BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14231: Heavenly Spirit thirty six( 11)

white eyes one hear of Zhang Hongliang said that his also immediately understand meaning of Zhang Hongliang, his open the mouth and said: You said, Shadow Clansman the Heavenly Spirit thirty six strength even bigger, but we do not have the means within the short time, makes such big Heavenly Spirit thirty six, Heavenly Spirit thirty six that as the matter stands, we manufacture, in strength on can't compare with Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, therefore our wish lets our Heavenly Spirit thirty six, can defeat Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, needs many Heavenly Spirit thirty six together actions be good, is this meaning?” white eyes look at Zhang Hongliang asked. 白眼一听张宏良这么说,他也马上就明白张宏良的意思,他开口道:“你是说,影族人的这个天罡三十六阵的力量更大,而我们是没有办法在短时间之内,制造出这么大的天罡三十六阵的,这样一来,我们制做出来的天罡三十六阵,在力量上就比不上影族人天罡三十六阵,所以我们想要让我们的天罡三十六阵,能打败影族人天罡三十六阵,就必须要多个天罡三十六一起行动才行,是这个意思吧?”白眼看着张宏良问道。 Zhang Hongliang nods said: right, the Heavenly Spirit thirty six that Heavenly Spirit thirty six that is it, we manufacture even if very strong, comes out facing Shadow Clansman, must be careful one line, their Heavenly Spirit thirty six, is not that can destroy completely absolutely easily.” white eyes and Ding Chunming hear of he said that also all nods. 张宏良点了点头道:“对,就是这个意思,我们制做出来的天罡三十六阵就算是十分的强,面对影族人出来的这个天罡三十六阵,也必须要小心一行,他们的天罡三十六阵,绝对不是那么容易就能灭掉的。”白眼丁春明听他这么说,也全都点了点头。 Ding Chunming look at Shadow Clansman direction, then open the mouth and said: We use formation attack now, very formidable, you had said that can use Divine Fire attack? What effect has a look to have?” Ding Chunming turns the head look at white eyes they. 丁春明看着影族人的方向,接着开口道:“我们现在用了法阵攻击,已经十分的强悍了,你们说要不要用神火攻击一下?看看会有什么效果?”丁春明转头看着白眼他们。 white eyes shakes the head said: „is not good, Divine Fire now is our card in a hand, but this card in a hand, can cope with the god of Shadow Clan, if we use now, that later copes with the god of Shadow Clansman, on is impossible, therefore I felt, we when here cope with Shadow Clansman, do not use Divine Fire, that will only make Divine Fire expose ahead of time, has no advantage to us.” 白眼摇了摇头道:“不行,神火现在是我们的一张底牌,而这张底牌,是可以对付影族之神的,要是我们现在就用了,那以后对付影族人之神,就不可能了,所以我觉得,我们在这里对付影族人的时候,就不要用神火了,那只会让神火提前暴露,对我们没有任何的好处。” One hear of white eyes said, what Ding Chunming did not have saying that his look at battlefield said: that today's such attack, evidently is the limit, what way tomorrow did we use to attack Shadow Clansman? Then in this manner, is changing the one type of new way?” 一听白眼这么说,丁春明也就没有在说什么,他看着战场道:“那今天这样的攻击,看样子已经是极限了,明天我们用什么样的方式进攻影族人?接着用这种方式,还是在换一种新的方式?” white eyes said solemnly: tomorrow we use the one close behind the other snake attack, what response having a look at Shadow Clansman can be.” 白眼沉声道:“明天我们用衔尾蛇进攻,看看影族人会是什么样的反应。” One hear of white eyes said, Ding Chunming they had not opposed, the attack strength of one close behind the other snake is correct/pretty good, looks like in Ding Chunming, one close behind the other snake also is impossible Shadow Clansman how, therefore they attack the way like this, should not have what result, but white eyes is command(er), this matter is listens certainly his, moreover he also wants to have a look, when the one close behind the other snake met Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, how that will improve the one close behind the other snake regarding later like this, is good very much. 一听白眼这么说,丁春明他们也没有反对,衔尾蛇的攻击力是不错,不过在丁春明看来,衔尾蛇也不可能影族人怎么样,所以他们这样的进攻方式,应该也不会有什么结果,不过白眼指挥,这种事儿当然是听他的,而且他也想看看,当衔尾蛇遇到了影族人天罡三十六阵,那会怎么样,这样对于以后改良衔尾蛇,也是很有好处。 In Blood Slaughter Sect, Magical Artifact like one close behind the other snake, did not exist did not improve a saying, they during improvement of keeping, slowly became must be powerful, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple including own body refining, improving the one close behind the other snake was not normal. However wants to improve the one close behind the other snake, must know, the present one close behind the other snake, what the strongest condition is, like this they later want to improve time, knows that must start to improve from what landlord, therefore they once for a while uses the one close behind the other snake to fight. 血杀宗里,像衔尾蛇这样的法器,不存在一直不改良一说,他们都是在不停的改良之中,慢慢的变得强大的,血杀宗弟子连自己的身体都炼化了,改良衔尾蛇不是正常的吗。但是想要改良衔尾蛇,就必须要知道,现在的衔尾蛇,最强的状态是什么样的,这样他们以后想要改良的时候,也知道要从什么地主开始进行改良,所以他们才会时不时的就用衔尾蛇进行战斗。 attack of this day, is four double-hour, but Shadow Sovereign has stood four double-hour on city wall, after four double-hour, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple retreated, Shadow Clan their then let out a long breath, later their then returned to in Royal Palace, but this Shadow Sovereign Great Minister of War they, all called in own study room, after they arrived, Shadow Sovereign then open the mouth and said: Today's fight you also all saw, our Heavenly Spirit thirty six, truly is very formidable, however the Blood Slaughter Sect person, had posed the threat to us, we after later, when facing Blood Slaughter Sect, must careful, cogon grass beloved minister, We give you today a power, later Blood Slaughter Sect is attacking, you can order in the clan directly everyone , Us will coordinate you when necessary.” 这一天的攻击,也是四个时辰,而影皇一直在城墙上站了四个时辰,等到四个时辰之后,血杀宗弟子撤退了,影族他们这才长出了口气,随后他们这才回到皇宫里,不过这一次影皇却是将大司马他们,全都叫到了自己的书房里,等到他们到了之后,影皇这才开口道:“今天的战斗你们也全都看到了,我们的天罡三十六阵,确实是十分的强悍,但是血杀宗的人,已经对我们产生了威胁,我们以后以后在面对血杀宗的时候,一定要更加的小心,茅爱卿,朕今天给你一个权力,以后血杀宗在进攻,你可以直接命令族里所有人,到了必要的时候,朕都会配合你。” One hear of Shadow Sovereign said, Great Minister of War they all stare, later they surprised look at Shadow Sovereign, they have not all thought, under the Shadow Sovereign unexpectedly meeting such a order, this order to Mao Xuanying the power, was really big, this equal to said when necessary, Mao Xuanying the power, is possible must be bigger than Shadow Sovereign, this made them be startled. 一听影皇这么说,大司马他们全都是一愣,随后他们全都吃惊的看着影皇,他们没有想到,影皇竟然会下这样的一个命令,这个命令给茅玄应的权力,实在是太大了,这等于是说,在必要的时候,茅玄应的权力,可能都要大于过影皇,这太让他们吃惊了。 Shadow Sovereign also saw their expression, his said solemnly: everyone does not need to be startled, I to the cogon grass the beloved minister such big power, the biggest reason am, this war, is relationship to our entire Shadow Clan life-and-death fight, if we are defeating, we ended, entire Shadow Clan ended, no can live, but the situation in battlefield, fast changing, who knows that the next quarter meets occur anything, but cogon grass beloved minister is command(er) formation, person who most knows the battlefield situation, if his discover exceptionally, what then wanted to make, must ask for instructions me, that may be late on what., Therefore We gave his such power, can let him after discover exceptionally, first reacts, this can guarantee, we can defeat Blood Slaughter Sect, otherwise, but really danger.” 影皇也看到了他们的表情,他沉声道:“大家也没有必要吃惊,我之所以会给茅爱卿这么大的权力,最大的原因就是,这一战,可是关系到我们整个影族的生死之战,如果我们在败,那我们就完了,整个影族就完了,没有一个能活着的,而战场上的情况,瞬息万变,谁也知道下一刻会发生什么,而茅爱卿指挥法阵,最了解战场情况的人,如果他发现了异常,然后想要做什么,还要来请示我,那可就什么都晚了,所以朕给了他这样的权力,可以让他在发现异常之后,第一时间就做出反应,这样才能保证,我们可以战胜血杀宗,不然的话,可就真的危险了。” Great Minister of War they, as soon as listened to Shadow Sovereign saying that all gawked, later they all nod, simultaneously they also admired to Shadow Sovereign, must know that Shadow Sovereign this equal to released authority directly, such matter, feared that was the ordinary people cannot do, because no one met to be willing to put down own power, even no one is willing to share own power, but Shadow Sovereign actually achieved, how they can not admire, but Mao Xuanying at this time, was actually the direct plump, knelt to the ground, he kowtows said: to Shadow Sovereign „the thanks a lot Your Majesty trust, the feudal official fixed light died the cruelest death, by report Your Majesty great kindness.” He said that this saying, in the tone brings the weeping voice. 大司马他们一听影皇这么说,全都是一愣,随后他们全都点了点头,同时他们也对影皇是更加的佩服了,要知道影皇等于是直接放权了,这样的事儿,怕是一般的人都做不出来,因为没有谁会愿意放下自己的权力,甚至都没有人愿意分享自己的权力,而影皇却做到了,他们如何能不佩服,而茅玄应这个时候,却是直接扑通一声,就跪到了地上,他冲着影皇磕了一个头道:多谢陛下信任,臣定光肝脑涂地,以报陛下大恩。”他在说这话的时候,语气之中都带着哭腔的。 Mao Xuanying too clear Shadow Sovereign these gave his power to have time was much big, can say that this power, in the wartime he was really under one person, above ten thousand people, it is for this reason that therefore he will be moved. 茅玄应太清楚影皇这一次给他的权力有多大了,可以说有了这个权力,在战时他就真的是一人之下,万人之上了,正是因为如此,所以他才会如此的感动。 The Shadow Sovereign look at Mao Xuanying appearance, put out a hand to give to hold him, later he to Mao Xuanying open the mouth and said: Does not need so, to get up.” Mao Xuanying then complied with one, stood, Shadow Sovereign looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: Now we can do, actually had done, then with Blood Slaughter Sect to fighting, you also all rested.” The people complied with one, later they to Shadow Sovereign gave a salute, on turn around leave, but Shadow Sovereign look at their leave, without saying anything, rested directly. 影皇看着茅玄应的样子,一伸手就将他给扶了起来,随后他对茅玄应开口道:“不必如此,起来吧。”茅玄应这才应了一声,站了起来,影皇又看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“现在我们能做的,其实已经都做了,接下来就是与血杀宗对战了,你们也全都去休息吧。”众人应了一声,随后他们冲着影皇行了一礼,就转身离开了,而影皇看着他们离开,也没有说什么,直接就去休息了。 Blood Slaughter Sect there is actually very calm, what kind of attack they have arranged tomorrow should, today does not certainly need to say anything, after when these disciple draw back, they rested directly. 血杀宗那里却是十分的平静,他们早就定好了明天该如何的进攻,今天当然也就不需要说什么了,所以等到那些弟子退回来之后,他们就直接去休息去了。 Next morning, Blood Slaughter Sect these disciple have not gone to battle, these goes to battle time, is the one close behind the other snake, Giant Snake, flew from the Blood Slaughter Sect base, flew to the Shadow Clansman direction, Shadow Clansman also all noticed this situation, on their faces arrived too many not surprised, they have thought that Blood Slaughter Sect will certainly conduct attack with Giant Snake, therefore they saw the one close behind the other snake, was not surprised, on the opposite their faces also the belt/bring a happy expression of silk, Shadow Sovereign is being open the mouth and said: Blood Slaughter Sect made their Giant Snake go to battle finally, they also had no new method evidently, we only needed to be ready, can certainly be able to stall their attacks, when the time comes I do not believe Zhao Hai has not made an appearance.” Others also all nod. 第二天一早,血杀宗的那些弟子并没有出战,这一次出战的,全都是衔尾蛇,一条条的巨蛇,从血杀宗的基地里飞了出来,直向影族人的方向飞了过去,影族人也全都注意到了这种情况,不过他们的脸上到是没有太多惊讶,他们早就想到血杀宗一定会用巨蛇进行攻击了,所以他们看到了衔尾蛇,一点儿也不吃惊,相反的他们的脸上还都带着一丝的笑意,影皇更是开口道:“血杀宗终于让他们的巨蛇出战了,看样子他们也没有什么新的手段了,我们只需要做好了准备,就一定可以挡得住他们的进攻,到时候我不相信赵海还不露面。”其它人也全都点了点头。 But at this time, the one close behind the other snake had arrived at outside the shipyard fort 20 li (0.5 km) place, but they have not stopped, but turns toward the Shadow Clansman direction to rush over directly, when the one close behind the other snake enters to shipyard fort two within 10 Li(5km), the suddenly each and every one black person's shadow, appears in the front of one close behind the other snake, these person's shadow very enormous, their wear War Armor, in hand takes all kinds of weapon, the one close behind the other snake has attacked, but the one close behind the other snake is actually the figure moves, hit the past to that shadow. 而这个时候,衔尾蛇已经到了坞堡外二十里的地方了,不过他们并没有停,而是直接就向着影族人的方向冲了过去,就在衔尾蛇进入到坞堡二十里之内的时候,突然一个个的黑色的人影,出现在了衔尾蛇的面前,这些人影十分的巨大,他们身上穿着战甲,手里拿着各种各样的武器,一直衔尾蛇攻了过去,而衔尾蛇却是身形一动,直向那黑影撞了过去。 Hears a loud explosion sound, that shadow blocked attacking guo of one close behind the other snake directly, but at this time, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, this saw clearly these black person's shadows, on the face of that person's shadow, does not have the five senses, but is a black vortex, only then the positions of two eyes, are two small point that braves red light, seems like very strange. 就听到轰的一声巨响,那黑影直接就挡住了衔尾蛇的攻埚,而这个时候,血杀宗弟子,这才看清了那些黑色的人影,那人影的脸上,是没有五官的,而是一个黑色的漩涡,只有两个眼睛的位置,是两个冒着红光的小点,看起来十分的古怪 However the attack strength of these shadows, are actually very formidable, just the one close behind the other snake hit them, was blocked by them with ease, later these shadows, the direct weapon attack one close behind the other snake, the one close behind the other snake also fought one with him, but the one close behind the other snake was snake-shaped, the help of although having mystical powers silk, but wanted to give the opposite party fatally struck, was almost is impossible, instead to was attack of opposite party, projected on the body of one close behind the other snake, will create one close behind the other snake the stir of figure, but the person of command(er) one close behind the other snake, saw this situation, knew these shadow fighting strength uncommonness., They must be careful are good, will otherwise suffer a loss, therefore they were careful, is not spelling with these shadows hardly, but non-stop is walking randomly, hovers with these shadows, but as the matter stands, aspect in time deadlock, but white eyes they see this situation, complexion actually all changes, later white eyes on open the mouth and said: Really has not thought, the one close behind the other snake actually also takes the opposite party not to have the means that you look, what this opposite party uses is what Magic? How such easily blocked attack of one close behind the other snake?” white eyes has not really looked, what opposite party using is what Magic. 但是这些黑影的攻击力,却是十分的强悍,刚刚衔尾蛇撞他们,就被他们轻松的挡住了,随后那些黑影,就直接武器攻击衔尾蛇,衔尾蛇也跟他斗到了一处,但是衔尾蛇毕竟是蛇形的,虽然有灵丝的帮助,但是想要给对方致命的一击,几乎是不可能的,反到是对方的攻击,打到衔尾蛇的身上,就会引起衔尾蛇的身形的震动,而指挥衔尾蛇的人,一看到这种情况,也知道这些黑影的战斗力十分的不凡,他们必须要小心才行,不然的话会吃亏的,所以他们更加的小心了,不在与那些黑影硬拼,而是不停的游走着,与那些黑影游动,但是这样一来,局面就在一次的僵持住了,而白眼他们一看到这种情况,脸色却全都是一变,随后白眼开口道:“真是没有想到,衔尾蛇竟然也拿对方没有办法,你们有没有看出来,这一次对方用的是什么术法?怎么就这么轻易的就挡住了衔尾蛇的攻击?”白眼还真的是没有看出来,对方这一次用的是什么术法 Zhang Hongliang looked at a battlefield, then said solemnly: I, if has not guessed that wrong, they use should be the overcoming powerful foes technique, this Magic can release some projection of Vajra arhat, cope the enemy, energy that but Shadow Clansman uses, is Shadow Clan energy, unlike energy that we use is, projection that therefore their release comes, is not the Vajra arhat, but is these shadows, before carving us, discover the statues of god of these Shadow Clan? God of these Shadow Clan the faces of statue, with face very similar of these shadows, therefore should be energy occur that because they use changed, therefore these projection also with occur change.” 张宏良看了一眼战场,接着沉声道:“我要是没有猜错的话,他们用的应该是降龙伏虎术,这种术法本来是可以放出一些了金刚罗汉的投影,来对付敌人的,但是影族人用的能量,是影族能量,与我们用的能量是不一样的,所以他们放出来的投影,并不是金刚罗汉,而是这些黑影,刻我们之前发现的那些影族之神的雕像吗?那些影族之神的雕像的脸,与这些黑影的脸十分的相似,所以应该是因为他们所用的能量发生了变化,所以这些投影也就跟着发生了变化了。” The people nod, felt he said is reasonable, white eyes open the mouth and said: Has the full power support of god of Shadow Clan, in adding on this Heavenly Spirit thirty six, no wonder these Shadow Clansman are so formidabe, but they in difficult to deal with are also useless, after our Heavenly Spirit thirty six constructs, we can certainly these fellows, give to destroy completely directly, I have not really believed, they can with this Heavenly Spirit thirty six, be able to stall our attacks, we must make Shadow Clansman know, plays formation, we are strongest, they are is impossible on defeat in formation absolutely together our.” 众人都点了点头,觉得他说的有道理,白眼开口道:“有影族之神的全力支持,在加上这天罡三十六阵,怪不得这些影族人这么难对付,不过他们在难对付也没有用,等到我们的天罡三十六阵建好之后,我们一定可以将这些家伙,直接就给灭掉,我还真的就不相信,他们就能凭着这个天罡三十六阵,就能一直的挡住我们的进攻,我们一定要让影族人知道知道,玩儿法阵,我们才是最强的,他们是绝对不可能法阵一道上战胜我们的。”
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