BFAMMGS :: Volume #6

#580 Part 2: The period of January/one month has arrived, welcomes the boss to return to the garden

Now here decided as the new development zone, whom previous time listened to say that must develop in several years. Boss your older sister not before the policy comes out bought many room, the procedure crossed, some house-owners thought that the boss knows ahead of time the houses in news pit their hand, the air/Qi must to get the gate intentionally.” “现在这边定为新开发区了,上次听谁说要在几年之内开发完。老板你姐姐不是在政策出来之前买了很多房嘛,手续都过了,有的房主觉得老板是提前知道消息故意坑他们手里的房子,气得要打上门去。” Also some people threatened that wants her to lose money, did not lose money gives the fever her family/home.” “还有人扬言要她赔钱,不赔钱就把她家给烧了。” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? Burns my family? 烧我家? Then?” “然后呢?” Brother Wang vivid said/tunnel: Is then strange, in others who that said that must the boss family/home fever is haunted unexpectedly, said that is mother who he died comes back the Somalian life.” 王哥绘声绘色地道:“然后才奇怪呢,那个说要把老板家烧的人家里居然闹鬼,说是他死去的妈回来索命了。” Oh yo the boss you do not know, that person is not willing to treat an illness to his mother in the past not only, orders the grain not to give his mother. His mother falls ill a person to treat in the countryside, unexpectedly is not dies of illness, starved to death while still alive, this he also has a face to ask the taoist priest to come the approach to drive his mother.” “唉哟哟老板你是不知道哦,那个人当年不光不肯给他妈治病,连点粮食都不肯给他妈。他妈生了病一个人待在乡下,居然不是病死的,是被活活饿死的,就这他还有脸请道士来做法驱他妈。” Jiang Qi: Then?” 江祺:“然后呢?” Has not driven, heard that his mother is also entangling him now. Wanted me saying that got what one deserves! His mother should take away him directly!” The Brother Wang extremely angry said/tunnel, heard that fellow prepared to sell the room to move recently.” “没驱成啊,听说他妈现在还缠着他。要我说,活该!他妈就应该直接把他带走!”王哥愤愤地道,“听说那家伙最近准备卖房搬家。” Ok, can look, this month of river tea life should very be also colorful. 行吧,看得出来,这一个多月江茶的生活应该也很丰富多彩。 Every night plays the role of the ghost to be scary, this nightlife enough rich. 每天晚上扮鬼吓人,这夜生活够丰富的呀。 Brother Wang spoke Eight Trigrams (gossip) to Jiang Qi full of enthusiasm, to the amusement park entrance, Jiang Qi suddenly thought quickly, asked: Now ice ice people night/lodge closed, your drivers what to do?” 王哥兴致勃勃的给江祺讲了一路的八卦,快到游乐园门口了,江祺突然想起来,问:“现在冰冰民宿关门了,你们这些司机怎么办?” Unemployment.” The Brother Wang accepting good advice readily said/tunnel, is not the 1st unemployment, everyone was used.” “失业了呀。”王哥从善如流地道,“又不是第一次失业,大家都习惯了。” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? Was unemployed also getting angry station to meet me specially, Oh, this was what earth-shaking good former staff! 失业了还专程来火车站接我,天哪,这是什么感天动地好前员工啊! It is not right, this is not my former staff, this is the Jiang Bing former staff. 不对,这也不是我的前员工,这是江冰的前员工。 Oh, the elder sister, such good staff you cut, won't your conscience be painful? 天哪,姐,这么好的员工你都裁,你的良心不会痛吗? Right, icing the ice people sleeps is not the lay-off , because the house opened was forced to go out of business. 哦对,冰冰民宿不是裁员,是因为房子拆了被迫倒闭。 That was all right. 那没事了。 You......” “那你……” In my present amusement park drives the cargo train!” Brother Wang then said. “我现在游乐园里开大货车!”王哥接着道。 Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… The sentiment is others is unemployed, you adjusted the parent company from the subsidiary company. 哦,感情是其他人失业,你从子公司调来了母公司。 No wonder Brother Wang called the boss a moment ago all the way, before Jiang Qi, strange, Brother Wang is not calls himself the young boss. 怪不得王哥刚才一路上都叫自己老板,江祺之前还奇怪呢,王哥不都是叫自己小老板的吗。 The car(riage) stopped. 车停了。 Boss, you go advanced, I help you with the baggage, is the baggage delivers to Xue Village to go to your office?” Brother Wang warm said/tunnel. “老板,您先进去,我帮您拿行李,行李是送到雪村去还是您的办公室?”王哥热情地道。 Delivers to Xue Village.” “送到雪村吧。” Jiang Qi gets out, but also without walking two steps, some man and a woman welcomed. 江祺下车,还没走两步,就有一男一女迎了上来。 In the hand also takes the thick blue folder. 手上还拿着厚厚的蓝色文件夹。 Boss river, this......” “江老板,这个……” The Jiang Qi alarm bell erupts, thought that he thinks the development zone that is the person wants to cooperate the person who looks at to begin construction, what is done cannot be undone gave up, has not thought that unexpectedly releases in order to catch, oneself were also swindled! 江祺警铃大作,心想他以为是人想合作的人看的开发区已经动工,木已成舟放弃了,没想到居然是欲擒故纵,自己还上当了! This used the military tactics! 这都用上兵法了呀! The commercial war of reaching an agreement pulls out the opposite party mesh wire, steals the fortune tree of seal and pouring dead opposite party? 说好的商战是拔对方网线,偷印章和浇死对方的发财树呢? Matter of cooperation do not look for me, am I irresponsible, look for my father?” “合作的事情不要找我,我不负责,找我爸?” „? Does the scenario matter look for your father? Does your father also play murder mystery?” “啊?剧本的事情找你爸?你爸也玩剧本杀?” Good familiar sound. 诶,好熟悉的声音。 Jiang Qi fixes the eyes on looks, unexpectedly is Jiang Han and Cao Luoping. 江祺定睛一看,居然是蒋珺和曹洛平。 Right, should be they, yesterday evening Jiang Han asked the time that Jiang Qi comes back, said that must show scenario that Boss Shen writes newly him, discusses probably to need x gentlemen the place that while convenient makes a move to help modify. 哦对,也该是他们,昨天晚上蒋珺问了江祺回来的时间,说是要给他看看沈老板新写的剧本,顺便探讨一下可能需要x先生出手帮忙改动的地方。 Jiang Qi has not thought that they in the amusement park entrance, the subconsciousness think anxiously will directly squat in the amusement park entrance his only has the speculator. 江祺没想到他们俩会这么急直接在游乐园门口等,下意识以为会在游乐园门口蹲他的只有投机者。 Goes to chat.” Jiang Qi gets two people to go to the office. “进去聊。”江祺领着两人去自己办公室。 Then, Boss Shen has not been idling to the present from last year. 说起来,沈老板从去年到现在也没闲着。 With the vigorous help of scenario compilation, Boss Shen successfully completed new detective script during the new year's celebration, in Chunzhan sold again. 剧本编写器的大力帮助下,沈老板于过年期间顺利完成了新的推理本,于春展再次发售。 Then sells the sales at the spring show/unfolds greatly, before snow the shame, Mr. S shines the brilliance on detective script this racetrack again greatly, fought a brilliant turnaround. 然后在春展上大卖特卖,一雪前耻,S先生再次在推理本这条赛道上大放光彩,打了一场漂亮的翻身仗。 Naturally money was made by his secret big boss, Boss Shen that unlucky laborer. 当然钱还是被他的幕后大老板赚走了,沈老板还是那个倒霉打工仔。 In the secret black heart big boss of Boss Shen decided that continues pua he to give him to draw the pie, lets him for own working by oneself gain greatly gains especially, Boss Shen finally sets firm resolve, raises the table individual farming. 就在沈老板的幕后黑心大老板决定继续pua他给他画大饼,让他为自己打工让自己大赚特赚的时候,沈老板终于下定决心,掀桌单干了。 This idea Boss Shen has many years, but missed energy, now Boss Shen retrieves himself to lose many years of energy finally, naturally must start over from the beginning. 这个想法沈老板已经有很多年了,只是差了一点底气,现在沈老板终于找回了自己失去多年的底气,当然要从头再来。 Shen Boss creativeness spring wells up of starting over from the beginning, wrote a detective script embryonic form with several months time. 从头再来的沈老板才思泉涌,用短短几个月的时间就又写出了一本推理本的雏形。 But this time, Boss Shen does not plan the complete individual farming, he wants with the Starry River Scenario Club cooperation. 而这一次,沈老板不打算完全单干,他想和星河剧本社合作。 Naturally, mainly wants to ask x gentlemen to intend to polish, making his new this completion higher. 当然,主要还是想请x先生出手润色,让他的新本完成度更高。 Price Boss Shen lets is also very natural, he as release and supervised manufacture and former author of disbursing money, only with 40%. Jointly release Starry River Scenario Club with three, is responsible for x gentlemen who polish taking 30%, is almost equal to giving money. 价钱方面沈老板让的也很大方,他作为出钱的发行、监制兼原作者,只拿40%。联合发行的星河剧本社拿三层,负责润色的x先生拿30%,几乎等于送钱。 It was happy on this Boss Shen, disclosed that if the suspicion is divided into the meaning that too little can discuss again. 就这沈老板还挺高兴,话里话外都透露出如果嫌分成太少可以再谈的意思。 Can look, when he a few years ago the injustice planted hit the worker has not truly received what money. 可以看出来,他前些年当冤种打工人的时候确实没拿到什么钱。 Jiang Qi to Shen Boss creativeness spring wells up new this is interested, therefore decides first to have a look at Boss Shen the enterprise rejuvenation the first work, then lets the scenario editor edition. 江祺对沈老板才思泉涌的新本非常有兴趣,所以决定先看看沈老板事业回春的第一部作品,然后再让剧本编辑器编辑。 Jiang Han and Cao Luoping new this gained the marriage room by jointly two of release last year, in addition sold the profit of table roaming to have the repair money. This year is determined to grasp Starry River Scenario Club this big influential or powerful person ruthlessly, the nature is attentive, the Jiang Qi person has not arrived in Xuncheng to squat in the amusement park entrance he. 蒋珺和曹洛平去年凭借联合发行的两个新本赚到了婚房,加上卖桌游的利润连装修钱都有了。今年更是下定决心要狠狠抱住星河剧本社这根大粗腿,自然殷勤,江祺人还没到浔城就在游乐园门口蹲着等他。 Jiang Qi walks the edge joint to cross the blue folder, opens looked, discovered this is very thick, wants on thick compared with general detective script many, said with a smile: Boss Shen this wrote short article detective novel.” 江祺边走边接过蓝色文件夹,打开一看,发现本还挺厚,比一般的推理本要厚上不少,笑道:“沈老板这是写了个短篇推理小说呀。” Cao Luoping nods: Truly very looks like the novel, there is a complete story.” 曹洛平点头:“确实挺像小说的,有一个完整的故事。” „?” Jiang Qi came the interest immediately, how to write?” “哦?”江祺顿时来了兴趣,“写得怎么样?” Also ok.” Cao Luoping said, in us measured, some small bug, the difficulty words are quite moderate, is not too difficult, if revises well should be able to become explodes the funds.” “还行。”曹洛平道,“我们内测了一下,有一些小bug,难度的话比较适中,不算太难,如果修改得好的话应该能成为爆款。” „Can Boss Shen dominate the Spring and Autumn Period two exhibitions this year?” Jiang Qi smiles, pushes the door to enter the office, that I may result in attractively.” “那沈老板今年岂不是得称霸春秋两展?”江祺笑笑,推门走进办公室,“那我可得好好看看。” () ()
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