KOMI :: Volume #13

#1266: Boils pill to refine the blood physiognomy

Chapter 1266 boils pill to refine the blood physiognomy 第1266章熬丹炼血化相法 „Does the law of boiling down, refine the blood to enter?” “熬炼之法,炼血入相?” In the Li Luo mouth is talking over, then sought for advice modestly: What do you mean?” 李洛嘴中念叨着,然后虚心求教道:“什么意思?” Wants the dragon resonance evolution forheavenly dragon resonance, is an unlikely matter, entire Heavenly King Li's lineage, few people dare to have such expectation and ambition. ” Li Jingzhe looked at Li Luo one, said: Because they do not have you so pure and rich heavenly dragon blood lineage.” “想要将自身龙相进化为“天龙相”,原本就是一件不太可能的事情,整个李天王一脉,很少有人敢生出这样的奢望与野心。”李惊蛰看了李洛一眼,道:“因为他们都没有你这般精纯与浓郁的天龙血脉。” Naturally, even you, still compared with other person of many several points of possibilities.” “当然,即便是你,也只是比其他人多几分可能而已。” This evolution, does not depend upon spirit water wonder-light to achieve, only has to depend upon you, said accurately, by you heavenly dragon blood lineage.” “这种进化,不是依靠灵水奇光能够做到的,唯有依靠你自身,准确的说,是靠伱的天龙血脉。” Only has when the resonance's nature evolution, takes itself as the furnace, boils down the bloodlines, coincides with dragon resonance, at the appointed time dragon resonance absorbed enough heavenly dragon blood lineage, then may obtain the evolution in that flash of breakthrough, from dragon resonance, changes into heavenly dragon resonance.” “唯有在相性进化时,以自身为熔炉,熬炼血脉,与自身龙相相合,届时龙相吸收了足够的天龙血脉,便是有可能在突破的那一霎那获得进化,从龙相,化为天龙相。” Li Luo earnest is listening, in the eye full is excited, his guess right, the common law is really impossible to evolve heavenly dragon resonance, fortunately he is cautious, has not directly used Divine Tree's purple emblem, but is the choice first comes to Li Jingzhe here to seek for advice. 李洛认真的听着,眼中满是激动,他的猜测果然没错,寻常之法根本不可能进化出天龙相,还好他保持谨慎,没有直接使用“神树紫徽”,而是选择先来李惊蛰这里求教。 This boiling down law, refining up the blood to enter, how should do specifically?” The Li Luo thoughts are keen, point to the most important point. “这个熬炼之法,炼血入相,具体又该怎么做呢?”李洛心思灵敏,直指最重要的点。 Obviously, this boiling down law, is important. 显然,这个熬炼之法,才是至关重要。 Nod of Li Jingzhe appreciation, said: This boiling down secret method, is quite precious, from some perspective, its value is as good as high grade heaven's fate grade duke technique, naturally, this is only restricted to be able to use its person.” 李惊蛰赞赏的点点头,道:“这种熬炼秘法,极为珍贵,从某种角度而言,其价值不亚于上品天命级封侯术,当然,这是仅限于能够用到它的人。” Li Luo nods, perhaps without enough abundant heavenly dragon blood lineage support, whom will not indeed have to be crazy to trying to evolve heavenly dragon resonance, therefore this boiling down secret method no one will naturally also use. 李洛点头,如果没有足够雄厚的天龙血脉支撑,恐怕的确没谁会疯狂到试图进化出“天龙相”,所以这种熬炼秘法自然也就无人会用。 Also asked the grandfather to pass on my secret method!” “还请爷爷传我秘法!” On the Li Jingzhe cold solemn old face appears to wipe the light happy expression: Passes to you to have no issue actually , the custom must say... Ten thousand dragon essence.” 李惊蛰冷肃的苍老脸庞上浮现出一抹淡淡笑意:“传给你倒是没什么问题,不过嘛,规矩还是要讲的。。。一万龙精。” Li Luo stares the big eye. 李洛瞪大眼睛。 Li Jingzhe leisure say/way: Old man has not bullied you, this secret method value, may be not limited to this.” 李惊蛰慢悠悠的道:“老夫可没欺负你,这道秘法的价值,可远不止于此。” Li Luo curls the lip, is the decisive say/way: 10,000 10,000!” 李洛撇撇嘴,也是果断的道:“一万就一万!” Now does not have, first buy on credit!” “不过现在没有,先赊欠着!” Ascends four ten thousand dragon essence that the step bets approximately above succeeds in obtaining, now spends cleanly, which also has leisure, therefore can only buy on credit. 登阶赌约上面到手的四万龙精,如今花得干干净净,哪还有闲余,所以只能赊了。 Li Jingzhe hears word does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately, the facial skin of this boy is true is not general thick, for these years, some people dare to look for his buy on credit for the first time, but his initial price ten thousand dragon essence, completes the custom that the within the clan method cannot be passed on lightly, now 10,000 prices have decided that is adopts what way to complete as for Li Luo, that was another view. 李惊蛰闻言顿时哭笑不得,这小子的脸皮属实不是一般的厚,这么多年来,还是第一次有人敢来找他赊欠,不过他开价一万龙精,也只是完成族内法不可轻传的规矩,如今一万价格已经定了,至于李洛是采取什么方式来完成,那就是另外一个说法了。 Then, at the appointed time other lineage chief knew, no means said that his Li Jingzhe practices favoritism. 如此一来,到时其他脉首知晓了,也没办法说他李惊蛰徇私。 After all, Li Luo in any case has also paid the price. 毕竟,李洛好歹也是付出过代价的啊。 The secret method that I said that namedboils pill to refine the blood physiognomy. ” “我所说的这道秘法,名为“熬丹炼血化相法”。” Li Jingzhe counts on the fingers, sees only its front to swing the vortex void, a little dim light departs, then rises against the wind, changed into one about dozens zhang (3.33 m) scarlet great cauldron in a flash, falls to the ground loudly. 李惊蛰屈指一点,只见得其面前虚空荡起漩涡,有一点幽光从中飞出,然后迎风而涨,转瞬就化为了一座数十丈左右的赤红巨鼎,轰然落地。 The scarlet great cauldron is quite heavy, even the rock was pressed out the fissure by it, simultaneously is sending out scalding hot wild aura, the great cauldron surface, inscribes a volcano, the volcano is still erupting the billowing thick smoke. 赤红巨鼎极为沉重,连岩石都被其压出了裂痕,同时散发着灼热狂暴的气息,巨鼎表面,铭刻着一座火山,火山还在喷发着滚滚浓烟。 This is to burn mountain Cauldron, revolves thatto boil pill to refine the material that the blood physiognomy must, but in addition, but also needs to match one set of ichor, these boil the material that the system ichor needs. ” Li Jingzhe takes out one page of papers, optional giving Li Luo. “此为灼山鼎,运转那“熬丹炼血化相法”所必需的材料,而除此之外,还需要配一套灵液,这些是熬制灵液所需要的材料。”李惊蛰取出一页纸,随意的递给李洛 Li Luo received, but looked at one, almost without gave to look at the eye blindly, because he was sketchy the glance, saw some quite rare spirit material above. 李洛接过,只是看了一眼,差点没把眼睛都给看瞎了,因为他只是粗略一瞥,就在上面看见了一些相当罕见的灵材。 Blood dragon Zhu Yu zhi.” “血龙朱玉枝。” Three shed spirit python gold/metal.” “三蜕灵蟒金皮。” Extremely flame marrow.” “极焱髓。” „......” “。。。。。。” Many materials, all are strange, not only precious, but also is very difficult to seek, Li Luo looked at two to be filled with icy coldly, this secret method the thing, wanted to collect, did not know lord knows. 诸多材料,皆是稀奇古怪,不仅珍贵,而且还很难寻找,李洛看了两眼就满心冰凉,这秘法所需之物,想要凑齐,不知道猴年马月。 Perhaps waited for his dragon resonance to break through to eighth grade, these materials could not collect. 恐怕等他龙相都已经突破到八品了,这些材料都凑不齐。 But when Li Luo the complexion fluctuates, Li Jingzhe cannot bear smiles, said: Ok, looks at your bitter type, this inside thing, overwhelming majority here are prepared uses, moreover calculated in your ten thousand dragon essence.” 而就在李洛这边脸色变幻的时候,李惊蛰忍不住的一笑,道:“算了,看你那苦样,这里面的东西,绝大部分我这里都有备用,而且也都算在你那一万龙精里面了。” Li Luo hears word, is moved, ten thousand dragon essence can trade these rare and precious materials, this was really the conscience sent greatly, moreover from Li Jingzhe this preparation, he had possibly made some preparations for today. 李洛闻言,感动得不行,一万龙精能换到这些珍稀的材料,这真是良心大派送了,而且从李惊蛰这充分的准备来看,他可能早就为今日做了一些准备。 In other words, he in has been Li Luo evolution heavenly dragon resonance does is planning. 也就是说,他早就在为李洛进化天龙相做着一些谋划。 Li Luo cries simply, this elders after behind for the feeling that oneself plan, is really... Quite crisp. 李洛简直哭死,有这种长辈在身后为自己谋划的感觉,真的是。。。好爽啊。 Otherwise, let alone that so-called refining up the blood enters secret method, the light is this cauldron furnaces as well as many materials, can let rushing about that he works to a frazzle for a long time. 不然的话,别说那所谓的“炼血入相”的秘法,光是这鼎炉以及诸多材料,都能让他累死累活的奔波许久。 Heard that the leads in these story-telling script ancient books, all results from the negligible, wrestles the day by the life, step by step the rise, making one one's blood bubbles up to the brim, but I was actually hard to experience this feeling, really made one be a pity.” The Li Luo look is complex, regretted that sobbed. “听说那些话本典籍中的主角,皆是起于微末,以命搏天,步步崛起,令人热血沸腾,而我却难以体验这种感觉,真是令人可惜。”李洛眼神复杂,惋惜地唏嘘。 Ok, should not be crisp.” “好了,别爽了。” Li Jingzhe looked at a look to be splendid ill-humoredly, innermost feelings emotion rich Li Luo, said: „„ Refining up the blood enters the material is quite complex, I have conducted some improvements this law, was hard the material that sought to see I also to study the spare thing. ” 李惊蛰没好气的看了一眼神色精彩,内心情感丰富的李洛,道:““炼血入相”的材料极为复杂,我已将此法进行过一些改良,一些难以寻见的材料我也研究出了备用之物。” Now is the preparation is also complete, but still also missed a thing, but this thing happen to stems from Boundary River Territory, therefore had not previously prepared.” “如今也算是准备周全,只是尚还差了一物,而此物正好出自界河域,所以此前也就未曾准备。” This thing gives you to collect.” “此物就交给你去搜集吧。” Li Luo hurries to ask: What also misses?” 李洛赶紧问道:“还差什么?” Inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit pearl, when being away from Heavenly Dragon Ridge inside and outside several tens of thousands of in an abyss, there is a trace of this thing, that is a hunting ground of piece of without owner, numerous powder cultivate/repair to converge, whenever the abyss water of boundary river emerges, that inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit freshwater mussel will appear at this time, this thing can be used to refine some high grade foundation building Spirit Treasure, is prized, therefore each time appearance, not only causes the powder to cultivate/repair to compete, even other big influences can also slice.” Li Jingzhe spoke thoughtlessly to say. “金石灵蚌珠,在距离天龙岭数万里外的一段深渊中,有此物的痕迹,那是一片无主的猎场,众多散修云集,每当深渊中的界河之水涌现时,那金石灵蚌就会在这个时候出现,此物能够用来炼制一些上品筑基灵宝,价值不凡,所以每次出现,不仅引得散修争夺,连其他大势力也会来分一杯羹。”李惊蛰随口说道。 You have been closing door to cultivate this period of time, has not carried out the task, happen to leads to obtain this thing actually.” “你这段时间一直在闭门修炼,也未曾去执行任务,倒是正好领军去取得此物。” Li Luo hears word, nods should actually, after all this so-called inscription on stone tablet and bronze spirit pearl relates to him whether to evolve heavenly dragon resonance, now Li Jingzhe had paved the way for him, on difference last material, therefore he must strive after all. 李洛闻言,倒是点头应下,毕竟这所谓的“金石灵蚌珠”关系到他能否进化出天龙相,如今李惊蛰已经为他铺平了道路,就差这最后一份材料,所以他终归是要出一份力的。 Gnaws completely old is also not good. 完全啃老也是不好的。 Thanks the grandfather.” Li Luo sincere thanks, Li Jingzhe plans and prepares for these that he makes, indeed is to make in his heart be moved completely. “谢谢爷爷。”李洛诚恳的感谢,李惊蛰为他所做的这些谋划与准备,的确是让得他心中满是感动。 Really is family/home old, if there is a treasure. 果真是家有一老,如有一宝。 Li Jingzhe indifferently said: „A minor matter, what matter but also there is?” 李惊蛰淡淡的道:“一点小事罢了,还有什么事吗?” Also spoke thoughtlessly asked where expects on the Li Luo handsome face the smile immediately becomes bright, his nod unrestrained/no trace of politeness, said: Indeed a small issue wants to consult to the grandfather.” 原本也就只是随口一问,哪料到李洛俊朗脸庞上笑容顿时变得灿烂起来,他毫不客气的点点头,道:“的确还有一个小问题想向爷爷请教。” You are really impolite.” The Li Jingzhe air/Qi smiles, in dragon tooth lineage, his temperament is well-known, therefore Li Qingpeng, Li Jinpan awes to him especially, usually in does not dare to have overstepping of least bit his here, only has Li Luo, as if not know how completely reaches out for a yard after taking an inch to write. “你还真不客气。”李惊蛰气笑,在龙牙脉内,他的脾气是众人皆知,所以就连李青鹏,李金磐都对他格外敬畏,平日里丝毫不敢在他这里有半点的逾越,唯有李洛,似乎完全不知道得寸进尺怎么写。 But is impolite regarding Li Luo, although in the old person surface the air/Qi smiles, but the heart deep place, felt that a tender feeling flows. 但对于李洛的这种不客气,老人面上虽然气笑,但心底深处,却是感到一种温情流淌。 You said.” “你说。” Li Luo said with a smile: This is not that boundary river treasure territory soon opens, when the time comes the competition of decides however is quite fierce, therefore I also the method that plans to prepare to deal with.” 李洛笑道:“这不是那界河宝域快要开启么,到时候其中的竞争定然极为激烈,所以我也打算多准备一些应对的手段。” Therefore, I want to do one type to threaten Duke expert deadly poison.” “所以,我想搞一种能够威胁到封侯强者剧毒。” He stretches out the palm, sees only the palm to have faint trace poisonous qi to condense, this poisonous qi brings the strong fishy smell, is double strange poison of its within the body. 他伸出手掌,只见得掌心有一丝丝毒气凝聚而出,这毒气带着浓烈的腥味,正是其体内的双重异毒 This double strange poison when Great Xia, the Pei Hao design framed him initially, then has stayed in his within the body. 双重异毒还是当初在大夏时,裴昊设计陷害他,然后就一直留在他的体内。 Before Li Luo did not have the ability to reduce and solve, but wanted to change into oneself to use it afterward, especially after obtaining Great Blood Poison Technique, can turn into own one to kill to incur it. 以前李洛是没能力化解,但后来又是想要将其化为己用,特别是在获得了“大血毒术”后,更是能够将其变成自身的一道杀招。 However also with the gradual rise of present Li Luo strength, can be Duke expert that in the future must face, this once made him have a headache about double strange poison extremely, is starts to become some weaks. 不过随着如今李洛实力的逐步提升,未来所要面对的也都会是封侯强者,这曾经让他头疼万分的双重异毒,已是开始变得有些鸡肋了。 Therefore at present, Li Luo even can depend upon own strength, this double strange poison, discharges within the body. 所以眼下,李洛甚至都能够依靠自己的力量,将这双重异毒,排出体内。 But he this time to the goal that Li Jingzhe consults, is plans to seek for toxic more violent deadly poison, then eliminates this double strange poison. 而他此次向李惊蛰请教的目的,便是打算找寻一种毒性更猛烈的剧毒,然后将这双重异毒淘汰。 Then, increases together the powerful card in a hand for oneself. 进而,也为自己多增添一道强大的底牌。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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