WDDG :: Volume #4

#399: Deters the King

Sees Shen Xiang real thing, the Wu Kaiming brow wrinkles, he had guessed correctly that Shen Xiang is hard to hide own strength. By this crucial point above, how is certainly happy how to hit, but he actually somewhat worried, he worried Shen Xiang starts is too ruthless, hits remnantly that middle age, that is can become enemies with King Continent. 看见沈翔动了真格,武开明眉头微皱起来,他早就猜到沈翔难以隐藏自己的实力。到这种节骨眼上面,当然是怎么痛快怎么打,不过他却有些担忧,他担心沈翔下手太狠,把那中年打残,那可是会和王者大陆结仇的。 Shen Xiang double fist condense dazzling azure light, azure light is jumping shoots to make a debut thickly such as the lightning of snake, the thunder light four flashes, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) ray covers on martial arts contest stage. 沈翔双拳凝聚着刺目的青光,青光迸射出道道粗大如蛇的闪电,雷光四闪,万丈光芒笼罩在比武台上面。 Now Shen Xiang uses strongest Azure Dragon True Qi, inside thunder energy is overbearing, gathers on his double fist completely. 现在沈翔可是用上了最强的青龙真气,里面的雷能量非常霸道,全部聚集在他双拳上面。 That middle-aged guy also uses lightning power, he can see the Shen Xiang use lightning power now compared with his great strength much, before he came up time, Wang Quan told him, Shen Xiang was only one just entered into Peak Realm little rascal, did not need to fear, lets loose the hand to hit that's alright. 那中年大汉自己本身也是使用雷电力量的,他现在能看出沈翔使用的雷电力量要比他的强大得多,之前他上来的时候,王权告诉他,沈翔只是一个刚刚迈入极致境界小鬼,不用惧怕,放开手来打就行了。 But now that middle age is actually criticizing Wang Quan in the heart, Shen Xiang where is little rascal, radically is Devil God, with Slaughter Qi that Shen Xiang releases, has made him feel the fear. 但现在那中年却在心中暗骂着王权,沈翔哪里是一个小鬼,根本就是一个魔神,就拿沈翔释放出来的杀伐之气来说,就已经让他感到恐惧了。 The middle-aged guy can enter Peak Realm , is not a vegetarian, although he has had the short fear, but he also can only display oneself strongest power now, with the Shen Xiang martial arts contest. 中年大汉能进入极致境界,也不是吃素的,他虽然有过短暂的恐惧,但现在他也只能施展自己最强的力量,和沈翔比武。 Shen Xiang step by step slowly walks, the middle-aged guy exudes one to roar, on that great fist again spout lightning glow, but with Shen Xiang compared more inferior. 沈翔一步步缓缓的走来,中年大汉发出一声咆哮,那巨拳上面再次喷涌着电芒,不过和沈翔的比起来却逊色了许多。 The fist hits, is very quick, as if Heavenly Lightning from in the air falls together, that speed that power suddenly hit on the air, sends out sonic boom, the bang to the bridge of the nose of Shen Xiang. 拳头打来,速度很快,仿佛一道天雷从空中落下,那种速度那种力量突然撞击在空气上面,发出一阵音爆,轰向沈翔的鼻梁。 The speed of this fist is quick, use True Qi is very vigorous, erupts very powerful power to come, this is the first time that Shen Xiang with the Peak Realm martial arts contest of same cultivation base, he is very excited, he acknowledged that the opposite party is very strong, if he had not entered into Peak Realm before, runs into such a person perhaps only then the fate of disastrous defeat. 这一拳的速度很快,使用的真气十分浑厚,爆发出非常强大的力量来,这是沈翔第一次和同样修为极致境界比武,他感到非常兴奋,他承认对方很强,如果他之前没有迈入极致境界的话,遇到这么一个人恐怕只有惨败的下场。 Is a little slow!” “有点慢!” Shen Xiang puts out a hand, held the fist of that middle-aged guy, then pinches vigorously, a thunderclap explosive gets up, only heard that middle-aged guy to angrily roar , was Shen Xiang knocks out the fist, that condense the fist of vigorous Lightning True Qi, suddenly is turning into dragon head, the arm turns into dragon body, hit threateningly to the chin of that middle age. 沈翔一伸手,就这么抓住了那中年大汉的拳头,然后大力一捏,一阵霹雳爆响起来,只听见那中年大汉怒吼了一声,随之便是沈翔出拳,那凝聚着浑厚雷电真气的拳头,突然化成龙头,手臂化成龙身,张牙舞爪地撞向那中年的下巴。 The people saw to brave the lightning in that like the whole body instantaneously Little Dragon toward that middle-aged dashing in the past, that power made Gu Dongchen they cannot help but hit one to tremble, Peak Realm was so powerful, if to Nirvana Realm, perhaps they must think over to win Shen Xiang. 众人在那瞬间看见如同浑身冒着闪电的小龙朝那中年冲撞过去,那种力量古东辰他们都不由得打了一个寒颤,极致境界就如此强悍了,如果到了涅槃境,他们恐怕都得掂量掂量能不能打赢沈翔 The fight experience of Shen Xiang is rich, he under that forbidden land, must deal with various Huang Jintian's attacks frequently, but Huang Jintian young time also challenges everywhere, itself also has five elements of True Qi, can according to remembering, simulates many individual forms of combat to come and Shen Xiang martial arts contest. 沈翔的战斗经验可是非常丰富的,他在那禁地下面,经常就得应付黄锦天的各种攻击,而黄锦天年轻的时候也是四处挑战,本身又有五行真气,能根据记忆,模拟许多个人的战斗方式来和沈翔比武。 Shen Xiang and Huang Jintian martial arts contest time, the attack that he faces is quicker, quickly, therefore the speed of that middle-aged man in his opinion, truly was slow, he has been used to Huang Jintian that high-speed attack, although can evade frequently, but finally by a quicker speed hitting. 沈翔黄锦天比武的时候,他面对的攻击更快,更快,所以那中年男子的速度在他看来,确实是慢了许多,他早就习惯了黄锦天那种高速攻击,虽然经常能躲过,但最后还是被更快的速度给击中。 Shen Xiang is only a fist, that middle age was hit retreat crookedly several steps, to one side, in the mouth was bleeding! 沈翔只是一拳,那中年就被打得后退了数步,头歪向一边,口中流着血! Make people feel what is strange, that middle-aged body unexpectedly is also fleeing in all directions azure lightning, that is Shen Xiang lightning power, now unexpectedly appears in that middle-aged body, this explained that Shen Xiang that fist poured into very massive lightning power a moment ago, the instantaneous bang enters in the body of that middle age. 让人感到诡异的是,那中年身上竟然还流窜着一种青色雷电,那可是沈翔雷电力量,现在竟然出现在那中年身上,这说明沈翔刚才那拳灌入了非常大量的雷电力量,瞬间轰入那中年的身体之中。 That middle age was hit, but the head, was hit by this power, the received injury can be imagined! 那中年被打中的可是头部,被这股力量打中,受到的伤害可想而知! Is only a fist cannot bear?” Shen Xiang said with a sneer, that middle age angrily, his difficult turns is coming, but actually only sees azure light suddenly to flash together. “只是一拳就受不了吗?”沈翔冷笑道,那中年愤怒不已,他艰难的把头扭正过来,但却只看见一道青光突然闪来。 Shen Xiang attacks again, the fist like dragon head, pounds to the mouth of that middle age, lightning power that this Shen Xiang releases is more powerful, fought with the fists the past time, but also erupted dazzling azure light, at the same time, the entire ground shivered slightly. 沈翔再次出击,拳如龙头,砸向那中年的嘴巴,这一次沈翔释放出来的雷电力量更加强大,一拳打过去的时候,还爆发出一阵刺眼的青光,与此同时,整个地面都微微颤抖起来。 Shocking Heaven Palm! Although is uses the fist to display, but that type shakes power to let Gu Dongchen and in the Wu Kaiming heart exclaims in surprise one secretly, they know that middle age has lost. 震天掌!虽然是使用拳头施展出来,但那种震荡力量却让古东辰武开明心中暗暗惊叹一声,他们知道那中年已经输定了。 Really, after Shen Xiang fights with the fists, when that middle age, another fist was similar to lightning to pound distracted generally. The double fist takes turn fast, the instantaneous dozens fists, frantic greeting in the head of that middle age, every fights with the fists, can glittering have a dazzling ray, if the present is the night, that type will explode azure light that will dodge definitely to shock continuously. 果然,沈翔一拳打出去之后,在那中年神志恍惚的时候,另外一只拳头又如同雷电一般砸了过去。双拳快速交替,瞬间数十拳,疯狂的招呼在那中年的头部,每一拳打出,都会闪烁出一阵刺目的光芒,如果现在是夜晚的,那种连续爆闪的青光肯定会非常震撼。 Stop!” Wang Quan yelled, but when he shouted these two characters, Shen Xiang has made several hundred fists, sincere is he uses Azure Dragon True Qi strongest power, moreover displays in Shocking Heaven Palm that way. “住手!”王权大喊一声,不过就在他喊出这两个字的时候,沈翔已打出了数百拳,拳拳都是他使用青龙真气最强的力量,而且都是以震天掌那种方式施展出来。 The Shen Xiang very honest stopping hand, that middle-aged guy stands there, Shen Xiang's fist hits when his face, will release a force of traction, no matter his power is strong, will not waste, making the head of person stick on his fist, was shelled by him crazily, this injury is most terrifying. 沈翔很老实的停下手来,那中年大汉还是站在那里的,沈翔的拳头打在他的脸上时,就会释放出一种牵引力,不管他的力量多强,都不会把人打飞,让人的头黏在他的拳头上面,被他疯狂轰击,这种伤害是最为恐怖的。 You through test!” Wang Quan is somewhat angry, because Shen Xiang clarifies is setting up the prestige, naturally, he knows that Shen Xiang had shown mercy, if using Universe True Qi that the five elements of True Qi fusion becomes, that middle-aged guy is disabled. “你通过测试了!”王权有些愤怒,因为沈翔摆明就是在立威,当然,他知道沈翔已经是手下留情了,如果使用五行真气融合而成的乾坤真气,那中年大汉早就残废了。 That middle-aged guy after all is Peak Realm martial artist, under this crazy boxing, has not fainted, but head actually already severe wound, when was held leaving office, that middle-aged guy coughed, put out broke the broken tooth. 那中年大汉毕竟是极致境界武者,在这种疯狂的拳击下,并没有晕过去,但头部却已经重伤,当被人扶下台的时候,那中年大汉咳嗽了一下,吐出了许多断碎的牙齿。 Sees that the broken tooth in pool of blood, Wang Quan to grip tightly the fist, because Huang Jintian wiped out his tooth in the past completely, then boasted everywhere, making him lose face. 看见那在血泊之中的碎牙,王权紧紧握着拳头,因为当年黄锦天就是把他的一口牙齿全部打掉,然后四处吹嘘,让他丢尽了脸面。 Shen Xiang copes with King Continent's martial artist not to have too the worry, so long as did not kill opposite party that's alright, was casual he to be how oppressive, martial artist that because King Continent above martial artist came to other continent was also this. 沈翔对付王者大陆的武者不会有太多顾虑,只要不杀死对方就行了,随便他怎么虐,因为王者大陆上面的武者对其他大陆前来的武者也是这样。 Early six months ago, Shen Xiang heard that King Continent's martial artist starts to be vicious, many people were hit remnantly, is unable to practice martial art again, regarding this he also feels very angry, now he must reply in kind, making King Continent these arrogant martial artist also experience to be hit the remnant feeling. 早在半年前,沈翔就听说王者大陆的武者下手都非常狠毒,许多人都被打残,无法再习武,对此他也感到非常愤怒,现在他就要以其人之道还治其人之身,让王者大陆那些高傲的武者也体验一下被打残的感受。 Shen Xiang swept a Wang Quan behind that several arrogant youth lightly, then asked: What is? I explained beforehand, fists and feet does not have the eye, if were hit hits remnantly waste, do not blame my body! Before your King Continent above martial artist also did that therefore I will not be forgiving to you, the feared words, best before starting admit defeat!” 沈翔只是淡淡的扫了一下王权身后的那几个傲慢青年,然后问道:“接下来是什么?我事先说明,拳脚无眼,如果被打残打废的话,可别要怪罪到我身上!之前你们王者大陆上面的武者也是这么做的,所以我不会对你们留情,怕的话,最好在开打前认输!” Also, I do not like me, when hits just happily, was stopped by others! What martial arts contest is I and he, is not and others, others do not have the qualifications to stop the martial arts contest, this seems like very long beforehand custom.” “还有,我不喜欢我在打得正高兴的时候,被别人叫停!比武的是我和他,不是和别人,别人没有资格叫停比武,这好像是很久以前的规矩。” The Shen Xiang fist grips tightly, in the sound brings anger, a moment ago was not the words that Wang Quan stopped, the guy will definitely be hit to discard by him. 沈翔拳头紧握,声音中带着怒意,刚才不是那王权叫停的话,那大汉肯定会被他打废掉。
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