„Thisboyis tactful.”
“这小子还算识趣。”Han Juethinkssilently, even ifbehindGuan BubaibetraysHan Jue, hedid not fear, before puttingthiscrowd of Chaos Demon Godcome into the worldagain, hemust certainlyexamine the loyalty, is lower than6star, losesintoPrimordial ChaosHeavenly Prisonentirely!韩绝默默想到,纵然冠不败后面背叛韩绝,他也不怕,再放这群混沌魔神出世前,他肯定要检测一下忠诚度,低于六星者,统统丢入鸿蒙天牢!Han Juedoes not want the carriedthorn!韩绝可不想被背刺!In a while, Han Juejoins in into cultivation.
没过多久,韩绝又投身入修行之中。Strivessoonto break through!
……In a garden.
一座庭院内。Long HaoandHan Yutosittingbefore the table, has a friendly chat over a cup of wine.龙昊与韩玉对坐在桌前,把酒言欢。Recently, Han Yuvanisheddisturbed, regainedin the past the normal state, thismadehimrelax.
最近一段时间,韩玉的心绪不宁消失了,又恢复以往正常状态,这让他松了一口气。Althoughis confidentto the ancestor, butthiscondition, ifcontinuesfor a long time, tohiscultivationanddao heartis also influential, evencultivation deviation.
虽然对祖先有信心,可这种状态若是持续得久,对他的修行与道心也有影响,甚至走火入魔。„What kind of, ifthischancetakes, Human Racemayemerge the innumerabletalents, yourHan Familymaysoar, the positioninHuman Racegreatlypromotes.”Long Haosways the wine glassto say with a smile.
“怎么样,这桩机缘要是拿下,人族可涌现出无数天才,你韩家可借此腾飞,在人族内地位大大提升。”龙昊摇晃着酒杯笑道。Han Yucurls the lip saying: „Thengood, howyour doesn't Dragon Racewant?”韩玉撇嘴道:“那么好,你龙族怎么不要?”Long Haohehesaid: „Dragon Racenaturallywants, Ilookinyourmyfriendship, wantsto haveyour, the Earth Immortal Realmcultivationinfluenceis not strong, nowonly thenHidden SectandHuman Cultmaybe involved.”龙昊嘿嘿道:“龙族当然要,我只是看在你我的情分,想带你一把,地仙界的修行势力不怎么强,如今只有隐门、人教可涉入。”Han Yuknits the browsto ask: „Is this meaning of myancestor?”韩玉皱眉问道:“这是我先祖的意思?”Hisalreadyknows that ownancestorinHidden Sect, the positionis extremely high.
他已经知道自己的祖宗在隐门,地位极高。„Yourancestormaynot have the space to manageyou, Iwantto lead by the handyou, strivingmakesyousoonhave the qualifications of Hidden Sect.” The Long Haoill-humoredsay/way, helookedat firstHan Yuis an excellent likenessHan Jueto become friends with, is togethersuchfor a long time, two peoplecared that alreadyis very deep, recentlyheinMyriad Worlds ProjectionknewHan Juewill soon have the son, thischildaptitudeincomparabledefying heavens, waits forthisboy born, Han Juedefinitelycannot rememberHan Yu.
It looks like inLong Hao, howHan Yumixesagain, is far less thanto followHan Jue.
在龙昊看来,韩玉再怎么混,也远不如跟着韩绝。Inthisworld the biggestchanceis the favor of Han Jue!
The Han Yuhesitantmoment, said: „Good, IfirstleadmyHan Familyjuniorsto go, if successful, thenleadsHuman Raceto enter.”韩玉犹豫片刻,道:“好,我先带领我韩家子弟去,若是成功,再领人族进入。”Long Haobeams with joy saying: „Relax, Earth Immortal Realmpowerfulcultivator, our has not goneiscarries out the Immortal Godresponsibility, the disseminationbelief, absorbsDestiny.”龙昊眉开眼笑道:“放心吧,地仙界没有强大的修行者,我们此去是执行仙神职责,传播信仰,吸收气运。”Han Yunods.韩玉点头。
……OutsideHeavenly Dao.天道外。In the Disaster Racecity, Peacock Divine Monarchis sitting in meditation the cultivation.厄族城池里,孔雀神君正在打坐修炼。Heopens the eyesuddenly, both eyesbursts out the scarycold light.
他忽然睁开眼睛,双目迸发骇人冷光。Hefixes the eyes onto look, the darkdeep placehasextremelystrongaurato raidfast, irresistible.
他定睛看去,黑暗深处有一股极强的气息正在快速袭来,势不可挡。Quick, heseestogether the greatform, does not know that high, is huger than entireImmortal World.
很快,他看到一道伟岸身影,不知有多高,比整个仙界还要庞大。Thisformis red the upper part, the muscleis occupyinglike the one after anothergiantmountain range, hegrasps a greataxe, the axebladeis winding around the naked eyeobviousarrogance, when seemsopening heavensto developQi of Chaos, is boundlessandancient.
这道身影赤着上半身,肌肉如同一条条巨大山脉盘踞,他手持一把巨斧,斧刃缭绕着肉眼可见的气焰,好似开天辟地时的混沌之气,苍茫而古老。Peacock Divine Monarchknits the brows, hisvisionfallson the face of thisgiant, thispersonhas hair dishevelled, the white hairchaoticdance, seemsDemon, facial featuresjuanis crazy, the twisted the mouth sidewisecorners of the mouthare passingkilling intent and cruelty.孔雀神君皱眉,他的目光落在这尊巨人的脸上,此人披头散发,白发乱舞,好似妖魔,面容狷狂,咧开的嘴角透着杀意与残忍。„Unrestrained Realm, comingmyHeavenly Dao to doreally?”
The ice-coldsoundspreads to the ear of Peacock Divine Monarchtogether.
一道冰冷的声音传入孔雀神君的耳中。Peacock Divine Monarchmoves sidewaysto arrive in the darknessimmediately, turns aroundto lookto the giant.孔雀神君立即闪身来到黑暗之中,转身看向巨人。ThisgiantimpressivelyisHan Juegood friendPan Xin!
这尊巨人赫然就是韩绝的好友盘心!Pan Xinbeforecompares, was younger, the bodyacts like a different person, has in the legend the breadth of spirit of Pangugreatgod.盘心与以前比,年轻了许多,身躯更是判若两人,颇有传说中盘古巨神的气魄。„Who are you?” The Peacock Divine Monarchsinkingsoundasked.
“你是谁?”孔雀神君沉声问道。WhathefirstthinksisDarkness Forbidden Lordapprentice.
The words of thispersondisclosed that are the Heavenly Daolife, is so powerful, likely isDarkness Forbidden Lordsends.
此人的话透露出自己是天道生灵,又这么强大,很可能是黑暗禁主派来的。Pan Xincontemptuouslysaid: „Remembersmyname, Pan Xin, no, youdid not have the opportunityto remember!”盘心轻蔑道:“记住吾的名字,盘心,不,你没机会记住了!”
The voicefalls, heliftsOpening Heavens Axe in handsuddenly, the angercutsto go.
The bodyalsowantshugehimcompared withImmortal World is only lifts the terrifyinggale that the armstartsto tear into shredsallsufficiently, Forbidden Area of DarknessQi of Chaosturnsfiercelywells up.
身躯比仙界还要庞大的他光是抬臂掀起的恐怖强风足以撕碎一切,黑暗禁区的混沌之气剧烈翻涌。Opening Heavens Axecuts, irresistible, easily accomplished!开天斧斩去,势不可挡,摧枯拉朽!Peacock Divine Monarchlifts the right hand, the backprojectstogetherFive Colours Divine Light, bumps intoOpening Heavens Axe.孔雀神君抬起右手,背后射出一道五色神光,迎面撞上开天斧。Five Colours Divine Lightis direct, thatfearfulgalewith the whereaboutsinPeacock Divine Monarchbody, in an instant, the Peacock Divine Monarchmortal bodyannihilatesdirectly.五色神光直接破碎,那股可怕的强风跟着落在孔雀神君身上,刹那间,孔雀神君的肉身直接湮灭。
The nextsecond, Peacock Divine Monarchappearsinanother, helooks the alarmed and afraidcolor.
“怎么可能!”In the Peacock Divine Monarchheartstartlesgreatly, hisFive Colours Divine Lightislife-sourcedivine ability, latter the promotionisGreat Dao divine ability, this is hisstrongesttakes advantage, Great DaoSagewas brushedbyFive Colours Divine Light, will stagger.孔雀神君心中大骇,他的五色神光乃本命神通,后提升为大道神通,这便是他的最强依仗,就连大道圣人被五色神光刷中,也会踉跄一下。Hisvisionstubbornlyis staring atOpening Heavens Axe in Pan Xin.
他的目光死死的盯着盘心手里的开天斧。What is that?
那到底是什么?Pan Xincontemptuouslysmiles, wields the axeto cutagain.盘心轻蔑一笑,再次挥斧斩来。Peacock Divine Monarchthoroughviolent anger.孔雀神君彻底暴怒。WhenreallyIquitedo bully?
真当我好欺负?Peacock Divine Monarchmoves sidewaysto charge intoPan Xin, a warbreaks outimmediately.孔雀神君闪身冲向盘心,一场大战立即爆发。InHeavenly Dao, outsideThirty Three Layer Heaven, Sageswas alarmedbyterrifyingfightaura.天道内,三十三层天外,诸圣都被恐怖的战斗气息惊动。CultivatingHan Jue is also so.
正在修炼的韩绝也是如此。Han Jueopens the eyeto look,recognizes the Peacock Divine MonarchopponentisPan Xin.韩绝睁开眼睛看去,认出孔雀神君的对手是盘心。GraspsOpening Heavens AxePan Xincrazilyfiercepeerless, pressesPeacock Divine Monarchto hitcompletely.
The Han Jueaccident/surprise, Pan Xinhas not killedafter allfromonecrowd of Great DaoSage.韩绝并没有意外,毕竟盘心可是从一群大道圣人里杀出来。„My isn't Opening Heavens Axesowhy fierce?”
“为什么我的开天斧没有这么猛?”Han Jueis depressed, mustcomeOpening Heavens Axealready that to be lostbyhimfromSystemin the Systemspace, seesOpening Heavens Axe in Pan Xinhand, he is also fiery.韩绝郁闷,从系统得来的开天斧已经被他丢在系统空间里,看到盘心手中的开天斧,他心里又火热起来。Has saying that Opening Heavens Axeusesreallyto lead.
不得不说,开天斧使用起来是真的帅。Opensgreatlygathersgreatly, sweeps away the whole wide world, whocanfight?
大开大合,横扫八荒,谁能争锋?Meanwhile, Han JueisPeacock Divine Monarchpays silent tribute, how longjustcame backto come under attack.
同时,韩绝为孔雀神君默哀,刚回来才多久又在挨打。Han Juedoes not wantto meddle, presenthealsonot necessarilyis the Pan Xinopponent, far away from the right and wrongis the correctchoice.韩绝不想插手,现在的他也未必是盘心的对手,远离是非才是正确的选择。„Will Pan XinharmHeavenly Dao?”Han Jueinquiredin the heart.
“盘心会危害天道吗?”韩绝在心中询问。PresentPan Xinis truly powerful, has toguard.
如今的盘心确实强大,不得不防。【Needsto deduct100 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
继续!【, Hewill not haveHeavenly DaoDestinytemporarily, Heavenly Daofalls from the sky, hisstrengthwill dropsignificantly, evenlosesto the control of supreme treasure】
【暂时不会,他身怀天道气运,天道陨落,他的实力将大幅度下降,甚至失去对至宝的掌控】Seesthisline of characters, Han Juerelaxesimmediately.
看到这行字,韩绝顿时松了一口气。Somentioned, Pan XinstoodinHeavenly Daothisside.
这般说来,盘心是站在天道这一方。Han Juefollowsto close eyes.韩绝跟着闭目。
The millenniumtargetshave not been the time, cannotinterrupt.
千年指标还没到时间,不能中断。As forPeacock Divine Monarch, ifdiesinPan Xin, explainedandGreat Daomisses.
至于孔雀神君,倘若死在盘心手里,说明与大道无缘。HoweverHan Juebelieveshecanescape.
不过韩绝还是相信他能逃脱。Thisboytemperamentis so smelly, mustdiediesearly.
这厮脾气那么臭,要死早死了。In a flash.
一晃眼。Han Jueperiod of the millenniumseclusionended, heopens the eye, looks stunned.韩绝的千年闭关之期结束,他睁开眼睛,神情错愕。Pan XinandPeacock Divine Monarchare still fighting!盘心与孔雀神君还在战斗!Two peoplefought for more than 600years!
两人战斗了六百多年!Theiralreadyenters a deeperlevel the space, non-Sagecannotfeel.
他们已经进入更深层次的空间,非圣人不能感受到。It seems likePan XinworriesHeavenly Daovery much, feared that the fightpressureaffectsHeavenly Dao.
看来盘心还是很顾虑天道,怕战斗威压波及天道。Peacock Divine Monarchis sparklingFive Colours Divine Light, the speedquicklyto the pinnacle, changes intoafterimage, evenSagelooksdazzlingly.孔雀神君闪耀着五色神光,速度快到极致,化为一道道残影,连圣人都看得眼花缭乱。Pan Xincannot keep up withhisspeed, hisFive Colours Divine Lightseems the blade, makingPan Xincut and bruised, butthiscannot affectPan Xin, the Pan Xinimposing manneris still overbearing.盘心跟不上他的速度,他的五色神光好似刀刃,使得盘心遍体鳞伤,但这丝毫影响不到盘心,盘心的气势依旧霸道。Han Juelookshot bloodedrushes.韩绝看得热血澎湃。Thisfights!
这才是战斗!„Ipursueinstakill, althoughsuchfightstimulates, butwas too dangerous.”
“不过我还是追求秒杀,这样的战斗虽刺激,但太危险了。”Han Juethinkssilently.韩绝默默想到。
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