WDDG :: Volume #5

#402: Water to subdue|grams fire

Most people want Shen Xiang to win, because after their continent's martial artist comes to register, made into the severe wound, even some are disabled, the method is vicious, looks is intentionally under such heavy hand, therefore they are somewhat repugnant about King Continent many. 大多数人都希望沈翔获胜,因为他们大陆的武者前来报名之后,都是被打成重伤,甚至有的残废,手段非常狠毒,一看就是故意下这么重的手,所以他们对王者大陆多少有些讨厌。 Hopes that you can look at to be paler the victory and loss, similar time admits defeat! I do not want to see some people dead in King Martial Dao, now starts!” Wang Quan said. “希望你们能把输赢看淡一些,差不多的时候就认输吧!我可不想看见有人在王者武道会死去,现在开始吧!”王权说道。 Except for starting two characters can fall into the ear of Shen Xiang and in Li Zhihao, other words were neglected by them. 除了开始两个字能落入沈翔李志豪的耳中,其他的话都被他们忽略了。 The martial arts contest from the beginning, Li Zhihao both eyes brave the flame, body suddenly spout very scalding hot aura, then emits the steaming flame, on the double fist and both feet were covered by the flame, spout very intense heat, understood at a glance that he is use flame very fierce martial artist. 比武一开始,李志豪双目就冒着火焰,身上突然喷涌出一股非常灼热的气息,然后便是冒出腾腾火焰,双拳和双脚上面都被火焰覆盖,喷涌着非常强烈的热气,一看就知道他是个使用火焰非常厉害的武者 Shen Xiang is recent from Li Zhihao, he also by that scalding hot air wave shocking, this flame unexpectedly be stronger than his Heavenly Sun Fire! 沈翔距离李志豪最近,他也被那股灼热的气浪给震慑住,这种火焰竟然要比他的天阳之火强! What's all this about!” In the Shen Xiang heart calls out in alarm, he has Heavenly Sun Fire, the flame was overbearing, but the opposite party does not have Fire Soul, actually be stronger than him. “这是怎么回事!”沈翔心中惊呼起来,他拥有天阳之火,火焰就非常霸道了,但对方没有火魂,却要比他还强。 Su Meiyao said: Should be this fellow within the body has at least three Fire Vein, your Heavenly Sun Fire Soul has not played the complete might, therefore do not think that Fire Soul was too weak, after you, has enough True Qi, knows Fire Soul was fierce.” 苏媚瑶说道:“应该是这家伙体内有至少三道火脉,你的天阳火魂还没有发挥出全部的威力,所以你不要以为火魂太弱了,等你以后拥有足够的真气的时,就知道火魂的厉害了。” Gu Dongchen frowned: Good fierce flame, on this King Continent is really the talent everywhere.” 古东辰眉头一皱:“好厉害的火焰,这王者大陆上面果然是天才遍地。” Liu Meng'er and Hua Xiangyue with the fire, they also know that this type of flame terrifying, that has multi-channel Fire Vein to cultivation, moreover some use Heaven and Earth Treasure cultivation can create this type of fierce flame. 柳梦儿花香月都是用火的,她们也知道这种火焰的恐怖,那可是拥有多道火脉才能修炼出来的,而且还是利用一些天才地宝修炼才能造成这种厉害的火焰。 This is our King Continent's Fire King, Li Zhihao!” Wang Quan sees the numerous expert complexion, haughty to smile. “这就是我们王者大陆的火之王者,李志豪!”王权看见众强者的脸色,得意一笑。 Li Zhihao saw Shen Xiang the whole face to be startled, in the heart was also secret haughty, exploded roars, must toward Shen Xiang rush over. 李志豪看见沈翔了满脸吃惊,心中也是暗暗得意,爆吼一声,就要朝沈翔冲过去 Accidental/Surprised matter happened, Li Zhihao just took off, fell on immediately same place, saw only under his both feet unexpectedly to have many thigh generally thick water vine, closely is winding around his both legs. 意外的事情发生了,李志豪刚刚起跳,就立即落在了原地,只见他双脚下竟然有着许多条大腿一般粗的水藤,将他的双腿紧紧缭绕着。 After entering into Peak Realm, Shen Xiang five elements of True Qi is similarly powerful, he is also fiercer through the water vine that Black Tortoise Divine Art displays, can tie down stubbornly. Moreover, his type can restrain Fire True Qi through water attribute True Qi that divine art cultivates stubbornly. 迈入极致境界之后,沈翔五行真气都是同样强大,他通过玄武神功施展出来的这水藤也更加厉害,能把人死死缠住。而且,他这种通过神功修炼出来的水属性真气能死死克制火属性真气 water vine spreads unceasingly, twines stubbornly the body of Li Zhihao, Li Zhihao seems like one pile to burn fierce flame suddenly to be shattered now such by basin water, is braving many mist. 水藤不断蔓延上去,将李志豪的身体死死缠绕起来,李志豪现在就好像是一堆燃烧得正剧烈的火焰突然被一盆水破灭了那样,正冒着许多雾气。 Li Zhihao cannot move, after his body these thick water vine twine, Fire True Qi of his within the body becomes very small and weak, moreover there is permits water attribute to drill into his body, the pouring extinguishes his within the body these to be full of the thermal True Qi. 李志豪不能动弹,他的身体被那些粗大水藤缠绕之后,他体内的火属性真气就变得非常弱小,而且还有许都水属性钻入他的身体,浇灭他体内那些充满热量的真气 Victory and defeat already difference!” Liu Meng'er said with a smile lightly. “胜负已分!”柳梦儿轻笑道。 Shen Xiang is with smile on the face, arrives around Li Zhihao slowly, said with a smile: If you admit defeat, can be exempt from the physical suffering! I explained beforehand, waits for my attack to be very savage!” 沈翔面带微笑,缓缓走到李志豪跟前,笑道:“如果你认输的话,就可以免受皮肉之苦!我事先说明,等一下我的攻击可是非常凶残的!” Shen Xiang, you violated regulations, what evil technique that you use!” Li Zhihao roared angrily, he thinks the method of Shen Xiang use was improper. 沈翔,你违规了,你到底用的什么邪术!”李志豪愤怒地咆哮道,他认为沈翔使用的手段不正当。 Shen Xiang smiled: evil technique? If that was true, Old Wang Senior has blocked me.” 沈翔笑了:“邪术?如果真是那样的话,王老前辈早就拦下我了。” Those present majority are Nirvana Realm martial artist, can see that this is Shen Xiang utilized water vine that Divine Sense and vigorous water attribute True Qi released, just released time needed the method of some skill and luck, was martial skill. 在场的人大多数都是涅槃境武者,一眼就能看出这是沈翔运用了神识和浑厚的水属性真气释放出来的水藤,只不过释放的时候需要一些技巧和运气的方法,也就是武技 Shen Xiang, has to plant you not to use this despicable trick, your is anything!” Li Zhihao is unable to transfer True Qi, let alone must work loose this type to be able giant stone broken water vine. 沈翔,有种你就别使用这种卑鄙的伎俩,你这算什么!”李志豪真气都无法调动,更别说要挣脱这种能把巨石勒碎的水藤 This can only blame your strength being bad, if is really very fierce person, can work loose my cheap trick with ease, Hehe.” Shen Xiang said ridiculing. “这只能怪你实力不济,如果真是很厉害的人,很轻松就能挣脱我这种小把戏,嘿嘿。”沈翔戏谑地说道。 Li Zhihao sees the Shen Xiang whole face to taunt, in the heart the anger is dreadful, when he just thinks opens the mouth cursed, a Shen Xiang palm patted, hits directly on his face. 李志豪看见沈翔满脸嘲讽,心中怒火滔天,就在他刚刚想张口大骂的时候,沈翔一掌拍了过来,直接打在他的脸上。 Bang a dull thumping sound, the land shook violently, shakes some house split open, but that Li Zhihao actually made a painful sound, to one side, in the mouth is falling crookedly unceasingly some teeth and blood. “轰”的一声闷响,大地猛烈一震,震得一些房子都开裂了,而那李志豪却发出一声痛苦的声音,头歪向一边,口中不断掉落着一些牙齿和血液。 Shocking Heaven Palm! This was Shen Xiang uses Universe True Qi to display, five elements of True Qi fused together, the might was very intrepid, even if the martial arts contest stage had formation, but is still not able to eliminate that sudden shaking to and erupts power, making cheer up plaza shiver violently. 震天掌!这可是沈翔使用了乾坤真气施展出来的,五行真气融合在一起,威力十分强悍,即便是比武台有阵法,但依然无法消除那种突如其来的震到和爆发力量,使得振作广场都猛烈颤抖了一下。 In the Shen Xiang dantian shone 5000 grains of true element grains, this process has compressed highly True Qi, the quality was high, moreover power that contained was very strong! 沈翔丹田中可是亮起了五千粒真元粒,这种经过高度压缩过的真气,质量非常高,而且蕴含的力量很强! A giant mountain was extruded the grain of rice size the pebble, but the weight is invariable, in which might can be imagined, True Qi that now Shen Xiang releases, seems like compressed the gas the great mountain to be the same innumerably, implication power is astonishing. 一座巨大的山被挤压成米粒大小的石子,但重量却不变,其中的威力可想而知,现在沈翔释放出来的真气,就像是无数被压缩成气体的巨山一般,蕴含的力量非常惊人。 That Li Zhihao cannot use True Qi, is unable to resist Shen Xiang Shocking Heaven Palm with his powerful True Qi, is only the flesh and blood, the received injury is very big. 李志豪不能使用真气,无法用他那身强悍的真气来抵御沈翔震天掌,只是血肉之躯,受到的伤害很大。 A Shen Xiang palm hits unable to speak him, let alone he cannot use True Qi, even if can use, must resist Shocking Heaven Palm that this peak rank Universe True Qi releases, is still difficult. 沈翔一掌就把他打得说不出话来,别说他不能使用真气,即便能使用,要抵挡这种极致级别乾坤真气所释放的震天掌,也非常艰难的。 Regarding the King Continent above person, Shen Xiang will not be lenient, before he has given a Li Zhihao opportunity, but Li Zhihao has not treasured, saw only his another palm to pat, is hitting the Li Zhihao another side face. 对于王者大陆上面的人,沈翔不会手软,之前他已经给过李志豪一个机会,但李志豪没有珍惜,只见他另外一只手掌又拍了过去,打着李志豪另外一边脸。 The palm strokes on that cheeks, transparent crazy lightning explosion hits such probably together, erupts one be depressed crack, then the ground shakes. 手掌击打在那脸颊上面,就好像一块一道透明的狂雷轰打过去那样,爆发出一阵闷闷的炸响,然后地面又是一震。 You did not have the opportunity to admit defeat!” Shen Xiang sneered, the double palm dance, innumerable palm shadow suddenly appears, covers in Li Zhihao body completely. “你没机会认输了!”沈翔冷笑一声,双掌狂舞,无数的掌影突然出现,全部笼罩在李志豪身上 Gu Dongchen and the others has looked at the fights of many Shen Xiang, at this time their in the heart cannot help but scared, this violent storm general Shocking Heaven Palm hits in that Li Zhihao body, that Li Zhihao was discards. 古东辰等人可是看过许多次沈翔的战斗,此时他们心中还是不由得发毛,这种狂风暴雨一般的震天掌打在那李志豪身上,那李志豪算是废掉了。 The continuous vibration erupts again and again, the explosion sound is unceasing, making many King Continent's young martial artist look is afraid, but also some are excited, because Shen Xiang in their eyes is a good opponent. 接连不断的震动连连爆发,轰响不断,让许多王者大陆的年轻武者都看得心生恐惧,不过也有一些感到兴奋,因为沈翔在他们眼中是一个好对手。 After Shen Xiang hit several hundred palms, a foot kicked the martial arts contest stage that Li Zhihao, Li Zhihao muddy body high and low under is hit by this terrifying Shocking Heaven Palm bang, resulted in inside and outside rottenly cannot be rotten, if were a great mountain, perhaps by Shen Xiang such fighting method, had been turned into a pair of crushed stone. 沈翔打了数百掌之后,一脚将那李志豪踢下了比武台,李志豪身上上下下都被这种恐怖的震天掌轰打过,里里外外都烂得不能再烂了,如果是一座巨山,被沈翔这样的打法,恐怕早就变成了一对碎石。 Wang Quan is pinching the fist from beginning to end tightly, looks at the attack of Shen Xiang that savage, but he also can only look, Shen Xiang is luckily softhearted, otherwise he can Li Zhihao massacring. 王权从头到尾都紧捏着拳头,看着沈翔那种凶残的攻击,不过他也只能看着,幸好沈翔还算心慈手软,否则他可以把李志豪给杀掉。 Regarding this Wang Quan cannot say anything, because of before their King Continent above bloodlines martial artist, treats from other continent's martial artist, if he criticizes Shen Xiang's words in this above, will definitely be scolded by other continent's Big Shot. 对此王权也不能说什么,因为之前他们王者大陆上面的血脉武者,也这么对待过来自其他大陆的武者,如果他在这上面批评沈翔的话,肯定会被其他大陆的巨头骂死。
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