DSE :: Volume #4

#369: Gatekeeper pay a visit

Duncan sits on the sofa of living room, looks leisurely this morning newspaper that buys from the street, occasionally leans excessively, looked that is lying in Shirley that on the tea table looks distressed to write with vigor, as well as is lying by Shirley holds Doggy that this «City-State Modern history Concise edition» concentrates on, in the heart a steadfastness. 邓肯坐在客厅的沙发上,悠闲自得地看着今天早上从街上买来的报纸,偶尔侧过头,看一眼正趴在茶几上愁眉苦脸奋笔疾书的雪莉,以及正趴在雪莉旁边捧着本《城邦近代史简编》全神贯注的阿狗,心中一阵踏实。 In this strange and strange world, he retrieved the little familiar rhythm of life finally. 在这个陌生又诡异的世界,他终于寻回了一点点熟悉的生活节奏。 On the other hand, receives Doggy, Shirley and Nina , before is realized him, deliberately considered that for a long time thought —— Captain Duncan small classroom finally teaches a course. 另一方面,把阿狗雪莉妮娜接过来,也算是实现了他之前寻思许久的一个念头——邓肯船长小课堂终于重新开课了。 He has turned the head, looks to the tea table, Nina is moving a small stool to sit there, does her winter vacation homework earnestly, Morris is supervising in side, occasionally helps the own student correct the errors in some details. 他转过头,又看向茶几另一边,妮娜正搬了个小凳子坐在那里,认认真真地写着她的寒假作业,莫里斯在旁边监督着,偶尔帮自己的学生纠正一些细节上的错漏。 You is a fulfilling responsibility good teacher,” Duncan said to Morris, Nina is very lucky.” “你是个尽责的好老师,”邓肯莫里斯说道,“妮娜很幸运。” She is the child of effort, I do not want to delay her life,” Morris smiled, then looks at the busy book that in front of Shirley spread out, on the face the expression is somewhat subtle, I have not thought actually you are so also good at...... teaching others.” “她是个努力的孩子,我不想耽误她的人生,”莫里斯笑了起来,接着又看了一眼雪莉面前摊开的作业本,脸上表情有些微妙,“不过我倒是没想到您也如此擅长……教导别人。” Duncan raised the eyebrow: „?” 邓肯扬了扬眉毛:“哦?” You give Shirley, Alice and learning program of Doggy formulation are reasonable, even...... some specialization,” the Morris tone a little hesitates, „before me, saw you to the examination paper that they prepare, is very specialized, this little...... not as I expected.” “您给雪莉爱丽丝阿狗制定的学习计划非常合理,甚至……有一些专业性,”莫里斯语气有点犹豫,“我之前还看到了您给他们准备的试卷,也十分专业,这有点……出乎我的意料。” The venerable expresses very discretely, he truly a little cares about this matter ——, when knew at first Duncan must full of enthusiasm on the ship three illiterate people eliminate illiteracy, in his mind associates is not the new word card and word this and multiplication table, the picture that at that time in his head first appeared toward „the Evil God family member gathers completely, in the meter offers a sacrifice to the field contacts taboo knowledge the direction to develop, finally actually saw makes Captain Duncan that one is panic at the news fish out one pile of literate cards...... 老先生措辞十分谨慎,他确实有点在意这件事情——在最初得知邓肯兴致勃勃要给船上三个文盲扫盲的时候,他脑海里联想的可不是生词卡、单词本和乘法表,当时他脑袋里第一个浮现出来的画面完全是朝着“邪神眷属聚集在仪祭场中接触禁忌知识”的方向发展的,结果却看到了令人闻风丧胆的邓肯船长摸出一堆识字卡片来…… How can I say, although his many also somewhat adapts to Captain Duncan now in secret gentle friendly, but thinks such a Subspace shadow really in earnest attended class unexpectedly( eliminating illiteracy class), that irritable vigor will well up uncontrolled upward. 怎么说呢,虽然现在他多少也有些适应了邓肯船长私下里的平和友好,但一想到这么一位亚空间阴影竟然真的在认真给人上课(还是扫盲课),那股别扭劲还是会不受控制地往上涌。 Duncan knows certainly that this senior scholar is what meaning, but he has no way to explain, then beckons with the hand with a smile: Perhaps I once had a dream that is the teacher?” 邓肯当然知道这位老学者是什么意思,但他又没法解释,便只是笑着摆了摆手:“或许我曾有一个当老师的梦呢?” Morris does not know suddenly should say anything, Duncan the probe head looked at a Shirley that to make person of a handwriting that grasped the heart flexure liver, could not bear sigh: Pitifully these three student the learn/study progress disparity is oversized, really makes one have a headache.” 莫里斯一时间也不知该说些什么,邓肯则又探头看了一眼雪莉那令人抓心挠肝的笔迹,忍不住叹口气:“可惜这三个‘学生’的学习进度差距过大,实在让人头疼。” Morris thinks, nods: Truly. I thought that Doggy has almost been able to soak to study independently now the university to graduate in some library, but Shirley is still fighting with the commonly used word, Alice...... Alice she......” 莫里斯想了想,点点头:“确实。我觉得阿狗现在几乎已经能泡在某个图书馆里自学到大学毕业了,可雪莉还在跟常用单词搏斗,爱丽丝……爱丽丝她……” Duncan also sighed: Oh, Alice very diligently, but she is Alice.” 邓肯又叹了口气:“唉,爱丽丝很努力,可她是爱丽丝。” On the ship the learn/study progress of three illiterate people with are different, he who he estimates at first thinks that the brain is quite easy-to-use, therefore learn/study progress quick Shirley to the present is half illiterate person, the steadfast swayed rotten energetic and desperate learn/study attitude will be the primary cause, Alice actually compared with anyone diligently, but Miss puppet skull will not as if really study the material that will write, finally in final three illiterate people level highest became dog —— unexpectedly under the surprising diligence and perception, not only Doggy now can oneself read the literary work, even can solution three Yuan quadratic equations...... 船上三个文盲的学习进度跟他最初预想的一点都不一样,他原以为脑子比较好使所以学习进度会快一些的雪莉到现在还是半个文盲,坚定不移的摆烂精神和令人绝望的学习态度是主要原因,爱丽丝倒是比谁都努力,但人偶小姐的脑壳似乎真的不是读书写字的料,结果最后仨文盲里水平最高的竟然成了一只狗——在令人惊讶的勤奋和悟性下,阿狗现在不但能自己读文学作品,甚至会解三元二次方程…… Pursuing Knowledge Nether Hound thousand —— looked like on Doggy one catches up ten million/countless now. 追逐知识幽邃猎犬千千万——现在看来就阿狗一个追上了。 Giving the devil his due, this is in the Duncan —— or Zhou Ming entire teacher profession the biggest stain. 平心而论,这是邓肯——或者说周铭整个教师生涯中最大的污点。 In his heart is sighing, Alice that goes out to do grocery shopping came back —— finally compared with the expected evening about 20 minutes. 就在他心中这么感叹着的时候,出去买菜的爱丽丝终于回来了——比预期的晚了将近二十分钟。 I come back!” “我回来啦!” Miss puppet opens the door the room, the thing in hand puts down while is poking head to say to living room direction greeting, later then saw study the tyrant, is studying the dregs by the tea table makes up the work and study the dog, on the face reveals the happy appearance immediately: Nina! Shirley! Doggy! Do you come?” 人偶小姐开门进屋,一边把手里的东西放下一边探着头对客厅方向招呼道,随后一眼便看到了正在茶几旁边补作业的学霸、学渣和学狗,脸上顿时露出高兴的模样:“妮娜雪莉阿狗!你们来啦?” In the morning just came, his mother...... has made up quite a while the work......” Shirley to raise the head, the eye tearful, Captain said that makes me transcribe one word 16 pages in the future all contents......” “上午刚来,已经他妈……已经补半天作业了……”雪莉抬起头,眼泪汪汪的,“船长说让我把单词本十六页往后的所有内容都重新抄写一遍……” Is three,” Duncan opens the mouth in side at a moderate pace, do not reduce 2/3 duties to oneself calmly.” “是三遍,”邓肯不紧不慢地在旁边开口,“别不动声色地给自己减了三分之二的任务。” Afterward he has not managed the later reaction of Shirley, looks up to Alice: How to come back at this time? Met troublesome?” 随后他没管雪莉的后续反应,抬头看向爱丽丝:“怎么这时候才回来?遇上麻烦了?” „!” Alice rushes to beckon with the hand, is meets...... me not to watch the fun lively! Meets the matter, I investigate......” “啊没有没有!”爱丽丝赶忙摆摆手,“就是遇上热闹……我没有看热闹啊!是遇上事情,我调查来着……” This puppet will not lie , is also not good at finding the excuse, 2-3 words exposed on the going home road to watch the fun to lose the time the fact. 人偶着实不会撒谎,也不擅长找借口,2-3话就暴露了回家路上看热闹耽误时间的事实。 Investigation?” Duncan looks at Alice surprisedly, he has not been thinking investigates her watching the fun matter, although he had truly warned the opposite party do not wander about aimlessly on the road, but this is also only the minor matter, what he cares is...... ordinary stupid Alice can a face say investigation unexpectedly earnestly this word. “调查?”邓肯略带惊讶地看着爱丽丝,他倒没想着追究她“看热闹”的事情,尽管他确实告诫过对方不要在路上乱走,但这也只是小事罢了,他更在意的是……平常呆头呆脑的爱丽丝竟然能一脸认真地说出“调查”这个词来。 Even if the excuse that she finds temporarily, he also cared about this puppet to investigate anything very much. 哪怕是她临时找的借口,他也很在意这人偶调查了点什么东西。 On nearby that street, the families, said that was a deceased person, the Church people went,” Alice starts to tell the experience on oneself road with Duncan immediately, „a woman, said that anything killed the own husband, the person who then surrounded added before that husband, went out anything...... right, I also saw a woman, she wore the clothes and you looks like very much yeah! Also is entangling the bandage......” “就附近那条街,有一户人家,说是死人了,教会的人都去了,”爱丽丝立刻开始跟邓肯讲述自己路上的所见所闻,“一个女人,说什么杀了自己的丈夫,然后围观的人还说那家的男主人之前出门什么的……啊对了对了,我还见到一个女人,她穿衣服和您很像哎!也缠着绷带……” Duncan is listening to this puppet dumbfounded disorderly, no key narration, was does reluctantly clearly what happened, noticed finally the opposite party mentioned bandage woman, he knits the brows slightly, just wants to inquire about some details, actually saw that not far away is sitting at the table feeds Vanna of pigeon to stand suddenly. 邓肯一愣一愣地听着这个人偶颠三倒四、毫无重点的讲述,勉强算是搞明白发生了什么事情,紧接着又留意到了对方最后提到的“绷带女人”,他微微皱了皱眉,刚想询问一些细节,却看到不远处正坐在餐桌旁喂鸽子的凡娜突然站了起来。 Stranger approaches,” Vanna said fast, is a reverend.” “陌生人靠近,”凡娜飞快地说道,“是神职者。” Duncan beckons with the hand immediately, making Alice peaceful and puts on the veil, sofa side is squatting Doggy then returns in the shadow suddenly, Ai whipped the wing to hide in nearby cabinet, Morris set out from the sofa, arrives at the entrance. 邓肯立刻一摆手,让爱丽丝安静下来并重新戴上面纱,沙发旁边蹲着的阿狗则眨眼间便退回到了阴影中,艾伊拍打着翅膀躲到了附近的柜子上,莫里斯则从沙发上起身,来到门口。 Do not be anxious, is only a guest.” Duncan is actually very calm, he to somewhat anxious Vanna and Morris beckons with the hand, then arrives at the gate before indifferently, pulls open conveniently. “别紧张,只是来客而已。”邓肯倒是挺淡定,他对有些紧张的凡娜莫里斯摆了摆手,便淡然地来到门前,随手拉开。 Wears the black long windproof coat and body to entangle the bandage, to bring the black round ceremonial hat and hand to hold the young woman of cane to stand in out of the door, is maintaining is lifting the posture that the hand prepares to knock on a door. 一个身穿黑色长风衣、身上缠着绷带、带着黑色圆礼帽、手执手杖的年轻女人站在门外,正保持着抬起手准备敲门的姿势。 She seemed the whole person to be stiff in that. 她好像整个人都僵在那了。 Duncan sized up this young madam one eyes up and down, looked down oneself. 邓肯上下打量了这位年轻女士一眼,又低头看了看自己 „, Hit the garment.” He spoke thoughtlessly to say. “啊,撞衫了。”他随口说道。 Is she is she,” Alice stands behind the Duncan side, at this time saw clearly the appearance of person of entrance, immediately collects happily, I that black clothes woman who you told, did grocery shopping in the background to see......” “就是她就是她,”爱丽丝站在邓肯侧后方,这时候看清了门口之人的模样,顿时高兴地凑过来,“我跟您说的那个黑衣女人,买菜回来路上看到的……” The Alice sound lets be at the in a daze condition Agatha to startle to sober all of a sudden, on her face the muscle vibrates slightly, tries hard quite a while to put aside from the present big tall and strong form the line of sight, looked that to direction that the sound conveyed. 爱丽丝的声音让正处于愣神状态的阿加莎激灵一下子清醒过来,她脸上肌肉微微抖动,努力了半天才将视线从眼前的高大魁梧身影上移开,看向声音传来的方向。 That had seen some time ago, does not have the blonde female of breath and heartbeat is standing in the room, looks here with the curious and happy vision. 那个不久前才见过的、没有呼吸和心跳的金发女子正站在屋子里,用好奇又高兴的目光看着这边。 She really here. 她果然在这里。 Agatha deeply attracted several tones, is returning to normal diligently the heartbeat, the slight tinnitus sound removes in the mind gradually, because of looks straight ahead the field of vision that „the truth causes to become dark with the double image phenomenon suddenly also she relaxes from dissipation —— finally at present finally, in the chaotic mind remembered the own purpose in coming. 阿加莎深深吸了好几口气,努力平复着心跳,轻微的耳鸣声在脑海中渐渐褪去,因突然直视“真理”而导致的视野发黑和重影现象也终于从眼前消散——她终于松了口气,混乱的头脑中想起了自己的来意。 A somewhat stiff smile appears on her face: I...... have no intention to disturb, but takes a look at the situation, you......” 一丝有些僵硬的笑容出现在她脸上:“我……无意打扰,只是来看看情况,您……” Comes,” the Duncan tone nods indifferently, made way a road to side, it is very cold, do not stand in the entrance said.” “进来吧,”邓肯语气淡然地点点头,向旁边让开了一条路,“天挺冷的,别站在门口说。” Agatha was startled, suddenly has not responded unexpectedly. 阿加莎怔了一下,一时间竟没反应过来。 Sees this, before stood Vanna that has not spoken unable to bear knit the brows, goes forward to look at the opposite party: In where situation you in knowing perfectly well here are caught up, has not thought from the start opens the door the later matter?” 见到这一幕,之前站在旁边没吭声的凡娜忍不住皱了皱眉,上前看着对方:“你在明知这里是什么地方的情况下赶了过来,不会压根没想过开门之后的事情吧?” Understands a point,” Morris rushes to say in the one side, saw for the first time after Captain , the brain is definitely chaotic, Spiritual Vision is higher so, this miss looks is being chaotic.” “理解一点,”莫里斯赶忙在一旁说道,“第一次见到船长之后脑子肯定乱,灵视越高越如此,这姑娘一看就混乱着呢。” Vanna one hear, recalled entering duty of oneself on Vanished to experience immediately, thought that the venerable said right. 凡娜一听,立即回忆了一下自己失乡号上的入职经历,觉得老先生说得对。 Agatha when Vanna talked with Morris finally responded that —— her brain still somewhat was truly chaotic, but the reason has re-entered the leadership, because Duncan had consciousness restraining, her mind too had not been affected greatly, at this time just restored then to hurry to nod: Sorry, I am somewhat distracted.” 阿加莎则在凡娜莫里斯交谈的时候终于反应过来——她的大脑确实仍然有些混乱,但理智已经重回主导,由于邓肯的有意识收敛,她的心智并未受到太大影响,这时刚一恢复便慌忙点了点头:“抱歉,我有些走神。” Afterward she then looks at that road that Duncan made way, slightly after doing hesitates, finally takes the footsteps. 随后她便看了一眼邓肯让开的那条路,略作犹豫之后终于迈出脚步。 She knows where here is. 她知道这里是什么地方。 She knows that tall and strong form essentially is one arrives in City-State, the position standard is very likely to be similar ancient God indescribable. 她知道那魁梧的身影本质上是一个降临在城邦的、位格极有可能类同古神的不可名状者。 She knows that oneself took a step to step into one to arrive. 她知道自己迈步踏入了一个“降临地”。 But from the gate opening since that moment, leeway that has not reneged on a promise. 但从门打开的那一刻起,就已经没有反悔的余地了。 Duncan behind, Morris looks that whole body tight young madam takes a step the room, leans to say to Vanna slightly in a low voice: Compared with you initially strong point.” 邓肯身后,莫里斯看着那浑身紧绷的年轻女士迈步进屋,微微侧头对凡娜低声说道:“比伱当初强点。” Vanna muttered in a low voice: Does not blame me, the Captain first time falling asleep time was too scary.” 凡娜低声咕哝:“不怪我,船长第一次‘入梦’的时候太吓人了。” Morris nods: That but actually is also......” 莫里斯点点头:“那倒也是……” Vanna also added: „The second time I was calmer.” 凡娜又补充道:“不过第二次的时候我就冷静多了。” Duncan listens to these two to whisper in behind, finally cannot bear turn head: Your many ——, the guests have not come for the second time peacefully.” 邓肯听着这两人在后面嘀嘀咕咕,终于忍不住回过头:“你第二次也没强多少——安静点吧,客人来了。”
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