DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1535: Little profit

Died to being imminent, do Order of the Phoenix that fellows also dare to launch the attack to them on own initiative? 都死到临头了,凤凰社那帮家伙怎么还敢主动向他们发起进攻? This action lets think Death Eater that without doubt victory is in sight felt oneself received serious offending. 这一举动无疑让自认为胜利在望的食死徒感到自己受到了严重的冒犯。 In their barren brains, did not have any superior in the population Order of the Phoenix, now is also walked lots of manpower by the Death Eater three attack route minutes/shares. 在他们贫瘠的脑子里,原先就在人数上不占任何优势的凤凰社,如今还被食死徒的三道进攻路线分走大量人手。 The population is insufficient, strength insufficient they should look like the mouse to tremble are right. 人数不够,战力不足的他们应该像老鼠般瑟瑟发抖才对。 Knot In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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