BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14230: Heavenly Spirit thirty six ( 10 )

Ding Chunming complexion to is very normal, his look at battlefield, said solemnly: Effect correct/pretty good, this equal to prompted forward ten then, that is Heavenly Spirit thirty six, we are very difficult to prompt forward, this is also normal, old white, makes them attack like this, an adaptation such attack method well, such attack method, later is possible will often use, this attack method, attack Heavenly Spirit thirty six is possible is not good, when facing others, that may not be uncertain, I to am felt, this attack way, if attacks other person time, can the war winning side, you be possible do not forget, like this. The attack method, our disciple do not need to use many Spiritual Qi, as the matter stands can the fight of long time, but the person who can withstand such attack will not be many.” 丁春明脸色到是十分的正常,他看着战场,沉声道:“效果不错,这就等于是向前推进了十进而,那可是天罡三十六阵,我们很难向前推进,这也是正常的,老白,就让他们这样的进攻吧,好好的适应一下这样的进攻手段,这样的进攻手段,以后可能会经常使用的,这种进攻手段,攻击天罡三十六可能不行,但是面对其它人时,那可就不一定了,我到是觉得,这种进攻方式,要是进攻其它人的时候,一定会大战上风的,你可不要忘了,这样的进攻手段,我们的弟子是不需要使用多少灵气,这样一来就可以长时间的战斗,而能顶得住这样进攻的人可是不会太多。” white eyes one hear of Ding Chunming said, he cannot help but stares, later he cannot help but nods, his discover, his request was also too high, that is Heavenly Spirit thirty six, in this world can arrange a Heavenly Spirit thirty six influence is not many, did not say that broke through Heavenly Spirit thirty six, these disciple can achieve this degree, very good, from this on a little has also been able to look, this Heavenly Spirit thirty six was formidable how, they must face such enemy, naturally need more patience. 白眼一听丁春明这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他不由得点了点头,他也发现,他的要求太高了,那可是天罡三十六阵,这个世上能布置出天罡三十六阵的势力都不多,更不说攻破天罡三十六阵了,那些弟子能做到这种成度,已经十分的不错了,从这一点儿上也可以看得出来,这天罡三十六阵是多么的强悍,他们要面对这样的敌人,当然需要更多的耐心了。 Thinks of here, white eyes cannot help but let out a long breath, later his look at battlefield, then open the mouth and said: Now Old Wen they have not caused Heavenly Spirit thirty six, what way our can tomorrow with attack Shadow Clansman? Now besides Divine Fire, most methods, we may all use, what means tomorrow do we want to use?” 一想到这里,白眼不由得长出了口气,随后他看着战场,接着开口道:“现在老闻他们还没有弄出天罡三十六阵来,我们明天要用什么样的方式进攻影族人呢?现在除了神火之外,大多数的手段,我们可全都用过了,明天我们要用什么样的办法呢?” At this time Zhang Hongliang open the mouth and said: tomorrow lets these disciple, composes formation, then uses Dao Avatar Formation Set, the attack enemy, how do you look?” Zhang Hongliang said that on look at white eyes they, white eyes they one stares, later they looked at a battlefield, now the person in battlefield does not do that? Why can tomorrow also use this? Therefore they all somewhat puzzled look at Zhang Hongliang. 这时张宏良开口道:“明天就让那些弟子,组成法阵,然后使用法相阵组,攻击敌人,你们看如何?”张宏良说完就看着白眼他们,白眼他们一都是一愣,随后他们都看了一眼战场,现在战场上的人不就是这么做的吗?明天为什么还要用这个?所以他们又全都有些不解的看着张宏良 Zhang Hongliang said solemnly: Today these disciple, is a person is all using Dao Avatar Formation Set Dao Avatar, tomorrow we to make disciple compose formation, then this law in the formation, uses Dao Avatar Formation Set formation, as the matter stands, can the Dao Avatar Formation Set formation strength that these disciple use, all gathered to use, how did you look?” Said Zhang Hongliang on look at white eyes they. 张宏良沉声道:“今天那些弟子,全都是一个人在用法相阵组法相,明天我们要让弟子组成法阵,然后这个法阵里,使用法相阵组法阵,这样一来,就可以将那些弟子所用的法相阵组法阵的力量,全都集合起来使用了,你们看如何?”说完张宏良看着白眼他们。 white eyes they, as soon as listened to Zhang Hongliang saying that they all gawked, later they somewhat surprised look at Zhang Hongliang, Zhang Hongliang slightly smiled, then open the mouth and said: My yesterday in the evening with spreading out Celestial Sphere deduce, this method is feasible, but this formation main formation core controller, wants the strength to be enough good, if at least also expert of elder level, but in our Sect, now expert of elder level are too many, even if one corps minute/share is not a problem, you feel,” 白眼他们一听张宏良这么说,他们全都是一愣,随后他们都有些吃惊的看着张宏良,张宏良微微一笑,接着开口道:“我昨天晚上用衍天球推衍过了,这种方法是可行的,只不过这个法阵主阵眼控制者,一定要实力够强才行,最起码也要是一个长老级的高手,不过我们宗门里,现在长老级的高手可是太多了,就算是一个战队分于个都不成问题,你们觉得呢、” One hear of Zhang Hongliang said, white eyes cannot help but relaxes, later his immediately open the mouth and said: "OK, that tomorrow attacked, how having a look at the effect, to break to the 20 li (0.5 km) range of shipyard fort in today, having a look at tomorrow can capture to their within 10 Li(5km), even directly on attack to their shipyard forts. ” Ding Chunming also nods, he also thinks. 一听张宏良这么说,白眼不由得松了口气,随后他马上就开口道:“好,明天就这么进攻,看看效果如何,今天已经冲入到坞堡的二十里范围之内了,看看明天能不能攻入到他们的十里之内,甚至直接就攻击到他们的坞堡。”丁春明也点了点头,他也是这么想的。 Attack of this day, they conducted four double-hour, later Blood Slaughter Sect disciple then retreats, simultaneously tomorrow battle plan, all sent to these disciple to spread out in Celestial Sphere, after these disciple saw spread out the content in Celestial Sphere, they somewhat are also surprised, but they actually all excited, they also wanted to try later, had a look at this method effective. 这天的进攻,他们又进行了四个时辰,随后血杀宗弟子这才撤退,同时明天做战计划,也全都发到了那些弟子天球里,等到那些弟子看到了衍天球里的内容之后,他们也都有些吃惊,不过他们随后却全都兴奋了起来,他们也想要试一试,看看这种方法是不是真的管用。 Next day Blood Slaughter Sect disciple used this method to conduct attack, Blood River when the Dao Avatar Formation Set Dao Avatar combination, their release have gone, has become incomparable was huge, that Blood River probably true river was the same, vast, is adding on release Blood River Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is really many, therefore looked like in Shadow Clansman, was boundless Blood River, flushed to them. 第二天血杀宗弟子就用这处方法进行了攻击,当他们将法相阵组法相组合在一直之后,他们放出去的血河,已经变得无比的巨大了,那血河好像真正的大河一样,一望无边,在加上放出血河血杀宗弟子实在是太多了,所以在影族人看来,就是无边的血河,直向他们冲了过来。 Mao Xuanying complexion becomes the incomparable dignity, his immediately to Shadow Sovereign said:Your Majesty, but also please order the garrison troops in various shipyard forts, their energy, inputs to the shipyard fort, helps oppose the enemy for feudal official together, today Blood Slaughter Sect attack, is not absolutely ordinary. 茅玄应的脸色变得无比的凝重,他马上就影皇道:陛下,还请命令各坞堡里的守军,将他们的能量,输入到坞堡里,帮着为臣一起对敌,今天血杀宗攻击,绝对不一般。 Shadow Sovereign they also all looked, today Blood Slaughter Sect attack, is very fierce, therefore Shadow Sovereign immediately ordered, let the garrison troops in various shipyard forts, must immediately, own strength, input to the shipyard fort, helping Mao Xuan should oppose the enemy. 影皇他们也全都看出来了,今天血杀宗攻击,真的很凶猛,所以影皇马上就下令,让各坞堡里的守军,一定要在第一时间,将自己的力量,输入到坞堡里,帮着茅玄应对敌。 However Shadow Sovereign immediately thinks an issue, his look at Mao Xuanying said: „have these garrison troops, their strength is impossible input four double-hour? Looks at the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect this several days, each attack, minimum takes four double-hour, input four double-hour that the strengths of these garrison troops, is impossible has continued?” Shadow Sovereign is worried about the strengths of these garrison troops, if cannot follow, their Heavenly Spirit thirty six will be broken, if is really such, they may really end, therefore he asked. 不过影皇马上就想到了一个问题,他看着茅玄应道:“那些守军,他们的力量不可能一直输入四个时辰吧?看血杀宗几天的进攻,他们每一次进攻,最少都是要四个时辰,那些守军的力量,不可能一直持续的输入四个进辰吧?”影皇担心那些守军的力量要是跟不上,那他们的天罡三十六阵会被破掉,如果真的是那样的话,那他们可就真的完了,所以他才如此问。 Mao Xuanying said: Your Majesty can make them be divided into three teams, in turn inputs energy to the shipyard fort, even if they are divided into three teams, the strength still enough used, after all our army one third, in various shipyard forts, the population was enough, invited Your Majesty feel relieved.” 茅玄应道:陛下可以让他们分成三队,轮流的向坞堡里输入能量,就算是他们分成三队,力量也足够用了,毕竟我们大军三分之一的,都在各坞堡里,人数足够了,请陛下放心。” Shadow Sovereign one hear of he said, also nods, later his immediately ordering lets these garrison troops in shipyard fort, was divided into three teams, in turn inputs energy to the shipyard fort, must guarantee, every time, has the garrison troops in full power input energy to the shipyard fort to be good. 影皇一听他这么说,也点了点头,随后他马上就下令让坞堡里的那些守军,分成了三队,轮流的向坞堡里输入能量,一定要保证,每时每刻,都有守军在向坞堡里全力的输入能量才行。 His order just issued, Blood Slaughter Sect Blood Sea has broken in shipyard fort two within 10 Li(5km), hears a loud explosion sound, later that Blood Sea hit together with the monstrous waves directly, but this monstrous waves were actually hit to disperse directly, Blood Sea still flushed before, but monstrous waves wave after wave, but Blood Sea broke in within 10 Li(5km) of shipyard fort quickly, when Blood Sea soon rushed to the shipyard fort in five li (0.5 km), suddenly these shipyard fort great and magnificent rays of light, later were together the monstrous waves, hit toward Blood Sea, heard loud noise, Blood Sea was blocked finally, not means. advancing, this let Shadow Clansman also finally is let out a long breath. 他的命令刚一下达,血杀宗血海已经冲入到了坞堡二十里之内了,就听到轰的一声巨响,随后那血海就直接与巨浪撞到了一起,不过这一次巨浪却是直接就被撞散了,血海依然在前冲,而巨浪一波接着一波,不过血海还是很快就冲入到了坞堡的十里之内,就在血海快要冲到坞堡五里之内的时候,突然那些坞堡光芒大盛,随后又是一道巨浪,向着血海撞了过去,就听到一阵的巨响,血海终于是被挡住了,没有办法在前进了,这让影族人也终于是长出了口气 white eyes the situation in look at battlefield, have noticed Blood Sea kept off beyond five li (0.5 km) of shipyard fort, they cannot help but regrettable sighing, but Zhang Hongliang at this time was actually open the mouth and said: „Our time, was actually successful.” 白眼他们一直在看着战场上的情况,一看到血海被挡在了坞堡的五里之外,他们都不由得遗憾的叹了口气,不过张宏良这时却是开口道:“我们这一次,其实是成功了。” white eyes and Ding Chunming somewhat puzzled look at he, Zhang Hongliang look at two people appearances, his cannot help but slightly smiled said: does not use such look at I, I toward our tooting one's own horn, they am not noticing in the shipyard fort up?” white eyes and Ding Chunming they all nod, Zhang Hongliang then open the mouth and said: That is only not the common flower, that is only representing, in the shipyard fort has large quantities of new strengths to pour into, but where does Shadow Clansman from cause the new strength? In my opinion, is possible only then the one type of situation, that is the Shadow Clansman strength, Heavenly Spirit thirty six that also in other words, their these arranges time, these Shadow Clansman can input energy to inside, but some Shadow Clansman how many, I think that everyone knows, before although was eliminated by us, but should the number of 100 billion have now? although my don’t know Shadow Clansman arranged many people in the shipyard fort, but is actually a little certain, that is the person in shipyard fort certainly also many, you also know that void magnet ability, he can produce internal space, Shadow Clansman is impossible does not use this, therefore the person in their shipyard fort are certainly many, these people should be now all the strength, input in the shipyard fort, therefore their Heavenly Spirit thirty six, can stall our attacks, therefore our attack, attack to shipyard fort, but we actually tried this little, this on was the victory., Because of this on behalf, our attacks, they are using Heavenly Spirit thirty six, could not have blocked, needed the help of Shadow Clansman, simultaneously they also oneself card in a hand shining, us know that they can do that we then when attacked them, must pay attention this little, everyone understand?” 白眼丁春明都有些不解的看着他,张宏良看着两人的样子,他不由得微微一笑道:“不用这么看着我,我可不是在往咱们的脸上贴金,他们注意到坞堡上的光了吗?”白眼丁春明他们全都点了点头,张宏良这才接着开口道:“那光可不是一般的花,那光代表着,坞堡里有大批新的力量注入,而影族人从什么地方弄出新的力量来?在我看来,可能只有一种情况,那就是影族人的力量,也就是说,他们这一次布置的天罡三十六阵,那些影族人是可以向里面输入能量的,而影族人有多少,我想大家都知道,之前虽然被我们消灭了一些,但是现在千亿之数应该也会有吧?虽然不知道影族人在坞堡里布置了多少人,但是有一点儿却是可以肯定的,那就是坞堡里的人一定也不少,你们也都知道虚空磁石的能力,他是可以产生内空间的,影族人不可能不利用这一点儿,所以他们坞堡里的人一定不少,那些人现在应该是全都将力量,输入到了坞堡里,所以他们的天罡三十六阵,才能挡得住我们的进攻,所以我们的攻击,虽然没有攻击到坞堡,但是我们却试出了这一点儿,这就是胜利,因为这代表着,我们的进攻,他们用天罡三十六阵,已经挡不住了,必须要影族人的帮助了,同时他们也将自己的底牌给亮了出来,我们知道他们可以这么做,那我们接下来在进攻他们的时候,就必须要注意这一点儿了,大家明白了吗?” One hear of Zhang Hongliang said, white eyes and Ding Chunming they all nod, later white eyes is actually two eyes shined, he laughs said: if this is really the case, that may on fantastic, HaHaHa, later we, when attacks Shadow Clansman, can certainly give to tidy up them, because their cards in a hand have exposed, that also has anything saying that tidies up them and that's the end.” 一听张宏良这么说,白眼丁春明他们全都点了点头,随后白眼却是两眼一亮,他哈哈大笑道:“如果真的是这样的话,那可就太好了,哈哈哈哈,以后我们在进攻影族人的时候,就一定可以将他们给收拾了,因为他们的底牌都已经暴露了,那还有什么好说的,收拾他们就是了。” Ding Chunming and Zhang Hongliang they, all nod, the meaning of their understand white eyes, white eyes did not mean, tomorrow they are attacking Shadow Clansman, can Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six breaking, but said that when their real starts and Shadow Clansman conduct fights greatly certainly, they had confidence that can broken go to Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, after all they had known the Shadow Clansman card in a hand, one, but Shadow Clansman all cards in a hand, are all known by them, that Shadow Clansman was also finished. 丁春明张宏良他们,全都点了点头,他们都明白白眼的意思,白眼并不是说,明天他们在进攻影族人,就能将影族人天罡三十六阵给破了,而是说,等到他们真正的开始与影族人进行大绝战的时候,他们就有把握可以破去影族人天罡三十六阵了,毕竟他们已经知道了影族人的底牌,一但影族人所有的底牌,全都被他们知道,那影族人也就完蛋了。 white eyes then turns the head to Zhang Hongliang said: Hongliang, you said us, if with Heavenly Spirit thirty six, copes with Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, how can that result?” white eyes regarding this little, is very curious, although he is very confident regarding their formation, but this Heavenly Spirit thirty six, truly was too strong, white eyes also was really some lacks self-confidence at heart. 白眼接着转头对张宏良道:“宏良,你说我们要是用天罡三十六阵,对付影族人天罡三十六阵,那结果会如何?”白眼对于这一点儿,还是十分好奇的,虽然他对于他们的法阵是很有信心,但是这一次这天罡三十六阵,确实是太强了,白眼还真的是有些心里没底。 Zhang Hongliang look at Shadow Clansman Heavenly Spirit thirty six, then sighed said: not to say lightly.” Such reply, is actually stems from white eyes and Zhang Hongliang accidental/surprised, other person also some accidental/surprised, they also are really the first time hear Zhang Hongliang they on not to grasp in formation together, therefore they are very curious, their at heart also somewhat is simultaneously anxious. 张宏良看着影族人天罡三十六阵,接着轻叹了口气道:“不太好说。”这样的回答,却是出乎白眼张宏良意外,其它人也都有些意外,他们还真的是头一次听到张宏良他们在法阵一道上没有把握,所以他们都很是好奇,同时他们的心里也有些紧张。 Zhang Hongliang look at people, then open the mouth and said: Heavenly Spirit thirty six that we arrange, will be very certainly strong, this I am certain a little, however Shadow Clansman the Heavenly Spirit thirty six, was really big, moreover they arrived when necessary, but can also the entire Shadow Clansman strength, all centralized to this Heavenly Spirit thirty six in the formation, like this their Heavenly Spirit thirty six, can display the incomparably gigantic strength, but our Heavenly Spirit thirty six, wanted with them compared with the strength, this truly somewhat suffered a loss, because our Heavenly Spirit thirty six, feared that was constructs was not so big, moreover our not means that all our. disciple strength, all as centralized as Heavenly Spirit thirty six in the formation, therefore in my opinion, our is possible needs several Heavenly Spirit thirty six.” 张宏良看着众人,接着开口道:“我们布置的天罡三十六阵,一定会很强,这一点儿我是可以肯定的,但是影族人的这个天罡三十六阵,实在是太大了,而且他们到了必要的时候,还可以将整个影族人的力量,全都集中到这个天罡三十六阵里,这样他们的天罡三十六阵,可以发挥出无比巨大的力量,而我们的天罡三十六阵,想要跟他们比力量,这个确实是有些吃亏的,因为我们的天罡三十六阵,怕是建不了这么大,而且我们也没有办法,将我们所有弟子的力量,全都集中到一个天罡三十六阵里,所以在我看来,我们可能需要好几个天罡三十六阵。”
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