AAMD :: Volume #22

#2132 Part 1: The spirit read the master! gold/metal Yiliu cone of light! The ram abundant person sword unites! Strikes to kill!

How to hit?” “怎么打?” Hits casually, installed resembles.” “随便打打吧,装的像一点。” „...... Is perfunctory, can be discovered the eldest child.” “……这么敷衍,会不会被发现啊老大。” Relax, we are not hit false, that is really real hits, who can look to have problems, said again you have not believed my performing skill.” “放心,我们又不是假打,那是实打实的真打,谁能看出问题,再说你难道还不相信我的演技。” „......” “……” The blood god clone speechless. 血神分身无言。 It seems like must accompany the main body to perform in a drama. 看来又要陪本尊演一场大戏了。 He felt that this compares simply really hits one to be tired. 他感觉这简直比真的打一场还要累。 Really hits, so long as intended to be good full power, the false hit splendor that not only need hit, hit frigidity, but must make people think that he was very strong, did not lose in the Wang Teng main body. 真打只要全力出手就行了,假打不但要打的精彩,打的惨烈,还要让人觉得他很强,不输于王腾本尊。 This difficulty is really big. 这难度着实不小。 Two people surface fights relative, who can think they are actually discussing secretly so shameful deal. 两人表面争锋相对,可谁又能想到他们暗地里竟然在商量着如此“见不得人”的勾当。 Many Dark Species even excited, frantic looked that clone to the blood god. 许多黑暗种甚至兴奋了起来,狂热的看向血神分身。 Has blood group blood to act, this bright universe Heaven's Chosen decided however cannot run away.” “有血族血子出手,这个光明宇宙天骄定然跑不掉了。” I, although cannot get used to seeing this blood certainly, but did not deny that his strength is truly strong.” “我虽然看不惯这个血绝,但不否认他的实力确实很强。” Killed that Wang Teng, this person of influence was too big, cannot remain.” “杀了那个王腾,此人影响太大了,绝不能留。” Roar! Killed him!” “吼!杀了他!” ...... …… Not only Dark Species so, bright universe Martial Artist are also dreads exceptionally, cannot bear look that clone to the blood god above distant place blood god altar. 不仅仅黑暗种如此,光明宇宙武者们也是忌惮异常,忍不住看向远处血神祭坛之上的血神分身。 This blood group blood is very probably strong, Wang Teng has not restored, perhaps is not his opponent.” “这个血族血子好像很强,王腾还没恢复吧,恐怕不是他的对手啊。” What to do, but can some people block this blood group blood?” “怎么办,可有人能够拦住这个血族血子?” Snort, Wang Teng consumes greatly, this blood group blood child consumption perhaps also big, he is not necessarily able to display the complete strength.” “哼,王腾消耗巨大,这个血族血子消耗恐怕也不小,他未必能够发挥出全部实力。” Well, right, the beforehand collision, both sides are the same, Wang Teng also got the winning side.” “咦,对啊,之前的碰撞,双方可谓是半斤八两,王腾还占据了上风呢。” Moreover Wang Teng also has the mechanical puppet giant of that bright department, special to subdue|grams Dark Species, is not necessarily able to lose.” “而且王腾还有那尊光明系的机械傀儡巨人,专克黑暗种,未必会输。” ...... …… Sounds resound in void. 一道道声音在虚空中响起。 Although at war, but the attention of people could not bear be attracted by here situation. 虽然是在大战,但众人的注意力还是忍不住被这边的情况吸引了过来。 Bang! 轰! At this time, above that blood god altar, has the dazzling blood red ray to erupt suddenly, complex mysterious blood-color traces shone in the altar. 这时,那血神祭坛之上,突然有着耀眼的血红色光芒爆发而出,一道道复杂玄奥的血色纹路在祭坛上亮起。 An extremely special strength spread. 一股极为特殊的力量蔓延而出。 Whish! Whish! Whish! 哗!哗!哗! In an instant, void blood-color flowing light gatherings come, was these deaths bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species the blood of source. 刹那间,虚空中一道道血色流光汇聚而来,正是那些死亡的光明宇宙武者黑暗种的本源之血。 A fearful appearance, these were absorbed the body of blood, all withered, later seemed made decent by the years, is changes to the fragment powder to dissipate unexpectedly. 可怕的一幕出现,那些被吸收了血液的身躯,全都干瘪了下来,随后仿佛被岁月风化,竟是化作齑粉消散一空。 Dark Species is unalarmed by strange sights, but bright universe Martial Artist are the complexion is ugly, these Dark Species are seriously hateful, the body of dead does not let off. 黑暗种见怪不怪,但光明宇宙武者们却是面色难看,这些黑暗种当真可恶,连死者的身躯都不放过。 As blood of gathering massive source comes, blood red ray that in the blood god altar erupts even more rich, void shone upon the blood red color one big piece. 随着大量的本源之血汇聚而来,血神祭坛上爆发的血红色光芒越发的浓郁,将一大片虚空都映照成了血红之色。 Then the endless blood fog appears above the altar, covers it completely, the form that even/including Xueshen clone disappeared in the blood fog. 而后无尽的血雾在祭坛之上浮现,将其完全笼罩,连血神分身的身影都消失在了血雾之中。 Roar! 吼! The terrifying angry roaring sound gets up, is full of a vast grand dignified meaning. 恐怖的怒吼声响起,充满一股浩大宏伟的威严之意。 The blood fog tumbling condenses, a huge blood-color giant rises straight from the ground, stands erect above void. 血雾翻滚凝聚,一尊庞大的血色巨人拔地而起,屹立于虚空之上。 The blood god projects! 血神投影! After was after previously exploded void the class/flow big bang explodes, the blood god projects again to condense. 继先前被虚空爆流大阵轰爆之后,血神投影再一次凝聚而出。 Bright universe Martial Artist is the look vibrates with these Dark Species. 光明宇宙武者与那些黑暗种皆是眼神震动。 This blood after former that collision, can erupt the so terrifying strength certainly unexpectedly, is to make people feel seriously inconceivable. 这血绝在之前那场碰撞之后,竟然还能爆发出如此恐怖的力量,当真是让人感觉不可思议。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable to shoot a look at the blood god to project, the nod, gave the blood to cope that Wang Teng secretly certainly, should not have problems again. 弑血魔尊瞥了血神投影一眼,暗自点头,将那个王腾交给血绝来对付,应该不会再出什么问题了。 The blood god altar is really outstanding! 血神祭坛真是不同凡响! If it can control the blood god altar, strength not this blood that can erupt can compare certainly. 如果它能够操控血神祭坛,所能爆发出的力量绝不是这血绝能比的。 Perhaps it can defeat present mechanical clan immortal level revering. 也许它可以借此击败眼前的机械族不朽级尊者。 Thinks of here, murders in the blood Demon Venerable eye then to reveal a burning hot. 一想到这里,弑血魔尊眼中便不由露出一丝炙热。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, the swift and fierce golden spear/gun glow raids together void from the distant place, just like piercing the space, arrived instantaneously murders in front of blood Demon Venerable. 突然,一道凌厉至极的金色枪芒从远处虚空袭来,宛如刺穿了空间,瞬间来到弑血魔尊面前。 While its unprepared...... sneak attack! 趁其不备……偷袭! Damn!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable complexion changes, has to recover from the daydream, deals with front mechanical clan immortal level revering full power. “该死!”弑血魔尊面色一变,不得不从遐想中回过神来,全力应对面前的机械族不朽级尊者。 Bang! 轰! It courageous however cuts to act the sickle, condenses together the sharp incomparable blood blade, moves forward to meet somebody. 它勐然斩出手中的镰刀,凝聚一道锋利无比的血刃,迎了上去。 Simultaneously its within the body also erupts the rich blood-color ray, the blood is the strength surges, changes to the blood wall, above rune/symbol writing brand mark, kept off before the body. 同时其体内亦是爆发出浓郁的血色光芒,血系力量涌动,化作一面血墙,上面符文烙印,挡在了身前。 Has saying that murders the response of blood Demon Venerable to be quick, but in the flash, then made such many dealing. 不得不说,弑血魔尊的反应非常快,不过是在一瞬间,便做出了如此之多的应对。 However...... 然而…… Peng! 彭! The card observes! The card observes! The card observes! 卡察!卡察!卡察! Defense that it forms hastily, how can also resist the strength of star meteor revering, but is in an instant, the blood blade then disintegration, the spear/gun glow bombardment above the blood wall, made the blood wall loudly is also courageous however disrupts to open, later castrated prick that did not reduce to murder blood Demon Venerable within the body. 它仓促形成的防御,又如何能够抵挡星陨尊者的力量,不过是刹那间,血刃便轰然崩碎,枪芒轰击在血墙之上,令血墙也是勐然碎裂而开,随后去势不减的刺入弑血魔尊体内。 Blood splash. 鲜血飞溅而出。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable body to be rumbled a large cave/hole, under the terrifying Source Power bombardment, uncontrolled flying upside down over ten thousand li (0.5 km). 弑血魔尊的身躯被轰出一个大洞,在恐怖的原力轰击之下,不受控制的倒飞出去上万里。 It looks down, the complexion is quite ugly, without thinking is only absent-minded, was seized the opportunity to cause heavy losses to it by the opposite party. 它低头看去,面色极为难看,没想到只是一个失神,就被对方抓住机会重创了它。 Heaven's Chosen of my bright universe, you want to kill kill, but also really does not pay attention to the main body.” Star meteor revering vision ice-cold, the steps from void comes, to stare is murdering blood Demon Venerable. “我光明宇宙的天骄,你想杀就杀,还真是不把本尊放在眼里。”星陨尊者目光冰冷,从虚空中踏步而来,盯着弑血魔尊 Kills!” “杀!” Murdering the blood Demon Venerable complexion is fierce, explodes drinks one, does not have any idle talk, killed to star meteor revering. 弑血魔尊面色狰狞,爆喝一声,没有任何废话,杀向了星陨尊者。 Now, it was also made really hot. 如今,它也是被打出了真火。 Opens from the war now, it so has not been in unfavorable situation, the body was rumbled a large cave/hole, can be the heavy losses. 从大战开启到现在,它都没有这般失利过,身躯都被轰出一个大洞,可以算是重创了。 This means it to might as well at present this mechanical clan immortal level revering. 这岂不是意味着它不如眼前这个机械族不朽级尊者。 Is firing into the instance of star meteor revering, that floats the void blood to backflow unexpectedly fast, re-enters murders blood Demon Venerable within the body. 在冲向星陨尊者的瞬间,那飘洒虚空的血液竟然快速回流,重回弑血魔尊体内。 Then the blood hole on its body heals fast, the granulation develops crazily, then restores instantaneously such as beginning. 而后它身体上的血洞快速愈合,肉芽疯狂滋长,瞬间便恢复如初。 Snort!” Moving forward to meet somebody of star meteor revering cold snort/hum, does not make concessions. “哼!”星陨尊者冷哼一声,毫不退让的迎了上去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… both sides erupt the war again, hit void cracking, the void turbulent flow rewinds, the scene is fearful. 双方再次爆发大战,打的虚空崩裂,虚空乱流倒卷,场面可怕至极。 The people are somewhat stunned, never expected that Wang Teng and blood fight certainly has not opened, star meteor revering with murdering the fight of blood Demon Venerable had then been in the degree of superheating. 众人有些愕然,没想到王腾和血绝的战斗还未开启,星陨尊者与弑血魔尊的战斗便已经到了白热化的程度。 Just murdered the blood Demon Venerable body to be rumbled a large cave/hole, everyone saw. 刚刚弑血魔尊的身躯被轰出一个大洞,所有人都看到了。 In the heart shocks can be imagined. 心中震撼可想而知。 Like murdering blood Demon Venerable the high-rank Demon Venerable level powerhouse, made into that appearance unexpectedly, is really incredible. 像弑血魔尊那样的上位魔尊级强者,竟然被打成那副样子,实在令人难以置信。 In the bright universe Martial Artist heart rouses, star meteor revering was too strong, obviously got the winning side, might as well be able to defeat to murder blood Demon Venerable. 光明宇宙武者们心中振奋,星陨尊者太强了,明显占据了上风,未尝不能击败弑血魔尊 Never expected that star meteor revering is also a sixth child.” Wang Teng touches the chin. “没想到星陨尊者也是一个老六。”王腾不由摸了摸下巴。 He sees clearly, star meteor revering while murdering blood Demon Venerable is unprepared, came a sneak attack directly. 他可是看得清清楚楚,星陨尊者是趁着弑血魔尊不备,直接来了个偷袭。 Just murdered blood Demon Venerable to look at me probably, vision some...... burning hot!” The blood god clone to pass on the sound said suddenly, but in the words has one to hesitate. “刚刚弑血魔尊好像在看我,目光有些……炙热!”血神分身突然传音道,只是话语中带着一丝迟疑。 Is visiting you?” Wang Teng is somewhat surprised, in the mind the train of thought rotation, the vision suddenly changes: „Should it not have a liking for you?” “在看你?”王腾有些惊讶,脑海中思绪转动,目光突然一变:“它该不会看上你了吧?” „......” Blood god clone speechless say/way: Can proper.” “……”血神分身无语道:“能不能正经一点。” „...... I am very proper, do not think me that dirty.” Wang Teng gawked, said ill-humoredly: Having a liking for that I said is blood remnant Demon Venerable has a liking for the blood to check clan that having a liking.” “……我很正经好吗,不要把我想的那么污。”王腾愣了一下,没好气道:“我说的看上是血残魔尊看上血刹族那种看上。” The blood god clone corners of the mouth pull, is a little awkward, but the complexion is quickly dignified: „, Doesn't he want to kill me? But I had not felt that any kills intent.” 血神分身嘴角一扯,有点尴尬,但面色很快凝重起来:“不会吧,他想杀我?可我并没有感觉到任何杀意。” It, if really has any illegal thought that my not possible point unable to feel.” “它如果真有什么不轨的念头,我不可能一点都感觉不到。” Said, it does have something else planned?” Wang Teng guessed. “这么说,它是另有所图?”王腾猜测道。 Two people knit the brows, fall into silent. 两人皱眉,陷入沉默。 This situation is a little without doubt not as they expected, who can think that will murder blood Demon Venerable to have the trick at this time, letting the person has to guard. 这个情况无疑有点出乎他们的意料,谁能想到弑血魔尊会在这时候出幺蛾子,让人不得不防备。 Blood god altar!” “血神祭坛!” Suddenly, they as if thought of anything, passes on the sound said with one voice. 突然,他们似乎都想到了什么,齐声传音道。 Two people think the same direction, the blood god clone to let murder the thing that blood Demon Venerable attaches great importance, only has the blood god altar, no other otherness. 两人想到了同一个方向,血神分身身上能够让弑血魔尊重视的东西,唯有血神祭坛,别无他物。 Perhaps it wants to cope with star meteor revering with the aid of the blood god altar.” “也许它想借助血神祭坛来对付星陨尊者。” In the Wang Teng mind the miraculous glow flashes, passes on the sound said. 王腾脑海中灵光一闪,传音道。 We what to do?” The blood god clone brow wrinkles is tighter: If it really begs the blood god altar to me, perhaps at this time, I am not able to reject.” “那我们怎么办?”血神分身眉头皱的更紧:“如果它真的向我讨要血神祭坛,在这个时候,我恐怕无法拒绝。” Hits! Exhausts the blood of source, when the time comes even it wants to use the blood god altar, is still can not make bricks without straw.” Wang Teng said. “打!耗尽本源之血,到时候就算它想动用血神祭坛,也是巧妇难为无米之炊。”王腾道。 The blood god clone no longer to hesitate immediately, controls the blood god to project, attacks toward Wang Teng. 血神分身当即不再迟疑,操控着血神投影,朝着王腾攻去。 Bang! 轰! In the blood god projection hand condenses each article weapon, the sword, fights the sword, fights the lance, the battle axe wait/etc, goes toward the Wang Teng crazy attack together. 血神投影手中凝聚出一件件兵器,战刀,战剑,战矛,战斧等等,齐齐朝着王腾疯狂攻击而去。 I go, is so ruthless!” Wang Teng has a scare. “我去,这么狠!”王腾吓了一大跳。 Was not you said that must exhaust the blood of source?” The blood god clone to say. “不是你说要耗尽本源之血的吗?”血神分身道。 „......” Wang Teng. “……”王腾 He thinks without enough time, saw with own eyes the blood god projects to raid, can only control the mechanical puppet giant to move forward to meet somebody. 他来不及多想,眼见血神投影袭来,只能操控着机械傀儡巨人迎了上去。 His right arm distorts, changes to a mechanical sword instantaneously, the dazzling holy white ray erupts, condenses the blade glow. 其右臂变形,瞬间化作一柄机械战刀,耀眼圣洁的白色光芒爆发,凝聚成刀芒。 Bang! 轰! Attack of both sides collides in void, the white ray and blood-color ray interweave, shone upon the half sky respectively, terrifying Source Power sweeps across void, made to crack void, formed space cracks. 双方的攻击在虚空中碰撞,白色光芒与血色光芒交织,各自映照了半边天空,恐怖的原力席卷虚空,令虚空崩裂,形成了一道道的空间裂缝。 When really I haven't restored then unable to fight? Kills!” “真当我没有恢复便不能一战了吗?杀!” Wang Teng explodes drinks, is controlling the bright mechanical giant, wields the resorting to arms glow unceasingly, projects to kill toward the blood god. 王腾爆喝,控制着光明机械巨人,不断挥动刀芒,朝着血神投影杀去。 „......” “……” The blood god clone silent, coldly opens the mouth saying: I thought how long you can support.” 血神分身沉默了一下,冷冷开口道:“我看你能撑多久。” Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The blood god projects that arm to wield, the war soldier in hand erupts the powerful offensive, the blade glow, the sword glow...... various Fighting technique eruptions, shells to go toward the mechanical giant. 血神投影那一只只手臂挥动,手中的战兵爆发出强大的攻势,刀芒,剑芒……各种战技爆发,朝着机械巨人轰击而去。 Double side obviously is the Territory Lord Level peak, but their fights are more fearful than World Lord Level Martial Artist. 双方明明是域主级巅峰,但他们的战斗却比界主级武者还要可怕。 Many person mind vibrate, look to that side battlefield. 许多人心神震动,望向那边的战场。 At this moment, some people will not suspect that two people are acting in a play. 这一刻,根本不会有人怀疑两人在演戏。 Very powerful!” “好强!” „Is mud horse this really Territory Lord Level and mid-rank demon sovereign level level? Both are so abnormal!” “泥马这真的是域主级中位魔皇级层次吗?两个都这么变态!” Does not know that finally who wins who loses?” “不知道最后谁胜谁负?” ...... …… Iron wing Hou and ram Yu sees this, felt relieved thoroughly. 铁翼侯和公羊裕看到这一幕,彻底放心了。 Wang Teng does not need to act, solely by the mechanical giant of that bright department, then can contend with that blood group blood. 王腾不需要自己出手,单单靠那一尊光明系的机械巨人,便能够与那个血族血子抗衡。 Really their bright universe Heaven's Chosen even better. 果然还是他们光明宇宙的天骄更胜一筹啊。 Two immortal levels exist look immediately to distant place Demon Transformation two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, the vision was completely dignified. 两位不朽级存在立刻看向远处魔变的两头魔尊黑暗种,目光完全凝重了起来。 Roar! Roar! 吼!吼! Ursula Demon Venerable and bone hui Demon Venerable at this time is angry incomparable, in the eye only then front enemy, sends out to angrily roar one after another, kills respectively toward two people. 厄休拉魔尊和骨翙魔尊此时都是愤怒无比,眼中只有面前的敌人,相继发出怒吼,各自朝着两人杀去。 Behind Ursula Demon Venerable the both wings fan, erupts the extremely terrifying speed unexpectedly, that huge body vanished in directly same place. 厄休拉魔尊背后双翅扇动,竟然爆发出极为恐怖的速度,那庞大的身躯径直消失在了原地。 This is fearful. 这非常可怕。 Its body is quite huge at this time, should lack the flexibility, but speed of this moment eruption actually before Demon Transformation also wants to be quicker. 它的身躯此时极为庞大,本该缺乏灵活性,但此刻爆发的速度却比魔变之前还要快很多。 The iron wing marquis complexion changes, the back six pairs of metal wings fan crazily, similarly is vanishes on the spot. 铁翼侯面色微变,背后六对金属羽翼疯狂扇动,同样是消失在原地。 Bang! 轰! However Ursula Demon Venerable actually as if sentenced his action in advance, appears behind the position that he presents directly, that dark green chains just like cable/search life/command the sharp weapon, twines in all around of iron wing marquis, then however contracts courageous. 然而厄休拉魔尊却似乎预判了他的行动,径直出现在他出现的位置后方,那墨绿色的锁链犹如索命的利器,缠绕在铁翼侯的四周,而后勐然收缩。 Iron wing Hou Xiangyao escapes, one step, was actually twined late directly solid. 铁翼侯想要逃脱,却迟了一步,径直被缠绕了个严严实实。 Ka-ka...... 卡卡卡…… The chains tightens unceasingly, rubs with the metal body of iron wing marquis, bursts out a series of sparks/Mars. 锁链不断收紧,与铁翼侯的金属身躯摩擦,迸发出一连串的火星。 In it behind, Ursula Demon Venerable that huge body, looks like the malicious ghost who presents from the hell, lowers the head to overlook, the vision ice-cold and evil gaze the iron wing marquis, the corners of the mouth are reappearing a cruel curve. 在其身后,厄休拉魔尊那庞大的身躯,就像是从地狱中出现的恶鬼,低头俯瞰,目光冰冷而邪恶的注视着铁翼侯,嘴角浮现出一丝残忍的弧度。 „The body estimate of mechanical clan has nothing delicious, but the soul should be good.” “机械族的身躯估计没什么好吃的,但灵魂应该不错。” „To eat me, that must look at you to have this age.” Iron wing Hou vision is calm, does not see the slight flurried color. “想吃我,那要看你有没有这个牙口了。”铁翼侯目光冷静,不见丝毫的慌乱之色。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, his body blasts out unexpectedly loudly, changes to small mechanical bodies, drilled from the slit of chains, later condenses. 下一刻,他的身躯竟轰然炸开,化作一个个微小的机械体,从锁链的缝隙中钻了出去,随后重新凝聚。 The body of iron wing marquis reappears in void. 铁翼侯的身躯重新出现在虚空之中。 That six pairs of metal wings have not actually returned to its body, but is the encirclement around his body, high and low dances in the air, just like 12 strange swords. 只是那六对金属羽翼却并未回归它的身体,而是环绕在他的身躯四周,上下飞舞,犹如十二柄奇异的战刀。 Well!” “咦!” Wang Teng wants to intend to help, see this, in the eye reveals surprised. 王腾本想出手帮忙,看到这一幕,眼中不由露出一丝惊讶。 This is...... reads the strength weapon!” “这是……念力兵器!” He suddenly, that 12 wings read the strength weapon at this time finally unexpectedly, iron wing Hou is a spirit reads the master impressively. 他此时终于恍然,原来那十二只羽翼竟是念力兵器,铁翼侯赫然是一位精神念师。 Kills!” “杀!” In iron wing Hou eye has the golden ray to bloom suddenly, 12 metal wings explode to shoot, raided to Ursula Demon Venerable. 铁翼侯眼中突然有着金色光芒绽放,十二只金属羽翼爆射而出,袭向了厄休拉魔尊 Roar!” Ursula Demon Venerable angrily roars, the actuation dark green chains of refusing to admit being inferior, revolves is firing into that 12 metal wings. “吼!”厄休拉魔尊怒吼,不甘示弱的驱动墨绿色锁链,旋转着冲向那十二只金属羽翼。 Who knows in the meantime, that 12 metal wings bloom suddenly the dazzling golden ray, later is the dispersion opens unexpectedly, changes to the innumerable golden flowing light instantaneously, avoids the chains at the same time, from surrounded Ursula in all directions. 谁知就在此时,那十二只金属羽翼突然绽放出刺眼的金色光芒,随后竟是分散而开,瞬间化作无数金色流光,避开锁链的同时,从四面八方将厄休拉围拢了起来。 Ursula Demon Venerable speed even again quick, at this time cannot escape. 厄休拉魔尊的速度即便是再快,此时也逃脱不得。 ! ! ...... 噗!噗!噗…… That golden flowing light then fall above Ursula Demon Venerable that huge body immediately, just like golden arrows to lose, pierce its body. 那一道道金色流光立刻便落在了厄休拉魔尊那庞大的身躯之上,犹如一道道的金色箭失,洞穿它的身躯。 A lot of black red blood splashes, the invasion is void. 大量黑红色的血液飞溅而出,侵染虚空。 Roar! 吼! Ursula Demon Venerable sends out to angrily roar, above the body the granulation grows, restores such as beginning, behind it the both wings fan, the colorful dust sweeps across. 厄休拉魔尊发出怒吼,身躯之上肉芽生长,恢复如初,它背后双翅扇动,五彩斑斓的粉尘席卷而出。 Wang Teng your excellency, please lends a hand to assist!” The iron wing marquis vision flashes, immediately passes message. 王腾阁下,请出手相助!”铁翼侯目光一闪,立刻传音。 Meanwhile he has not been idling, the spirit read the strength to gush out, making these golden flowing light gather, changes to a pair of giant metal wing unexpectedly. 同时他也没闲着,精神念力涌出,令那些金色流光重新聚拢,竟是化作一对巨大的金属羽翼。 ! 呼! The both wings fan, howled in void compared with former more terrifying strong winds, rolled up and pushed along the colorful dust, making it flutter to unmanned void. 双翅扇动,比之前更为恐怖的狂风在虚空中呼啸而起,卷动五彩斑斓的粉尘,令其飘向无人的虚空。 Titter! Titter! Tittering...... 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤…… Ursula Demon Venerable is angry, tentacles spend from the body suddenly, goes toward iron wing Hou scroll. 厄休拉魔尊大怒不已,一道道触手突然从身躯之上破出,朝着铁翼侯卷去。 Cuts!” “斩!” Iron wing Hou Qing drinks one, that pair of giant metal wing changes to the golden light, explodes to shoot instantaneously, cuts off that tentacle. 铁翼侯轻喝一声,那一对巨大的金属羽翼化作金光,瞬间爆射而出,将那一道道触手斩断。 Roar!” “吼!” Ursula Demon Venerable pain roar again and again. 厄休拉魔尊痛吼连连。 In the meantime, a vague strange strength appears around Ursula Demon Venerable, covers it. 就在此时,一股若有若无的奇异力量出现在厄休拉魔尊四周,将其笼罩。 The time stagnates! 时间凝滞! Wang Teng acts again, solidifies around Ursula Demon Venerable void by the strength of time. 王腾再次出手,以时间之力凝固厄休拉魔尊四周的虚空。 Is this strength! Also is this damn strength!” “又是这种力量!又是这种该死的力量!” Ursula Demon Venerable child Kong contracts fiercely, the huge body struggles crazily, in its heart alarmed and afraid, within the body has the rich dark strength to erupt, tries to work loose the imprisonment of strength of time. 厄休拉魔尊童孔剧烈收缩,庞大的身躯疯狂挣扎起来,它心中惊惧,体内有着浓郁的黑暗之力爆发而出,试图挣脱时间之力的禁锢。 Before comparing, at this time its strength is without doubt more fearful. 相比之前,此时它的力量无疑更为可怕。 So-called Demon Transformation, in fact to the dark source between world with the aid of the strength, making oneself more powerful. 所谓的魔变,实际上就是向天地间的黑暗本源借助力量,让自身更为强大。 Roar! Roar! Roar!” “吼!吼!吼!” In Ursula Demon Venerable under struggles crazily, all around void really spreads is unable to withstand the load intermittently the sound unexpectedly. 在厄休拉魔尊的疯狂挣扎之下,四周的虚空竟真的传出阵阵不堪重负般的声响。 Wang Teng is serious, the strength of his time coped with the Demon Transformation beforehand low-rank Demon Venerable level not to exist actually enough, but wanted to maintain too for a long time not possibly. 王腾面色凝重,他的时间之力对付未曾魔变之前的下位魔尊级存在倒是够了,但想要维持太久也没有可能。 Fortunately the iron wing marquis has not wasted the time, he has begun, the spirit read the strength to coerce that metal wing, making it disperse again, changes to golden flowing light, then revolved. 所幸铁翼侯并未浪费时间,他早已动手,精神念力裹挟着那金属羽翼,令其再次散开,化作一道道金色流光,而后旋转起来。 Gold/Metal wing class/flow cone of light!” “金翼流光锥!” Ice-cold drinks to spread from the mouth of iron wing marquis greatly. 一声冰冷的大喝声从铁翼侯的口中传出。 The golden flowing light of that super revolving as if changes to a giant golden cone, pricked above the body of Ursula Demon Venerable loudly. 那高速旋转的金色流光仿佛化作一个巨大的金色锥体,轰然刺入了厄休拉魔尊的身体之上。 But at this time Wang Teng the strength of time also reached the limit, immediately is diverged by him. 而此时王腾的时间之力也达到了极限,立刻被他散去。 Roar! 吼! Ursula Demon Venerable that eyeball stares to the pinnacle instantaneously in a big way, exudes the deafening roar. 厄休拉魔尊那一只只眼球瞬间瞪大到极致,发出震耳欲聋的吼声。 Many bright universe Martial Artist hear this sound, the both ears unconscious outflow blood, the spirit has the confusion, almost must fall into again crazily. 许多光明宇宙武者听到这声音,双耳不自觉的流出鲜血,精神出现混乱,几乎要再次陷入疯狂。 Wang Teng does not have the time to pay attention to these at this time, his big hand wields, one group of white flame sweep across instantaneously. 王腾此时却没有功夫理会这些,他大手一挥,一团白色火焰瞬间席卷而出。 Bang! 轰! The distant place, under the bombardment of that golden cone, Ursula Demon Venerable body was rumbled directly a large cave/hole. 远处,在那金色锥体的轰击之下,厄休拉魔尊的身躯直接被轰出一个大洞。 Afterward that golden cone disperses again, golden flowing light break in Ursula Demon Venerable within the body, cut the innumerable blocks its body directly. 随后那金色锥体再次散开,一道道金色流光冲入厄休拉魔尊的体内,将它的身躯直接切割成了无数块。 Good!” “好!” The Wang Teng great happiness, iron wing Hou Jing is so powerful, causes heavy losses to Demon Transformation later Ursula Demon Venerable directly, this strength is really serious. 王腾大喜,铁翼侯竟如此给力,直接将魔变之后的厄休拉魔尊重创,这实力着实不得了。 The spirit read the master to be really serious. 精神念师果然不得了。 Especially iron wing marquis so promote entered the immortal level the spirit to read the master. 尤其是铁翼侯这般晋入不朽级的精神念师。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, his bright ceremonial fire also arrives, submerges Ursula Demon Venerable body completely, has not let off any together flesh. 就在此时,他的光明圣火随之到来,将厄休拉魔尊的身躯完全淹没,没有放过任何一块血肉。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼……
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