DWIPTWIC :: Volume #1

#267: Inside and outside paradise

Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Grains of small roes surround are associating with people the bead, flutters in the embryo sea. 一粒粒微小的鱼卵环绕着交人珠,在胎海中飘飘荡荡。 By the transparent egg membrane, can see the small embryo of growth in slightly cannot observe wriggles, is seeking the nutrition in surrounding amniotic fluid diligently, conducts own growth. 透过透明的卵膜,可以看到其中发育的微小胚胎正在微不可察地蠕动,努力吸收着周围羊水中的营养,进行自身的成长。 These compared with soybean at the worst many egg of associating with people, actually presents the fish-shaped when this embryo stage completely, is accepting like body organ transparent small fish ray illumination that associates with people the bead. 这些比黄豆大不了多少的交人之卵,在这个胚胎阶段时竟然完全呈现鱼形,如同一条条身体器官透明的小鱼接受着交人珠的光芒照射。 „When we associate with people to have the viviparity and egg live two birth ways, the viviparity an embryo only to live one or two children, but when the egg lives most can breed over a thousand roes one time. But egg fresh associating with people was equivalent left the parent body ahead of time, only in the immersion in the nutrition and spiritual energy very abundant liquid can guarantee that completely they can the growth be mature, supplied over a thousand to associate with people the growth one time, only then the embryo sea amniotic fluid of paradise can bear.” “我们交人有胎生和卵生两种生育方式,胎生时一胎只能生一个或者两个孩子,而卵生时一次最多能孕育上千鱼卵。但卵生的交人相当于提前离开了母体,只在浸泡在营养和灵气全部十分充沛的液体中才能保证他们能够发育成熟,一次供应上千个交人成长,也只有福地里的胎海羊水才能负担得了。” The deep pool is in sight the Du Kang neck that the roe is in a daze, to conduct the back three opponent bracelets with the waist on, the whole face explained these children's situations proudly. 渊将三对手臂环在望着鱼卵发呆的杜康脖子、背上和腰上,满脸自豪地解释起自己这些孩子的情况。 The amniotic fluid of entire embryo sea by associating with people bead production, to associating with people the bead is nearer, the quality of amniotic fluid is also naturally higher. 整个胎海的羊水都是由交人珠产生的,离交人珠越近,羊水的品质自然也就越高。 Du Kang just entered the embryo sea paradise time, in addition the under amniotic fluid of that sea area is the low-grade, but treats now is associating with people the bead the side, here amniotic fluid has achieved the low-grade, only then the ichor supply of this quality, can guarantee that associate with people the subsequent growth. 杜康刚刚进入胎海福地的时候,那片海域的羊水尚且属于下下品,但现在待在交人珠的身边,此处的羊水已经达到了中下品,也只有这种品质的灵液供应,才能保证交人们后续的发育。 The three pairs of arms of deep pool hold closely Du Kang, like embracing a treasure, the long hair of shining is hanging loose after behind, the multi-colored big fish tail is flashing the color light, these somewhat shake Du Kang to feel dizzy. 渊的三双手臂将杜康抱得紧紧的,就像怀抱着一个珍宝,流光溢彩的长发披散在身后,五彩缤纷的大鱼尾巴闪着彩光,这些都晃得杜康有些眼晕。 Du Kang will mount associating with people of person from bosom move back some, looked earnestly to the face of deep pool, saw only cheek original that with the moon/month as if sisters' elegant face, but the pupil actually turned into child of the keep changing color imaginary color from the original dark green azure, the hair also turned into the gorgeous color that more than ten color mixes mixed became from the original black. 杜康将黏人的交人从怀里拉远一些,认真看向了渊的面孔,只见脸蛋还是原先的那一张和月仿佛姐妹的俏脸,但眸子却从原先的苍青色变成了不停变化色彩的幻彩之童,头发也从原先的黑色变成了十几种颜色糅杂而成的绚丽之色。 Coordinates that and virgin hole same color scale big tail again, the present deep pool looks like the fantasy lifeform of the dreamland walking, in the frown and smile brings to let the Du Kang mood joyful flavor. 再配合上那条与童孔同色的鱼鳞大尾巴,现在的渊就像是从梦境中走出来的奇幻生物,一颦一笑中都带着让杜康心情愉悦的韵味。 Such perfect appearance naturally cannot be the light of random generation good fortune, Du Kang strives many in the adjustment of bloodlines formation, even endured suffering to reduce a fusion also to calculate that the successful strong capability, accomplished this to conform to his aesthetic divine creative force. 这样完美的外貌自然不会是造化之光随机生成的,杜康在血脉成型的调整中出力甚多,甚至忍痛砍掉了一项融合还算成功的强大能力,才造就出了这一款符合他审美的造物。 Under recommendation, trades source app to pursue the book really easily-to-use, here downloads .huanyuanapp everyone to go to try quickly.】 【推荐下,换源app追书真的好用,这里下载.huanyuanapp大家去快可以试试吧。】 But all these are worth, because beautiful it is a powerful weapon, can always have more opportunities compared with others more beautiful lifeform. 但这一切都是值得的,因为美丽本身就是一种强大的武器,比别人更美的生物总是能获得更多的机会。 Du Kang approach, continued associated with people a clan 20,000 years of invariable bloodlines inheritance design idea. 杜康的做法,也只是延续了交人一族两万年不变的血脉传承设计思路而已。 Du youth, accompanies me to stay in paradise, fosters to grow up these children with me together, when I promote the monster king time, was the day of our vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered free and unfettered. At the appointed time our couple joint efforts, besides the ocean waves dragon palace, entire Ocean Wave Sea will not have our opponents.” “杜郎,陪我留在福地里吧,和我一起将这些孩子抚养长大,等我晋升妖王的时候,就是我们纵横逍遥之日。到时我们夫妻合力,除了碧波龙宫之外,整个碧波海都将没有我们的对手。” Moreover Du youth you also obtained associated with people the bloodline, after our couples, can found a clan to come out again with concentration, so long as held the coronation ceremony to be successful, you beyond the magic arts of high rank member, will obtain the strength of again additionally being the monster king. How could it not be so beautiful!” “而且杜郎你也获得了交人血统,我们夫妻以后可以再潜心开创一支氏族出来,只要举行加冕仪式成功,你将在高阶修士的法术之外,再额外获得一份属于妖王的力量。如此岂不美哉!” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Was different only wants to obtain some seeds from the past on Du Kang, to complete the important matter of own promotion monster king, after this bloodlines foundation was completed, the deep pool really fell in love with this man. 不同于以往只想在杜康身上获得一些种子,以完成自己的晋升妖王的大计,在这次的血脉开创完成之后,渊是真的爱上了这个男人。 Although is completely spiritless in the process of entire transformation, but the deep pool fully realized difficulty that the bloodline founds. 虽然在整个蜕变的过程中无知无觉,但渊深知血统开创的艰难。 The light of good fortune occupied the main force when the symbol lu sequence fusion, 造化之光在符箓序列融合时占据了主力, When may fuse the operation is also extremely important, not only needs the quality enough high alien race flesh, the eyesight that but also needs to operate from a strategically advantageous position can make the correct choices, will have the successful possibility. The difficulty of, from 20,000 years associates with people, only then 13 clans can be inferred, not only Du Kang this time contributed own symbol lu sequence, but also helped the deep pool manage the process of entire fusion, this is not the action that the general friendship can describe. 可融合时的操作也是极为重要的,不仅需要品质足够高的异族血肉,还需要高屋建瓴的眼力才能做出正确的取舍,如此才会有成功的可能。其中的难度,从两万年来交人只有十三支氏族就可见一斑,杜康这次不仅贡献出了自己的符箓序列,还帮着渊主持了整个融合的过程,这已经不是一般的情义能够形容的举动。 The deep pool felt, this certainly is the love in legend. 渊觉得,这一定就是传说中的爱吧。 Therefore, the deep pool fell in love with Du Kang instantaneously, and sprouted and he supports each other lifetime thought. 所以,渊瞬间就爱上了杜康,并且萌生了和他相守一生的念头。 Du Kang to hear that the sensation arrives at the idea of deep pool, although knows that has the misunderstanding, but has not opened the mouth to explain, after all in her heart thinks, is some facts. 杜康以闻声相感知到渊的想法,虽然知道这其中存在误会,但也没有开口解释,毕竟她心中所想,也是部分事实嘛。 The main purpose that Du Kang helps the deep pool is to experiment one ability that associates with people the bead, and confirms some own ideas, taking along helps the thoughts of this mother-in-law and running friend, although also has, but are not really many. 杜康帮渊的主要目的是想试验一番交人珠的能力,并且验证一些自己的想法,捎带帮助这个岳母兼跑友的心思虽然也有,但着实不多。 However since the bloodlines fusion of deep pool is quite successful, unsurprisingly, will also become a clan monster king in the future, Du Kang naturally cannot puncture own camouflage on own initiative, the happy fantasy of destruction deep pool. 不过既然渊的血脉融合极为成功,不出意外,日后也将会成为一族妖王,杜康自然不会主动戳破自己的伪装,破坏渊的美好幻想。 uses/gives people the kindness, resulting in the person gratitude is very normal matter, this affections, Du Kang received like this. 施人恩惠,得人感激是很正常的事嘛,这份爱意,杜康就这样接下了。 I will accompany you here for a while, but the almighty troops casting of winter solstice cannot delay......” “我会在这里陪你一阵儿的,但冬至的神兵铸造又不能耽搁……” Du Kang realizes icy coldly on the chest is lying creamy, starts to consider that and deep pool maintains stabilizes the possibility of little friend for a long time, after all she will soon promote the monster king, obtains a beautiful monster king as the ally is fine deeds. 杜康体会着胸膛上趴着的冰凉滑腻,开始考虑起和渊保持长期稳定小伙伴的可能性,毕竟她即将晋升妖王,得到一个美丽的妖王作为盟友可是一件美事啊。 You manage the proper business to be important, we have a lot of time for that not eagerly this for a while.” “你办正事要紧,我们来日方长,不急于这一时。” The deep pool fully realized that the Du Kang two hands are always dishonest, when cannot stop together with her, own pearl stomacher cracked in the beforehand transformation exactly, then picks up two pearls from the sea water, makes him hold appreciatively the stopper to the hand of Du Kang, while gathers his ear to seduce to say. 渊深知杜康两只手向来不老实,和她在一起时根本停不下来,恰好自己的珍珠抹胸在之前的蜕变中崩裂了,便一边从海水中捡起两颗珍珠,塞到杜康的手中让他把玩,一边凑到他耳边诱惑说道。 Du youth, perhaps is the first secondary under so many young animals, others bellies are quite sore, you help others according to quickly......” “杜郎,也许是第一次生下这么多小崽子,人家的肚子好疼啊,你快来帮人家按一按嘛……” The delicate eyebrows dark wrinkle, the almond eyes including the wave, the red lip bite lightly, six slender element cover the lower abdomen, the deep pool miserable stance makes one particularly love dearly, let alone her present appearance or Du Kang according to own quirk design, made the entire heart of Du Kang crisp directly. 秀眉暗皱,杏眼含波,红唇轻咬,六只纤纤素手捂小腹,渊楚楚可怜的姿态让人分外心疼,更何况她现在的样貌还是杜康根据自己性癖设计的,直接让杜康的整颗心都酥了。 Du Kang places half to have the scale to cover the hand, half are on the lower abdomen of bright and clean skin, monster strength infiltration in, really detected change, serious saying. 杜康将手放在一半有鳞片覆盖,一半是光洁皮肤的小腹上,妖力渗透其中,果然察觉到了其中的异动,不由面色凝重的说道。 In such a small place, the birth over a thousand young eggs truly was laborious, I grasped a guidance technique, may the life adjustment for in peak condition, so long as helped you press in inside to be good.” “在这么小的一个地方,生育出上千枚幼卵确实是辛苦了,我掌握有一门引导术,可将生灵调整为巅峰状态,只要帮你在里面按按就好了。” Du youth is really good to me, that was lang laborious Du,-, right, was here was injured, you pressed are really more comfortable......” “杜郎对我真好,那就辛苦杜郎了,哦-,对,就是这里受伤了,你一按果然舒服多了……” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Associates with people after founding the new clan, will give a new name to own clan, you think that what called?” “交人在开创新的氏族之后,会给自己的氏族取一个新的名字,你想好叫什么了吗?” „-, Your quality, you have made into this colorful appearance others, but also asked others, that definitely can only call the color scale to associate with people......” “哦-,你好坏啊,你都已经把人家弄成这种五颜六色的样子了,还来问人家,那肯定只能叫彩鳞交人了……” ...... …… Then, Du Kang then passed after crossing over most relaxed days. 接下来,杜康便度过了自穿越之后最轻松的一段日子。 Every day is not and deep pool plays in the embryo sea, is follows to associate with people the bead to study these symbol lu sequences the knowledge, has the free time slightly on growth of observation these young eggs, the day crosses the enrichment to be happy. 每日里不是和渊在胎海中玩耍,就是跟着交人珠学习那些符箓序列的知识,稍有空闲就观察那些幼卵的发育情况,日子过得充实又美好。 The time passes rapidly, looks at these young eggs helplessly from the soybean size, turning into the pigeon egg was big, the egg is big, the ostrich egg is big, finally became the watermelon size, all day swims in great whale within the body , still has not punctured the egg membrane. 时间飞速流逝,眼睁睁看着那些幼卵从黄豆大小,变成了鸽子蛋大,鸡蛋大,鸵鸟蛋大,最后成了西瓜大小,整天在巨鲸体内游来游去,也依然没有刺破卵膜而出。 Because Du Kang is worried about their safety, but also these monsters great whale within the body swept specially...... 杜康因为担心它们的安危,还特意将巨鲸体内的那些妖怪扫荡了个遍…… Associated with people the symbol lu sequence in bead to be known the basic law by Du Kang, the single symbol lu attribute clearly has all become aware, now after is knowing and rune/symbol Lu of memory after complex combination expresses the effect, it is expected that again 34 months, can three create to live is assigning the buried treasure record to digest the absorption completely...... 交人珠内的符箓序列已经被杜康掌握了基本规律,单个的符箓属性全都已经明悟,现在正在认识和记忆经过复杂组合后的符箓表达效果,预计再有三四个月的时间,就能将三才创生正命宝藏图录全部消化吸收…… In addition, the sentiment of Du Kang and deep pool is also rising continually, unlike before, in together mainly to vent the desire and uses each other, two people in these months in starts to understand the opposite party gradually, and is familiar mutually. 除此之外,杜康与渊的感情也在持续升温,与之前在一起主要为了发泄欲望和相互利用不同,两人在这几个月的时间里渐渐开始了解对方,并相互熟悉起来。 Besides the deep pool worries about a heart completely on the Du Kang body, Du Kang also started to have some basic trusts to the deep pool, and treats as an important matter the ceremony that she promoted the monster king, the initiative help planned...... 除了渊将一颗心全部记挂在杜康身上之外,杜康也开始对渊拥有了一些基本的信任,并将她晋升妖王的仪式当做一件重要的事情,主动帮忙谋划起来…… In November 28. 十一月二十八。 Ocean Wave Sea the beginning of winter, the cold sea water has whipped the hidden rock sea that the reef is standing in great numbers, several hundred long have the azure scale associates with people in the sea water beautifully Jingyi is patrolling, is unable to create the difficulty to these inborn monsters coldly, they are waiting for the return of queen here tranquilly. 碧波海早已入冬,寒冷的海水拍打着礁石林立的暗礁海,几百只长有青色鳞片的美丽交人正在海水中静怡地游弋着,寒冷无法对这些天生的妖怪造成困扰,它们平静地在此处等待着自家女王的归来。 After several months ago making treaties of alliance finished, various accumulation about ten thousand clans here associate with people all have departed, obviously this making treaties of alliance ratio fights, although splendid, but various clans do not think that the deep pool can yield the achievement by the light of good fortune together. 在几个月前的会盟结束之后,聚集在这里的近万各族交人已经尽数离去,显然这次会盟的比斗虽然精彩,但各氏族都不认为渊能凭借一道造化之光获得成果。 In waiting, saw on the 12 th after the deep pool has not come out, all left. 在等待一两日,见到渊没有出来后,就全部离开了。 Associating with people the paradise has certain danger, has not come out quickly, besides breeding the new student/life associates with people this reason, bigger possibly had/left the accident/surprise. 交人福地本身是存在一定危险的,没有很快出来,除了孕育新生交人这个原因外,更大的可能是在其中出了意外。 In the moon/month hand grips tightly Beidou to draw the water ladle, is fluttering in the ice-cold sea water silent, winter delicate Sun cannot provide slightly the warm feeling for her. 月手中紧握着北斗汲水勺,在冰冷的海水中沉默地飘荡着,冬日娇弱的太阳并不能为她提供丝毫暖意。 In those days the close clansman fell to the enemy in mother after the paradise becomes strange, these things of months of occurrence, making her completely not have the man robbed unhappiness now, in the heart only remain to worry of mother safety. 往日亲密的族人在母亲失陷在福地内后变得陌生起来,这几个月发生的事情,让她现在全然没有了男人被抢走的不快,心中只剩对母亲安危的担忧。 Big monsters in several ethnic groups encircle faintly in the surroundings of moon/month, looked that has the vigilance and greedy of not mincing matter to her vision, but in the weapon concerned about her hand does not dare to act. 有几只族群内的大妖隐隐围在月的周围,看向她的目光中有着毫不掩饰的警惕和贪婪,但又碍于她手中的武器不敢出手。 The moon/month knows, they after coveting mother die the position that leaves behind, but as the head of the clan only daughter, oneself will be hindrance on their progress. 月知道,他们是在觊觎母亲死后遗留的地位,而身为族长唯一的女儿,自己将会是他们前进道路上的阻碍。 Associates with people a right inheritance of clan always to take the powerhouse as to revere, mother entered the time of paradise is really long, the long time to have not been able to suppress the big monsters in these clans by the past prestige, but oneself also did not have the sufficient strength to coerce them. 交人一族的权利传承一向是以强者为尊的,母亲进入福地的时间实在是太久了,久到已经无法凭借昔日的威望压制这些族中的大妖,而自己又没有足够的力量去压服他们。 This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 These associate with people to look that more and more does not conceal to own vision, the day of beginning should in be recent. 这些交人看向自己的目光越来越不掩饰,动手之日应该就在最近了。 Now in moon/month heart only comfort, is the paradise that in the island has not vanished passes in and out the gateway. 现在月心中唯一的安慰,就是小岛上还没有消失的福地进出门户。 So long as the gateway has not vanished automatically, is representing mother falling to the enemy, has not at least died, if is not unable to enter, the moon/month has crashed in the gateway to save others. 只要门户没有自动消失,就代表着母亲只是失陷其中,至少还没有死,如果不是自己无法进入,月早就冲进门户里救人了。 The immersion in the ice-cold sea water, the moon/month silent and is gazing at these peeping at firmly, was not revealed a frail trace by oneself, because that will cause rally togethering to attack of this flock of wolves. 浸泡在冰冷的海水中,月沉默而坚定地注视着这些窥视者,不让自己露出一丝脆弱的痕迹,因为那将会引起这群豺狼的群起而攻之。 In such confrontation, in the distant place island the emergence of sparking ray, broke among them together the silence. 在这样的对峙中,远处小岛上一道闪亮光芒的出现,打破了他们间的沉默。 Did mother come out?! 母亲出来了?! The moon/month pleasant surprise turns head, saw that a leaf of ice blue gateway opens wide on the island, a big form is going out from the gateway. 月惊喜地回头,就看到一扇冰蓝色的门户在小岛上洞开,一个高大的身影正从门户内走出。 The ray of that door is so dazzling, lets moon/month unable to see clearly the appearance of person, but according to the ray in comes the outline of person, can see that this is a man who has the both legs. 那扇门的光芒是如此刺目,让月看不清来人的样貌,但根据光芒中来人的轮廓,能看出这是一个拥有着双腿的男人。 This crushed directly the moon/month hope , her mother is associating with people that is growing the fish tail. 这一幕直接击碎了月的希望,要知道,她的母亲可是一个长着鱼尾的交人啊。 This ray captures the attention that other associated with people similarly, they are looking at the person's shadow in light, the facial expression is various, the significance is difficult to be bright. 这光芒同样吸引了其余交人的目光,他们望着光中的人影,神情各不相同,意义难明。 Quite comfortable.” “好舒服。” Du Kang was separated from forever the warm amniotic fluid, to the body by the wet cold sea breeze package, was sent out a satisfied sigh. 杜康脱离了永远温热的羊水,任由身体被湿冷的海风包裹,发出了一声满足的叹息。 On behalf of the fish tail that associates with people the bloodline before leaving the paradise changed the both legs, treadonned the steadfast feeling in land to make Du Kang feel somewhat strangely, is realizing swaying of winter cold wind, although has several clone to move in the outside world, but made him have to plant passed the entire summer in the paradise unexpectedly and autumn felt suddenly. 代表着交人血统的鱼尾早在离开福地之前就变化成了双腿,脚踏大地的踏实感让杜康感觉有些陌生,体会着冬日冷风的吹拂,虽然有着数个分身一直在外界活动,但还是让他有种竟然在福地内度过了整个夏天和秋天的恍然感。 In going out of the instance of paradise, can listen respectfully periphery to associate with people the aspiration Du Kang, understood their these stories of months of occurrence, as well as present at daggers drawn. 在走出福地的瞬间,能够聆听到周围交人心声的杜康,就明白了他们这几个月发生的故事,以及现在剑拔弩张的局面。 Du Kang shakes the head secretly smiles, several steps tread, spanned several hundreds of zhang (333 m) the distances to arrive the front of moon/month. 杜康暗暗摇头一笑,几步踏出,就跨越几百丈的距离来到了月的面前。 The moon/month also recognized this man who should come out from paradise, the opens the mouth of being able not help did not ask. 月也认出了这个本不应该从福地里出来的男人,情不自禁的开口问道。 „Does my mother have the matter?” “我母亲有没有事?” Thought me?” “想我了吗?” Two people almost asked the respective question simultaneously. 两人几乎是同时问出了各自的问题。 „The situation in deep pool is very good, you do not need to be worried about her.” “渊的情况很好,你不需要担心她。” After making treaties of alliance to finish, the town/subdues mountain Daoist goes to the blue scale to associate with people a clan to demand several thousand manpower of agreement personally, after must arrive at the person then other preparation business that went to the busy almighty troops to forge, Du Kang has not thought will have this matter. 在会盟结束之后,镇岳道人就亲自前往碧鳞交人一族去索要约定的几千人手,在要到人之后又转而去忙神兵锻造的其它准备事务了,杜康根本就没想过会发生这种事情。 Du Kang drew the moon/month in sea water, somewhat ashamed saying. 杜康将海水中的月拉了起来,有些惭愧的说道。 Now the matter is my inconsiderate reason, will not have done several things at the same time to remain to accompany you. Is they have illegal about you?” “现在发生的事情是我考虑不周的缘故,没有将分身留下来陪你。是他们对你心怀不轨吗?” Du Kang is speaking, will look at faint surrounding to associate with people the body in moon/month side several. The complexion that these associate with people instantaneously becomes splendid, they see Du Kang to act, if the Du Kang choice for the moon/month platform, they may be finished. 杜康说着话,就将目光转向了隐隐包围在月身边的几个交人身上。这些交人的脸色瞬间变得精彩起来,他们可是见过杜康出手的,如果杜康选择为月站台的话,那他们可就完蛋了。 Also invited the emperor's son-in-law bright mirror, we were protecting princess's safety a moment ago, since the queen entered the paradise, in the clan the will of the people was not steady, we were also......” “还请驸马明鉴,我们刚才只是在守护公主的安全,自从女王进入福地之后,族中人心不稳,我们也是……” Symbol lu sequence racing Kui.” “符箓序列奔溃。” This chapter has not ended, click[ next page] continues to read- gt ; gt ; 本章未完,点击[下一页]继续阅读--gt;gt; Monster crafty world: I can the krypton life practice 【】 【妖诡世界:我能氪命修行】【】 Following Du Kang clear commanding, the moon/month then saw own side that six associated with people to roll up immediately the body. 顺着杜康一声清亮的喝令,月便看到自己身边那六个交人立刻蜷缩起了身体。 Could not do unexpectedly at this moment in anything as big monster they, can only change into several beach practical knowledge after several painful moans no use. 身为大妖的他们竟然在此刻什么都做不了,只能在几声痛苦的呻吟后无助地化为了几滩浓水。 Du Kang several months closes up is not wastes, after the preliminary learned associates with people three of bead the symbol lu structure, he has been able to make this close to the effect of dying on the body of associating with people. 杜康的这数月闭关也不是白费的,在初步学会交人珠的三才符箓结构后,他已经能在交人的身上制造出这种接近即死的效果。 After suppressing the rebellion of azure scale clan, Du Kang comforted quite moon/month, made her put down the worry about deep pool, then immediately returns to normal the mood, convenes to scatter in nearby manpower, preparing in the returns to the clan was Du Kang the ceremony that prepared to forge the almighty troops. 平息了青鳞氏族的叛乱后,杜康又好生安慰了月一番,才让她放下了对渊的担心,转而立刻平复好情绪,去召集散落在附近的人手,准备回族中为杜康准备锻造神兵的仪式。 Looked in the distant place busy moon/month, Du Kang is shifting on the gateway of embryo sea paradise own vision, in the heart is considering secretly. 望着在远处忙碌的月,杜康将自己的目光转移到了胎海福地的门户上,心中暗暗思量着。 Long as clan, a situation of azure scale clan, the deep pool should be clearest is right, she why leisure how many months in paradise, doesn't give the safe message to the outside world? 身为一族之长,青鳞一族的情况,渊应该是最清楚的才对,她为什么会在福地内闲暇几个月的时间,都不向外界传递自己平安的消息呢? This woman really has that ruthlessly spicy, places oneself in own daughter the danger intentionally? 这个女人真的有那么狠辣,故意将自己的女儿置身危险之中吗? Woman is troublesome......” “女人就是麻烦啊……”
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