BFAMMGS :: Volume #6

#580 Part 1: The period of January/one month has arrived, welcomes the boss to return to the garden

Business touring , conducts very smoothly. 商都的巡演,进行得非常顺利。 Passes message 1000 initial cost tickets that the theater provides to be hit to diverge 1st by woof Pingxiu and 3rd and 5 th, almost before every admission, is the new time of fans supporters'association. 传音剧院提供的1000张原价票被汪平修打散分到了第一场、第三场和第五场,几乎每场入场前都是粉丝后援会的拉新时间。 The free small bread, fruit and mineral water, in some sense compare the free egg more appealing. After all two eggs work as the breakfast, the elderly man eat to be easy to choke, but the small bread is very good with the fruit, feared that the bread is too dry also mineral water of one bottle of local brands, is very intimate breakfast matching. 免费的小面包、水果和矿泉水,从某种意义上来说比免费的鸡蛋更加吸引人。毕竟两个鸡蛋当早餐,老人家吃容易噎着,但小面包配水果就很不错,怕面包太干还有一瓶本地牌子的矿泉水,算是非常贴心的早餐搭配。 When the theatrical troupe finished when business touring, the most person returns to the amusement park normal work, business's fan backing group has expanded to 15 crowds. 等戏团结束在商都的巡演,大半人返回游乐园正常工作时,商都的粉丝后援群已经扩到15群了。 Jiang Qi and the others left the business that day that goes to Chang'an to tour, Boss Liu cries that to call sincere, held the hand of Jiang Qi to say half-day pleasantries, all will be Boss river must consider that next year we sent greetings the theater, we sent greetings are so good, next year must consider that increased to for two weeks the touring time that the theater ticket sold, one week was really insufficient. 江祺等人离开商都前往长安进行巡演的那天,刘老板哭得那叫一个情真意切,拉着江祺的手说了半天客套话,话里话外全都是江老板明年一定要考虑我们传音剧院啊,我们传音剧院票卖的这么好,明年要不要考虑考虑把巡演时间增加到两个星期,一个星期真的不够用。 You take a look at the next door opera, tours for 20 days in a city! 你瞧瞧隔壁歌剧,在一个城市都巡演20天! We cannot lose! 咱们可不能输啊! Cries with Jiang Qi, Boss Liu then cries with Feng spirit, cries while inquires Feng spirit the second half of the year itinerary, does not know that is hitting what wicked scheme at heart. 江祺哭完,刘老板又接着和冯灵哭,边哭边打探冯灵下半年的行程,不知道在心里打什么鬼主意。 Waits to cry finally woof Xinghua the time, Boss Liu has persisted in crying for a half hour. In has cried this share to glance can also be in the tears not to fall outward, tear gland developed impressive, making one regret how Boss Liu is a ordinary person of undistinguished appearance, such good crying play, did not make Qiong Yao ju really to be a pity. 等最后哭到汪杏花的时候,刘老板已经坚持哭了半个多小时了。都已经哭到这个份上眼里还能含着热泪就是不往外掉,泪腺之发达令人惊叹,让人不由的惋惜刘老板怎么是个其貌不扬的平凡人,这么好的哭戏,不去拍琼瑶剧真是可惜了。 Compares in the front brilliant sob, Boss Liu and woof Xinghua cry was quite sincere. 相较于前面的精采哭泣,刘老板和汪杏花哭的时候就比较真诚了。 From the wonton, noodle restaurant and Steamed stuffed bun Shop theater entrance speaking of various Henan braised noodles that oneself make, chatted woof Xinghua cannot experience around the new year's celebration rural major market day , exploded the thing from numb Jiang speaking of the big teasel that the fresh big meat bought to cook, spoke of the corners of the mouth from the corner of the eye the tears forcefully, woof Xinghua boarded finally swallowed the saliva to board. 从剧院门口的馄饨、面馆、包子铺说到自己做的各种烩面,又聊到汪杏花没能体验过的过年前后的农村大集,从麻酱、炸物说到新鲜大肉买回去炖的大锅菜,硬生生把眼泪从眼角说到了嘴角,汪杏花最后上车的时候都是咽着口水上车的。 Manager woof, when around you celebrate the new year comes time, I and my wife accompany you to go to our piece of liveliest major market days, buys the entire bellwether directly, guarantees all one wants to eat!” Boss Liu waves goodbye longingly. “汪经理,等你们过年前后再来的时候,我和我老婆陪你去我们这片最热闹的大集,直接买整头羊,管饱!”刘老板依依不舍地挥手告别。 Okay good!” The full brain fried meatball, cooks woof Xinghua who the mutton, cooks the big meat to nod again and again, even pondered why without enough time oneself celebrate the new year time will come the business here to go to the market. “好好好!”满脑子炸丸子、炖羊肉、炖大肉的汪杏花连连点头,甚至来不及思考自己为什么过年的时候会来商都这边赶集。 Ok, is unimportant. 算了,不重要。 woof Xinghua 32 steps boards, sat on the Jiang Qi nearby seat vigorously. 汪杏花三两步上车,一个健步坐到了江祺边上的座位上。 The theatrical troupe members walked most probably, the present bus is spacious, few members pick the position that oneself like to sit, either is the window, either is the back row, no one likes sitting near the boss, near Jiang Qi is no war zone. 剧团成员走了大半,现在的大巴车非常空旷,为数不多的成员都捡自己喜欢的位置坐,要么是窗口,要么是后排,没人喜欢坐老板边上,江祺边上就是个真空地带。 Boss, I heard that side Chang'an special product is the roast lamb, or we go to Chang'an to eat the roast lamb!” woof Xinghua is in high spirits typical. “老板,我听说长安那边的特产是烤全羊,要不咱们去长安吃烤全羊吧!”汪杏花兴冲冲地道。 Jiang Qi: How...... I do not know that the Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup did change name to the roast lamb?” 江祺:“……我怎么不知道羊肉泡馍改名烤全羊了?” woof Xinghua: 汪杏花: Looks at the situation.” Jiang Qi said that „, if there is appropriate shop to eat.” “看情况吧。”江祺道,“如果有合适的店就去吃。” Good!” woof Xinghua cheers. “好耶!”汪杏花欢呼。 Sees woof Xinghua and Jiang Qi in fiery that the front chatted, wants by the window to sleep Feng spirit of rest also to collect in the middle position, asked curiously: Boss and apricot blossom, you heard that Boss Liu plans to shell out, the box lunch, fare and money of between-meal snack drink to the matter that woof Banzhu does make up?” 见汪杏花和江祺在前排聊的火热,原本想在中间位置靠窗睡觉休息的冯灵也凑过来,好奇地问道:“老板、杏花,你们有没有听说刘老板打算自掏腰包,把盒饭、车费、零食饮料的钱给汪班主补上的事情呐?” „?” woof Xinghua in great surprise, why?” “啊?”汪杏花大惊,“为什么呀?” woof Xinghua really thinks that does not understand how also to have this type to support afterward. 汪杏花实在是想不明白怎么还有这种事后赞助的。 Before organizing the activity, does not support, the activity ended, decided that makes up the support fee, this is what angel sponsor. 办活动之前不赞助,活动都结束了,决定把赞助费补上,这是什么天使赞助商啊。 Slightly has hearing.” Jiang Qi nods, heard that is because the activity echo of this fans backing is very good, lets send greetings the theater in nearby several district township reputation remoteness, Boss Liu thought that cannot make woof Banzhu suffer a loss, therefore makes up money.” “略有耳闻。”江祺点头,“听说是因为这次粉丝后援的活动反响很好,让传音剧院在附近的几个县乡声名远扬,刘老板觉得不能让汪班主吃亏,所以把钱补上。” „? Passes message the theater reputation remoteness? What relations do we do the fans to see a play and send greetings the theater to have?” woof Xinghua was ignorant, on the small head is the question mark. “啊?传音剧院声名远扬?我们搞粉丝看戏和传音剧院有什么关系?”汪杏花更懵了,小小的脑袋上全是问号。 Feng spirit looks that woof Xinghua the appearance could not bear smile to make noise suddenly: Apricot blossom activity in fact is not you organizes? How you do is like the outsider?” 冯灵看着汪杏花的这个样子一下没忍住笑出了声:“杏花这个活动实际上不是你组织的吗?你怎么搞的跟局外人一样?” woof Xinghua flexure flexure head: Is my organization, but I am busy this period of time minute/share of matter that distributes the picture, must send the picture, must maintain the fans group. Now do not go to Chang'an, Chang'an only then 2 fans groups, group Aunt Sir hears the business here to have the activity, buying the ticket delivered the box lunch to be happy, in group asked that Chang'an did have this activity.” 汪杏花挠挠脑袋:“是我组织的,可是我这段时间都在忙着分派发照片的事,又要发照片,又要维护粉丝群。现在不是要去长安嘛,长安只有二个粉丝群,群里的大爷大妈们听说商都这边有活动,买戏票送盒饭都可高兴了,一个劲的在群里问长安有没有这个活动。” My this day-by-day, when the artificial customer service news cannot return, where has time study these things.” “我这一天天的当人工客服消息都回不过来还,哪有时间研究这些东西。” Must sleep really bothersomely, if I did not sleep have the time.” woof Xinghua complained. “要睡觉真烦,我要是不睡觉就有时间了。”汪杏花抱怨道。 Remembers to feel woof Xinghua said is very reasonable, if the person does not need the sleep, a day can save how much time. Hits the worker , if not need the sleep, a day can work much many...... 想起觉得汪杏花说的很有道理,人如果不需要睡眠,一天能省下多少时间。打工人如果不需要睡眠,一天可以多工作多少…… Excuse me, dangerous speech. 不好意思,危险发言了。 Is this.” Only insider Jiang Qi starts to explain, on business here doesn't have Sir aunts in many rural area to like seeing a play? In the fans group has many Sir aunts, is actually business nearby district native place, even in village.” “是这样的。”唯一的知情人士江祺开始解释,“就商都这边不是有很多农村的大爷大妈们爱看戏吗?粉丝群里有很多大爷大妈,其实都是商都附近的县乡里的,甚至还有村里的。” Two people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform nods. 两人齐齐点头。 „The after old people in many rural areas get old, did not go out, actually that seed female disregards to the old person outside area , side does not receive the old person, but the new year's celebration goes home to look at one. If not because falls ill this unexpected situation, possibly all year round cannot have several chapters of towns, 35 years do not go to a city.” “有很多农村的老人上年纪之后就不怎么外出了,其实那种子女在外地对老人不管不顾,也不把老人接到身边,只是过年回家看一眼的。如果不是因为生病这种意外情况,可能一年到头都出不了几回镇子,三五年都不去一趟市里。” „The network at home, body good farm plays the cell phone in any case now developed, plays the cell phone unhealthy purely, the leisure boasts to drink a young wine with the villager bored, the day passes is also satisfied.” “反正现在网络发达在家里,身体好的种种地玩手机,身体不好的纯玩手机,闲暇无聊就和村里人吹吹牛喝点小酒,日子过得也还算惬意。” „After many Sir aunts see a play, returns to village one to blow, passes message the theater blows splendid, the business is booming. In these ordinary days the same rural population who comes to the theater in city to see a play will not listen to Sir aunts to blow, thought that passes message the theater is the entire business best the biggest theater.” “好多大爷大妈看完戏之后回村就一通吹,把传音剧院吹得富丽堂皇,生意兴隆。那些平日里也不会来市里的剧院看戏的同村人听大爷大妈们这么吹,就觉得传音剧院是整个商都最好最大的剧院。” Boasting everyone is knows that I caught 6 thieves in the amusement park first night, 2nd day turned into me to kill 4 in the morning. The news passed on quickly did not say, the oddness that but also passed on, passed to Boss Liu in it is said the ear time, sent greetings the theater to fight with the fists Peking Grand Theatre, the foot steps on the surrounding area theater, was nation and even in the entire Asian range illustrious, the best thief flamboyant grand theater.” “吹牛大家是知道的,我前一天晚上在游乐园逮了六个贼,第二天早上就变成我打死了四个。消息传得快不说,还传的离谱,据说传到刘老板耳朵里的时候,传音剧院已经拳打北平大剧院,脚踩方圆剧院,是全国乃至全亚洲范围内赫赫有名,数一数二贼牛逼的大剧院。” woof Xinghua Von spirits:...... 汪杏花冯灵:…… Two people think passes message signboard that the theater declines, suddenly fell into silent. 两人想到了传音剧院破落的招牌,一时间都陷入了沉默。 This......” woof Xinghua sipped the lip, „did Boss Liu decide the new signboard?” “这……”汪杏花抿了抿唇,“刘老板定了新招牌吗?” At the same night orders, it is said next week can complete.” “连夜下单,据说下周就能做好。” Therefore.” Feng Lingcheng the head, a face she was not really understanding that very much these only the boss who likes the unwarranted reputation not looking at the performance, „did Boss Liu because of these false reputations, one happy decide the support fee with one stroke of the pen?” “所以。”冯灵撑着头,一脸她真的不是很理解这些只爱虚名不看业绩的老板,“刘老板就因为这些虚假的名头,一高兴大笔一挥决定把赞助费出了?” Should not have many.” The deposit Gundam/reaches as high as Feng spirit of 7 figures to express that money is the change. “不过应该也没多少。”存款高达七位数的冯灵表示那点钱都是小钱。 Boss Liu had/left 2 million, woof Banzhu pledged that can send one to lend assistance the summary video with account number in vain, the title is: Thank passes message the coordination of theater and vigorously supports.” Jiang Qi said silently. “刘老板出了200万,汪班主承诺会用白白的账号发一条应援总结视频,标题就是:感谢传音剧院的配合和大力支持。”江祺默默道。 woof Xinghua Von spirits:...... 汪杏花冯灵:…… Feng spirit also delay, muttered low voice: „Is this also good?” 冯灵也呆滞了,小声喃喃:“这也行?” Feng spirit did not understand, Jiang Qi can understand actually. Although the net worth of Boss Feng is far less than Ge Hong, not being able to achieve money like Ge Hong to him is only the digit, but is not short of money. 冯灵不理解,江祺倒是可以理解。冯老板的身家虽然远不如葛宏,做不到像葛宏那样金钱对于他而言只是数字,但也是个不差钱的。 Since is not short of money, then can spend money to buy the name, is not a lot of money, even the doing business at a loss business, can still have fun. 既然不差钱,那么能用钱买名,还不是很多钱,就算是赔本生意,也能乐在其中。 Jiang Qi believes that if woof Pingxiu went to and Ge Hong said that 2 million, he helped Aunt Ge Honggu over a thousand Sir blow the surrounding area theater to him daily is Asia No. 1 Grand Theatre, blew the people in nearby areas to believe, still had an advertisement at some sound while convenient, Ge Hong definitely also transfers money cheerfully. 江祺相信,如果汪平修去和葛宏说,200万,他帮葛宏雇上千个大爷大妈天天给他吹方圆剧院是亚洲第一大剧院,吹到十里八村的人都相信,顺便还在某音上打个广告,葛宏肯定也乐呵呵地转钱。 woof Xinghua is lost in thought that once for a while gives a head palm of the hand: I depend, this is also good. I am really silly , how I have not really thought that can also make money?!” 汪杏花则是陷入了沉思,时不时给自己脑袋一巴掌:“我靠,这也行。我真傻,真的,我怎么没想到还能这么赚钱?!” The Jiang Qi following theatrical troupe has toured, getting out of trouble time arrives in the end of June. 江祺就这么一直跟着剧团巡演,兜兜转转时间来到6月底。 Has the business fans supporters'association president, shells out filthy rich the subsidy box lunch, the fruit, the bus expense precedent before, other regional fans member meeting presidents also actively responded , indicating oneself mixed so many years to mix the association president, was not short of money, the organization died of exhaustion the activity in abundance. 有商都粉丝后援会会长,财大气粗自掏腰包补贴盒饭,水果,大巴费用先例在前,其余各地粉丝会员会会长也积极响应,表示自己混了这么多年都混到会长了,不差钱,纷纷组织累死活动。 The entire in June is in vain the fans conference, the fans conference of senior citizen is very directly simple, does not draw the banner, not to pick and not give the gift, not to buy searches for hotly, only buys a ticket chases the box lunch, mineral water and air-conditioned car while convenient white/in vain. 整个6月份就是白白粉丝见面会,老年人的粉丝见面会都很简单直接,不拉横幅、不接机、不送礼物、不买热搜,只买票顺便白嫖盒饭、矿泉水和空调车。 Returns the photograph while convenient. 顺带还拍照。 Not only photograph, but also exposes to the sun the photo. 不光拍照,还晒照。 Sends the friend circle, sends some sound, does not know that is who brings, some sound related video in vain, searches for all shows the picture. Matches more than ten seconds of BGM on a picture, understands an editing and p chart slightly will come out own face to the circle with the red circle. 发朋友圈,发某音,也不知道是谁带起来的,某音白白的相关视频,一搜全是晒照片的。就一张照片配十几秒的BGM,稍微懂点剪辑和p图的会用红圈把自己的脸给圈出来。 These video players are not low, generally has tens of thousands broadcasts, when to 100 over commentaries, the point approves few. 这些视频播放还不低,普遍都有几万播放,几时到100出头的评论不等,点赞没几个。 How commented in the area to be all held responsible can the group photo. 评论区里全是问怎么才能合照的。 Having to ask that the group photo of which performance this is, how has to ask to buy a ticket, having to ask that is each performance can the group photo, asked why also sees a play, you have the group photo I not to have. 有问这是哪场演出的合照,有问怎么买票,有问是不是每场演出都可以合照,还有问为啥同样是看戏,你有合照我没有。 The nickname is one by one direct, what Liu Jianjun, Wang Weiguo, Li Village old Guo, looked that the name knows is the real fans. 昵称一个比一个直接,什么刘建军,王卫国,李村老郭,看名字就知道是真粉丝。 In this exposes to the sun according to the unrest, population of each region fans supporters'association called one to rub to rise upward, new group constructing. 在这股晒照风潮下,各地粉丝后援会的人数那叫一个蹭蹭蹭往上涨,新群一个一个的建。 Each rookie enters the group to ask three questions: 每个新人入群必问三个问题: How much money groups buy? 团购多少钱? How much money photographs? 拍照多少钱? When opens the group? 什么时候开团? Put this community group buy to put together the vegetable/dish to come. 搁这社区团购拼菜来了。 The new fans are so warm, regional supporters'association presidents cannot certainly lose. Your business's supporters'association presidents conduct the activity filthy rich, the supporters' association presidents in our other places on difference? 新粉丝们如此热情,各地的后援会会长当然也不能输。你商都的后援会会长财大气粗搞活动,难道我们其他地方的后援会会长就差了吗? But we trumpet of same person! 我们可是同一个人的小号啊! woof Pingxiu in the amusement park long-distance control, opens twenty numbers to make a great fanfare in the major supporters'associations every day , indicating that our Chang'an / deep city / Guangzhou /XXX cannot lose, does! 汪平修在游乐园远程操控,每天开二十几个号在各大后援会里大吹特吹,表示咱们长安/深城/羊城/XXX也不能输,搞都搞! Does not spend own money in any case. 反正不花自己的钱。 Regional theater bosses may want, called to take out money to support, delivered thing that called colorful. 各地剧院老板可愿意了,一个个嗷嗷叫地掏钱赞助,送的东西那叫一个丰富多彩。 What banana, the small bread, box lunch and mineral water are past tense, but Sir aunts our parents, you deliver this to them! 什么香蕉、小面包、盒饭、矿泉水已经是过去式了,大爷大妈们可是我们的衣食父母啊,你就给他们送这个! You must deliver to select Sir aunts to like! 你得送点大爷大妈们喜欢的! Delivers the egg! 送鸡蛋! Early in the morning on doesn't eat the egg line? 大早上的不吃鸡蛋怎么行? On the eggs must print, some seal year of moon/month, XX theater «Picks Mulberry Female» performs to present as a gift, facilitates Sir aunts pat the videos the time has the advertisement. 鸡蛋上还要印字,印某年某月,XX剧院《采桑女》演出赠,方便大爷大妈们拍视频的时候打广告。 On June 27, Jiang Qi discovered with amazement his WeChat has three days of bewildered strangers not to come to in addition he, his cell phone normal starting does not receive to harass the telephone and message immediately. 6月27日,江祺惊讶地发现他的微信已经有三天没有莫名其妙的陌生人来加他了,他的手机正常开机也不会立刻收到骚扰电话和短信了。 Has sat Antarctic in the inquiry on the 28 th the luxurious cruise of roaming, daily also has Jiang Xiaohong to play mahjong to project in the cruises and river and big aunts gracefully to lead a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, enjoys the snow and ice scenery, after hitting Jiang Bing of red mahjong also so, Jiang Qi thought that was the time. 在询问已经坐上南极28日游的豪华游轮,天天在游轮上和江婉婉、大伯母还有江晓红打麻将打到醉生梦死,赏冰雪风光,打红中麻将的江冰也得如此后,江祺觉得是时候了。 The period of January/one month has arrived, the boss this/should returned to the garden! 一月之期已到,老板该回园了! The crest of wave passed! 风头过去了呀! Goes out to travel no doubt well, but where this outside hotel, has Xue Village, the inconceivable wizard school and train builds the subject hotel to live comfortable? 外出旅游固然好,可这外面的酒店,哪里有雪村、不可思议魔法学院和火车搭搭主题酒店住的舒服呢? Jiang Qi has one month not to rest the head on spirit of the stuffed animal to sleep, without the evening stays up late to play the cell phone the time controls Xue Village No. 1 log cabin the shape and softness of intelligent furniture transformation bed, without the experience in can, when the elevator uses, getting down can work as the slippery slide slippery high tech staircase, without wearing the magic slipper of automatic putting on shoes automatic slipper, why without and can chat the discussion person not to rest in the evening, the magic bed that during the daytime does not awake chatted the life to chat the ideal. 江祺都有一个多月没有枕着毛绒玩具之灵睡觉,没有晚上熬夜玩手机的时候控制雪村一号木屋里的智能家具变换床的形态和柔软度,没有体验上能当电梯用,下能当滑滑梯滑的高科技楼梯,没有穿自动穿鞋自动拖鞋的魔法拖鞋,没有和能聊天探讨人为什么晚上不睡,白天不醒的魔法床铺聊人生聊理想。 You know this month his crosses? 你知道他这一个多月是怎么过的吗? He is travelling every day! 他每天都在旅游啊! The bosses in these theaters this like a pull people going to his home to eat the big basin Henan braised noodles except for Boss Liu, eats the victory and defeat to want the different kind that causes the guest wall to have the guest, other are the normal bosses. 这些剧院的老板除了刘老板这个喜欢拉人去他家里吃大盆烩面,把客人吃出胜负欲导致客人扶墙出的异类,其他都是正常老板。 The delicious hotel suspends one table, the fun scenic spot plays. 好吃的饭店摆一桌,好玩的景点玩一玩。 Jiang Qi this time came out to be a little anxious, forgets to bring river tea the green tea. river tea does not want to wear the wig recently, wants to raise the hair little to make some tea intentionally, therefore Jiang Qi has not made the people of amusement park mail the tea specially. 江祺这次出来有点急,忘了带江茶牌绿茶。江茶最近也不想戴假发,想养养头发故意少做了些茶,所以江祺也没让游乐园的人专门把茶寄来。 Did not have the green tea control body weight, Jiang Qi one month to eat fat more than ten jin (0.5 kg) forcefully, the faces ate much clearly. 没有绿茶控制体重,江祺一个多月硬生生吃胖了十多斤,脸都吃圆润了不少。 Without the means that daily is eating and drinking with woof Xinghua, really very difficult not to overeat and overdrink. 没办法,天天和汪杏花在一起吃吃喝喝,真的很难不暴饮暴食。 Treasures the body weight, far away from woof Xinghua. 珍爱体重,远离汪杏花。 Now, by day of going back. 现在,到了回去的日子了。 On June 28, fat 12 jin (0.5 kg) Jiang Qi returned to the amusement park. 6月28日,胖了12斤的江祺返回游乐园。 In order to greet the boss returns to the garden, the amusement park sends out the driver who the ice ice people slept specially. 为了迎接老板回园,游乐园专程派出了冰冰民宿的司机。 Meets the Jiang Qi driver is the ripe face, before delivered Jiang Qi and Jiang Bing looks for Brother Wang who Grandmaster king told fortunes. Brother Wang is the gold medal driver who the ice ice people sleep, drives, to drive quickly steadily, 15 years of driving record zero accident, before was to open the big goods, behind transferred the hiring, because drove to return to the town to open the retail shop greasily simply. 江祺的司机是熟面孔,之前送江祺江冰去找王大师算命的王哥。王哥是冰冰民宿的金牌司机,开车快、开车稳,15年驾龄零事故,之前是开大货的,后面转开出租,因为开车开腻了干脆回镇子上开小卖铺。 Facts showed, the person should better not because easily on going to work greasy changed professions to make the small-scale business, because goes to work gains steadily does not compensate, but will make the small-scale business most likely (80%) to lose money. 事实证明,人最好不要轻易因为上班上腻了就改行做小生意,因为上班稳赚不赔,但做小生意八成会亏本。 Returns Brother Wang who in the town opens the sales store to operate the pants to be about to lose everything, was preparing to resume old profession to meet ice ice people night/lodge to recruit the driver. Brother Wang thought why to do, is the driver is also good in people night/lodge, is near to the family/home, responded. 回镇子上开小卖部的王哥开得裤子都快赔光了,正准备重操旧业就遇上了冰冰民宿招司机。王哥心想干啥都是干,在民宿当司机也挺好,离家近,就来应聘了。 At this time, the work experience enriched the advantage that and was short of money to manifest. 这个时候,工作经验丰富和缺钱的好处就体现出来了。 Because drove many year of car(riage)s, in addition opened the sales stores to compensate much money, the running list that time Brother Wang of people sleeping busy season breaknecked, six late 12 round-trip people slept with the train stations daily early, quick became sold the crowns to harvest a numerous high praise. Settled on by Jiang Bing quickly, becomes the emperor officials close to the throne, if Jiang Qi and Jiang Bing need to use a vehicle are he open. 因为开了很多年车,加上开小卖部赔了好多钱,民宿旺季的时候王哥玩命的跑单,天天早六晚十二往返民宿和火车站,很快就成了销冠收获了一众好评。很快被江冰看中,成为天子近臣,如果江祺江冰需要用车都是他开。 Raises while convenient, car(riage) or Brother Wang own. 顺带一提,车还是王哥自己的。 Jiang Bing thought that should the province province should flower, the driver can bring the car(riage), the wasted money that oneself do not spend buys newly, had that money to might as well buy two suites. 江冰觉得该省省该花花,司机能自带车,自己就不要花的冤枉钱去买新的了,有那钱不如去买两套房。 „Did Brother Wang, recently how ice the ice people sleeping business?” Jiang Qi boards inquired that the people slept the recent business. “王哥,最近冰冰民宿生意怎么样?”江祺一上车就询问民宿近日的生意。 The end of June is the summer busy season, many schools had a vacation, particularly university. 6月底是暑期旺季,不少学校都放假了,尤其是高校。 Regarding earns a living by the living expenses that the parents give, summer vacation goes out to play does not fear painstakingly, does not fear tired, fears expensively, selects the performance-to-price ratio high university student specially, if comes the amusement park to play, the first choice definitely is ice ice people night/lodge. 对于靠爹妈给的生活费过活,暑假出去玩不怕苦,不怕累,就怕贵,专门挑性价比高的大学生而言,如果来游乐园玩,首选肯定是冰冰民宿。 Cheap. 便宜。 Jiang Bing that some along with the tattered house that the casual attire installs, he rents for a month from the landlord several hundred, opened people night/lodge to rent to student one day to receive 80 to gain the hemp not saying that the student must praise this people sleeping boss real conscience. 江冰那有的就是随便装装的破烂房子,他从房东那边租过来一个月就几百,开民宿租给学生一天收80赚麻了不说,学生还得夸这个民宿老板真良心。 In the ordinary circumstances sleeps to the busy season ice ice people full, the cleaning must hire several much. 一般情况下一到旺季冰冰民宿就爆满,保洁都得多雇几个。 Brother Wang is somewhat shocked, shakes the hand of steering wheel not to move, is only the tone is somewhat surprised, the visual front, said: Boss, iced ice people night/lodge to close the door.” 王哥有些震惊,握方向盘的手没动,只是语气有些惊讶,目视前方,道:“老板,冰冰民宿关门了。” „?” Jiang Qi startled. “啊?”江祺惊了。 Why closes?” “为啥关门啊?” Cannot be Jiang Bing to hide idly, thought that hides to go to Antarctic to be insufficient, slept the people with the media simply closes hid cleanly? 总不能是江冰为了躲清闲,觉得躲去南极还不够,干脆把民宿和中介都关了躲个干净吧? Thinks carefully, this truly is the matter that Jiang Bing comes out competently. 仔细想想,这确实是江冰能干出来的事。 Closed her happen to open Hsintien. 都关了她正好开新店。 People slept that to relocate together.” Brother Wang dao, does not know that was the brain made up anything, the tone became very tranquil, obviously was convinced itself, the labor that last week moved, heard that relocation, everyone coordinated very much, here house was not valuable, was some deteriorated houses, can open is the space falls the pie. Therefore began construction quickly, now that opens.” “民宿那一块儿拆迁了呀。”王哥道,不知道是脑补了什么,语气变得很平静,显然是自己说服了自己,“上周动的工,听说拆迁款还可以,大家都很配合,这边的房子本来就不值钱,都是些破房子,能拆就是天上掉馅饼。所以很快就动工了,现在那块都拆完了。” Jiang Qi:! 江祺:! Ok! 还可以! That Jiang Bing got rich. 江冰岂不是发财了。 No wonder said reported the Antarctic half a month roaming, a result report reported the 28 th super luxurious roaming, originally got rich. 怪不得原本说报南极半月游,结果一报就报了28日的超级豪华游,原来是发财了啊。 Therefore that side plan?” “所以那边的规划出了吗?” Mentioned this Brother Wang on the spirit, he lived in the town, leaving job high is not far, this period of time in the town the biggest news was the duty high that side relocation, almost all people were discussing. 说起这个王哥就精神了,他本来就住在镇子上,离职高不远,这段时间镇子上最大的新闻就是职高那边的拆迁,几乎所有人都在讨论。 Heard that left, said that is People's Hospital and Chinese medicine hospital metropolis/can in office high this constructs the branch, but must construct the stadium and park, elementary school and middle school anything probably also has.” “听说是出了,说是人民医院、中医院都会在职高这块建分院,还要建体育场、公园,小学、中学什么的好像也有。”
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