BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14218: Magnetic field ( 10 )

Shadow Sovereign stands on city wall, the direction of look at battlefield, sees the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect, in a restoration the beforehand condition, all kinds of attacks all had, Shadow Sovereign cannot help but knits the brows said: Blood Slaughter Sect , since previous attack, probably returned to the beforehand condition, didn't this like the Blood Slaughter Sect style, you feel?” 影皇站在城墙上,看着战场的方向,看到血杀宗的进攻,在一次的恢复到了之前的状态,各种各样的进攻全都有,影皇不由得皱了皱眉头道:血杀宗自从上一次进攻之后,好像又回到了之前的状态,这可不像血杀宗的风格,你们觉得呢?” The people all nod, Great Minister of War open the mouth and said: „The Blood Slaughter Sect previous attack, although was blocked by us, but they were actually succeeded, because they know our void magnets weakness, was feared that Earth element energy, properly speaking, their capture this weakness, should make an issue at this matter is right, but they did not have the sound, the feudal official suspected that they are fermenting the action of even bigger, what actually don’t know their following actions can be, but the attack of previous that type of projectile and long spear, should they be in not using? Because we had found the to break means that they should not use.” 众人全都点了点头,大司马开口道:“血杀宗上一次的进攻,虽然被我们挡住了,但是他们其实算是成功了,因为他们知道了我们那些虚空磁石的弱点,就是怕土系能量,按理说,他们抓住了这个弱点,应该会在这件事情上做文章才对,可是他们却一直没有动静,臣怀疑他们在酝酿更大的行动,但是却不知道他们接下来的行动会是什么样的,不过上一次那种弹丸和长枪的进攻,他们应该是不会在用了吧?因为我们已经找到了破解的办法,他们应该就不会在用了。” Shadow Sovereign nods, later turned the head to look at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: You also said that if you are the Blood Slaughter Sect people, then your attack we? Said, facing Blood Slaughter Sect such enemy, we must all try to find the solution that all can think is good, otherwise, finally failure was we.” 影皇点了点头,随后转头看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“你们也都说说,如果你们是血杀宗的人,那么你们会如何的进攻我们呢?都说说吧,面对血杀宗这样的敌人,我们必须要将所有能想到的办法全都想了才行,不然的话,最后失败的就是我们了。” The people all complied with one, later big Sikong open the mouth and said: Your Majesty, the feudal official thinks, Blood Slaughter Sect person, if is attacking, how can be wants the destruction our magnetic field, this regarding their threats is biggest, before their discover, Earth element energy, can restrain our magnetic field, however their attacks, actually without project on our shipyard forts truly, can they not say with this method, but the feudal official thinks, they will certainly try to find the solution, destroys our magnetic field, if they do not destroy our magnetic field, they have not flown to attack us would have no means directly, they are is impossible only by long-distance attack, Can be defeated our, finally they must depend on Close-Combat to be good, but they want Close-Combat, must break our magnetic field, we should, make some preparations in this regard, completes the defense in this aspect to be good, otherwise, meets very troublesome.” 众人全都应了一声,随后大司空开口道:“陛下,臣以为,血杀宗的人,接下来要是在进攻,一定会是想要如何的破坏我们的磁场,这对于他们的威胁才是最大的,之前他们发现,土系能量,可以克制我们的磁场,但是他们的进攻,却还是并没有真正的打到我们的坞堡上,他们会不会还用这种方法不好说,但是臣以为,他们一定会想办法,破坏我们的磁场的,因为如果他们不破坏我们的磁场,他们就没有办法直接飞过来进攻我们,他们是不可能只靠远程攻击,就能打败我们的,最后他们还是要靠近战才行,而他们想要近战,就一定要破去我们的磁场,我们应该在这方面,多做一些准备,做好这方面的防御才行,不然的话,会十分的麻烦。” One hear of Sikong said greatly, Shadow Sovereign also nods, he felt Sikong greatly said is reasonable, but Great Minister of War also open the mouth and said: Feudal official also thinks that if they really can break our magnetic field, then we can only depend on Great Defense Formation, but Blood Slaughter Sect is the expert in formation aspect, Great Defense Formation, is possible cannot block them, how must cope with them, the feudal official does not have the good way now.” 一听大司空这么说,影皇也点了点头,他觉得大司空说的有道理,而大司马开口道:“臣也是这么想的,如果他们真的能破去我们的磁场,那么我们就只能靠防御大阵了,但是血杀宗又是法阵方面的行家,防御大阵,可能挡不住他们,要如何的对付他们,臣现在也没有太好的办法。” The people also all nod, truly is so, if only depends on Great Defense Formation, they have not truly grasped block Blood Slaughter Sect attack, because Blood Slaughter Sect in times with their fights during, proved to them, is playing formation this aspect, Blood Slaughter Sect is the true expert, therefore they , if not depend on the magnetic field, only by Great Defense Formation, is impossible can stall the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect absolutely, now but their defenses of shipyard forts, most important depends is the magnetic field and Great Defense Formation, not this two kinds, how can stall the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect? Do not say Great Minister of War, everyone not good way. 众人也全都点了点头,也确实是如此,如果只靠防御大阵,他们确实是没有把握挡住血杀宗攻击,因为血杀宗早在一次次与他们的战斗之中,就向他们证明了,在玩儿法阵这方面,血杀宗才是真正的行家,所以他们要是不靠磁场,只靠防御大阵,是绝对不可能挡得住血杀宗的进攻的,但是现在他们那些坞堡的防御,最主要靠的就是磁场和防御大阵,如果没有这两样的话,如何能挡住血杀宗的进攻呢?不要说大司马,所有人都没有太好的办法。 Shadow Sovereign looked at people one eyes, later he cannot help but sighed lightly, then said solemnly: Speaking of finally, must depend to go all out, we do not have the good way, that was only left over to go all out, looked at the Blood Slaughter Sect life is enough hard, if their lives were not very hard, they died, if their lives were hard enough, that death was we, now I only hope, we can stall the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect some time, enabling us Blood Slaughter Sect Sect Master Zhao Hai to give to compel to come out, tidy up him in please doppelganger of Sir Main God.” 影皇看了众人一眼,随后他不由得轻叹了口气,接着沉声道:“说到最后,还是要靠拼命,我们没有太好的办法,那就只剩下拼命了,就看血杀宗的命是不是够硬了,要是他们的命不够硬的话,那他们就死定了,如果他们的命够硬的话,那死的就是我们,现在我只希望,我们能挡住血杀宗的进攻一段时间,让我们可以将血杀宗宗主赵海给逼出来,在请主神大人的分身来收拾他。” The people also all nod, Great Minister of War is open the mouth and said: Invited Your Majesty feel relieved, feudal official certainly full power stalled the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect, that Zhao Hai compelling, so long as killed him, then Blood Slaughter Sect will certainly defeat, that was only opportunity that we turned defeat into victory.” 众人也全都点了点头,大司马更是开口道:“请陛下放心,臣一定全力的挡住血杀宗的进攻,将那个赵海给逼出来,只要杀了他,那么血杀宗就一定会败,那是我们反败为胜的惟一机会。” But at this time Mao Xuanying open the mouth and said: Your Majesty, feudal official these days has tried, so long as after we these void magnets to refining, can obtain the one type of metal, this metal feudal official does not have a name now, but this metal has the one type of characteristics, that is he can the control magnetic field, the originally void magnet magnetic field, can only defend, but becomes this metal after void magnet refining, he can the control magnetic field, the magnetic field be able to attack as the matter stands . Moreover the magnetic field that the a piece fist big metal, he can release come, covers the entire shipyard fort sufficiently, so long as we used well this metal, certain. Will let Blood Slaughter Sect headache, even if they our magnetic field breaking, magnetic field that but facing can change, didn't they have the means broken in?” Mao Xuan should say that on look at Shadow Sovereign, but Shadow Sovereign listened to Mao Xuanying the words, is actually two eyes shined, he has not really thought, Mao Xuan should at this time, unexpectedly find out such a good way, this makes Shadow Sovereign feel that accidental/surprised, also does make his great happiness his immediately said: be possible to have the material object?” 而这时茅玄应开口道:“陛下,臣这些天试过了,只要我们将那些虚空磁石给炼化之后,就可以得到一种金属,这种金属臣现在还没有起名字,但是这种金属却有一种特点,那就是他可以控制磁场,原本虚空磁石的磁场,只能是进行防御,但是将虚空磁石炼化成这种金属之后,他就可以控制磁场了,这样一来磁场就可以进攻了,而且一块拳头大的金属,他可以放出来的磁场,就足以覆盖整个坞堡,只要我们用好了这种金属,一定会让血杀宗十分的头痛,他们就算是将我们的磁场给破了,但是面对可以变化的磁场,他们就没有办法在破了吧?”茅玄应说完就看着影皇,而影皇听了茅玄应的话,却是两眼一亮,他还真的是没有想到,茅玄应在这个时候,竟然想出了这么一个好办法,这让影皇都感到十分的意外,同时也让他大喜他马上就道:“可有实物?” Mao Xuanying immediately open the mouth and said: Has, Your Majesty please look.” Said that his hand moves, put out the a piece fist size directly, the silver metal, this metal looks on a minute/share of attractiveness , the silver, above also has the ice crystal same pattern all over the body, but Shadow Sovereign they, in this metal, had not actually felt that any magnetic field, this arrives lets some Shadow Sovereign their accidental/surprised. 茅玄应马上就开口道:“有,陛下请看。”说完他手一动,就直接拿出了一块拳头大小的,银色的金属,这种金属看起上分的漂亮,通体银色的,上面还带着冰晶一样的花纹,不过影皇他们,却并没有在这块金属上,感觉到任何的磁场,这到是让影皇他们有些意外 Mao Xuanying looks at the Shadow Sovereign appearance, knows that the idea of Shadow Sovereign, his immediately control that metal, release the magnetic field, that magnetic field was not aiming at Shadow Sovereign they, but Shadow Sovereign they felt that magnetic field is very strong, this lets their two eyes cannot help but is one bright, later Mao Xuan should on open the mouth and said: Your Majesty, this Stonehead/stone, by void magnet refining, after refining, his normally magnetic field will restrain, when we input energy, this magnetic field meets occur to do to use, moreover this metal does not fear Earth element energy now.” Said that Mao Xuan should take back energy, that metal, turned into the appearance of common metal, Mao Xuan should take that metal, both hands held to hand over toward the Shadow Sovereign front, this metal he must have a look to Shadow Sovereign. 茅玄应一看影皇的样子,就知道影皇的想法,他马上就控制着那块金属,放出了磁场,那磁场并不是针对影皇他们的,不过影皇他们还是感觉到那磁场很强,这让他们的两眼不由得又是一亮,随后茅玄应就开口道:“陛下,这种石头,就是由虚空磁石炼制而成的,在炼制之后,他平时磁场会收敛起来,只有在我们输入能量的时候,这磁场才会发生做用,而且这种金属现在并不怕土系能量了。”说完茅玄应就收回了能量,那块金属,又变成了普通金属的样子,茅玄应拿着那块金属,双手托着往影皇的面前递了过去,这块金属他是必须要给影皇看看的。 Shadow Sovereign looked at a that metal, later he put out a hand to attain in hand that metal, he carefully looked at that metal, later he also input Spiritual Qi to the metal, the next quarter magnetic field in appears , Shadow Sovereign felt, his discover he really can control that magnetic field, let that magnetic field occur all kinds of changes probably, even can attack, can defend, all kinds of changes all, this made Shadow Sovereign two eyes cannot help but one bright, later his immediately look at Mao Xuanying said: „can a refining this metal, have difficult?” 影皇看了一眼那块金属,随后他伸手将那块金属拿到了手里,他仔细的看了看那块金属,随后他也向金属里输入了一丝的灵气,下一刻磁场在一次出现,影皇感觉了一下,他发现他好像真的可以控制那磁场,让那磁场发生各种各样的变化,甚至可以进攻,可以防御,各种各样的变化全都可以,这让影皇两眼不由得一亮,随后他马上就看着茅玄应道:炼制这种金属,可有困难?” Mao Xuanying open the mouth and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, refining this metal, need more void magnets, need a shipyard fort that big a piece void magnet, can refining have a piece such metal, therefore wants refining to have such metal is not an easy matter. ” 茅玄应开口道:“是,陛下,炼制这种金属,需要更多的虚空磁石,需要一个坞堡那么大的一块虚空磁石,才能炼制一块这样的金属,所以想要炼制出这样的金属并不是一件容易的事情。” Shadow Sovereign one hear of he said that immediately open the mouth and said: Great Minister of War, arranges, later void magnet that mines from Void World there, all delivers to cogon grass beloved minister there to go, cogon grass beloved minister, your refining, needed many void magnet by all means that immediately told me, but you must remember, this metal, you can refining come out many, came out many on refining, this wanted to our very heavy.” 影皇一听他这么说,马上就开口道:“大司马,安排一下,以后从虚界那里开采出来的虚空磁石,全都送到茅爱卿那里去,茅爱卿,你只管炼制,需要多少虚空磁石,马上就跟我说,但是你一定要记住,这种金属,你能炼制出来多少,就炼制出来多少,这对我们十分的重要。” Great Minister of War and Mao Xuanying, all complied with one, Shadow Sovereign then nodded, later his open the mouth and said: "All right, everyone also went back to rest, if later Blood Slaughter Sect such attack, we have not needed to come to see, when Blood Slaughter Sect changed their attack way, we are coming to see are not late. ” The people complied with one, as got down city wall with Shadow Sovereign, walks in the Royal Palace direction. 大司马和茅玄应,全都应了一声,影皇这才点了点头,随后他开口道:“好了,大家也都回去休息吧,以后血杀宗要是还这样的进攻,我们也就没有必要来看了,什么时候血杀宗改变了他们的进攻方式,我们在来看也不晚。”众人都应了一声,随着跟着影皇下了城墙,往皇宫的方向走去。 But the attack that Blood Slaughter Sect there, everyday still non-stop, their attacks, have not made what progress and that's the end, they do not worry, everyday is still attack slowly, but Wen Yuming their there is actually continuously in the refining void magnet. 血杀宗那里,每天依然不停的进攻,不过他们的进攻,没有取得什么效果就是了,他们也不着急,每天依然是慢慢的进攻,而闻于名他们那里却是一直在炼化虚空磁石。 However when they start the refining void magnet time, their then discover, this void magnet wants refining to become the metal, but also is not really easy, needs many void magnets, this can refine the a piece metal to come out, this arrives lets their some accidental/surprised. 不过等到他们开始炼化虚空磁石的时候,他们这才发现,这虚空磁石想要炼制成金属,还真的不容易,需要很多的虚空磁石,这才能炼出一块金属出来,这到是让他们有些意外 However this regarding Blood Slaughter Sect, actually simply is not anything, Blood Slaughter Sect now is to many void magnet, many void magnets, therefore these simply are not the issue, therefore although refining is quite difficult, refining that but they keep, very happy their refining had/left a large quantities of void magnet, then they start to conduct research, how has a look to be able the void magnet, with Blood Gold and spirit silk these thing to friendly combined together, direct refining, feared that is somewhat difficult, therefore they must do now, before is also uses the method, uses pollution Law, slowly these Stonehead/stone characteristics., Integrates in the spirit silk and Blood Gold, then in trying to find the solution, this characteristics, integrates in the body of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, so long as achieves that step, they succeeded even. 不过这对于血杀宗来说,却根本就不算什么,血杀宗现在是要多少虚空磁石,就有多少虚空磁石,所以这些根本就不是什么问题,所以虽然炼制比较困难,但是他们还是不停的炼制,很愉快的他们就炼制出了一大批的虚空磁石,然后他们就开始进行研究,看看如何才能将虚空磁石,与血金和灵丝这些东西给融合在一起,直接炼制,怕是有些困难,所以他们现在要做的,就是还用之前的方法,用污染法则,慢慢的将这些石头的特性,融入到灵丝和血金里,然后在想办法,将这种特性,融入到血杀宗弟子的身体里,只要做到那一步,他们就算是成功了。 Naturally, before then, they must perform some experiments to be good, must guarantee that integrates in this metal the body of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, appears anything accidental/surprised, will not have any negative effect, only by doing so, they can this metal, integrate in the body of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, the matter that therefore Wen Yuming they must handle returns has plenty, therefore white eyes they do not have to worry, according to before is uses the method, at a moderate pace attack Shadow Clansman, what having a look at Shadow Clansman can be response. 当然,在此之前,他们还必须要做一些试验才行,要确保将这种金属融入到血杀宗弟子的身体里,不会出现什么意外,不会有什么负面的影响,只有这样,他们才能将这种金属,融入到血杀宗弟子的身体里,所以闻于名他们要做的事情还有很多,所以白眼他们也就没有在着急,依在是用之前的方法,不紧不慢的进攻着影族人,看看影族人会是什么样的反应。 Shadow Clansman has not responded now, Blood Slaughter Sect like this attack they, they motionless look at, because in any case has relationship of magnetic field, the attack of Blood Slaughter Sect, to the threat that they have does not have any, therefore they also can only wait, but they actually all added some carefully, they to had not forgotten, before Blood Slaughter Sect these shells with Skyful Fire, projected on nearby them directly the situation, their even Great Defense Formation got up, obviously at that time the situation bad risk, now is also same, now although all seems like very calm, but Shadow Clansman was actually very clear, when Blood Slaughter Sect don’t know, attacked them, in this case, they. Naturally must double was careful, because of so, therefore Shadow Clansman now is actually somewhat anxious, their even wish makes Blood Slaughter Sect earlier initiate attack to them, this also gives them a happiness, they did not need to be worried.( This chapter ends) 影族人现在是没有反应,血杀宗这样的进攻他们,他们就一动不动的看着,反正因为有磁场的关系,血杀宗的进攻,对他们也没有任何的威胁,所以他们也就只能等着,不过他们却全都加了一些小心,他们可没有忘记,之前血杀宗那些炮弹和满天火,直接就打到他们跟前的情况,他们可是连防御大阵都支起来了,可见当时情况的凶险,现在也是一样,现在虽然一切看起来都很平静,但是影族人却是十分的清楚,血杀宗不知道什么时候,又来进攻他们,在这种情况下,他们当然是要加倍的小心了,也正是因为如此,所以影族人现在其实是有些紧张的,他们甚至都想要让血杀宗早一点儿对他们发起攻击,这样也算是给他们一个痛快,他们也就不用在担心了。(本章完)
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