BTFTLIAW :: Volume #143

#14217: Magnetic field ( 9 )

Today's fight, they collected many crushed stones, these crushed stones all delivered to Wen Yuming there, Wen Yuming they can also conduct to experiment finally well, this regarding Wen Yuming them, was very important, now Divine Machine Hall there, had branched out several groups, was special conducted all kinds of experiments to these Stonehead/stone, each group, conducted the one type of experiment specially, can within the shortest time, know this Stonehead/stone characteristics. 今天的战斗,他们收集到了很多的碎石,那些碎石全都送到了闻于名那里,闻于名他们也终于可以好好的进行试验了,这对于闻于名他们来说,可是十分重要的,现在神机堂那里,已经分出了好几个小组,就是专门的对那些石头进行各种各样的试验,每一个小组,都是专门进行一种试验,就可以在最短的时间之内,知道这种石头的特性。 Finally, after five days of experiments, Wen Yuming attained the test report of Stonehead/stone, saw content on the test report, Wen Yuming also finally is let out a long breath, later his open the mouth and said: immediately/on horseback inputs these materials to True Illusion Boundary, then in scans that Stonehead/stone, has a look at that Stonehead/stone whether to enter to True Illusion Boundary, if can enter, that represents our these experiments is being absolutely correct, if not good, that can only not try to find the solution.” 终于,经过了五天的试验之后,闻于名拿到了石头的试验报告,看到了试验报告上的内容,闻于名也终于是长出了口气,随后他开口道:“马上将这些资料输入到真实幻境里,然后在对那种石头进行扫描,看看那种石头是不是可以进入到真实幻境里,如果可以进入,那就代表着我们的这些试验是完全正确的,如果不行,那就只能别想办法了。” disciple complied with one, later the immediately arrangement person did, but Wen Yuming has also been observing this matter, quick that disciple reported Wen Yuming, they have succeeded, that Stonehead/stone has scanned in True Illusion Boundary, heard this information, the Wen Yuming also cannot help but great happiness, his immediately looked to this Stonehead/stone, he needs to give this Stonehead/stone to give the name now, after all this Stonehead/stone was their here does not have, must give a name to be good. 一个弟子应了一声,随后马上就安排人去做了,而闻于名也一直在观察着这件事情,很快的那个弟子就来报告闻于名,他们已经成功了,那种石头已经扫描进了真实幻境里,一听到这个消息,闻于名也不由得大喜,他马上就看向了这种石头,他现在需要给这种石头起名字,毕竟这种石头是他们这里没有的,必须要起一个名字才行。 At this time, suddenly Wen Yuming on discover, that Stonehead/stone, had been given the name, called the void magnet, saw this name, he cannot help but gawked, later he thought of anything probably, his immediately understand, this name is Zhao Hai gives, in entire Blood Slaughter Sect, only had Zhao Hai, can cross him, gave the name to this Stonehead/stone directly, Wen Yuming moves at heart, his immediately looked at the synopsis of this Stonehead/stone, because when name, but must write an synopsis to this Stonehead/stone, generally this synopsis, was the person of name. Writes, Wen Yuming wants to have a look, what Zhao Hai regarding the synopsis of this Stonehead/stone is. 就在这个时候,突然闻于名发现,那种石头,已经被人起了名字了,叫虚空磁石,一看到这个名字,他不由得一愣,随后他好像是想到了什么,他马上就明白了,这个名字是赵海给起的,整个血杀宗里,也只有赵海,能越过他,直接给这种石头起名字,闻于名心里一动,他马上就看这种石头的简介,因为在起名字的时候,还必须要给这种石头写一个简介,一般这个简介,都是起名字的人写的,闻于名想要看看,赵海对于这种石头的简介是什么样的。 Quick he sees Zhao Hai regarding the synopsis of this Stonehead/stone, later he compared a simplicity of in hand, has looked at later Wen Yuming cannot help but let out a long breath, the synopsis that fortunately, Zhao Hai writes, just like the synopsis of his in hand, they have not dropped anything, like this he also on feel relieved, this proved their experiments wrong not. 很快他就看到赵海对于这种石头的简介,随后他又对照了一下自己手里的简单,看过之后闻于名不由得长出了口气,还好,赵海写出来的简介,与他手里的简介一样,他们并没有落下什么,这样他也就放心了,这就证明他们的试验没有错。 He does not believe, after that synopsis is Zhao Hai read their test report, writes, obviously their here just passed on very much that Stonehead/stone, Zhao Hai had given the name to Stonehead/stone, even introduced wrote, moreover some functions in that synopsis, they also without experimented with enough time, for example, after Stonehead/stone refining, can the control magnetic field, this they would have no to experiment with enough time, from this on a little can look comes out, this synopsis truly was Zhao Hai writes, but Zhao Hai also conducted the experiment to this Stonehead/stone, even compared with the experiment obtained the time of result. Is much earlier, why his understand Zhao Hai will not have the test result to tell them, because Zhao Hai will want to take a look at them to understand that was clear this Stonehead/stone situation, this will also be tests to their one type of, they passed fortunately. 他可不认为,那简介是赵海看了他们的试验报告之后写的,很明显他们这里刚刚将那种石头传上去,赵海就已经给石头起了名字,连简介都写好了,而且那简介里的一些功能,他们还没有来得及进行试验,就比如说,将石头炼制之后,可以控制磁场,这个他们就没有来得及进行试验,从这一点儿上就可以看得出来,这简介确实是赵海写的,而赵海也对这种石头进行了试验,甚至比的试验得到结果的时间还要早得多,他也明白赵海为什么没有将试验结果告诉他们,因为赵海想要看看他们能不能了解清楚这种石头的情况,这也算是对他们的一种考验吧,还好他们通过了。 Wen Yuming let out a long breath, he is direct later open the mouth and said: immediately conducts refining to this Stonehead/stone, is conducting various experiments, goes.” That disciple complied with one, later immediately transmitted orders, Divine Machine Hall person, starts to experiment the void magnet, but Wen Yuming actually gives Wen Wenhai and white eyes directly they sends the letter/believes, told them the situation of void magnet they to understand. 闻于名长出了口气,随后他就直接开口道:“马上就对这种石头进行炼制,然后在进行各种试验,去吧。”那个弟子应了一声,随后马上就去传令去了,神机堂的人,也开始对虚空磁石进行试验,而闻于名却是直接就给温文海白眼他们去信,告诉他们虚空磁石的情况他们已经了解了。 Quick Wen Wenhai called in them the small conference room, after they arrived in the small conference room, Wen Wenhai on look at Wen Yuming said: Old Wen, said carefully, this Stonehead/stone was what situation.” white eyes their also all look at Wen Yuming. 很快的温文海就将他们叫到了小会议室里,等到他们到了小会议室里之后,温文海看着闻于名道:老闻,仔细的说说吧,这种石头到底是什么情况。”白眼他们也全都看着闻于名 Wen Yuming nods, then open the mouth and said: We underwent the multiple experiments, finally understood that this Stonehead/stone situation, this Stonehead/stone is one type of brings Stonehead/stone of magnetic field, but this Stonehead/stone very fears Earth element energy, what most important is, this Stonehead/stone after refining, can the control magnetic field, but can also refining have internal space, everyone has a look at this report.” Said that he put out a piece jade slip, then started jade slip, their front, immediately appears jade slip projection, inside all reports about this Stonehead/stone. 闻于名点了点头,接着开口道:“我们经过了多次的试验,终于了解到了这种石头的情况,这种石头一种自带磁场的石头,但是这种石头又十分的怕土系能量,最主要的是,这种石头炼制之后,是可以控制磁场,还能炼制内空间的,大家看看这份报告。”说完他就拿出了一块玉简,然后启动了玉简,他们的面前,马上就出现了一个玉简投影,里面就是关于这种石头的所有报告。 People careful look at , after they look, white eyes really with is the same on let out a long breath said:, this Stonehead/stone that we guess brings the magnetic field, that also in other words, we only need this Stonehead/stone on the body, then we will not come under the influence of Shadow Clansman that magnetic field, like this we want to attack Shadow Clansman, was simpler, is this meaning?” 众人仔细的看着,等到他们看完之后,白眼长出了口气道:“果然跟我们猜的一样,这种石头是自带磁场的,那也就是说,我们只需要在身上带有这种石头,那么我们就在也不会受到影族人那种磁场的影响了,这样我们想要进攻影族人,就更加的简单了,是这个意思吧?” Wen Yuming nods said: is this right, but also the issue, that is Shadow Clansman also has is possible to meet the control this Stonehead/stone magnetic field, therefore my idea is, first do not worry to attack, we first to this Stonehead/stone, conduct refining, after refining good, we are trying to find the solution, this Stonehead/stone ability, join to join miles, or on join to our bodies, on did not use in directly like this being worried, because this Stonehead/stone after refining, was can the control magnetic field, so long as we this Stonehead/stone will give refining Ok, no matter that Shadow Clansman what kind of control magnetic field, we can also change, they are without means that coped with us with the magnetic field, therefore I said that we first do not worry, after we completed the experiment, was saying.” 闻于名点了点头道:“是这样没错的,不过也有一个问题,那就是影族人也有可能控制这种石头的磁场,所以我的想法是,你们先不要着急进攻,我们先对这种石头,进行一下炼制,等到炼制好了之后,我们在想办法,将这种石头的能力,加入,或是直接就加入到我们的身体里,这样就不用在担心了,因为这种石头经过炼制之后,是可以控制磁场的,所以只要我们将这种石头炼制好了,那么不管影族人如何的控制磁场,我们都可以随之变化,他们就在也没有办法,用磁场来对付我们了,所以我说我们就先不要着急,等我们完成试验之后在说。” One hear of Wen Yuming said, white eyes first stares, later he also nods said: that's true, good, listens your, our nearest/recent still normal attack, after your there had the progress, we in the full power attack, must say, the defensive system of Lane Shadow Clansman, but also really enough lets the head pain, these shipyard forts Imperial City to complete surrounding, had internal space in adding on, this truly is by the head pain.” Others also all nod, they also know that the situations in some shipyard forts, to be honest these shipyard forts truly are make them also feel that headache, wants to take these shipyard forts, is not an easy matter. 一听闻于名这么说,白眼先是一愣,随后他也点了点头道:“确实如此,好,就听你的,我们最近依然正常的进攻,等到你们那里有了进展之后,我们在全力的进攻,要说起来,影族人的这种防御体系,还真的是够让人头痛的了,那些坞堡将皇城给完全的包围住了,在加上里面还是有内空间的,这个确实是让人头痛。”其它人也全都点了点头,他们也知道一些坞堡的情况,说实话那些坞堡确实是让他们也感到十分的头痛,想要拿下那些坞堡,并不是一件容易的事儿。 Wen Wenhai open the mouth and said: If we solve the problem of their magnetic field, with steam weapon attack they? Can such words better a little?” Wen Wenhai also knows, white eyes they in the past, continuously with steam artillery attack Shadow Clansman, therefore he will ask, if really with steam weapon the Shadow Clansman shipyard fort breaking through, that may on fantastic. 温文海开口道:“如果我们解决他们磁场的问题,是不是可以用蒸汽武器攻击他们了?那样的话会不会更好一点儿?”温文海也知道,白眼他们前一段时间,一直用蒸汽炮攻击影族人,所以他才会如此问,如果真的用蒸汽武器影族人的坞堡给攻破的话,那可就太好了 white eyes shakes the head said: „the present to seem like is impossible, Shadow Clansman their there has plenty is good at the Magic person, Magic that these person of release come very formidable, can block our shell and Skyful Fire attack, therefore our shells and Skyful Fire, truly are not useful to them, I now also discover our shell and a Skyful Fire weakness, that is so long as blocks them with thing ahead of time, they will explode, if to Shadow Clansman such, blocks them with some Magic, what they did not do to use on the display, therefore we do not use the shell and Skyful Fire attack now they..” 白眼摇了摇头道:“现在看起来是不可能了,影族人他们那里有很多善长术法的人,这些人放出来的术法十分的利害,可以挡住我们的炮弹和满天火攻击,所以我们的炮弹和满天火,对他们也确实是没有什么用,我现在也发现了我们炮弹和满天火的一个弱点,那就是只要是提前用东西挡住他们,他们就会自己爆炸,要是向影族人那样,用一些术法挡住他们的话,那他们也就发挥不了什么做用了,所以现在我们已经不用炮弹和满天火攻击他们了。” One hear of white eyes said, Wen Yuming they also all nod, later Wen Yuming open the mouth and said: If so, does that need to improve the shell and Skyful Fire?” Wen Yuming is quite a little careful regarding this, because they need to improve thing that all Sect need to improve, any thing had the weakness, they must find the way to conduct the improvement to be good. 一听白眼这么说,闻于名他们也全都点了点头,随后闻于名开口道:“如果是这样的话,那是不是需要改良一下炮弹和满天火?”闻于名对于这一点儿还是比较上心的,因为他们需要改良所有宗门需要改良的东西,任何东西有了弱点,他们都必须要想办法进行改良才行。 white eyes said solemnly: This truly needs to improve, Space that but can improve is not very big, we need the steam shell and Skyful Fire , because he is one type of attack style that physical attack and energy attack unify, some enemies, they are very strong regarding energy attack defense strength, but regarding physical attack defense strength, is not very strong, therefore these Skyful Fire and shells, can display to do with, moreover they can also energy attack, therefore the doing of shell and Skyful Fire with is very big, what we meet is Shadow Clansman enemy like this, therefore the shell and Skyful Fire, this means have not displayed. His doing uses, but we to can conduct to improve to the steam artillery, if can achieve, not only can fire the shell, but can also launch energy bullet, that was good.” 白眼沉声道:“这个确实是需要改良,但是能改良的空间也并不是很大,我们之所以需要蒸汽炮弹和满天火,就是因为他是物理攻击能量攻击相结合的一种攻击方式,有一些敌人,他们对于能量攻击防御力很强,但是对于物理攻击防御力,却并不是很强,所以这些满天火和炮弹,就可以发挥做用了,而且他们还可以能量攻击,所以炮弹和满天火的做用还是很大的,只不过我们遇到的是影族人这样的敌人,所以炮弹和满天火,这才没有办法发挥出他的做用,不过我们到是可以对蒸汽炮进行一下改良,要是可以做到,不但能发射炮弹,还能发射能量弹,那就好了。” Wen Yuming listened to the white eyes words, he cannot help but nods said: this to arrive is a good way, can try, good, I knew, after we go back, can research well.” Wen Yuming is the person of very modest hearing suggestion. 闻于名听了白眼的话,他不由得点了点头道:“这到是一个好办法,可以试一试,好,我知道了,我们回去之后,会好好的研究的。”闻于名一直都是很虚心的听取建议的人。 white eyes open the mouth and said: Is the shell and Skyful Fire attack strength, but must in add some, our present enemies, be getting stronger and stronger, one enemy, but our leave here, in ascend, we faced powerful, in this case, our shell and Skyful Fire attack strength, appeared somewhat weak, must therefore strengthen their attack strength to be good.” 白眼开口道:“还有就是炮弹和满天火攻击力,还要在加一些,我们现在的敌人,越来越强了,一但我们离开这里,在一次飞升,我们面对的敌人会更加的强大,在这种情况下,我们的炮弹和满天火攻击力,就显得有些弱了,所以要加强他们的攻击力才行。” Listened to the white eyes words time, Wen Yuming in nod, then said solemnly: "OK, I remembered ? ” white eyes these shakes the head time, he knows, any one type of weapon, actually has certain weakness, your is impossible requests weapon, can achieve perfect, can deal with all situations, this is almost is impossible, therefore he requests some small improvements, and has no too big modification, but Wen Yuming also very clear this little, therefore he will ask, also has other request. 听了白眼的话,闻于名在一次的点了点头,接着沉声道:“好,我记住了,还有吗?”白眼这一次摇了摇头,他知道,任何一种武器,其实都是有一定的弱点的,你不可能要求一件武器,就能做到尽善尽美,可以应付所有的情况,这几乎是不可能的,所以他只是要求一些小的改良,并没有什么太大的改动,而闻于名十分的清楚这一点儿,所以他才会问,是不是还有别的要求。 Wen Wenhai then open the mouth and said: Hasn't had other matter? If no other matter, that today arrives at here, old white, the frontline there matter, hands over give you, how you want to do how do, I will not manage, has what need you to open the mouth by all means that I and Old Wen we, certainly full power support your.” white eyes complied with one, Wen Wenhai then let people leave. 温文海接着开口道:“还有没有别的事儿?如果没有别的事儿,那今天就到这里吧,老白,前线那里的事儿,就交给你了,你想怎么做就怎么做,我不会管的,有什么需要你就只管开口,我和老闻我们,一定会全力的支持你们的。”白眼应了一声,温文海这才让众人离开了。 After people leave, Wen Yuming immediately returned to Divine Machine Hall there, first ordered, research steam weapon, improves regarding the steam artillery, then the attention, will all put on the void magnet, he wants to have a look, if they really the void magnet, integrated in the spirit silk, that met the appears anything situation, can make the spirit silk stronger, must really be such, that to them, was good news, he believes that they will certainly succeed, certainly can make the spirit silk stronger, because these void magnet . Certain Space attack ability.( This chapter ends) 等到众人离开之后,闻于名马上就回到神机堂那里,首先就是下令,让研究蒸汽武器的人,对于蒸汽炮进行改良,然后就将注意力,全都放到了虚空磁石上,他想要看看,如果他们真的将虚空磁石,融入到了灵丝之中,那会出现什么情况,会不会让灵丝变得更强,要真的是那样的话,那对于他们来说,可是一个好消息,他相信他们一定会成功的,一定可以让灵丝变得更强,因为那些虚空磁石,还有一定的空间攻击能力。(本章完)
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