AAMD :: Volume #22

#2131: Indescribable! What does he want to make? Mechanical puppet giant!( Sought subscription!)

Ursula Demon Venerable body by blade glow tearing, turned into several directly, looks very pitiful. 厄休拉魔尊的身躯直接被刀芒撕裂,化成了几份,看起来十分凄惨。 The solemn Demon Venerable level exists, was dismembered unexpectedly. 堂堂魔尊级存在,竟然被肢解。 Regarding Ursula Demon Venerable, this is the greatest shame. 对于厄休拉魔尊来说,这更是莫大的耻辱。 Roar! 吼! The head float of Ursula Demon Venerable in void, gives out grating angry roaring, its fine face, cannot see the least bit at this moment again beauty, some are fierce and distortion. 厄休拉魔尊的头颅漂浮在虚空中,发出刺耳的怒吼,它那精致的面孔,此刻再也看不出半点的的美丽,有的只是狰狞与扭曲。 Damn! Damn! You damn!” “该死!该死!你该死!” A pair of hate, the virulent eye pupil is staring at the iron wing marquis stubbornly, projects black light, the rich dark strength emits from its seven orifices. 一双怨恨,恶毒的眼眸死死盯着铁翼侯,黑光射出,浓郁的黑暗之力从它的七窍之中喷吐而出。 That split body, at this time also fills the thick dark strength from the fracture place. 就连那被分裂的身躯,此时也是从断口处弥漫出浓浓的黑暗之力。 Suddenly, its head and body have the mutation. 突然间,它的头颅和身躯发生异变。 Titter! Titter! Tittering...... 噗嗤!噗嗤!噗嗤…… Broken skin of eyeballs from its head and body, later the sarcoma grows, starts to inflate extremely fat, just like slough that gasifies. 一颗颗眼球从它的头颅和身躯之上破皮而出,随后肉瘤生长,开始臃肿膨胀,犹如充了气的腐肉。 The iron wing marquis knits the brows, the figure flashes, has not approached rashly. 铁翼侯皱眉,身形一闪,没有冒然靠近。 Demon Transformation!” 魔变!” These two Demon Venerable levels exist in Demon Transformation!” “这两头魔尊级存在都在魔变!” Good fearful feeling, had been defeated obviously, actually can also Demon Transformation, seriously be the terrifying.” “好可怕的感觉,明明已经被击败,却还能够魔变,当真是恐怖。” Yu Hou and can the iron wing marquis also defeat their one time again?” “裕侯和铁翼侯还能够再击败它们一次吗?” Certainly does not have the issue, Yu Hou and iron wing marquis can defeat their one time, decides however can defeat the second time, Demon Transformation has what extraordinary.” “一定没问题的,裕侯和铁翼侯能够击败它们一次,定然可以击败第二次,魔变有什么了不起。” Good, even Demon Transformation, the powerhouse of my bright universe same can defeat them.” “不错,就算是魔变,我光明宇宙的强者一样可以击败它们。” ...... …… All around bright universe Martial Artist discuss spiritedly. 四周的光明宇宙武者们不禁议论纷纷。 Although many people are so consoling oneself, but in the look many confidence, the eyeground deep place has not been actually hiding a fear faintly. 虽然许多人都是这般自我安慰着,但眼神之中却并没有多少信心,眼底深处隐隐藏着一丝恐惧。 Ram Yu looks to the iron wing marquis, a brow slightly wrinkle. 公羊裕看向铁翼侯这边,眉头微微一皱。 It seems like Wang Teng acts. 看来又是王腾出手了。 Without thinking of that demon moth clan Demon Venerable cannot even block the strength of opposite party, really does not know how he achieves. 没想到连那头魔蛾族魔尊都挡不住对方的力量,真不知道他是怎么做到的。 He discovered that oneself underestimated the opposite party. 他发现自己还是小看了对方。 Also no, can go well one time twice, then showed that sufficiently Wang Teng truly has the bystander the method that is inconceivable. 一次还没什么,两次都能够得手,便足以证明王腾确实有着外人难以想象的手段。 Obviously, does not draw support from Saint level array even, Wang Teng is still capable of dealing with the immortal level to exist. 很显然,就算不借助圣级阵法,王腾也有能力应对不朽级存在。 Although this is truly inconceivable, but the fact puts at present, made one have to believe. 虽然这确实很不可思议,但事实摆在眼前,却令人不得不信服。 At this time, the iron wing marquis also looked to ram Yu, two people of vision looked at each other one in void distantly, as if saw the opposite party thinks. 这时,铁翼侯也看向公羊裕,二人目光在虚空中遥遥对视了一眼,似乎都看出了对方所想。 Then put aside the vision obvious. 然后心照不宣的移开了目光。 They have not gone to look at Wang Teng, the vision return to present Demon Venerable level Dark Species again. 他们都没有去看王腾,目光再次回到眼前的魔尊黑暗种身上。 „Was iron wing marquis, a moment ago...... what's the matter?” “铁翼侯,刚才是……怎么回事?” Suddenly, the sound appears in iron wing Hou Er together, unexpectedly is star meteor revering. 突然,一道声音出现在铁翼侯耳中,竟然是星陨尊者。 Iron wing Hou Leng, passed on the sound said: Is Wang Teng!” 铁翼侯愣了一下,传音道:“是王腾!” He intended to help me, that side the abundant marquis should also be the hand that he had/left, but he wanted to keep secret temporarily, therefore also please revering can coordinate.” “他出手帮了我,裕侯那边应该也是他出的手,不过他希望暂时保密,所以还请尊者能够配合一下。” Wang Teng?!” Star meteor revering is shocked, almost cannot bear look to Wang Teng, with the iron wing marquis, the ram abundant beforehand response is exactly the same. 王腾?!”星陨尊者愣住,差点忍不住看向王腾,和铁翼侯,公羊裕之前的反应如出一辙。 Promptness that iron wing Hou reminded luckily, otherwise almost revealed the secret. 幸好铁翼侯提醒的及时,不然差点就露馅了。 However in his heart filled as before unbelievable, thinks ram Yu Hetie wing Hou Nenggou goes well, possibly is because found the weakness and flaw of opposite party. 不过他心中依旧是充满了难以置信,原本以为公羊裕和铁翼侯能够得手,可能是因为找到了对方的弱点和破绽。 Therefore he has this one to ask. 所以他才有此一问。 Who once thinks that all these results are Wang Teng lend a hand to assist cause. 谁曾想到这一切的结果都是王腾出手相助所导致的。 This...... renovated his cognition completely. 这真是完全……刷新了他的认知。 Seriously is he?” Star meteor revering scruple asking. “当真是他?”星陨尊者迟疑的问道。 Will not have the mistake, revering , if not believe that can inquire Yu Hou.” Iron wing Hou say/way. “不会有错,尊者若不信,可以询问裕侯。”铁翼侯道。 Star meteor revering has actually believed that he does not have to inquire ram Yu, but passes message to Wang Teng said: Your method whether to affect the high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist?” 星陨尊者其实已经相信了,他没有去询问公羊裕,而是传音对王腾道:“你的手段能否影响上位魔尊级存在?” Wang Teng gawked, does not have the accident/surprise, scruple biography sound said: Is indefinite.” 王腾愣了一下,却没有意外,迟疑的传音道:“不确定。” Ursula Demon Venerable and bone hui Demon Venerable was defeated suddenly, star meteor Demon Venerable are not many thinks that was strange. 厄休拉魔尊和骨翙魔尊突然被击败,星陨魔尊不多想一下才怪了。 Star meteor Demon Venerable knits the brows, but in the heart feels relaxed, can affect the low-rank Demon Venerable level is very fierce, is he is too greedy, wants to solve to murder blood Demon Venerable a bit faster. 星陨魔尊皱眉,但心中释然,能够影响下位魔尊级便已经算是很厉害了,是他太贪心,想要快点解决弑血魔尊 At this time he seemingly got the winning side, but he is very clear, wants to defeat to murder blood Demon Venerable, is not easy, even is very difficult. 此时他看似占据了上风,但他却很清楚,想要击败弑血魔尊,并没有那么容易,甚至十分困难。 If Wang Teng can disturb to murder blood Demon Venerable, perhaps he can defeat it earlier, thus ended this war. 如果王腾可以干扰到弑血魔尊,他没准可以早点将其击败,从而结束这场大战。 Wang Teng! Wang Teng! This skull spirit clan Dark Species Demon Transformation, waited to have the means to disturb it again.” The ram abundant voice also suddenly appears in the Wang Teng ear. 王腾王腾!这头骨灵族黑暗种魔变了,等下有没有办法再干扰它。”公羊裕的声音也突然出现在王腾耳中。 „......” Wang Teng. “……”王腾 This fellow also became addicted. 这家伙还上瘾了是吧。 Wang Teng your excellency, demon moth clan Demon Venerable Demon Transformation, you under and others also whether to disturb it?” The voice of iron wing marquis also appears. 王腾阁下,魔蛾族魔尊魔变,你等下还能否干扰它?”铁翼侯的声音同时出现。 „......” Wang Teng is speechless, who can think at this moment, he unexpectedly just and three immortal levels exists also passes message. “……”王腾再次无语,谁能想到此时此刻,他竟然正和三位不朽级存在同时传音。 I try.” “我试试吧。” This sound appears in star meteor revering simultaneously, iron wing marquis, in ram abundant ear. 这个声音同时出现在星陨尊者,铁翼侯,公羊裕的耳中。 Takes seriously! “当真! ! ” !” Three immortal level revering also responded. 三位不朽级尊者也同时回应。 The pressure gives Wang Teng simultaneously. 压力同时给到王腾这边。 Wang Teng suddenly does not want to speak, they are really do not treat as Territory Lord Level Martial Artist him. 王腾突然不想说话了,他们是真不把他当做域主级武者啊。 Requests such high to him is not a little good? 对他要求这么高是不是有点不大好? He does not know , three immortal levels had had treated as about this war victory and defeat determining factor him. 他自己都不知道,不知不觉间,三位不朽级存在都已经将他当做了左右这场大战胜负的决定性因素。 Murders the blood Demon Venerable brow tight wrinkle, the complexion is gloomy. 弑血魔尊眉头紧皱,面色阴沉至极。 It always thought that in this has certainly the matter that what it does not know to happen. 它总觉得这里面一定有什么它所不知道的事情发生。 Otherwise Ursula and bone hui will not be defeated suddenly, and finally has to use Demon Transformation. 不然厄休拉和骨翙不会突然落败,且最终不得不动用魔变 Compels to use Demon Transformation two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, this is very inconceivable matter. 将两头魔尊黑暗种逼得使用魔变,这是非常不可思议的事情。 In its heart somewhat is faintly anxious, the vision took a fast look around in all around void unceasingly, tries to find exceptionally. 它心中隐隐有些不安,目光在四周的虚空中不断扫视,试图找到异常。 Also Xu Guangming universe has the powerhouse to hide in the hidden place, causes Ursula and bone hui is defeated one after another. 也许光明宇宙有强者隐藏在暗处,才导致厄休拉与骨翙接连落败。 But was a pity very much, its anything had not discovered. 但很可惜,它什么都没有发现。 Murders is deeper, was it that the brow of blood Demon Venerable wrinkles wants? Does not have any powerhouse, Ursula and bone are hui really that two bright universe immortal level defeat? 弑血魔尊的眉头皱的更深,难道是它想多了?根本没有什么强者,厄休拉和骨翙真的是那两个光明宇宙的不朽级击败的? „Should it not look for me?” The Wang Teng vision is somewhat strange. “它该不会在找我吧?”王腾的目光有些古怪。 The time, his complexion was paler several points, seems injured, the injury has not been controlled, more serious several points. 顿时间,他的面色更加苍白了几分,仿佛受了伤,伤势没得到控制,更加严重了几分。 Murdered blood Demon Venerable really to neglect him, swept, did not have many stays. 弑血魔尊果然忽略了他,一扫而过,没有过多的停留。 Hides in the hidden place Yin person really crisp.” In Wang Teng heart smiles: „, I here, you could not discover me.” “躲在暗处阴人是真的爽啊。”王腾心中不由的嘿嘿一笑:“诶,我就在这里,你就是发现不了我。” Roar! 吼! At this time, bone hui Demon Venerable of distant place spread together the sound of deafening angry roaring suddenly, complexion that let the people immediately dignified incomparable. 这时,远处的骨翙魔尊突然传出一道震耳欲聋的怒吼之声,让众人的面色顿时凝重无比。 Sees only inflates suddenly, just like a giant black star that black light that bone hui Demon Venerable erupts, float above void turbulent flow belt/bring. 只见那骨翙魔尊爆发出的黑光骤然膨胀,犹如一颗巨大的黑色恒星,悬浮于虚空乱流带之上。 Afterward, pair of huge bone finds out from black light suddenly. 随后,一双巨大的骨手突然从黑光之中探出。 What kind of hand is that a pair of? 那是一双怎样的手? Pure white like jade, but actually covered entirely the strange black trace. 洁白如玉,但却布满了诡异的黑色纹路。 Meanwhile, in that black traces, above black eyeball crustifications, is rotating fast, sends out evilly, the meaning of darkness. 同时,在那黑色纹路之间,一只只黑色的眼球镶嵌其上,正快速转动着,散发出邪恶,黑暗之意。 But this is also only starts. 而这还只是开始。 After this pair of bone stretches out, is four bone finds out, is exactly the same before that pair of bone. 在这一双骨手伸出之后,又是四只骨手探出,与之前那一双骨手一模一样。 Bone legs also extend from black light. 紧接着,一只只骨腿亦是从黑光之中延伸而出。 But this bone leg is actually not the common human form leg, but just like the spider leg to be the same, sharp incomparable, shape such as bone lance. 但这骨腿却并非寻常的人形腿,而是犹如蜘蛛腿一般,尖锐无比,形如骨矛。 Roar! 吼! Afterward gets up along with the angry roaring sound, the skeleton head of bone hui Demon Venerable stretches out from that black light ball finally. 随后伴随着怒吼声响起,骨翙魔尊的骷髅脑袋终于从那黑色光球之内伸出。 Its head is roughly the original appearance, but actually also had many changes. 它的头颅大体还是原本的模样,但却也发生了不少变化。 A pair of huge curving sharp corner/horn gives birth from the volume top, above covers entirely the black trace, outside the entire skeleton head is adhering to stick cohere bone armor, just like helmet. 一对巨大的弯曲尖角从额顶生出,上面布满黑色纹路,整个骷髅头外部附着着骨甲,宛如头盔。 Black light gradually dissipated to go at this time, revealed the bone hui Demon Venerable complete body. 黑光此时逐渐消散而去,露出了骨翙魔尊完整的身躯。 What thing is that......??!” “那是……什么东西??!” All bright universe Martial Artist see this, all panic-stricken stares the big eye, the mind shakes greatly. 所有光明宇宙武者看到这一幕,全都惊骇的瞪大眼睛,心神巨震。 Too fearful! 太可怕! Too frightened! 太惊悚! Even indescribable distortions! 甚至有一种不可名状的扭曲! Saw the arm and bone leg of bone hui Demon Venerable, they have no feeling. 原本只是看到骨翙魔尊的手臂与骨腿,他们还没有什么感觉。 But at this time reveals with its entire body, the evil feeling that one type is unable to explain fills the air immediately void. 但此时随着它的整个身躯显露而出,一种无法言喻的邪恶之感顿时弥漫虚空。 This evil feeling does not come from it sends out, but aura, but came from its contour merely. 这种邪恶之感并非来自于它散发而出的气息,而仅仅是来自于它的外形。 Outside the advantage of terrain makes people feel evilly, its this time appearance has terrifying how it can be imagined, has makes one feel frightened. 只是外形便让人感觉如此邪恶,可想而知它此时的模样到底有多么的恐怖,有多么的令人感到惊悚。 The Wang Teng vision was also attracted the past, cannot bear knit the brows, drop gu that shuts out said: Big bone spider!” 王腾的目光也被吸引了过去,忍不住皱了皱眉,嫌弃的滴咕道:“好大一只骨头蜘蛛!” Yes, bone hui Demon Venerable this time appearance looks like a giant bone spider. 是的,骨翙魔尊此时的模样就像是一只巨大的骨头蜘蛛。 Moreover is most disgusting that making one look will feel extremely ill. 而且还是最恶心的那种,让人看了会感觉极度不适。 Bang! 轰! In the meantime, a rich darkness evil strength however erupts from its within the body courageous, sweeps across void. 就在此时,一股浓郁的黑暗邪恶之力勐然从其体内爆发而出,席卷虚空。 Above the body of bone hui Demon Venerable has the innumerable eyeballs, strafes to go toward all around, blooms the strange ray. 骨翙魔尊的身体之上有着无数的眼球,朝着四周扫射而去,绽放出诡异的光芒。 Many bright universe Martial Artist see that eyeball, in the eye reveals the meaning of confusion immediately, then that darkness evil strength sweeps across to come, is to make their consciousness be invaded. 许多光明宇宙武者看到那眼球,眼中顿时露出混乱之意,而后那黑暗邪恶之力席卷而来,更是令他们的意识被侵染。 The Martial Artist eyes were red immediately, falls into the crazy condition, turns around to kill toward all around companion. 一个个武者眼睛顿时红了起来,陷入疯狂状态,转身就朝着四周的同伴杀去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The chaotic war breaks out instantaneously, but this time does not come from Dark Species, but came from all around companion. 混乱的大战瞬间爆发,但这一次并非来自于黑暗种,而是来自于四周的同伴。 Many Martial Artist have actually expected Dark Species Demon Transformation to have the influence on them, after all this is the first time that not their on battlefield, is not the first experience to Demon Transformation. 许多武者其实早就料到黑暗种魔变会对他们造成影响,毕竟这不是他们第一次上战场,也不是第一次见识到魔变 But they underestimated the Demon Venerable level Dark Species Demon Transformation fearful place eventually. 但他们终究还是低估了魔尊黑暗种魔变的可怕之处。 The protection that completed, cannot resist the impact that Demon Venerable level Demon Transformation has. 原先做好的防备,根本抵挡不住魔尊魔变带来的影响。 So to be how fearful?” “怎会如此可怕?” These have not fallen into crazy bright universe Martial Artist to have a big shock, the complexion is quite ugly. 那些没有陷入疯狂的光明宇宙武者大惊失色,面色极为难看。 Receives strength of invasion darkness Martial Artist to be many, although mostly is Territory Lord Level following existence, but is bright universe Martial Artist, just also fought side-by-side together, now makes them transfer the spearhead to aim at the companion, no one accepted. 受到黑暗之力侵染的武者不少,虽然大多都是域主级以下的存在,但到底是光明宇宙武者,刚刚还一起并肩作战,如今让他们调转矛头对准同伴,谁也接受不了。 However, situation not worst, is worse. 然而,情况没有最糟糕,只有更糟糕。 Roar! 吼! In the mouth that angrily roars from Ursula Demon Venerable spreads, in the people by the bone hui Demon Venerable Demon Transformation attraction vision, its Demon Transformation also was almost just completed. 一声怒吼从厄休拉魔尊的口中传出,就在刚刚众人被骨翙魔尊魔变吸引目光之时,它的魔变也几近完成。 As the originally torn body the inflation, connected unexpectedly again in one, the granulation grew crazily, fused. 原本被撕裂的身躯随着膨胀,竟再次连接在了一起,肉芽疯狂生长,重新融合。 But before Ursula Demon Venerable already no longer the fineness and beauty, it changes to the dark shape thoroughly, the body is extremely fat, the hair is thick, muscle dragon knot, but also was covered with the eyeball, female and male does not divide simply. 但厄休拉魔尊已经不复之前的精致与美丽,它彻底化作黑暗形态,身躯臃肿庞大,毛发浓密,肌肉虬结,还长满了眼球,简直雌雄不分。 „, Does not know that the person likes this diamond Barbie, while convenient hair thick.” Wang Teng did not endure shut up hi, in a that side drop of drop cluck. “啧啧,不知道有没有人喜欢这款金刚芭比,顺带还是毛发浓密型的呢。”王腾又忍不住口嗨了起来,在那边滴滴咕咕。 „......” “……” Iron wing Hou and ram Yu and the others serious incomparable is staring at two Dark Species, hears his words, immediately the whole face is speechless. 铁翼侯和公羊裕等人正面色凝重无比的盯着两头黑暗种,听到他的话语,顿时满脸无语。 At sixes and sevens what in this fellow brain is actually thinking? 这家伙脑子里到底在想些什么乱七八糟的? ! 啊! Kill! 杀! More and more bright universe Martial Artist fall into the crazy condition, both eyes are red, the virgin hole deep place actually sends out black light, strange, on their forehead also has the black blue vein to brave, along with black traces, spreads to open above the face, later kills toward all around companion. 越来越多的光明宇宙武者陷入疯狂状态,双目赤红,童孔深处却散发着黑光,诡异至极,同时他们额头上还有着黑色青筋冒起,伴随着一道道黑色的纹路,在脸庞之上蔓延而开,随后朝着四周的同伴杀去。 Void immediately chaotic piece. 虚空中顿时混乱一片。 You are also staring doing, kills!” Murders blood Demon Venerable naturally unable to let up such opportunity, the ice-cold sound spreads immediately. “你们还愣着干什么,杀!”弑血魔尊自然不会放过这样的机会,冰冷的声音顿时传开。 Since Ursula and bone hui Demon Transformation, was unable to change again, naturally must play the pinnacle the role. 既然厄休拉与骨翙都已经魔变,无法再改变,自然要将作用发挥到极致。 Demon Transformation no doubt can injure and their source, making their strength be damaged, to then goes to that side the billows machine void fortress war to be disadvantageous, but to the present war, is actually advantageous. 魔变固然会伤及它们的本源,让它们实力受损,对接下来前往澜机虚空堡垒那边的大战不利,但是对眼下的大战来说,却是有利至极。 After all Demon Transformation of Demon Venerable level is not can bump into commonly. 毕竟魔尊级的魔变可不是寻常能够碰到的。 The dark strength that they send out, made below Territory Lord Level bright universe Martial Artist fall to the enemy sufficiently. 它们散发的黑暗之力,足以让域主级以下的光明宇宙武者沦陷了。 Kills!” “杀!” Roar!” “吼!” Kills!” “杀!” Leader Dark Species launches the offensive in Menglie again, encircles toward all around bright universe Martial Artist kills to go. 一头头黑暗种再次发动勐烈的攻势,朝着四周的光明宇宙武者围杀而去。 Bright universe Martial Artist falls instantaneously leeward. 光明宇宙武者瞬间落入下风。 Facial color some of star meteor revering are not attractive, the vision flashes, as if in the law of ponder collapsing. 星陨尊者的面色有些不大好看,目光闪动,似乎在思考破局之法。 Dark Species the strength of invasion is really hard to deal with, once were affected, is very difficult to eliminate. 黑暗种的侵染之力实在过于难缠,一旦被影响,很难清除。 Now these Territory Lord Level following Martial Artist were affected by the strength of darkness, falls into the crazy condition, perhaps if it is not dealt with properly, really must become the sacrificial victim. 如今那些域主级以下的武者被黑暗之力所影响,陷入疯狂状态,如果处理不好,恐怕真的要成为牺牲品了。 The complexion of ram Yu Hetie wing marquis is also sinks, this thinks that gets the winning side, quick can solve two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, does not want actually to give birth to so the accident. 公羊裕和铁翼侯的面色也是不由的一沉,本以为已经占据上风,很快就能解决两头魔尊黑暗种,不想却又生出这般变故。 The Wang Teng brow slightly wrinkle, this situation is he has not thought. 王腾眉头微皱,这种情况也是他没有想到的。 Thinks by this place Martial Artist strength, Dark Species Demon Transformation, Martial Artist on the scene was selected to affect even at most, reminding was good, is insufficient to fall into the crazy condition. 原本以为以此地武者的实力,就算黑暗种魔变,在场的武者顶多是受点影响,提醒一下就好了,不至于陷入疯狂状态。 Has not thought after two Demon Venerable level Dark Species Demon Transformation , the dark strength that sends out is so unexpectedly overbearing, merely is the flash, then makes such many bright universe Martial Artist fall into the crazy condition, wants to remind without enough time. 可没想到两头魔尊黑暗种魔变后散发的黑暗之力竟如此霸道,仅仅是一瞬间,便让如此之多的光明宇宙武者陷入疯狂状态,想提醒都来不及。 I have the subsequent hand luckily.” “幸好我还有后手。” Wang Teng looks at the mechanical puppet army to distant place, before fought, he has made most mechanical puppet armies join the fight, mechanical puppets have not used only, and from the beginning was received by him. 王腾看向远处的机械傀儡大军,之前战斗之时,他已经让大多数机械傀儡大军加入战斗,唯独有一种机械傀儡不曾动用,并且一开始就被他收了起来。 The light is the mechanical puppet! 光明系机械傀儡! When he arrives at void outside iron weapon fort defense line, these mechanical puppets who in sensibility the attribute air bubble that collects forms. 正是他来到铁械堡防线外的虚空之时,拾取到的属性气泡所形成的感悟中的那些机械傀儡。 He knows, these mechanical puppets combine in together, mechanical puppet but who can form a World Lord Level level, the might is quite good. 他可是知道,那些机械傀儡组合在一起,可是能够形成一尊界主级层次的机械傀儡,威力颇为不俗。 Comes out!” “出来吧!” The Wang Teng big hand wields, the forms of mechanical puppets then appear during was void. 王腾大手一挥,一道道机械傀儡的身影便是出现在了虚空之中。 Combination!” “组合!” He has not hesitated, an intention head, controls the mechanical puppets of these bright departments to combine immediately together. 他没有迟疑,心念一头,立刻控制这些光明系的机械傀儡组合在一起。 Light is the mechanical puppet!” “光明系机械傀儡!” Star meteor revering and iron wing marquis see this, the eye slightly one bright. 星陨尊者和铁翼侯看到这一幕,眼睛不由的微微一亮。 They should think early. 他们早该想到的。 The iron weapon fort defense line had the mechanical puppet of bright department, but was received by Wang Teng before, causing them almost to forget this. 铁械堡防线本就存在光明系的机械傀儡,只不过之前被王腾收了去,导致他们差点忘了这一茬。 Now Wang Teng takes out it, they however recall courageous. 如今王腾将其取出,他们才勐然记起。 Ka-ka...... 卡卡卡…… Mechanical puppets toward the center gathering, are centered on several mechanical puppets, combines unceasingly together. 一具具机械傀儡朝着中心处汇聚,以其中的几具机械傀儡为核心,不断组合在一起。 That picture is very without doubt magnificent. 那副画面无疑十分壮观。 Each mechanical puppet is acting as inalienable components, composed a huge mechanical giant. 每一具机械傀儡都充当着一件不可分割的零件,组成了一具庞大的机械巨人。 Bang! 轰! The void vibration, that huge mechanical giant takes shape thoroughly, stands erect in void. 虚空震动,那庞大的机械巨人彻底成型,屹立于虚空之中。 Although the build is smaller than Demon Transformation later Ursula Demon Venerable and bone hui Demon Venerable, but actually is also extremely huge existence, making one shock. 体型虽然比魔变之后的厄休拉魔尊与骨翙魔尊小不少,但却也是极为庞大的存在,令人震撼。 Many Dark Species see this, in the eye reveals the meaning of vibration. 许多黑暗种看到这一幕,眼中都是露出震动之意。 Especially they also felt that from within the body of this mechanical giant extremely rich bright strength, makes their heart seasons. 尤其是它们还从这尊机械巨人的体内感觉到了极为浓郁的光明之力,更是令它们心季。 Some quite small and weak Dark Species is far away immediately, does not dare to approach. 一些较为弱小的黑暗种立刻远离,不敢靠近。 This mechanical puppet giant is that bright universe Heaven's Chosen Wang Teng summons, is very inevitably fearful. 这尊机械傀儡巨人是那个光明宇宙天骄王腾召唤出来的,必然十分可怕。 Regarding Wang Teng, many Dark Species dread now extremely. 对于王腾,许多黑暗种如今都极为忌惮。 Even the blood group ore weapon completely can wreck, the strength of this bright universe Heaven's Chosen is really powerful, the method is astonishing. 连血族的尽矿兵器都能够击毁,这个光明宇宙天骄的实力实在过于强大,手段过于惊人。 Is some high-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species, this moment complexion was dignified. 就是一些上位魔皇级黑暗种,此刻面色都是凝重了起来。 Because from the body of that mechanical puppet giant, they also feels a threat. 因为从那尊机械傀儡巨人的身上,它们亦是感觉到了一丝威胁。 What does he want to make?” Murders the blood Demon Venerable vision ice-cold looked at Wang Teng one. “他又要做什么?”弑血魔尊目光冰冷的看了王腾一眼。 ~ “咳咳~” Wang Teng coughed intentionally, looks pale like the paper, appearance that cannot withstand weakly. 王腾故意咳嗽了一声,面色苍白如纸,一副虚弱不堪的模样。 „......” Ram Yu. “……”公羊裕。 „......” Iron wing marquis. “……”铁翼侯。 „......” Star meteor revering. “……”星陨尊者。 They know the inside story, this fellow has been installing. 他们可是知道内幕的,这家伙一直在装。 Un, installed also very looks like, murdered blood Demon Venerable to deceive continually. 嗯,装的还挺像,连弑血魔尊都骗了过去。 For my bright universe Martial Artist, I, even if exhausts the last strength, still refuses to balk.” “为了我光明宇宙武者,我就算耗尽最后一丝力量,也在所不惜。” The Wang Teng sound weak opens the mouth, then stretches out the finger, toward front one finger/refers. 王腾声音虚弱的开口,而后伸出手指,朝着前方一指。 Bang! 轰! That huge mechanical puppet giant moved immediately, the whole body erupts the dazzling white light. 那尊庞大的机械傀儡巨人顿时动了起来,浑身爆发出刺目的白光。 Saint light, purification! “圣光,净化! ! ” !” Drinks from the Wang Teng mouth greatly spreads. 一声大喝从王腾口中传出。 Bang! 轰! The mechanical puppet giant white light is suddenly dazzling, changes to the light beam to shoot up to the sky, immediately gathers a piece of white light in void, has up the rain loudly. 机械傀儡巨人身上的白光骤然耀眼,化作光柱冲天而起,随即在虚空之中汇聚成一片白光,轰然降下光雨。 These light/only rain falls on bright universe Martial Artist, immediately made their within the body emit the intermittent black haze, later the capillaries in their eye and black light then retreated slowly, the look gradually restored the pure brightness. 这些光雨落在光明宇宙武者身上,顿时令他们体内冒出阵阵黑色烟气,随后他们眼中的血丝与黑光便缓缓退去,眼神逐渐恢复清明。 But falls on Dark Species, actually resounds the sound immediately, just like is corroded general, many Dark Species cannot bear call out pitifully. 而落在黑暗种身上,却是顿时响起嗤嗤声,犹如被腐蚀一般,许多黑暗种忍不住惨叫起来。 Good!” “好!” The star meteor revering great happiness, in the mouth cannot bear loudly shout. 星陨尊者大喜,口中忍不住大喝一声。 The method of mechanical puppet it is very clear, never expected that Wang Teng can make them display this purification class unexpectedly the light is Fighting technique, this is they cannot. 机械傀儡的手段它很清楚,没想到王腾竟然可以让它们施展出这种净化类的光明系战技,这是它们原本所不会的。 In other words, if the mechanical clan controls this mechanical puppet giant, is unable to display so Fighting technique. 也就是说,如果是机械族掌控这尊机械傀儡巨人,根本无法施展出如此战技来。 Wang Teng gave him to be pleasantly surprised again. 王腾再一次给了他惊喜。 This fellow......” ram abundant vision is astonished, even more cannot completely understand Wang Teng. “这家伙……”公羊裕目光惊异,越发看不透王腾 Even the mechanical puppets of mechanical clan can control, what but also there is he cannot? 连机械族的机械傀儡都能够掌控,还有什么是他不会的? Unexpectedly can make the mechanical puppets of my clan display so Fighting technique!” Iron wing Hou Yi is the vision twinkle, is very surprised. “居然可以让我族的机械傀儡施展出如此战技!”铁翼侯亦是目光闪烁,十分惊讶。 Kills!” “杀!” At this time, these bright universe Martial Artist also recover finally, gratitude looked at Wang Teng one, then melts angrily is the strength, immediately kills toward Dark Species. 此时,那些光明宇宙武者们也终于回过神来,感激的看了王腾一眼,而后化愤怒为力量,立刻朝着黑暗种杀去。 Gets sick while them, wants their lives! 趁它们病,要它们的命! Is he! Also is he!” “又是他!又是他!” Murders blood Demon Venerable to be angry, this Wang Teng has destroyed its good deed repeatedly, seriously is exasperating. 弑血魔尊大怒不已,这个王腾已经屡次破坏它的好事,当真是气人至极。 Blood certainly, you killed him!” “血绝,你去杀了他!” Murders the blood Demon Venerable vision to look all around, wants to discover one to strike to kill Wang Teng Dark Species, finally his vision falls on the body that the blood god clone, cold sound orders. 弑血魔尊目光环顾,想要找出一个能够击杀王腾黑暗种,最终他的目光落在血神分身的身上,冷声下令。 Yes!” “是!” The blood god clone to pretend to restore, this moment hears word, can only set out to be. 血神分身正假装在恢复,此刻闻言,只能起身应是。 Did not have the means that finally must develop with the main body. 没办法了,最终还是要和本尊演一场。 His vision looks to Wang Teng, line of sight of both sides collides immediately in together, as if there is flame to jump to shoot. 他的目光看向王腾,双方的视线顿时碰撞在一起,仿佛有火光迸射而出。
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