the bride lies low on the bed, such as the silk was saying to the man coquettish look of bedside. 等到身心的波澜尽皆平复,新娘才平躺在床上,对着床边的男人媚眼如丝地说道。 Your this man really attractively, but was too brave a point, today is others wedding nights, I looked at your one eyes in the guest a moment ago, you dare to rush first to become a bridegroom directly, you may know that whose ship this was, did not fear that threw the head because of the woman.” “你这个男人长得真漂亮,但就是太胆大了一点,今天可是人家的新婚之夜,我不过是刚才在宾客中多看了你一眼,你就敢直接闯进来抢先当一回新郎,你可知道这是谁的船,也不怕因为女人而丢了脑袋。” I dare the line of this matters of having an affair, how can not inquire beforehand clearly, you are the Ocean Wave Sea hundred flowers island island Lord daughter, what getting married is four young masters of dark blue billows city Xue, your weddings marry for a route more unobstructed family, today will be the first day that the Xue four young masters will marry you to go back, the ceremony of getting married will also hold on the ship directly.” “我敢行这偷香窃玉之事,怎么会不事先打听清楚,你是碧波海百花岛岛主的女儿,娶亲的是沧澜城薛家的四公子,你们的婚事只是为了航路更加通畅的家族联姻,今天是薛四公子娶你回去的第一天,成亲的仪式也将会直接在船上举行。” Du Kang puts on the clothes that the ground scatters on the body, while said to the bride like this, obviously is familiar with these two situations. 杜康一边将地上散落的衣服穿在身上,一边对新娘这样说道,显然对这两家的情况如数家珍。 Knows that these also dare to enter my room, really does not have the skill, is a bold generation, does not know that which type you are?” “知道这些还敢进我的房,不是真的有本事,就是个色胆包天之辈,不知道你属于哪一种呢?” Knew that ten years of old book friends give pursuing book app that I recommend, trades source app! really easy-to-use, before driving and rest, depends on this to read aloud listens to storytelling to kill the time, here can download .huanyuanapp 【认识十年的老书友给我推荐的追书app,换源app!真特么好用,开车、睡前都靠这个朗读听书打发时间,这里可以下载.huanyuanapp】 The bride lies low on the bed, stretches out the jade foot to skid in the chest of Du Kang slowly, between the spoken language and movement completely reveal the Fenshui show, obviously is not a law-abiding woman. 新娘平躺在床上,伸出玉足在杜康的胸膛缓缓滑动,言语和动作间尽显汾骚,显然也不是个安分的女人。 „Do I have the skill, you had not realized a moment ago, wanted me to prove again one time?” “我有没有本事,你刚才不是体会过了嘛,难道还想要我再证明一次吗?” Du Kang of dregs male essence front the white and tender small feet will pat one side, on bride's the giving birth for the first time character and style to the bed does not spare a glance, did not see a moment ago to clinging to of this physical body. 渣男本质的杜康一把将面前白嫩的小脚拍到一旁,对床上新娘的开怀风情也不屑一顾,丝毫不见刚才对这具肉体的贪恋。 Places this place Du Kang is his ankylosaurus clone town/subdues mountain Daoist, tonight this fleet passes through on a grand scale associates with people to get the , when has approached forging of profound deep Zhenhai seal now, worried that some people destruction Du Kang then comes this nosing deliberately specially. 身处此地的杜康是他的甲龙分身镇岳道人,今夜这支船队大张旗鼓地经过交人领附近,因为现在已经临近玄冥镇海印的锻造之时,担忧有人蓄意破坏的杜康便特意来此查探情况。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Under spirit warm/gentle adds holds, clone also to borrow to hear limited sound the strength intercepts others aspiration, submerged Du Kang of marriage ship quickly to be clear about the origin of this fleet on the inquiry. 灵煦加持之下,分身也可以有限度地借用闻声相的力量窃听他人心声,潜入婚船的杜康很快就打探清楚了这支船队的来历。 both sides of marriage, have had old friend Xue of happening together with Du Kang, with a Ocean Wave Sea influence also calculates can the islands, the fleet will pass by Taohua Island, is completely only because tonight does not have the moon/month, the immersion is being joyfully celebrated the fleet to deviate the route, does not aim at Du Kang. 结亲的双方,是与杜康有过交集的老朋友薛家,和碧波海一家势力还算可以的岛屿,船队之所以会路过桃花岛,完全只是因为今夜无月,沉浸在欢庆中的船队偏离了航线,并不是针对杜康而来。 But held the careful no blunder principle, Du Kang will be looking at cultivated/repaired on the ship for the highest two people on, the bridegroom and bride were not only the middle rank member, on the marriage ship cultivated/repaired for the highest. 但秉着小心无大错的原则,杜康还是将目光锁定在了船上修为最高的两个人身上,新郎和新娘不仅都是中阶修士,还是婚船上修为最高者。 Most people on ship may be treated as the cannon fodder to be deceived, but these two, if really has to Du Kang scheme, the happy pair will not know the circumstances of the matter absolutely. 船上的大部分人有可能会被当做炮灰而受骗,但这两家如果真的对杜康有所图谋的话,新郎新娘绝对不会不知情的。 Adds hears sound who holds to weaken after spirit warm/gentle, Du Kang cannot achieve the aspiration of relaxed hearing middle rank member, but he in the heart of banquet guest, actually the accident/surprise listened to know the bride is quite profligately frivolous before the wedding, liked the news of various good-looking men. 经过灵煦加持的闻声相有所削弱,杜康做不到轻松的听到中阶修士的心声,但他在宴会宾客的心中,却意外听知了新娘婚前极为轻浮放荡,喜好各种俊男的消息。 Was illuminating photo Du Kang to the mirror, then thinks instantaneously goes down to the tiger's den to eavesdrop on the news the good way. 对着镜子照了照的杜康,瞬间便想到了一个深入虎穴探听消息的好办法。 Ordinary time cannot hear the aspiration of middle rank member, profoundly exchanges time couldn't have heard? 平常的时候听不到中阶修士的心声,难道深入交流的时候还听不到吗? After the plan is formulated, is the bold implementation stage. 计划制定好后,便是大胆的执行阶段。 Sees the rookie to bow to heaven and earth, the bridegroom stays in the deck to propose a toast, the bride under supporting by the arm of maidservant returned to the room, Du Kang several to raise vertical arrived at out of the window in top new home, sounded that ajar window door. 看到新人拜完天地,新郎留在甲板上敬酒,新娘在侍女的搀扶下回到房间,杜康几个提纵就来到了顶层新房的窗外,敲响了那扇半掩的窗门。 The later story is unsuitable to relate in detail, a night is soft only, the open sea was been right by doubling, in the red lips, the powder arm, the governing leg, in fragrant village these Du Kang familiar battlefields, he fights quite handily. 之后的故事不便细说,不外乎一夜柔情似水,远洋被里成双对,在朱唇,粉臂,御腿,香屯这些杜康熟悉的战场上,他还是战斗得颇为得心应手的。 In the heart and heart, the collision of meat and in meat, the Du Kang use heard sound deep interrogated and tortured bride's innermost feelings, after obtaining information that some were not interested, had determined this fleet is only the pure drift, forges to have nothing to do with the almighty troops being planned. 在心与心,肉与肉的碰撞中,杜康使用闻声相深深的拷问了新娘的内心,得到了一些自己不感兴趣的情报后,已经确定了这支船队只是单纯的偏航,与自己正在计划的神兵锻造无关。 Before lifting window that the step arrives at to shut tightly, Du Kang opens the window, whatever the cold wind and noise of out of the window insufflate in the cabin, carries off in the room the ambiguous smell, the vision calmly is gazing at the darkness of distant place, does not know that is looking at anything. 抬步走到紧闭的窗前,杜康推开窗户,任由窗外的冷风和喧嚣吹进舱室内,带走屋内暧昧的气味,目光静静地注视着远处的黑暗,不知在看些什么。 The icy cold body sympathized in Du Kang conducted the back, brings the female voice that stuck the mouth sound gathered near the ear of Du Kang, emitted the aura of hot and damp seduction to say from the mouth. 身后一具冰凉的身体贴在了杜康背上,一个带着黏黏口腔音的女声凑到杜康的耳边,从口中喷吐出湿热诱惑的气息说道。 „Do you want to walk? Others a while also wants the nuptial chamber, you took away my bellyband and profane the trousers, how lets others with own husband confession!” “你要走了吗?人家一会儿还要洞房呢,你拿走了我的肚兜和亵裤,让人家怎么跟自己的夫君交代啊!” You can tell your husband, wedding banquet when waits for a ship on the too many cooks will spoil the broth, not careful did to lose these two things, he will certainly believe your.” “你可以跟你的夫君说,婚宴的时候船上人多手杂,不小心把这两件东西搞丢了,他一定会相信你的。” If he later has closely examined, you can also make him ask the guests to help look, guest who my picks the lost object, certainly these two things.” “如果他之后还是一直追问的话,你也可以让他叫宾客们帮忙找找,我这个捡到失物的客人,一定会将这两件东西还回来的。” Du Kang and Xue had the enmity, otherwise the bride is even unconventional, his moral behavior will not allow that he puts down does without charge the matter that the wedding night rests others bride to come, therefore he after hearing the words of woman, immediately plays the joke of lower reaches. 杜康和薛家本就存在仇怨,否则即便新娘放荡不羁,他的人品也不会容许他平白做出新婚之夜睡别人新娘的事情来,所以他在听到女人的话后,立刻就开起了下流的玩笑。 You were really repugnant, say others not to put you to walk.” “你真讨厌,说得人家都不想放你走了。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Lost the bellyband and profanes the bride of trousers to drill to the Du Kang bosom, depends on him to look to the scenery of out of the window, was not worried oneself meet the spring scenery leak, the matter that or steals the man was seen by others. 丢失了肚兜和亵裤的新娘钻到杜康怀里,依着他看向窗外的风景,一点也不担心自己会春光外泄,或者偷男人的事情被别人看到。 Because this is the normal state between member, although the wedding night will ask other man to make the Xue four young masters not have the face very much, even if did not see the guest who carefully window scenery can still understand. 因为这是修士间的常态,虽然新婚之夜就找别的男人会让薛四少爷很没面子,但即便是不小心看到窗口这一幕风景的宾客也是能理解的。 This is a powerhouse to revere world, the bride as the capital that a middle rank member has does this, what is more important, this wedding essentially is forming an alliance of two families, they in secret regardless of many sweethearts and handsome man, will not affect two marrying essences. 这是个强者为尊的世界,新娘身为一个中阶修士就拥有这样做的资本,更重要的是,这场婚事本质上是两个家族的结盟,他们夫妻二人私下里不论有多少情人、面首,也都不会影响两家的联姻实质。 Du Kang is embracing the beautiful woman, stands blows the cold wind to say before the window spookily. 杜康怀抱着美人,站在窗前吹着冷风幽幽说道。 I will not walk, 11 p.m. to 1 a.m soon arrived, tomorrow is the winter solstice, keeps your several ship people alone nearby this, how can I feel relieved under?” “我是不会走的,子时就快要到了,明天就是冬至,独留你们几船人在这附近,我怎能放心得下呢?” What did you say? I had not listened a moment ago clearly.” “你说什么?我刚才没有听清楚。” The bride has not understood the Du Kang words, but also in selfish will bury in his chest, clings to is listening strong powerful heartbeat. 新娘没有听懂杜康的话,还在自顾自的将头埋在他的胸口,贪恋地听着其中强健有力的心跳声。 But the quick bride no longer had doubts his words, an invisible strength dropped from the clouds, bride's tender body oppression must fall down, stuck to the deck cannot move. 但很快新娘就不再疑惑他的话了,一股无形的力量从天而降,将新娘的娇躯压迫得摔倒在地,紧贴在船板上动弹不得。 What did you make? Who are you? What do you want?” “你做了什么?你是什么人?你想要得到什么?” Attack suddenly made the bride however sober courageous, struggled furiously, but the invisible enormous force oppressed her stubbornly on the iron star wooden boat board. 骤然的遇袭让新娘勐然清醒了过来,奋力挣扎,但无形的巨大力量还是将她死死地压迫在了铁星木船板上。 The powerful body as middle rank member is incapable of resisting this type radically like the deity general great strength, she is been same by the insect amber that the pine oil packages like one, including a body pressed twist deformation, moves cannot move, can only the reluctant opens the mouth interrogate that this captures the brutal man. 身为中阶修士的强大身体根本无力抵抗这种如同天神一般的巨力,她就如同一个被松油包裹的昆虫琥珀一样,连一身皮肉被压的扭曲变形,都一动不能动,只能勉强张口质问这个拔掉无情的男人。 Du Kang looks the bride who front jade body lies, the tone gentle comfort said. 杜康看着面前玉体横陈的新娘,语气柔和的安慰道。 Good and evil has an evening to be happy, I will not kill your, but you place that comes not supposed to come , can only deliver you to leave here by me, after hoping you, can recall tonight happiness.” “好歹有过一夕欢愉,我是不会杀你的,但你们来了不该来的地方,就只能由我送你离开这里了,愿你以后还能回想起今夜的欢乐。” The rich mist gushes out from Du Kang baseless, quick filled up the entire room, camouflaged bride's line of sight, and all submerges the bridal subsequent speaking voice is one of them, then spreads to the outside world from the slit of windows and doors. 浓郁的雾气从杜康周围凭空涌出,很快就填满了整个房间,遮蔽了新娘的视线,并且将新娘后续的说话声全都淹没在其中,然后从门窗的缝隙向外界蔓延。 Overlooks from the upper air, this in fleets comprised of seven steamships, happy drank the boatman who the waiter of guest and service that steered...... to paste under the function of attraction in the deck and cabin completely on the iron star wooden boat board, in the moan of mumbling, was submerged by the ghost fog of coming. 从高空俯瞰,这支由七艘大船组成的船队中,在甲板和舱房内欢饮的宾客、服务的侍者、掌舵的船工……全部都在引力的作用下贴在了铁星木船板上,在哼哼唧唧的呻吟声中,被汹涌而来的鬼雾淹没。 On the ship two middle rank member cannot only resist the Du Kang attraction, let alone these low rank member and mortals, the entire fleet will fall into during the control of Du Kang shortly, under the interaction of attraction and repulsion, transfers the direction, changes course to drive to the north. 连船上唯二的中阶修士都不能对抗杜康的引力,更别说这些低阶修士和凡人了,整艘船队在顷刻之间就落入了杜康的控制之中,在引力和斥力的相互作用下,调转方向,改道向北方驶去。 Wraps ghost fog the entire fleet, camouflaged on the ship the bright lights, made night of jet black one no moon/month restore to the original condition. 将整个船队包裹其中的鬼雾,遮蔽了船上明亮的灯火,使漆黑一片的无月之夜恢复了原貌。 The pleasant idle time, the whoopee answers a curtain call, the lights camouflage, the fleet like one team the ghost ship that in the thick fog goes, cuts the wave, to being far away to associate with people the direction of lead(er) to drive slowly...... 喜乐停歇,欢闹谢幕,灯火遮蔽,船队就像一队在浓雾中行驶的鬼船一样,划破波浪,向远离交人领的方向缓缓驶去…… Stands Du Kang in new home, the line of sight penetrates the rich ghost fog, looks out to the direction that associating with people to lead, in the mouth thinks aloud. 站立在新房内的杜康,视线穿透浓郁的鬼雾,遥望向交人领的方向,口中自言自语道。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Today the winter solstice, the lofty moral character in the water, the forging water is the auspicious day of almighty troops......” “今日冬至,盛德在水,正是个锻造水属神兵的好日子……” Finishes speaking, the remote place transmits associates with people in sole possession of the song sound of hidden bitterness tune. 话音刚落,遥远处就传来交人独有幽怨腔调的歌谣声。 Qingyang start, root gai with then, paste sleek/moist and love, the qi line finish catches......” “青阳开动,根荄以遂,膏润并爱,跂行毕逮……” Zhu Ming sheng is long, turns over to with the myriad things, the tung oil tree to live Mao Yu, has institute Qu waste......” “朱明盛长,归与万物,桐生茂豫,靡有所诎……” Western white and shiny Hang dang, the Autumn chill withers, hangs clever including the show , to continue old not waste......” “西颢沆砀,秋气肃杀,含秀垂颖,续旧不废……” Profound deep tomb is cloudy, hibernation of insects insect cover Zang, vegetation fallen, arrives at the winter frost......” “玄冥陵阴,蛰虫盖臧,草木零落,抵冬降霜……” 11 p.m. to 1 a.m, when the winter solstice, the forging ceremony of profound deep Zhenhai seal must start finally. 子时已至,时值冬至,玄冥镇海印的锻造仪式终于要开始了。 The melody that associates with people are quiet and beautiful and alone, even ten thousand people sing in a chorus still have a different kind plaintive persuasive meaning, in the song of praise of sacrificial offering four seasons Spiritual God full is fresh the deep love to the undulating that and dies is sad, in finally the transformation is mold Lakers and god, the pleasantness of life and death boundary. 交人的唱腔清幽、孤寂,即便是万人合唱中也带有一种别样的哀怨婉转之意,祭祀四季神灵的赞歌中满是对生的热爱和死的澹澹哀伤,在最后又转变为一种模湖人与神,生与死界限的喜乐。 As the moving singing sound resounds through in the world, quick is similar to the worm that seizes every opportunity, oneself sneaked in the ear of person of fleet. 随着动人的歌声在天地间响彻,很快就如同无孔不入的蠕虫般,自己钻进了船队之人的耳中。 People who hear this song, quick the movement that gives up struggling to keep, child Kong enlarges, as if saw the four seasons Spiritual God is walking toward oneself, on the face showed the foolish smile, joined offered a sacrifice to happy singing loudly. 听到这歌的人们,很快就放弃了挣扎不停的动作,童孔放大,仿佛看到了四季神灵在向自己走来,脸上露出了痴傻的笑容,也加入了祭乐的高歌中。 Saw this Du Kang, on the face showed really such smile. 看到这一幕的杜康,脸上露出了果然如此的笑容。 Leads you to leave is really right, if made you also join the ranks of sacrificial offering, only the ceremony that requested the water clan to attend may be destroyed.” “带你们离开果然是对的,要是让你们也加入了祭祀的行列,只要求水族参加的仪式可就被生生破坏掉了。” Controls the ships acceleration of under foot to leave this sea area, is slightly light until singing sound, on the ship the worshipping symptoms of these people have reduced. 控制脚下的船只加速驶离这片海域,直到身边的歌声稍轻,船上这些人的拜神症状才有所减轻。 But at this time, along with the redundant singing sound, in sea day color darkness, the sea level of distant place however raised repeatedly courageous a azure Sun. 而此时,伴随着一遍遍重复的歌声,海天一色的黑暗中,远方的海面勐然升起了一轮青色的太阳。 The rising sun of initial rise is located the East, with by the color of sparkle azure life birth in the world, illuminated the entire dark world. 初升的旭日位于东方,配以青色这种生命诞生之色闪耀于天地之间,照亮了整个黑暗的世界。 This is the positivity of spring, is representing initial of four seasons, is symbolizing official start of ceremony. 这是春之阳,代表着四季的初始,也象征着仪式的正式开始。 The rich ghost fog camouflaged the azure sunlight, the fleet carried full Chuan the passenger to go far away rapidly, was separated from the region that this Spiritual God strength covered gradually, but associates with people the ceremony that got still to continue. 浓郁的鬼雾遮蔽了外界青色的阳光,船队载着满船的乘客飞速远去,渐渐脱离了这片神灵力量覆盖的区域,而交人领的仪式还在继续。 The time passes slowly, azure Sun climbs in the sky slowly, when rises to the sky center, transformed the blazing red from the azure directly. 时间缓缓流逝,青色的太阳在天空中慢慢爬升,在升到天空正中的时候,直接从青色转变成了炽热的红色。 This is symbolizing the summer scarlet Yang, is making clear to the summer myriad things exuberant vitality. 这是象征着夏日的赤阳,昭示着夏日万物旺盛的生命力。 This world the god of four seasons is not the life occupies the god position secretly, needs the incense and candle to hope the strength the god of personality, but is the god of concept in the natural main road evolves, not thinks not thinks, was actually aloof the limit of life, has the ordinary member not unimaginable good fortune mighty force. 这个世界的四季之神并不是生灵窃居神位,需要香火愿力的人格之神,而是自然大道中衍化出的概念之神,无思无想,却又超脱了生命的极限,拥有着普通修士无法想象的造化伟力。 The world is a furnace, the good fortune is the labor, the Yin-Yang is the coal, the myriad things are the copper. 天地为炉兮,造化为工,阴阳为炭兮,万物为铜。 Sheng Jia designs the original intention of this ceremony, is to borrow god of four seasons the strength of good fortune, completes forging of almighty troops, Du Kang thought that such design idea does not have the issue, then continued to use the ceremony of Sheng directly. 盛家设计这个仪式的初衷,就是要借用四季之神的造化之力,来完成神兵的锻造,杜康觉得这样的设计思路是没有问题的,便直接沿用了盛家的仪式。 The singing sound that associates with people was still continuing, red Sun falls slowly to the west, when falls to the horizon west, turned into a white big fireball. 交人的歌声仍在继续,赤色的太阳缓缓向西落去,在降到天边最西侧的时候,变成了一个白色的大火球。 This is autumn white Yang of symbol, represents the air/Qi of gold/metal the myriad things are withering, will kill in the land in the fall most lives. 这是象征的秋天的白阳,代表着万物肃杀的金戈之气,将会在秋日里杀死大地上大部分的生灵。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 The Du Kang main body stands in the tranquil sea level, over ten thousand or azure or blue associating with people partly float in the water, is singing loudly great and universal love of four seasons, to white golden Sun transparent white one piece of sea water photo. 杜康的本体站立在平静的海面上,上万只或青或碧的交人半浮在水中,高歌着四季的伟大和博爱,任由白金色的太阳将海水照的亮白一片。 Overlooks from the upper air, as if places oneself in a stretch of white land. 从高空俯瞰,仿佛置身于一片白色的大地之中。 The change for Du Kang of body of azure scale associating with people, in the hand holds Genki carapace, profound Yin snake monster snake body, the corner/horn of alone corner/horn thunder flood dragon, eon light fish roe four goods impractical in sea water, sang the praises of the benevolence and Kang of Kai Spiritual God together. 变化为青鳞交人之身的杜康,手中捧着玄龟龟甲,玄阴蛇妖蛇躯,独角雷蛟之角,宙光鱼鱼卵四件物品虚浮于海水之中,一起歌赞神灵的仁慈与康慨。 The four goods in his hand separately represent the profound deep real water and invisible real water, ten thousand to melt thunder water, the eon light real water four types refine the profound deep Zhenhai seal necessary first naive water, is waiting for arrival of Spiritual God good fortune with the material prepared stance. 他手里的四件物品分别代表着玄冥真水、无形真水、万化雷水、宙光真水四种炼制玄冥镇海印必备的先天真水,以材料齐备的姿态等待着神灵造化的降临。 Is good because, white Yangzhi sparkled the moment to fall under the sea level completely, vanished in the jet black dark sea water does not see. 好在,白阳只闪耀了片刻就完全落到了海面之下,在漆黑幽暗的海水之中消失不见。 When Du Kang had doubts black Yang to where that oneself have anticipated, a jet black Sun appeared under the body in vain smooth such as in the sea level of mirror. 就在杜康疑惑自己一直期待的黑阳到了何处的时候,一轮漆黑的太阳徒然出现在了身下平滑如镜的海面中。 Black Yang appeared there like this, but was actually similar to the mirror in the flower and water the moon/month to be the same, unattainable. 黑阳就这样出现在了那里,但却又如同镜中之花、水中之月一般,可望而不可及。 This is symbolizing the winter black Yang, represents the myriad things to turn over to the tenacious strength that conceals lives. 这是象征着冬日的黑阳,代表着万物归藏生息的坚韧力量。 It because of the color of nether world, names unreliably deep! 其因为幽冥之色,又名“玄冥”!
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