KOMI :: Volume #13

#1265: The secret of heavenly dragon blood lineage

Chapter 1265 第1265章 The secret of heavenly dragon blood lineage 天龙血脉之秘 When outside world, because Li Luo and Jiang Qing'e, in 5 guards ascends on the step bright eye performance when spreading, in the following over half a month time, Li Luo is actually low-key, he all energy, puts in into the cultivation as well as to his dragon-thunder resonance tempering. 而当外界因为李洛姜青娥五卫登阶上面的亮眼表现而传扬时,在接下来的大半个月时间中,李洛倒是低调起来,他将所有的精力,都是投入到修炼以及对自身龙雷相淬炼之中。 Therefore he does not even have the time to process in Dragon Tooth Guard each month fixed duty. 为此他甚至没有时间去处理龙牙卫中每个月固定的任务。 So diligently, over half a month later, resonance power actually becomes even more abundant, now the day phase diagram from 8400 hundreds of zhang (333 m), has promoted 8800 hundreds of zhang (333 m). 这般努力下,大半个月下来,相力倒是变得愈发的雄厚,如今已经将自身天相图从八千四百丈,提升到了八千八百丈。 This mainly also benefits from this time ascends the step to bet four ten thousand dragon essence that Jordan , China attain. 这主要也得益于此次登阶赌约中拿到的四万龙精 And about 20,000 also beforehand exchange Dragon Blood having a nightmare technique buy on credit, other dragon essence, was exchanged some cultivation resources as well as high rank spirit water wonder-light by him. 其中近两万还了之前兑换“龙血魇术”的赊欠,余下的龙精,则是被他兑换了一些修炼资源以及高品阶灵水奇光 However resonance power has striven, dragon resonance evolution that but Li Luo most hopes, is not easy to achieve. 不过相力有所精进,但李洛最期盼的龙相进化,却并没有那么容易达到。 Therefore he from eighth grade spirit water wonder-light use of all Heavenly Origin Ancient Academy that side exchange, in addition some high rank spirit water wonder-light of this dragon essence receiving in exchange, from the value, these spirit water wonder-light perhaps has previously been able to make ordinary powder cultivate/repair Duke expert to pull out the dry/does family property. 为此他已经将此前从天元古学府那边兑换的八品灵水奇光尽数的使用,再加上此次龙精换取的一些高品阶灵水奇光,从价值而言,这些灵水奇光恐怕能让一名普通的散修封侯强者掏干家底。 But, it is a pity that Li Luo, although can feel own higher seventh grade dragon-thunder resonance to have the extremely obvious promotion these days, but the distance evolves eighth grade, as before one pace. 可是,遗憾的是李洛虽然能够感受到自身上七品龙雷相在这段时间有着极为明显的提升,但距离进化到八品,依旧还有一步之遥。 The evolution of resonance's nature, indeed is most difficult. 相性的进化,的确是最为艰难。 This is because he can refine the absorption spirit water wonder-light premise unscrupulously, if trades to be others, wants obviously to feel the promotion of resonance's nature in a half moon/month, that radically is the unlikely matter. 这还是因为他能够肆无忌惮的炼化吸收灵水奇光的前提,若是换作旁人,想要在半个月中明显感受到相性的提升,那根本是不太可能的事情。 To many, resonance's nature tempering is year and year out matter, because of the spirit water wonder-light implication impurity, the absorption excessively will urge resonance's palace sealed, but Li Luo is different, limits his, only has the spirit water wonder-light quantity and absorption time. 对于很多人而言,相性淬炼是经年累月的事,因为灵水奇光蕴含杂质,吸收过多会促使相宫封闭,但李洛不一样,限制他的,只有灵水奇光数量和吸收时间。 From the theory, gives his enough spirit water wonder-light and time, he can sooner or later completely ninth grade. 从理论来说,给他足够的灵水奇光和时间,他迟早能够全部九品 What a pity is, this theory, is not quite easy to realize. 可惜的是,这个理论,不太容易实现。 ... 。。。 In the ray bright room, before Li Luo sits cross-legged is on record several, look somewhat disconsolate is looking at several on table like the colored glaze empty bottle, was filled with expensive eighth grade spirit water wonder-light. 光线明亮的房间中,李洛盘坐在案几前,眼神有些惆怅的望着桌上的几个如琉璃般的空瓶子,其中原本都是盛满了价格不菲的八品灵水奇光 Used up.” “用光了。” Li Luo sighs, now eighth grade spirit water wonder-light in hand is consumes cleanly. 李洛叹了一口气,如今手中的八品灵水奇光算是消耗得干干净净。 He thinks, in the hand presented one such as the ancient leaf purple badge, Divine Tree's purple emblem that for a long time has not used, this thing wears in the body, can tempering under accumulating over a long period of time promote resonance's nature, if not glad this slow promotion, but can also stimulate to movement fills spirit that” its has characteristics, comes a promotion directly, but fills spirit, once uses, Divine Tree's purple emblem will also be at some time depletion condition. 他想了想,手中出现了一枚如古老叶子般的紫色徽章,正是许久未曾动用的神树紫徽,此物佩戴在身,可以在日积月累下淬炼提升自身相性,而且如果不乐意这种缓慢提升,还能催动其具备的“灌灵”特性,直接来一次提升,只不过“灌灵”一旦使用,神树紫徽也将会处于一段时间的枯竭状态。 Li Luo used Divine Tree's purple emblem initially, therefore the energy restores now actually again fully. 李洛当初只是动用了一次神树紫徽,所以如今倒是能量再度恢复满了。 Uses to fill the spirit again one time, whether to promote eighth grade dragon resonance?” Li Luo hesitates, at once he shakes the head, because his time wanting is not the general evolution. “再使用一次灌灵,能否将龙相提升到八品?”李洛沉吟,旋即他又是摇摇头,因为他此次想要的不是一般的进化。 He wants his dragon resonance, evolves to become heavenly dragon resonance! 他想要将自身的龙相,进化成为“天龙相”! He wants is not ordinary eighth grade dragon resonance, but is eighth grade heavenly dragon resonance! 他要的不是普通八品龙相,而是八品天龙相 But heavenly dragon resonance is revering of dragon resonance, its birth condition incomparable harshness, looks over during this Heavenly King Li's lineage this about hundred years, perhaps also had/left his father inborn heavenly dragon resonance. 但“天龙相”乃是“龙相之尊”,其诞生条件无比的苛刻,纵观这李天王一脉这近百年间,恐怕也就出了他老爹一个天生的天龙相 But inborn heavenly dragon resonance, Li Luo do not think, but is well pure and rich in he heavenly dragon blood lineage, will have the opportunity to evolve from the day after tomorrow actually. 而天生的天龙相,李洛是别想了,但好在他自身天龙血脉精纯而浓郁,倒是有机会从后天进化。 Since this period of time , he although felt the promotion of oneself dragon resonance, but that evolution was the feeling of heavenly dragon resonance, has not appeared. 只是,这段时间以来,他虽然感受到了自身龙相的提升,可那种进化为天龙相的感觉,却始终没有出现。 According to his feeling, at present he even succeeded to evolve eighth grade, perhaps dragon resonance as before was still only dragon resonance, will not evolve to become heavenly dragon resonance. 按照他的感觉,眼下他即便成功进化到了八品,恐怕龙相依旧也只是龙相,不会进化成为天龙相 Therefore according to the guess of Li Luo, this evolution, surely is not he thinks is so simple. 所以按照李洛的猜测,这种进化,其中必定不是他想的那么简单。 Perhaps, but must find the person to consult key. 或许,还得找人请教其中的关键。 As for this consulting candidate, in this Heavenly Dragon City, besides Li Jingzhe, naturally does not have a better candidate. 而至于这个请教的人选,这天龙城内,除了李惊蛰外,自然没有更好的人选。 Read hence, Li Luo received Divine Tree's purple emblem, then left the dragon tooth gate that Dragon Tooth Guard was stationed, went to the Heavenly Dragon City central Heavenly Dragon pavilion directly. 一念至此,李洛直接收起“神树紫徽”,然后离开了龙牙卫驻扎的龙牙门,径直前往天龙城中央的天龙阁。 Li Jingzhe has assumed personal command in this this period of time. 李惊蛰这段时间一直都坐镇于此。 Li Luo arrives at the Heavenly Dragon pavilion , indicating the status, has not naturally received any stop, after all assumes Heavenly Dragon City in Li Jingzhe this period of time, everyone understands, in this city, the present is dragon tooth lineage decides. 李洛来到天龙阁,表明了身份,自然没有受到任何的阻拦,毕竟在李惊蛰坐镇天龙城这段时间,所有人都明白,这座城内,如今是龙牙脉说了算。 The Heavenly Dragon pavilion deep place, woof Bihu, Li Luo in stone platform of that lakeside, found fishing Li Jingzhe. 天龙阁深处,有一汪碧湖,李洛在那湖边的石台上,找到了垂钓的李惊蛰 After leaving the Dragon Tooth Mountains bamboo grove, the Li Jingzhe bamboo shoots hobby was also interrupted, can only change a whiling away the time way. 在离开了龙牙山脉的竹林后,李惊蛰的种笋爱好也被中断,只能换了一个消遣的方式。 Closing eyes Li Jingzhe opens the eye, looks is smiling to arrive at front Li Luo, on cold solemn the old face is also appears to wipe the light happy expression, he patted nearby fish basket, said: Came happen, here does not have the bamboo shoots to eat, just makes the dashi.” 闭目的李惊蛰睁开眼睛,望着笑眯眯来到面前的李洛,冷肃的苍老面庞上也是浮现出一抹淡淡笑意,他拍了拍旁边的鱼篓,道:“来了正好,这里没有竹笋吃,就刚好煲鱼汤。” I had the luck of having good things to eat actually.” “那我倒是有口福了。” Li Luo grinning should, then sit down in side, freely spoken said to Li Jingzhe the purpose in coming. 李洛笑嘻嘻的应下,然后在旁边坐下,顺口就将来意跟李惊蛰说了出来。 heavenly dragon resonance? Your this boy, the ambition was too rather big, heavenly dragon resonance, that is the old men has not even evolved.” Heard the Li Luo words, the fishing pole in Li Jingzhe hand shook. 天龙相?你这小子,野心未免太大了一些,天龙相,那可是连老夫都未曾进化出来的。”听到李洛的话,李惊蛰手中的鱼竿都是抖了一下。 Say/Way that Li Luo boasts shamelessly: I have so rich and pure heavenly dragon blood lineage after all, some qualifications expect heavenly dragon resonance.” 李洛大言不惭的道:“我毕竟身怀如此浓郁与精纯的天龙血脉,还是有资格奢望一下天龙相的。” Regarding Li Luo boasted shamelessly, Li Jingzhe somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, but he nods, said: Your heavenly dragon blood lineage especially is indeed rich, some time past you when used that Dragon Blood having a nightmare technique, the bloodlines stimulated, even presented the shadow of Heavenly Dragon.” 对于李洛的厚颜自夸,李惊蛰也是有些哭笑不得,不过他还是点点头,道:“你的天龙血脉的确格外浓郁,前些时候你在施展那龙血魇术的时候,血脉激发,甚至出现了天龙之影。” „The shadow of Heavenly Dragon?” 天龙之影?” Li Luo blinks, suddenly curious asking: Grandfather, said why our this lineage will have the bloodlines of Heavenly Dragon?... Our old ancestor, is the main body Heavenly Dragon?” 李洛眨了眨眼,突然好奇的问道:“爷爷,说起来,为什么我们这一脉会有天龙的血脉?难道。。。我们老祖,本体就是天龙?” Old ancestor is real Human Clan.” Li Jingzhe shakes the head, said. “老祖是货真价实的人族。”李惊蛰摇摇头,道。 He looks at Li Luo that eyeful intellectual curiosity, hesitates slightly, is continues saying: „When old ancestor was young in the past, entered Noble Battlefield, when is informed and experienced, met a severely wounded Heavenly Dragon senior, at that time a person of dragon, because of the accident of sorts, formed the blood agreement.” 他瞧得李洛那满眼的求知欲,微微犹豫,便是继续说道:“老祖当年年轻时,进入了王侯战场,在其中历练时,遇见了一位重伤的天龙前辈,那时一人一龙,因为机缘巧合,结成了血契。” This blood agreement to the old ancestor is actually not considered as the good news, because the opposite party strength boundary is higher than him, will therefore also derive his blood essence.” “这血契其实对老祖而言不算是好消息,因为对方实力境界高于他,所以也会汲取他的精血。” But the old ancestor is also the generation of heaven-blessed genius, after life and death, not only has not fallen from the sky, instead enters into the peak gradually, achievement Heavenly King.” “但老祖也是天纵奇才之辈,历经生死,不仅未曾陨落,反而逐步迈入巅峰,成就天王。” When the old ancestor becomes Heavenly King, that blood agreement transmitted heavenly dragon blood lineage, affected the old ancestor's descendant, thus caused our within the body all has the birth of heavenly dragon blood lineage.” “当老祖成为了天王,那血契就传递了天龙血脉,影响到了老祖的后代,从而使得我们体内皆是有着天龙血脉的诞生。” Li Luo opens the eye, been able to bear praising, their Heavenly King old ancestors, young time is also to have many legends. 李洛睁大眼睛,忍不住的啧啧称赞,他们那位天王老祖,年轻的时候也是有着诸多的传奇故事呢。 Does not know that Heavenly Dragon senior... Is hero dragon or the female dragon?” Li Luo asked with the sense of awe. “不知道那位天龙前辈。。。是雄龙还是雌龙?”李洛怀着敬畏之心问道。 Li Jingzhe ill-humoredly said: Naturally yes... Female dragon.” 李惊蛰没好气的道:“当然是。。。雌龙。” This Heavenly Dragon senior, now is in Dragon Clan one of the position highest existences, because of her reason, our Heavenly King Li's lineage and Dragon Clan, actually also has the quite deep friendship, but Dragon Clan rarely goes out, you have not resulted in sees.” “这位天龙前辈,如今已是龙族中地位最高的存在之一,也正因为她的原因,我们李天王一脉龙族,其实还有着颇深的交情,只不过龙族很少外出,伱们未曾得见罢了。” Li Luo suddenly, female dragon... That actually no wonder, the old ancestor is really our model. 李洛恍然,雌龙。。。那倒是怪不得,老祖真是吾辈楷模啊。 However these are unimportant. 不过这些也都不重要。 Grandfather, you thought that I do have the opportunity to evolve heavenly dragon resonance dragon resonance?” Li Luo pulls back the topic, sincere asking. “那爷爷,您觉得我有机会将龙相进化成天龙相吗?”李洛将话题拉回来,诚恳的问道。 Li Jingzhe hesitated several breaths, said: „If others asked, the old man can only return to his wishful thinking four characters, but your heavenly dragon blood lineage, indeed has some possibilities.” 李惊蛰沉吟了数息,道:“如果是其他人来问,老夫只能回他痴心妄想四个字,但你的天龙血脉,的确是有着一些可能性。” This is not the simple matter, if you want by the common means evolution, even if you have pure rich heavenly dragon blood lineage, is still very difficult to evolve to become heavenly dragon resonance.” “不过这也不是简单的事情,如果你想要以寻常办法进化,即便你自身身怀精纯浓郁的天龙血脉,也很难进化成为天龙相。” What to do should that?” Li Luo quickly asked. “那应该怎么办?”李洛急忙问道。 The palm that Li Jingzhe fishes shakes, the fishing pole raises, the sparkling lake water surface breaks open, a shining fish struggles on the fishhook, he puts in the fish the fish basket, just now complexion some opens the mouth with deep veneration. 李惊蛰垂钓的手掌一抖,鱼竿扬起,波光粼粼的水面破开,一条金灿灿的鱼儿在鱼钩上挣扎,他将鱼儿放入鱼篓里,方才脸色有些肃然的开口。 „The law of boiling down, refining up the blood to enter.” “熬炼之法,炼血入相。”
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