WWOG :: Volume #11

#1016: divine art initially becomes!

In this from the place of Wang Baole cultivation, in very remote Starry Sky, intercepts Xie Haiyang, is not neighbor Civilization Eternal Star cultivator, but is Planet cultivator. 在这距离王宝乐修炼之地,很是遥远的星空中,去拦截谢海洋的,不是附近文明恒星修士,而是一位行星修士 This cultivator body seems like that is similar to human, but within the body blood has the difference, but is the magma composition, inborn to the fire attribute Natural Law(s) kind talent, causes him in Roaring Flame Galaxy, the strength be much higher compared with Outside World, even same boundary cultivator, is unable to do to him. 修士身体看似与人类相似,但体内血液却有不同,而是岩浆组成,天生就对火属性规则亲切的天赋,使得他在烈焰星系内,战力要比外界高出不少,就算是同境修士,也无法奈何于他。 Therefore even feels the Xie Haiyang flying shuttle to be good, still detected that among Xie Haiyang, cultivation base some are inobservable, but his look cold and proud is still incomparable. 所以即便是感受到谢海洋的飞梭不俗,也察觉到了其内的谢海洋,修为有些不可测,但他依旧还是神色冷傲无比。 How because he does not care about the opposite party to think, he now is the Young Master management, if the opposite party has the background greatly, naturally can explain, if no background also to dare to rush, then he is worrying not to have the opportunity of meritorious performance. 因为他不在乎对方如何思索,他如今是在为少主办事,若对方大有来头,自然会道明,若无来头还敢强闯,那么他正发愁没有立功表现的机会呢。 Therefore after saying words, he stands there, looks out the flying shuttle indifferently, observation gets up. 于是在说出话语后,他就站在那里,冷眼遥望飞梭,观察起来。 Young Master?” Xie Haiyang after hearing the words of opposite party, heart one startled, from the name in opposite party words, his spontaneous reaction, this is Old Ancestor Roaring Flame some disciple, appeared in the , is conducting some quite important matter, will therefore order the seal Starry Sky four directions, making all bystanders not probably approach. 少主?”谢海洋在听到对方的话语后,心底一惊,从对方话语里的称呼中,他自然反应过来,这是烈焰老祖的某个弟子,出现在了附近,在进行一些比较重要的事情,所以才会下令封印星空四方,使一切外人不得靠近。 Does not know that is which disciple Old Ancestor Roaring Flame...... perhaps this is an opportunity?!” Xie Haiyang here hesitation, falls immediately in cultivator eye that stops its vanguard, after detecting the performance of Xie Haiyang, this cultivator heart regrettable sighing, knows the opportunity that oneself render meritorious service, feared that did not have, at present this person, some backgrounds, do not dare to rush even obviously. “不知是烈焰老祖的哪一位弟子……或许这是个机会?!”谢海洋这里的迟疑,立刻就落入到了阻拦其前行的修士眼睛里,在察觉谢海洋的表现后,这修士心底遗憾的叹了口气,知道自己立功的机会,怕是没有了,眼前这人,就算是有一些背景,也显然不敢强闯。 Thinks that did not have the opportunity of rendering meritorious service, this cultivator very not anti- wave a hand. 想到没了立功的机会,这修士很是不耐的一挥手 Has not retreated!” Saying, his wave a hand has flame storms to go baseless, changes to the sea of fire in its front, toward Xie Haiyang in the flying shuttle, pushed rapidly, must drive away this place it. “还不退去!”说着,他挥手间就有一片火焰风暴凭空而去,在其前方化作火海,向着谢海洋所在飞梭,急速的推了过去,就要将其驱离此地。 If traded other times, other places, by the Xie Haiyang status, surely not whatever the opposite party is so rampant before oneself, but now in Roaring Flame Galaxy, needs help from the person, therefore he can only restrain the temperament, controls flying shuttle retreat avoids the flame rapidly at the same time , the body appeared outside the flying shuttle in a flash, stood above, one held the fist in the other hand toward the front. 若换了其他时候,其他地点,以谢海洋的身份,必定不会任由对方在自己面前如此嚣张,可如今在烈焰星系,又有求于人,所以他只能收敛脾气,操控飞梭急速后退避开火焰的同时,也身体一晃出现在了飞梭外,站在其上,向着前方一抱拳。 This Fellow Daoist, does not know that which disciple the front is Old Ancestor Roaring Flame? My Xie Family Xie Haiyang, comes this is must go to greetings Old Ancestor Roaring Flame!” “这位道友,不知前方是烈焰老祖哪一位弟子?鄙人谢家谢海洋,来此是要去拜见烈焰老祖!” That Planet cultivator one hear of this saying, the look moved slightly, receives divine ability to size up Xie Haiyang carefully, this held the fist in the other hand to return a courtesy. 行星修士一听这话,神色微动,收起神通仔细的打量了一下谢海洋,这才抱拳回礼。 Originally is Fellow Daoist Xie, Fellow Daoist, if goes to greetings Old Patriarch, must detour to lead the way, is really 16th Young Lord in front cultivating, I and other responsibility are, all bystanders, cannot step into, sorry!” “原来是谢道友,道友若去拜见老祖,也还是要绕路前行了,实在是十六少主于前方修行,我等职责所在,一切外人,不可踏入,抱歉!” 16th Young Lord?” Xie Haiyang stares, according to information that he collects, immediately responds. 十六少主?”谢海洋一愣,按照他搜集到的信息,立刻就反应过来。 That 16th Young Lord, but Wang Baole?” “那十六少主可是王宝乐?” Bold, no matter you are what purpose in coming, in my Roaring Flame Galaxy, dares to say the name of Young Master?” That Planet cultivator look with deep veneration, drinks one immediately lowly, cultivation base is erupts, Master received the shame appearance, looked Xie Haiyang heart criticizes the dog-leg at the same time, in the surface shouted loudly. “大胆,不管你是何来意,于我烈焰星系内,竟敢直呼少主之名?”那行星修士神色顿时肃然,低喝一声,修为更是爆发开来,一副似主人受到了羞辱的模样,看的谢海洋心底暗骂狗腿的同时,表面上却高呼起来。 Misunderstanding, Fellow Daoist, this is a misunderstanding, Xie and Brother Baole, are the junctions of Life and Death, I come this greetings Old Patriarch at the same time, there is to see the meaning of old friend, the bothersome work you go to circular one, said that...... Xie Haiyang came, but also looks at Brother Baole to see!” Xie Haiyang laughs, the look was very at this moment calm, making its words also be full of the persuasive power. “误会,道友,这是一场误会,谢某与宝乐兄弟,是生死之交,我来此拜见老祖的同时,也有看望故人之意,烦劳你去通告一声,就说……谢海洋来了,还望宝乐兄弟一见!”谢海洋哈哈一笑,神色此刻很是从容,使得其话语也充满了说服力。 This lets that Planet cultivator some hesitation, carefully after looking at Xie Haiyang, has not continued to drive away, but lets its here, oneself put out jade slip, turns toward own Eternal Star Old Patriarch sound transmission. 这就让那行星修士有些迟疑,仔细看了看谢海洋后,没有继续驱赶,而是让其等在这里,自己则拿出玉简,向着自家恒星老祖传音 But this Planet cultivator Old Patriarch, does not have the qualifications to contact with Wang Baole even directly, is really their Civilization, from the place of Wang Baole true cultivation, was extremely remote, the news that therefore arrives at about Xie Haiyang, can only the layer upon layer transmission, even if to Roasting Spirit Civilization , is also unable to pass to Wang Baole as before immediately. 可就算是这行星修士老祖,也没有资格直接与王宝乐联系,实在是他们的文明,距离王宝乐真正修炼之地,太过遥远了,所以关于谢海洋到来的消息,只能层层传递,哪怕到了炙灵文明内,也依旧无法立刻传给王宝乐 After all Wang Baole at this moment, is sitting cross-legged to sit in the meteorite belt/bring, isolated all contacts with Outside World, the immersion of wholeheartedly during the revolution of Seal the Star Secret Art First Layer. 毕竟此刻的王宝乐,正盘膝坐在陨石带内,隔绝了与外界的一切联系,全身心的沉浸在封星诀第一层的运转之中。 With random walk of his cultivation base, with the revolution of Seal the Star Secret Art, Wang Baole fluctuation even more is also intense, and finally, its nine Ancient Star transformed, composes Dao Star, pressure disperses unceasingly, affected this piece of meteorite belt/bring, caused the sound of rumbled, from time to time spread the spread four directions. 随着他修为的游走,随着封星诀的运转,王宝乐身上的波动也越发强烈,到了最后,其身边九颗古星幻化,组成道星,威压不断地散开间,影响了这片陨石带,使得轰鸣之声,时而传出扩散四方。 Simultaneously also layer upon layer ripple, under the Wang Baole's Seal the Star Secret Art revolution, gradually dispersing, until half a month later, the ripple when on Wang Baole disperses, after covering trim meteorite belt/bring endless range, his eye opens suddenly. 同时还有一层层波纹,于王宝乐的封星诀运转下,渐渐散开,直至半个月后,当王宝乐身上散出的波纹,覆盖了整片陨石带无尽范围后,他的眼睛蓦然睁开。 Was similar, then seeks for the suitable meteorite, lets my Seal the Star Secret Art First Layer...... thorough improvement!” Muttered, the Wang Baole right hand lifted, toward front grasped fiercely, immediately in the numerous meteorites of its front, directly the hauling that got rid of Eternal Star, came toward Wang Baole. “差不多了,接下来就是寻找适合的陨石,来让我的封星诀第一层……彻底完善!”喃喃间,王宝乐右手抬起,向着前方猛地一抓,顿时在其前方的众多陨石里,直接就有一颗摆脱了恒星的牵引,向着王宝乐呼啸而来。 In nearness instantly, Wang Baole eyes showed strange glow, both hands rapid hand seal, his all around is centered on Dao Star that nine Ancient Star compose, a giant celestial chart, directly around him transforms. 在靠近的刹那,王宝乐目露奇芒,双手飞速掐诀,他四周以那九颗古星组成的道星为核心,一副巨大的星图,直接就在他周围幻化出来。 This celestial chart is the luminous spot that is changed to by ten thousand stars composes, but luminous spot that each seems like the stars, in fact is a good louse that shrinks the spheroid, each other under the arrangement, formed the outline of Divine Ox body, but in the forehead of this Divine Ox head outline, is Dao Star in it place, in this Dao Star, is Wang Baole that...... sits cross-legged to sit in meditation. 这星图是由万星化作的光点组成,而每一颗看似星辰的光点,实际上都是一只缩成球体的牛虱子,彼此排列下,形成了神牛身躯的轮廓,而在这神牛头部轮廓的眉心中,正是道星所在之地,在这道星内部,则是……盘膝打坐的王宝乐 At this moment in flickers, meteorite that was absorbed by him who this celestial chart outline appears, under the hauling of strength of celestial chart, rapidly changes is small, until finally changes to long rainbow path, integrated in the Wang Baole's celestial chart directly, with a luminous spot fused rapidly together. 此刻在这星图轮廓出现的一瞬,那被他摄取来的陨石,于星图之力的牵引下,个头飞速变小,直至最终化作一道长虹,直接就融入到了王宝乐的星图内,与其中一个光点飞速融合在一起。 Until after complete integrates, in that luminous spot original good louse, smooth entered the meteorite, combining pressure that instantly, Wang Baole this celestial chart dispersed, obviously many! 直至完全融入后,那光点内原本的牛虱子,也顺利的进入到了陨石内部,合二为一的刹那,王宝乐这星图散出的威压,明显多了一丝! After felt one carefully next, Wang Baole is in high spirits, again hand seal, immediately from this meteorite belt/bring, has one after another by the meteorite that he chooses, howls from four sides all directions, directly soars Wang Baole to come , by the star light hauling influence, getting smaller, was being changed to long rainbow completely one after another finally, in the luminous spot with Wang Baole Divine Ox celestial chart fuses rapidly. 仔细的感受了一下后,王宝乐精神振奋,再次掐诀,顿时从这陨石带内,就有一颗接着一颗被他挑选的陨石,从四面八方呼啸,直奔王宝乐而来,全部都在陆续靠近后,受星光牵引影响,越来越小,最终化作长虹,与王宝乐神牛星图内的光点飞速融合。 Then, the time passes slowly, Wang Baole's cultivating is also conducting rapidly, the meteorite of fusion 2-3 that from just started, to over a hundred, crossed thousand rapidly later, until passed half a month, the quantity of meteorite has surpassed 6000! 就这样,时间慢慢流逝,王宝乐的修行也在飞速进行,融合的陨石从刚开始的2-3个,飞速到了上百,随后过千,直至又过去了半个月,陨石的数量已超过了六千! Increase that his Divine Ox celestial chart, its pressure also continues, by the present, the fluctuation that the entire celestial chart disperses, even in Roasting Spirit Civilization Eternal Star Old Patriarch of meteorite out-band, still heart appeared the meaning of shock. 他的神牛星图,其威压也持续的增加,到了现在,整个星图散出的波动,就算是在陨石带外的炙灵文明恒星老祖,也都心底浮现震惊之意。 Really is even if he as Eternal Star cultivator, but also felt in this moment meteorite belt/bring, continuous growth, even made him feel that faintly had some dangerous imposing manners, is coming in crazy spread. 实在是哪怕他身为恒星修士,但也还是感受到了此刻陨石带内,有一股正不断壮大,甚至隐隐都让他感觉有些许危险的气势,正在疯狂的扩散开来。 Until passed half a month, when the waiting of Xie Haiyang sigh, Wang Baole sits cross-legged the body that sits in meditation, shakes fiercely, the eye opens once again, his all around finally long rainbow that flies ten meteorites to change, in his celestial chart outline, the final ten luminous spots, the instantaneous fill, causing its Seal the Star Secret Art First Layer...... thorough of the great circle! 直至又过去了半个月,在谢海洋叹息的等待下,王宝乐盘膝打坐的身体,猛地一震,眼睛又一次睁开时,他的四周最后飞来了十道陨石化作的长虹,将他自身的星图轮廓里,最后的十个光点,瞬间填补,使得其封星诀第一层……彻底大圆满 Shadow of Divine Ox that among rumbled, that over ten thousand meteorites compose, seeming to live was the same, as Wang Baole's stood up, same stood up in Starry Sky, face upwards to send out shouting of sound shaking all directions. 轰鸣间,那上万陨石组成的神牛之影,好似活了一样,随着王宝乐的站起,于星空中一样站起,仰天发出了一声震动八方的嘶吼。 Whooshes merely, formed the invisible wave, toward all around crazy spread, is ordinary like the storm, sweeps away all directions, causes Outside World cultivators, below all Eternal Star, all shivers, has to back up unable to approach, even Eternal Star, the mind sharp shocks, are still looking in the Meteorite belt/bring, at this moment appears that huge incomparable, face upwards Shadow of Divine Ox that roared, lowered the head. 仅仅是嘶吼,就形成了无形的波浪,向着四周疯狂扩散,如同风暴一般,横扫八方,使外界众修,所有恒星以下,全部颤抖,不得不倒退开来无法靠近,就算是恒星,也都一个个心神强烈震动,望着星陨带内,此刻出现的那巨大无比,仰天咆哮的神牛之影,纷纷低头。 Congratulates Young Master, divine art initially becomes!” “恭喜少主,神功初成!”
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