WWOG :: Volume #14

#1362: Listened World( third)

Present World, although with once, why did not know, looked in Wang Baole's in the eye, as if...... was not clear. 眼前的世界,虽和曾经的一样,可不知为何,在王宝乐的目中所看,似乎……不是那么的清晰了。 This not because of his vision reason, because of...... a clearer way, replaced the line of sight, that is...... the sense of hearing. 这不是因他视力的缘故,而是因为……一种更清晰的方式,取代了视线,那是……听觉。 Is looking at the front all, the Wang Baole's ear transmits, is sound that the sky cloud layer moves, is the wind has blown trace, is music that herb sways, is the healthy sound of growth, came from under the soil, voiceless sound that the migrations of some bugs bring. 望着前方的一切,王宝乐的耳边传来的,是天空云层移动的声音,是风吹过的痕迹,是草木摇晃的曲乐,更是生长的茁壮之声,还有来自泥土下,一些小虫的移动所带来的清音。 Even this piece of Heaven and Earth, seems to be also spreading the sound, but is somewhat fuzzy, the Wang Baole hear is not clear, but he can feel, World, was different. 甚至这片天地,似乎也都在传出声音,只不过有些模糊,王宝乐听不清晰,但他能感受到,世界,不一样了。 His eye, closing again slowly, all that but the mind appears, without the change are too many, this is one type does not depend upon the line of sight, does not depend upon Divine Will, listens merely, obtained completely information. 他的眼睛,慢慢的重新闭上,可脑海浮现的一切,却没有改变太多,这是一种不依靠视线,不依靠神念,仅仅是听,就获得了全部信息 But this all, from...... his body core Tian spot, the place that the Eating Desire magical laws crystal was , a note that there appears. 而这所有,都是来自……他体内丹田处,原本食欲法则晶体所在的地方,那里浮现出的一枚音符。 This note, is all Sourcepoint, because of its existence, caused the Wang Baole's hearing the increase of considerable degree, seemed another Realm, even if at this moment he thinks, he can make all around fill oneself note. 这音符,就是一切的源头,因它的存在,使得王宝乐的听力得到了相当程度的提升,就好似到了另一个境界般,甚至此刻若他想,他可以让四周弥漫自己的音符。 But in range of this note, he has one type to be able completely the feeling of control. 而在这音符的范围内,他有一种能完全掌控之感。 This, is Listening Desire magical laws.” Wang Baole muttered, opened the eye, felt carefully, this stood up the body, in a flash , the lift-off went. “这,就是听欲法则么。”王宝乐喃喃间,睁开了眼,又仔细感受一番,这才站起了身,一晃之下,升空而去。 Had own note, was steps into Listening Desire magical laws River, then...... also arrived went to Listening Desire City, found out.” Wang Baole narrows the eye, he goes to the Listening Desire City goal, besides investigation, most important is finds the way to promote Listening Desire magical laws, enabling it to be similar Gluttony Lord degree. “拥有了自己的音符,算是踏入到了听欲法则长河之内,那么……也到了去听欲城,一探究竟的时候了。”王宝乐眯起眼,他去听欲城的目的,除了探查外,最重要的就是想办法提升听欲法则,使其达到类似暴食主的程度。 He wants to know, by that time, grasped two big magical laws, can complete the plan of original body. 他很想知道,到了那个时候,掌握了两大法则的自己,能否完成本体的计划。 „If not good, finds the way to grasp third Daoist Magic.” Wang Baole in the eye bright glow flashes, the body in this Between Heaven and Earth, speeds away to go far away. “若不行,就想办法掌握第三道法则。”王宝乐目中精芒一闪,身体在这天地间,疾驰远去。 I had seen Listening Desire magical laws cultivator, after cultivating the certain extent, may change to sound law...... this illusory condition, does not know when I can achieve.” “我曾经见过的听欲法则修士,修炼到一定程度后,可化作音律……这种虚无缥缈的状态,不知何时我可以做到。” magical laws of Joy......” Wang Baole thought of Seven Emotions, his memory is like original body, therefore knows the matter that once had, understands battle of Listening Desire magical laws and magical laws of Joy. “还有喜之法则……”王宝乐想到了七情,他的记忆与本体一样,所以知晓曾经发生的事情,也明白听欲法则喜之法则的厮杀。 „The Joy Lineage Tribe elder once guessed, disappearance Joy Lord,...... in the Wang Baole eye was flashed through the thinking by the Listening Desire Lord suppression in Listening Desire City, he is thinking an issue. 喜脉部落的长老曾猜测,消失的喜主,是被听欲主镇压在了听欲城内……”王宝乐眼睛里闪过思索,他在想一个问题。 If Six Desires from Emperor, then Seven Emotions inevitably is also, but so...... why among Six Desires Seven Emotions, the present is so the condition. 如果六欲来自帝君,那么七情必然也是,可既如此……为何六欲七情之间,如今是这般状态。 In the flight, Wang Baole's thought that making him think after oneself became Gluttony Lord, in one time to visiting of other Gluttony Lord, heard information about several other Desire Lord. 飞行中,王宝乐的思索,使得他想到了自己成为暴食主后,在一次对其他暴食主的拜访中,听到的关于其他几位欲主信息 This second layer World city, there are seven. 第二层世界城池,有七座。 Besides the Ancient Epoch city, other six, belong to six Desire Lord, inside has Eating Desire City, Listening Desire City, Touch Desire City and Sight Desire City as well as Smelling Desire City. 除了古纪城外,其他六座,属于六位欲主,里面有食欲城听欲城触欲城见欲城以及闻欲城 Five Desire Lord in these five big cities, are Imperial Lord in present second layer World, as for the Ancient Epoch city, that Gluttony Lord understanding are not many, therefore without said that but key introduced sixth Desire City to Wang Baole, is...... Meaning Desire City! 这五大城内的五位欲主,就是如今第二层世界里的主宰,至于古纪城,那位暴食主了解不多,所以没有多说,但却重点向王宝乐介绍了第六座欲城,也就是……意欲城 Reason that lists as the key point it, because in second layer World, Meaning Desire Lord exists, does not exist. 之所以将其列为重点,是因在第二层世界里,意欲主既存在,也不存在。 Said its exists, exists because of Meaning Desire magical laws, this is other five Desire Lord recognized facts, is the necessity, but said that it does not exist, has seen because of...... no one cultivator that cultivates Meaning Desire magical laws. 说其存在,是因意欲法则存在,这是其他五位欲主公认的事实,也是必然之事,而说其不存在,是因……没有人见过修炼意欲法则修士 Even Meaning Desire City, little appear here piece of World extremely, as if this city, only in the specific time, in this piece of World, will glitter. 甚至就连意欲城,也都极少出现在这片世界里,似乎这座城池,只在特定的时间,会在这片世界里,闪烁一下。 This causes Meaning Desire City, is quite mystical, even many people guessed, perhaps...... all these reasons, possibly do not exist because of...... Meaning Desire Lord. 这就使得意欲城,极为神秘,甚至还有不少人猜测,或许……这一切的缘由,是因……意欲主可能不存在。 But the concrete matter, that Gluttony Lord understanding are not many. 但具体之事,那位暴食主也了解不多。 Covers in this Source Universe Dao Void veil, will lift eventually little.” Wang Baole takes back the train of thought that in this Between Heaven and Earth, the speed is quicker. “笼罩在这源宇道空的面纱,终究会一点点掀开。”王宝乐将思绪收回,在这天地间,速度更快。 He does not know the Listening Desire City direction, does not need to know, because of the direction in within the body Listening Desire magical laws, is the best position, simultaneously in this flight, his appearance and aura, is also changing slowly. 他不知道听欲城的方向,也不需要知晓,因为体内听欲法则的指引,就是最好的方位,同时在这飞行中,他的模样与气息,也在慢慢改变。 Changed to a handsome youngster appearance gradually, simultaneously aura of its within the body, with filling the air of Listening Desire magical laws, the assimilation, causes gradually, even if meets Eating Desire City Gluttony Lord at this moment, is unable his here, to feel the meaning of being familiar. 渐渐化作了一个俊朗的少年样子,同时其体内的气息,也随着听欲法则的弥漫,渐渐同化,使得就算是此刻遇到食欲城暴食主,也都无法在他这里,感受到熟悉之意。 Then, the time passes, a day quick in the past, with night arrival, the Wang Baole's speed has not reduced, according to his judgment, at oneself speed at this moment, takes one month probably, can arrive at Listening Desire City in perception. 就这样,时间流逝,一天很快过去,随着黑夜的降临,王宝乐的速度没有丝毫减少,按照他的判断,以自己此刻的速度,大概需要一个月的时间,才可以到达感知中的听欲城 But he is not anxious, happen to also draws support from this time, facilitates Listening Desire magical laws of even more familiar within the body. 但他不急,正好也借助这个时间,方便越发熟悉体内的听欲法则 ...... In Wang Baole so plans, with night arrival, suddenly, in him who Between Heaven and Earth speeds away, the eye contracts fiercely, the ear moved. 只是……就在王宝乐这般打算时,随着黑夜的降临,忽然之间,在天地间疾驰的他,眼睛猛地收缩,耳朵更是自行的动了一下。 He heard a sound. 他听到了一个声音。 This sound is similar to crawling, seems a innumerable leg is moving, from his side rapid walking past, causes a Wang Baole body fiercely twinkle, vanishes in same place, appears in the distant place, Divine Will disperses loudly, fixed four directions. 这声音类似于爬行,仿佛是无数条腿在移动,从他身边飞速的走过,使得王宝乐身体猛地一个闪烁,消失在原地,出现在远处,神念轰然散开,锁定四方。 But...... to his Divine Will how spread, has not detected here slightly exceptionally, but the sound of that crawling unexpectedly also, but from beforehand situated in the ear near, changed was going far away. 但……任凭他神念如何扩散,也没有在这里察觉丝毫异常,而那爬行之声竟然还在,只不过从之前的位于耳边,化作了正在远去。 What situation is this?” Wang Baole is surprised, even in the joined bodies belongs to original body Position Standard, disperses some, but is strange is...... he as before not in this all around, sees slightly the differences. “这是什么情况?”王宝乐惊疑起来,甚至连体内属于本体位格,也都散出一些,可诡异的是……他依旧没有在这四周,看到丝毫不同之处。 Line of sight, Divine Will, all usual. 视线,神念,都一切如常。 Only sense of hearing here, sound of that crawling, although is going far away, may remain, this lets in the Wang Baole eye the cold glow sparkle, had the idea of untying the Eating Desire magical laws suppression. 唯独听觉这里,那爬行的声音虽在远去,可依旧存在,这就让王宝乐眼睛里寒芒闪耀,有了一种解开食欲法则镇压的想法。 But is good because , the sound of that crawling is gradually weak, but according to the Wang Baole's sense of hearing induces, the position of opposite party, should be the dead ahead that look at this moment. 但好在,那爬行的声音逐渐微弱,而按照王宝乐的听觉感应,对方的方位,应该就是自己此刻所望的正前方。 His mind cannot bear a picture that the structure has, in the picture, in that region that present look , the body was huge, was covered with larva aculeata existence of innumerable leg, is gradually far away. 他的脑海忍不住构架出的一个画面,画面里,在如今自己所看的那片区域,有一只身体庞大,长满了无数条腿的毛虫般的存在,正逐渐的远离。 This piece of Source Universe Dao Void......” Wang Baole is silent, he discovers this piece of World, always to oneself pleasantly surprised, when often believe that when has understood some, will appear lets the situation that he is hard to ponder over. “这片源宇道空……”王宝乐沉默,他发现这片世界,总是给自己惊喜,每每当自己认为,已经了解了一些时,就会出现一些让他难以琢磨的情况。 For example at this moment, is so, but Wang Baole also guessed that answer, all these, come from Listening Desire magical laws, is this magical laws, making him induce this piece of World other aspect. 比如此刻,就是这般,而王宝乐也猜测到了答案,这一切,都来自于听欲法则,是这种法则,让他感应到了这片世界的另一面。 - The wood had, today three 木有了,今天三更
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