BCA :: Volume #15

#1502: Discovery and choice

Demon Realm, in some cave mansion in Shen Dream City deep place, a build majestic big Demon Clan man calmly stands before pill furnace. 魔界,蜃梦城深处的某座洞府中,一名体型雄壮高大的魔族男子静静站在一座丹炉前。 This demon wears a simple fur short clothes, the four limbs reveals outside the clothes, is different from other Demon Clan, its bones joint not long spur, thick solid muscles surface, does not have the Demon Clan unique scale, but is thunder light demon mark that is sparkling the purple black ray, these demon marks sometimes shines sometimes secretly, seems exceptionally strange. 此魔身穿一件简朴的毛皮短衣,四肢都露在衣外,和其他魔族不同,其骨骼关节未长骨刺,粗大结实的肌肉表面,也没有魔族特有的鳞片,而是一道道闪耀着紫黑色光芒的雷光魔纹,这些魔纹时亮时暗,显得异常诡异。 This man is assumes the Shen Dream City top step powerhouse, Demon Monarch Luo Lei, even if Luo Family is one of the Demon Realm Three Great Clans, in current clan cultivator, still only then this Demon Monarch powerhouse. 这名男子就是坐镇蜃梦城顶级强者,罗雷魔君,就算罗家魔界三大家族之一,目前的族中修士,也只有这一名魔君强者。 Demon Monarch Luo Lei both eyes shut tightly, on the forehead that unusual deep purple eyebrow tight wrinkle, he is raising both hands, above sparkles one group of purple black thunder light, the thunder light surrounding air distortion is vibrating, seems transmitting some invisible strength outward. 罗雷魔君双目紧闭,额头上那与众不同的深紫色眉毛紧皱,他举着双手,上面闪耀着一团紫黑色的雷光,雷光周围的空气扭曲震动着,仿佛向外传递着某种无形的力量。 The black flame in the dead ahead pill furnace flickers, the air similar distortion of pill furnace surface, does not know was fired by the high temperature, receives Demon Monarch Method to affect. 其正前方丹炉中的黑色火焰忽明忽暗,丹炉表面的空气同样扭曲不已,不知是被高温灼烧,还是受到魔君的施法影响。 Over time, pill furnace starts to rock, the sparkle frequency and thunder light in Demon Monarch Luo Lei of hand inside black flame gradually synchronizes. 随着时间的流逝,丹炉开始晃动起来,里面黑色火焰的闪耀频次和罗雷魔君手中的雷光逐渐同步。 Although rocks more and more fiercely, but why does not know, the air that the pill furnace surface twists actually becomes very tranquil, seemed solidified. 虽然晃动得越来越剧烈,但不知为何,丹炉表面扭曲的空气却变得十分平静,仿佛被凝固住了。 The Demon Monarch Luo Lei facial expression changes, the shoulder shakes, is not only the double palm, the two arm by the thick deep purple thunder light package, within the body is ascends a terrifying incomparable fluctuation. 罗雷魔君神情微变,肩膀一抖,不但是双掌,两条手臂都被粗大的深紫色雷光包裹,体内更是升腾起一股恐怖无比的波动。 Air tumbling before his body, even the faint trace thunder and lightning sparkles in the air of distortion, as to give pill furnace to inject some more powerful energy. 他身前的空气翻滚不已,甚至有一丝丝雷电在扭曲的空气中闪耀,似乎想要给丹炉注入某种更加强大的能量。 But the pill furnace surface is similar the invisible strength isolation, inside black flame also becomes more and more gloomy. 丹炉表面仿佛有一层无形的力量隔绝,里面的黑色火焰也变得越来越暗淡。 “Kacha……” “咔嚓……” Suddenly, the pill furnace surface had cracks, that vibration also stops suddenly. 忽然,丹炉表面出现了一道道裂缝,那股震动也戛然而止。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Demon Monarch Luo Lei as if realized anything, the right foot stamps fiercely, sees only inscribes mysterious rune thunderball to gush out from his under foot together, to spreads in all directions. 罗雷魔君仿佛意识到了什么,右脚猛地跺地,只见一道铭刻着玄奥符文雷球从其脚下涌出,向四面八方扩散。 pill furnace below ground shines the crowded trace suddenly, the purple circular barrier emerges out of thin air together, like one oval-shape half bowl, backs off pill furnace. 丹炉下方的地面骤然亮起密集的纹路,一道紫色圆形屏障凭空出现,如同一个椭圆形半碗,将丹炉倒扣住。 Bang......” “轰隆……” The next quarter, the ray of rupturing sparkles from the pill furnace crack, changes to together the dark golden fireball, in that black glow mixed the golden ray to illuminate the entire cave mansion immediately. 下一刻,爆裂的光芒从丹炉的裂缝中闪耀而出,化作一道暗金色的火球,那黑芒中混合着金色的光芒立马照亮了整座洞府。 Although this explosion seems like the terrifying, but the above is covering the purple barrier is solid, somewhat is merely dim. 尽管这个爆炸看似恐怖,但上方笼罩着的紫色屏障坚实无比,仅仅有些黯淡而已。 Before long, the dark golden ray dissipated gradually, revealed behind the badly-damaged pill furnace fragment. 不一会,暗金色光芒渐渐消散,露出了后面残破不堪的丹炉碎片。 This time as before so......” “这次依旧如此……” Very powerful big strength, many years ago the result of experimenting is completely different......” “好强大的力量,和多年前试验的结果完全不同……” Demon Monarch Luo Lei looks at this, the double grenade light dissipates, the palm emerged out of thin air two drops of dark golden blood, he ponders: 罗雷魔君看着这一幕,双手雷光消散,掌心凭空出现了两滴暗金色的血液,他不禁沉思起来: bloodline aura is completely same, could not detect that has what difference, but in contains bloodline source strength, is completely different!” 血脉气息完全一样,根本察觉不出有什么异样,可里面所蕴含着的血脉本源之力,却完全不同!” His purple eyebrow closely twists in the same place. 他的紫色眉毛紧紧拧在一起。 Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline, is my Holy Clan accident of sorts creates, this grade of bloodline structure, this Monarch, still imitates even reluctantly, was unable to unify with bloodstain magic technique it, Luo Yue is impossible to create a false impression.” 通臂魔猿血脉,是我圣族机缘巧合创造出来的,这等血脉结构,就算是本君,也只是勉强模仿,至今还未能将其与血印法术结合,罗月根本不可能造假。” In other words, this strange demon beast bloodline, in Human Clan that realm side, presented the new variation, therefore produced this powerful incomparable bloodline source strength?” “也就是说,这个怪异魔兽的血脉,在人族那个界面,又出现了新的变异,所以才产生了这种强大无比的血脉本源之力?” This could not convince, bloodline source strength, not possible to change through the day after tomorrow, certainly had what reason......” “这也说不通啊,血脉本源之力,不可能通过后天改变的,一定是有什么原因……” At this time, Demon Monarch Luo Lei is looking at two drops of golden blood in hand, recalled Luo Yue just the broken return time, the opposite party told that the Long Armed Demon Ape manner somewhat seemed to be calm, as if has prepared Long Armed Demon Ape essence and blood to be the same. 这时,罗雷魔君看着手中的两滴金色血液,回忆起罗月刚刚破界归来的时候,对方讲述通臂魔猿的神态似乎有些从容,仿佛早就准备好了通臂魔猿精血一般。 Thinks of here, his eye narrows the eyes slightly. 想到这里,他眼睛不禁微微一眯。 Luo Yue this boy, concealed something probably......” 罗月这小子,好像隐瞒了一些东西……” ...... …… ...... …… In Shen Dream City some cave mansion, Demon Emperor Luo Yue sits cross-legged to sit in a square shape secret room. 蜃梦城的某座洞府中,罗月魔帝盘膝而坐在一座方形密室中。 Four wall wall surfaces inscribe all kinds of strange totem mark, meanwhile spread dark colored blood, these blood reverse following the totem mark creeping motion, has probably own life. 四壁墙面铭刻着各式各样的怪异图腾纹路,同时还涂了一层暗黑色的血液,这些血液顺着图腾纹路蠕动扭转,像是有自己的生命般。 In secret room except for the Luo Yue body, only has piles of jade slip and animal skin. 密室内除了罗月的身躯,也只有一堆堆玉简和兽皮。 The Demon Realm hero who at this time this breaks through Lower Realm, attendant of Luo Family new promote carefully is reading a dark yellow animal skin. 此时这位攻破下界魔界功臣,罗家新晋的执事正在仔细阅读一张暗黄色兽皮。 He one will be reading inside information, one will stop the thinking, demon essence in within the body surges once for a while, chest fluctuating, if by the breastbone, will discover that its viscera trembles like the boiling water, trace that internal organs corrugation becomes, some probably special rune structure. 他一会阅读着里面的信息,一会停下来思索,体内的魔元时不时涌动,胸口起伏不已,如果透过胸骨,就会发现其内脏如同沸水般震颤,脏器褶皱而成的纹路,像是某种特殊的符文结构 How long crossed did not know, Luo Yue put down the animal skin, that hid in viscera dantian depths Hong Yuntian, is lost in thought. 过了不知多久,罗月放下兽皮,那隐藏在内脏丹田深处洪云天,陷入了沉思。 Never expected that Middle Stage Demon Emperor cultivation method so treasures in Demon Realm, if not this eminence with the aid of the Lower Realm resources, in addition the Luo Family attendant status, perhaps without is so easy to gain so many cultivation method.” “没想到中期魔帝功法魔界如此珍惜,如果不是本座借助下界资源,再加上罗家执事的身份,恐怕没那么容易获取如此多的功法。” Hong Yuntian looks to scatter place jade slip and animal skin, in the heart quite sighed. 洪云天看着散落一地的玉简和兽皮,心中颇为感叹。 The Demon Emperor Luo Yue that he swallows is not Luo Family direct descendant, is only one with the aid of the bloodline atavism, accidentally breaks through to the Demon Emperor fellow, if not complete this task, perhaps will only attain two types Demon Emperor cultivation method. 他吞噬的这名罗月魔帝并不是罗家嫡系,只是一个借助血脉返祖,偶然突破到魔帝的家伙,如果不是完成这次任务,恐怕只会拿到一两种魔帝功法 Where looks like the present, does not need him to raise on own initiative, the Three Great Clans direct descendant disciple knew that he situated in Early Stage Demon Emperor Peak, sends many cultivation method to refer for him on own initiative, because this merit promotion is Luo Family attendant, Luo Family also sent three cultivation method, as well as material about Demon Emperor cultivation. 哪像现在,不用他主动提,三大家族的嫡系弟子得知他处于初期魔帝巅峰,就主动送来不少功法供他参考,而且因为这次功劳晋升为罗家执事,罗家也送来了三本功法,以及一些关于魔帝修炼的资料。 Lu Kun bloodline nucleosome, confirmed the overall breakthrough direction, the problem that but this eminence faces, how covers up True Demon Mudra and real soul and bloodline.” 陆坤血脉核小体,确认了总体的突破方向,不过本座面临的问题关键,是如何遮掩真魔诀以及自己真实的灵魂和血脉。” Early Stage Demon Emperor is the cultivation of viscera demon essence energy, the pure energy saves, therefore qi-blood demon essence can other Early Stage Demon Emperor energy aura is completely same, but Middle Stage Demon Emperor will reveal the cultivation method aura.” 初期魔帝内脏魔元能的修炼,纯粹的能量积攒,所以气血魔元能和其他初期魔帝的能量气息完全一样,但是中期魔帝就会显露出功法气息。” Breaks through Middle Stage Demon Emperor, was the first transformation to viscera, the cultivation direction also therefore had the change.” “突破中期魔帝,就是对内脏的第一次改造,修炼方向也因此出现了变化。” Hong Yuntian single-handedly waved, the books and animal skin in ground were divided into three piles. 洪云天单手一挥,地面上的书册和兽皮分成了三堆。 So many cultivation method look, Demon Emperor cultivation method is mainly divided into three categories.” “这么多功法看下来,魔帝功法主要分成三个类别。” During the consideration, his goal looked to right most that jade slip piles, inside had more than ten cultivation method. 思量间,他目标看向了右边最多的那个玉简堆,里面足足有十多部功法 Demon Emperor that quite often fight direction, fight cultivation method breaks through, the imbalance of fleshly body in the attack, the spur becomes firmer sharp, the strength has to be raised additionally, but also has some unique fight divine ability.” “最常见的是战斗方向,以战斗功法突破的魔帝,肉身的偏重都在进攻上,骨刺变得更加坚固锐利,力量有所额外提升,还拥有一些特有的战斗神通。” „The revolutions of these divine ability, somewhat seem similar to our body cultivator combat skill.” “这些神通的运转,似乎和我们体修战技有些类似。” The Hong Yuntian vision also shifted to middle jade slip, inside has three jade slip and two animal skin respectively, altogether five cultivation method. 洪云天的目光随之转向了中间的玉简,里面分别有三个玉简和两张兽皮,一共五部功法 „The second cultivation method type, defends the survival direction, is opposite with the fight direction, demon essence energy can strengthen fleshly body intensity with emphasis, the resiliency, and essence and blood activeness, divine ability of some promotion speeds, such Demon Emperor survivability is extremely strong.” “第二种功法类型,是防御生存方向,和战斗方向相反,魔元能会重点强化肉身强度,恢复力,以及精血的活性,还有一些提升速度的神通,这样的魔帝生存力极强。” As for last type......” “至于最后一种……” Hong Yuntian looked to the leftmost, here only had jade slip. 洪云天看向了最左边,这里只有一枚玉简 This last kind of Demon Emperor cultivation method direction is quite strange.” “这最后一类魔帝功法方向颇为怪异。” In his eye flashes through the color of thinking, this jade slip has not recorded what cultivation method, is a miscellany, what told was in Demon Emperor, one crowd studied diligently the bloodline fellow specially, these Demon Emperor were not big to the fight interest, they studied bloodline frantically. 他眼中闪过思索之色,这枚玉简并没有记录什么功法,是一本杂记,讲述的是魔帝中,有一群专门钻研血脉的家伙,这些魔帝对战斗兴趣不大,他们狂热地研究血脉 After all Demon Monarch can found a brand-new family, the reason is its bloodline has been reborn, becomes lineage/vein, Demon Realm Three Great Clans inherits for many years, always has Demon Venerable to exist, its root lies in that powerful Demon Lord bloodline. 毕竟魔君能开创一个崭新的家族,原因就是其血脉已经脱胎换骨,自成一脉,还有魔界三大家族之所以传承多年,始终有魔尊存在,其根源就在于那强大的魔主血脉 This crowd of frantic Demon Emperor, try through the research to bloodline, to seek for the Demon Monarch breakthrough direction, probably each Demon Monarch breakthrough method, is not replicable. 这群狂热的魔帝,就是想通过对血脉的研究,试图寻找魔君的突破方向,好像每一名魔君突破之法,都是不可复制的。 As a result of existence of this Demon Emperor, in Demon Clan had all kinds of Demon Emperor cultivation method , to promote Demon Emperor cultivation base medicinal pill, suits the Demon Emperor weapon, is these studies diligently the bloodline fellow to do. 正是由于这种魔帝的存在,魔族中才有了各种各样的魔帝功法,增进魔帝修为丹药,适合魔帝的武器,都是这些钻研血脉的家伙搞出来的。 According to the view of this miscellany, this Demon Emperor is extremely scarce, the cultivation deviation probability is high, the cultivation resources of consumption are many, delivers useful cultivation method and medicinal pill is few, only then Three Great Clans can raise such Demon Emperor.” “按照这本杂记的说法,这种魔帝极其稀少,走火入魔的几率非常高,消耗的修炼资源多,所产出有用的功法丹药很少,也只有三大家族才养得起这样的魔帝。” Hong Yuntian feels itself to cover entirely the chin of scale, in the heart ponders. 洪云天摸着自己布满鳞片的下巴,心中沉思。 Such it seems like, this cultivation direction that studies bloodline suits the fellow who this eminence takes possession, in the future True Demon Mudra will have the fluctuation of what difference, can say oneself transforms bloodline, homemade cultivation method will cause.” “这么看来,这种研究血脉的修炼方向适合本座附身的这个家伙,将来真魔诀有什么异样的波动,就可以说自己是改造血脉,自创功法导致的。” Thinks of here, he shakes the head slightly. 想到这里,他又微微摇头。 This is insufficient, must can be stood up to the inspection of high rank demon cultivator to be good by own viscera truly, moreover even studies diligently in this direction, still needs conducts the breakthrough of Middle Stage Demon Emperor with the fight class or survival class cultivation method.” “这还不够,得让自己的内脏真正经得住高阶魔修的检查才行,而且就算往这个方向钻研,也需要用战斗类或者生存类的功法进行中期魔帝的突破。” But my present situation, without the means closes up for a long time, when crack opening, must come out, where had just broke through cultivates homemade cultivation method on the revolutions......” “可我现在的情况,没办法长期闭关,每当裂缝开启时,就要出来,哪有刚刚突破就转修自创功法的……” “Bzz……” “嗡……” At this moment, four sides wall starts to shiver suddenly, above blood kept pasting, revealed a small opening, a black scale from outside fiercely shoots. 就在这时,四面的墙壁忽然开始颤抖,上面的血液不停流转,露出了一个小口子,一枚黑色鳞片从外面激射而来。 Hong Yuntian catches single-handed, divine consciousness searches into, later the pupil shrinks fiercely. 洪云天单手接住,神识探入其中,随后瞳孔猛地一缩。 What, Demon Monarch Luo Lei must see me......” “什么,罗雷魔君要见我……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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