BCA :: Volume #15

#1503: Demon Monarch Luo Lei

The Shen Dream City deep place, in some luxurious main hall, build grandiose bald Demon Clan partly kneels in the ground, he lowers the head, in the eye is flashing the color of worship, the body is shivering excitedly slightly, as if saw elder who most respects. 蜃梦城深处,某座豪华大殿中,一名体型壮硕的光头魔族半跪在地面上,他低着头颅,眼中闪动着崇拜之色,身子激动地轻微颤抖,仿佛见到了最崇敬的长辈。 Younger generation Luo Yue, pays a visit Sir Demon Monarch!” “晚辈罗月,拜见魔君大人!” Other Luo Yue front not people, only then wears the fur short clothes, the flesh surface is sparkling the Demon Clan man of thunder Guangmo mark, is Demon Monarch Luo Lei. 罗月前方并无其他人,只有一名身穿毛皮短衣,肌肤表面闪耀着雷光魔纹的魔族男子,正是罗雷魔君 This Demon Realm top step powerhouse sits on the seat of some purple gold casting, both hands stroke gently some animal head on arm rest to carve weakly, calmly under looks at the Luo Family disciple who salutes, the demon mark of its body surface flashes, an invisible pressure also fills the air, the air in main hall presented piece by piece ripples. 这名魔界顶级强者坐在某种紫金铸造的座椅上,双手摩挲着扶手上的某种兽头凋刻,静静看着下面行礼的罗家弟子,其体表的魔纹微闪,一股无形的压力随之弥漫开来,大殿内的空气出现了一片片涟漪。 The Luo Yue body first is one stiff, later starts to shiver fiercely, his fingertip even palm submerges in the ground rock, in the surrounding air has some invisible strength to extrude probably inward. 罗月的身躯先是一僵,随后就开始剧烈颤抖,其指尖甚至手掌都没入地面岩石中,周围空气中好像有某种无形力量在向内挤压。 „Is this Demon Monarch strength?” “这就是魔君的力量吗?” Hides in Luo Yue viscera depths Hong Yuntian, felt that the sky collapses general, as if the trim world is extruding him, fleshly body source power in within the body receives strength of the more fearful repel, was pressed forcefully in the flesh is unable to display. 隐藏在罗月内脏深处洪云天,就感到天塌一般,仿佛整片天地都在挤压他,体内的肉身源力则受到一股更加可怕的排斥之力,被硬生生压在肌肤内无法施展。 This is also an invisible strength, is different from fleshly body source power, is completely also different from Demon Emperor source power!” “这也是一种无形之力,不同于肉身源力,和魔帝源力也完全不一样!” No movement, can control this eminence, no, so long as he wants, perhaps the body of this Early Stage Peak Demon Emperor direct will be exploded crowded.” “没有任何动作,就能控制本座,不,只要他愿意,这副初期巅峰魔帝的躯体恐怕会被直接挤爆。” Hong Yuntian analyzes opposite party that vast boundless strength in the heart calmly, thus slows down that terrifying pressure from Demon Monarch. 洪云天在心中冷静分析对方那浩瀚无垠的力量,从而来减缓那股来自魔君的恐怖压力。 He before, has sent people to inform Luo Yuan, Demon Clan of many understanding know that Luo Yue was summoned by Demon Monarch, only if the opposite party can discover his strangely „the body of parasitic, otherwise not possible under killer. 他早在来之前,就已经派人告知了罗媛,很多认识的魔族都知道罗月魔君召见,除非对方能发现他这个诡异的“寄生之体”,否则不可能下杀手。 Really, after a while, the strength of surrounding repel vanishes. 果然,过了一会,周围的排斥之力消失一空。 However at this time, thunder light the demon mark of Demon Monarch Luo Lei chest sparkled suddenly, slender thunder light, is rippling together the air of distortion, as if spirit snake entered the chest of opposite party. 不过这时候,罗雷魔君胸膛的雷光魔纹忽然闪耀起来,一道纤细的雷光,荡漾着扭曲的空气,仿佛灵蛇般窜进了对方的胸口。 Hong Yuntian felt that in this body, these have fused in the together qi-blood demon essence energy with qi-blood demon power, seems uncontrolled general, seethes fiercely, his viscera also trembles, is sparkling the intermittent ray. 洪云天就感觉这副躯体内,那些已经和气血魔力融合在一起的气血魔元能,仿佛不受控制一般,剧烈翻腾起来,他的内脏也震颤不已,闪耀着阵阵光芒。 He feels for the first time, oneself cultivates so many years qi-blood demon energy, unexpectedly can not listen to the command, that said that thunder light contains the fearsome suction, the place of random walk, qi-blood demon essence is completely inspired. 他第一次感觉到,自己修炼这么多年的气血魔能,居然会不听号令,那道雷光蕴含着可怖的吸力,游走之处,气血魔元尽被引动。 For all this, Hong Yuntian displays color of the respect as before. 尽管如此,洪云天依旧表现出一副崇敬之色。 Since he decides to enter Demon Realm, disregards own life, at this moment, hid in viscera depths divine soul has prepared for has collapsed Mo ring bloodline rune momentarily. 自从他决定进入魔界,就将自己的性命置之度外,此时此刻,隐藏在内脏深处神魂已经做好了随时崩坏莫环血脉符文的准备。 However after merely moment, that say/way spirit snake thunder light departed from his chest, returned to Demon Monarch Luo Lei within the body. 不过仅仅片刻后,那道灵蛇般的雷光就从其胸口飞出,返回了罗雷魔君体内。 This Demon Realm powerhouse looks that partly kneels Luo Yue as in ground, in the eye flashes through several points of intent External Dao: „Before for several years, this monarch felt that demon essence energy in your small child body is quite pure, never expected that essence purity such high.” 这位魔界强者看着依旧半跪在地面上的罗月,眼中闪过几分意外道:“数年前本君就感到你小子体内的魔元能颇为精纯,没想到精纯度如此之高。” Such essence purity demon essence energy, breaking through is not difficult, why does not break through, must know that the Middle Stage Demon Emperor battle efficiency, may high plan compared with early stage incessantly.” “这样精纯度魔元能,突破起来并不困难,为何迟迟不突破,要知道中期魔帝的战斗力,比初期可高了不止一筹。” The Luo Yue respect said: Reply Sir, the younger generation original aptitude is inferior, but the accidental atavism enters Demon Emperor Boundary, wants to collect some cultivation method to make the choice.” 罗月尊敬道:“回禀大人,晚辈原先的资质低劣,只是偶然返祖才进入魔帝之境,想多收集一些功法做选择。” Demon Monarch Luo Lei is unemotional, tranquilly said: Therefore you draw support from some arrangement of mystical land to exchange some advantage, but this monarch is somewhat curious, what your boy kept there, can straddle zones to mix the resources?” 罗雷魔君面无表情,澹澹道:“所以你就借助秘境的一些布置交换一些好处,不过本君有些好奇,你小子在那里留了什么,能跨界调配资源?” Perhaps after all False Soul Transformation of previous divine soul restriction control, the life has exhausted, gets down first-generation cultivator should under restriction by other Demon Emperor.” “毕竟上一次神魂禁制控制的伪化神,恐怕都已经寿元耗尽,下一代修士应该会被其他魔帝禁制。” Luo Yue said respectfully: „The arrangement of younger generation at all is not the secret, so long as Sir Demon Monarch inquired slightly can know, the disciple locates mystical land to have a chance in that enslaved corpse of the demon dragon, and wisp of partitioned soul introduction,” 罗月恭恭敬敬道:“晚辈的布置根本不是什么秘密,只要魔君大人稍加打听就能知晓,弟子只是在那处秘境有所机缘,奴役了一头魔龙之尸,并将一缕分魂引入其中,” Human Clan Five Spirits Temple, Grand Profound Sect as well as Primordial Demon Sect Pledge Stone, by demon dragon clone demonization of younger generation, although under separation of realm side, the younger generation and clone are unable to communicate, but demon dragon clone can conduct the resources to mix according to the secret order of younger generation.” 人族五灵观,太玄门以及元魔宗誓言之石,都被晚辈的魔龙分身魔化,虽然界面之隔下,晚辈与分身无法沟通,但魔龙分身可以根据晚辈的密令进行资源调配。” „The corpse of demon dragon?” The Demon Monarch Luo Lei brow selects saying: Where discovers?” 魔龙之尸?”罗雷魔君眉头一挑道:“在哪里发现的?” Luo Yue then described Lower Realm Great Whirlpool, dragon grave that inside discovers, and corpse of that strange True Dragon, but he described True Demon Intent to remain dragon corpse, Bloodthirsty Intent has dissipated. 罗月便描述了下界大漩涡,里面所发现的龙墓,以及那怪异的真龙之尸,只不过他把龙尸描述成有真魔之意残留,嗜血之意已经消散。 Demon Monarch Luo Lei said looking pensive: Originally is initial that True Dragon.” 罗雷魔君若有所思道:“原来是最初的那具真龙。” Afterward he beckons with the hand saying: Does not raise these, what matter can know this monarch to ask you to come behavior?” 随后他摆摆手道:“不提这些,可知本君叫你来所为何事?” The Luo Yue facial expression said inspired: Younger generation may inform the secret order of clone all, Sir completely adjustable mystical land all resources!” 罗月神情振奋道:“晚辈可将分身的密令尽数告知,大人尽可调控秘境的一切资源!” Pitifully separates, lost with the induction of partitioned soul, otherwise younger generation......” “可惜隔界之下,失去了与分魂的感应,否则晚辈……” Demon Monarch Luo Lei hears here, laughs at a sound said: That locates realm side naturally to have the use to Holy Clan greatly, but to this monarch, but is mystical land that an acceleration low rank disciple cultivates.” 罗雷魔君听到这里,嗤笑一声道:“那处界面圣族自然大有用处,不过对本君而言,只不过是一处加速低阶弟子修炼的秘境而已。” That Sir Demon Monarch you?” Facial expression that Luo Yue cannot feel the mind. “那魔君大人您?”罗月一副摸不着头脑的神情。 Demon Monarch Luo Lei is looking at the eyes of opposite party, the vision concentrates saying: this monarch asked you, the bitter experience about Long Armed Demon Ape, you can once conceal?” 罗雷魔君望着对方的双眼,目光一凝道:“本君问你,关于通臂魔猿的遭遇,你可曾有所隐瞒?” Luo Yue nods to say without hesitation: Has concealed, what Sir Demon Monarch do you want to know?” 罗月毫不犹豫点头道:“是有所隐瞒,魔君大人您想知道什么?” Knows you said!” “把你知道的都说出来!” The Luo Yue stop moment said: Younger generation truly encountered the attack of Long Armed Demon Ape, but we face is not two heads, but is three heads, moreover they just presented time, in the Human Clan shape.” 罗月停顿片刻道:“晚辈等确实遭遇了通臂魔猿的进攻,不过我们面对的不是两头,而是三头,而且它们刚一出现的时候,是以人族的形态。” Demon Monarch Luo Lei hears here, suddenly the brow selects, but has not broken. 罗雷魔君听到这里,忽然眉头一挑,不过并没有打断。 Afterward Luo Yue then described the fight how both sides started carefully, how Long Armed Demon Ape displays divine ability, vivid that the entire process described, as well as to finally, him made several other Demon Emperor keep off in front, from Long Armed Demon Ape from exploding to live. 随后罗月便仔细描述了双方怎么开始的战斗,通臂魔猿如何施展神通,整个过程都描述的绘声绘色,以及到了最后,他让其他几名魔帝挡在前面,才从通臂魔猿的自爆中活了下来。 It seems like to conceal him works as shield with other Demon Emperor, concealed some information. 似乎是为了隐瞒他拿其他魔帝当挡箭牌,才隐瞒了一些信息的。 Listens to opposite party's description, although Demon Monarch Luo Lei has not said anything, but in the heart nods silently, Luo Yue described the fight of Long Armed Demon Ape, swing of both arms, as well as hammered the movement of chest to be the same with Long Armed Demon Ape that he knew. 听完对方的描述完,罗雷魔君虽然没有说什么,但心中默默点头,罗月描述通臂魔猿的战斗,双臂的挥舞,以及锤击胸口的动作都和他所知的通臂魔猿一样。 Must know that in the past encountered the Long Armed Demon Ape Holy Clan disciple in minor realm side, has almost not survived, he with other Demon Sovereign, only then drew support from bloodline to return to new moon secret method, knew this fearful demon beast some fight details. 要知道当年在小界面遭遇通臂魔猿圣族弟子,几乎没有存活的,他和其他魔皇,也只有借助血脉回朔秘法,才知道这种可怕魔兽的一些战斗细节。 You said from the beginning, Long Armed Demon Ape once did appear in the Human Clan shape?” Demon Monarch Luo Lei asked suddenly. “你一开始说,通臂魔猿曾以人族形态出现?”罗雷魔君忽然问道。 Luo Yue nods again and again, an appearance of season said spirit is willing: Yes, I and others simply have not thought that this top demon beast can turn into the Human Clan appearance, therefore was hit to be caught off guard, afterward I searched for the soul from Human Clan immortal cultivator there, as if this is half-monster body.” 罗月连连点头,一副心有余季的模样道:“是啊,我等根本没想到这种顶尖魔兽可以变成人族模样,所以才被打了个措手不及,后来我从人族修仙者那里搜魂,似乎这是一种半妖之体。” half-monster body?” 半妖之体?” Demon Monarch Luo Lei upon hearing this, as if remembered anything, suddenly said in a sinking voice: Since is three Long Armed Demon Ape, then their essence and blood should incessantly a little.” 罗雷魔君闻言,似乎想起了什么,忽然沉声道:“既然是三头通臂魔猿,那它们的精血应该不止那么一点吧。” Luo Yue understands immediately the intention of opposite party, took out a jade bottle respectfully. 罗月顿时明白了对方的意图,恭敬取出了一个玉瓶。 Demon Monarch Luo Lei stretches out the palm, the jade bottle falls into its rapidly, later divine consciousness floods into, before discovering and him, blood that attains is exactly the same, but at this time, he suddenly discovered a below Luo Yue starting to speak but hesitating appearance. 罗雷魔君伸出手掌,玉瓶迅速落入其手,随后神识涌入其中,发现和他之前拿到的血液一模一样,不过这时,他忽然发现下方的罗月一副欲言又止的模样。 Your boy also wants to say anything, does not need to cover up in front of this monarch.” “你小子还想说什么,在本君面前不用遮遮掩掩。” Luo Yue has been permitted, said hastily: Sir, although blood, only then so many, but listens to these Human Clan hearsay, Lower Realm should have to have Long Armed Demon Ape half-monster to exist, if seeks carefully, perhaps can also refine many essence and blood.” 罗月得到允许,连忙道:“大人,虽然血液只有这么多,但听那些人族的传闻,下界应该还有拥有通臂魔猿半妖存在,如果仔细寻找,说不定还能提炼出更多的精血。” In the Demon Monarch Luo Lei eye flashes through a happy expression: Half-Monster Clan, very good, very good, if you can send people to carry over new Long Armed Demon Ape essence and blood next time, that the head of household rewards will drop source ancestral blood, this monarch must come back from Luo Yan there.” 罗雷魔君眼中闪过一丝喜色:“半妖一族,很好,很好,如果下次你能派人带出新的通臂魔猿精血,家主赏赐的那滴本源祖血,本君会从罗嫣那里要回来。” Luo Yue hears here, finally understands why these years have not heard the source ancestral blood news, asked each time Luo Yuan time, the opposite party is also insufficiently detailed, has not thought that was deducted by Demon Sovereign Luo Yan. 罗月听到这里,终于明白这些年为什么没有听到本源祖血的消息,每次问罗媛的时候,对方也是语焉不详,没想到是被罗嫣魔皇扣下的。 Hides in the Hong Yuntian intention rotation of viscera depths, around relates Demon Monarch Luo Lei excuse, has understood that Long Armed Demon Ape essence and blood, is the opposite party true need. 隐藏在内脏深处洪云天心念转动,联想罗雷魔君前后的说辞,已然明白通臂魔猿精血,才是对方真正需要的。 In the past Demon Clan Great War time, Long Armed Demon Ape was transformed by Demon Clan, should study thoroughly, is not right, this eminence brings is not Long Armed Demon Ape essence and blood, is Lu Kun by blood nuclei and viscera essence simulation.” “当年魔族大战的时候,通臂魔猿是被魔族改造而成,应该早就研究透了,不对啊,本座带来的不是通臂魔猿精血,是陆坤血核子脏元模拟而成。” In other words, this fellow longs for is not Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline, but is Lu Kun?” “也就是说,这个家伙渴望的不是通臂魔猿血脉,而是陆坤的?” Hong Yuntian understands immediately, in the brain rotates rapidly. 洪云天顿时就明白过来,脑中飞速转动起来。 Moreover Demon Monarch Luo Lei had not discovered that Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline has different, obviously Lu Kun bloodline simulated divine ability to hide the truth from this old fogy, but the opposite party still earnestly sought to it, because of blood nuclei or viscera essence?” “而且罗雷魔君并没有发现通臂魔猿血脉有异,显然陆坤血脉模拟神通瞒过了这个老家伙,可对方依然对其渴求,难道是因为血核子或者脏元?” Or is bloodline source strength that Lu Kun said that blood nuclear power?” “或者说,是陆坤所说的血脉本源力量,血核力?” Opportunity, this is the this eminence opportunity!” “机会,这是本座的机会!” At this time, Luo Yue clenched teeth to say suddenly: Younger generation also has my presumptuous request, so long as the Sir complies, the younger generation will search for Long Armed Demon Ape half-monster in minor realm side surely, even can rear in a pen them.” 这时,罗月忽然咬牙道:“晚辈还有个不情之请,只要大人答应,晚辈定会搜寻小界面内的通臂魔猿半妖,甚至可以将它们圈养起来。” Demon Monarch Luo Lei is holding appreciatively the jade bottle in hand, spoke thoughtlessly saying: Said that what you do have to request?” 罗雷魔君把玩着手中的玉瓶,随口说道:“说吧,你有什么请求?” In the Luo Yue eye is flashing the exciting color, worships on bended knees saying: Younger generation wants to do obeisance Sir Demon Monarch for the master, requesting earnestly the Sir to help!” 罗月眼中闪动着激动之色,跪拜道:“晚辈想要拜魔君大人为师,恳请大人成全!” „Do you want to do obeisance this monarch for the master?” “你要拜本君为师?” Demon Monarch Luo Lei sized up under Luo Yue up and down, has not rejected immediately, but is said after a moment of hesitation: 罗雷魔君上下打量了下罗月,并没有立马拒绝,而是沉吟片刻道: this monarch has investigated the aptitude of your boy, under bloodline atavism, bloodline density is big, demon essence energy is very pure, if can absorb source ancestral blood, but actually has to become the qualifications of this monarch disciple.” 本君探查过你小子的资质,血脉返祖之下,血脉浓度不小,魔元能更是十分精纯,如果能吸收本源祖血,倒有成为本君弟子的资格。” He stopped, also asked: Three demon art that Luo Yan gives, is Luo Family great cultivation method, this monarch, if makes you choose now, which cultivation you will choose?” 他停顿了下,又问道:“罗嫣给的三本魔功,都是罗家一等一的功法,本君如果让你现在选择,你会选择哪一本修炼?” Luo Yue has not thought that the opposite party will ask this issue, silent, said resolutely: Younger generation wants to take the completely different paths, studies diligently Holy Clan bloodline, homemade cultivation method!” 罗月没想到对方会问这个问题,沉默了下,语气坚定道:“晚辈想走完全不同的道路,钻研圣族血脉,自创功法!” Demon Monarch Luo Lei stares slightly: Why do you have such idea?” 罗雷魔君微微一愣:“你为何有如此想法?” Luo Yue said slowly: Younger generation once aptitude was low, if did not attack Demon Emperor time awakened accidentally/surprisingly bloodline source, perhaps has fallen from the sky.” 罗月缓缓道:“晚辈曾经的资质低下,如果不是冲击魔帝的时候意外觉醒了血脉本源,恐怕早已陨落。” Since the younger generation has the chance to pass through Demon Emperor this ridge, the mystical land chance, why that did not attempt to go a step further.” “既然晚辈有机缘走过魔帝这条坎,还有了秘境的机缘,那为何不尝试更进一步。” Younger generation heard that the road and bloodline Demon Monarch have the enormous connection, if studies diligently bloodline, perhaps some opportunities see higher realm.” “晚辈听说魔君之路和血脉有极大的关联,如果钻研血脉,说不定有机会看到更高的境界。” If chose ordinary cultivation method, the younger generation has almost nothing possibly seeks higher realm.” “如果选择了普通的功法,晚辈几乎没有任何可能寻求更高的境界。” Speaking of finally, the Luo Yue tone even becomes frantic. 说到最后,罗月的语气甚至变得狂热起来。 Demon Monarch Luo Lei is listening to these words, as if recalled anything, in the tone had several points to sigh: Really has not thought, present Luo Family, your wholeheartedly wants to walk blood refiner clansman together.” 罗雷魔君听着这些话,似乎回忆起了什么,语气中带着几分感叹道:“真是没想到,如今的罗家,还有你这样一心想走血炼师一道的族人。” „, this monarch receives you for honorary disciple for the time being.” “也罢,本君就暂且收你为记名弟子。” In the Luo Yue brain is also flashing “blood refiner” these characters, later stayed, reveals the wild with joy color, worships on bended knees to say hastily: Disciple Luo Yue, pays a visit the master.” 罗月脑中还闪动着“血炼师”这几个字,随后呆了呆,露出狂喜之色,连忙跪拜道:“弟子罗月,拜见师父。”
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