DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1536: In order to win

When Yaxley brings that crowd of crass Dark Wizard are bypassing that blocked corridor, still had not realized that own trend, is kept in the kitchen to monitor House-elf of entire castle to learn by Albert. 亚克斯利带着那群骂骂咧咧的黑巫师绕过那条被封锁的走廊时,仍然没意识到自己的动向,早已被艾伯特留在厨房里监视整座城堡的家养小精灵所获知了。 Whatever probably they want to break the brain, cannot think that some people will be located in the headquarters the kitchen. 大概任由他们想破脑子,都想不到会有人把总部设在厨房里吧。 Also therefore, there is quite safe. 也正因此,那里相当安全。 What kind of, useful?” “怎么样,有用吗?” Hermione and Ron with the help of House-elf 赫敏罗恩家养小精灵的帮助下 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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