„Whatyour has Father Godsaidtoyou?”Southern ExtremeHeavenly Lordcautiousasking.
“你父神跟你说过什么?”南极天尊小心翼翼的问道。Xuandu Saint Venerablecloselyis also staring atEmpress Mother Earth.玄都圣尊也紧紧盯着后土娘娘。
The Empress Mother Earthlookis complex, saidspookily: „He said that Chaosgreat tribulation before opening heavenswill soon stage a comeback, at that timethreethousandChaos Demon GodAgewill be more fearful than himat that time.”后土娘娘神色复杂,幽幽道:“他说,开天前的混沌大劫即将卷土重来,那时将比他当时所处的三千混沌魔神时代还要可怕。”
The universepalaceis silent.
乾坤殿寂静。ThreethousandChaos Demon GodAge!
三千混沌魔神时代!Sagesallfeelscold air.诸圣皆感受到一股寒气。PresentChaosalsohasexistence of Chaos Demon God, theseChaos Demon Goddominatein3000principlesallunrestrained, quarrelledto exist.
如今的混沌还有混沌魔神的存在,这些混沌魔神无不是凌驾于三千法则、无拘无束的吵扰存在。But the Chaos Demon Godquantityonly thendozens, are the recalcitrants who Demon GodAgelives.
Is the meaning of Empress Mother EarththeseChaos Demon Godis goingto raiseChaosgreat tribulation?后土娘娘的意思是这些混沌魔神将要掀起混沌大劫?Chaosgreat tribulation......混沌大劫……Great DaoGrand Tribulation!大道量劫!
The words that before Sagesthinks ofDao Ancestorvanishes, stays behind, is more scared.诸圣想到道祖消失前留下的话,更加胆寒。Theirabilities can only protectHeavenly Dao, ifGreat DaoGrand TribulationaffectsHeavenly Dao, theycould resist?
他们的能耐只能保护天道,倘若大道量劫波及天道,他们能否招架得了?„IneedGood Fortune Jade Dish, asking the everyoneseniorhelpto seek!”Fang Liangsaidsuddenly.
“我需要造化玉碟,请诸位前辈帮忙寻找!”方良忽然说道。Hislooks serious.
他的神情严肃。Good Fortune Jade Dish, issupreme treasure that Dao Ancestorproving Daouses, enduringis greatOpening Heavens Axe of godcompared withPangu!造化玉碟,乃是道祖证道所用的至宝,堪比盘古巨神的开天斧!Southern ExtremeHeavenly Lordasked: „Whatuses?”南极天尊问道:“何用?”Fang Liangsinkingsound said: „MakesHeavenly Daobreak through, expansionHeavenly Dao, swallowsChaos, thuspreventsGreat DaoGrand Tribulation, when Dao Ancestorchoosesmehas mentionedAncient Desolate, hesaid that inAncient Desolateis hiding an extremelyfearfulstrength, hedisappears, is wantsto seekto resistthatstrength the means that for this reason, Dao Ancestordoes not hesitatesoultrillionDharma Body, goes all overChaos.”方良沉声道:“让天道突破,扩张天道,吞噬混沌,从而阻止大道量劫,道祖选择我时提起过古荒,他说古荒内藏着一股极为可怕的力量,他之所以消失,便是想要找寻对抗那股力量的办法,为此,道祖不惜魂化亿万法相,走遍混沌。”He is one of them!
他便是其中之一!„Now the Ancient Desolatesealwill soon eradicate, is possibly killedmomentarilybyterrifying existence that Dao Ancestorhas scruples, at that timewasVoid Returning Divine Realm, Heavenly Dao must perishincessantly!”
“如今古荒的封印即将破除,被道祖顾忌的恐怖存在随时可能杀出来,那时不止是归墟神境,天道也得亡!”Sageswas all frightened.诸圣皆被吓到。
The Xuandu Saint Venerablesinkingsoundasked: „Does thiswordtake seriously?”玄都圣尊沉声问道:“此言当真?”Fang Liangsaid: „MyFang LiangpledgedtoHeavenly Dao, ifdeceiveseveryone, Heavenly DaoDestinydissipates.”方良道:“我方良向天道发誓,若是欺骗诸位,天道气运自行消散。”Sageshas not spoken, butfalls intoduring the thinkingrespectively.圣人们没有吭声,而是各自陷入思索之中。This timetalkedto makethemveryshocked, theyrealized that mattertheyhave not imaginedare so simple, theyexcept formustresistVoid Returning Divine Realm, but must guard againstexistence of higherlevel.
The Chaosdeep place, onegroup of blackair/Qiare surging, graduallyincreases.混沌深处,一团黑气正在涌动,逐渐变大。
The blackair/Qigraduallychanges into the blackflame, in the hotheartopens a redbrighteyesuddenly.
“我是谁……”„Han Jue...... misfortune...... Darkness Forbidden Lord......”
The blackflamemakestogether the hoarsesound, listenscarefully, somewhatis unexpectedly similarto the Han Juesound.
The blackflamehas the strongsuction, starts the gale, forms the hugevortex, Qi of Chaosin all directionsallwells upin the nightfallflame.
黑焰产生强大吸力,掀起强风,形成巨大漩涡,四面八方的混沌之气全都涌入黑焰之中。With the lapse of time, the blackflameis getting bigger and bigger.
随着时间的推移,黑焰越来越大。How longdoes not know, when the blackflamealsowantsto be huger than a sideworld, formgrazes.
不知过去多久,当黑焰比一方天地还要庞大时,一道身影飞掠而来。Thisis a azurerobeDaoist, the under foottreads a wooden sword, both handsis losing to the waist.
The azurerobeDaoiststopssuddenly, the visionfallsin the blackflame.
青袍道人忽然停下,目光落在黑焰上。„Goodstrongmisfortuneaura...... will the misfortuneinvisibleachromatic color, howcondenseinthis?”
The azurerobeDaoistmuttered, helifted the right handto calculate, complexionsuddenlyonewhite.
The blackflame of distant placecharges into the azurerobeDaoistsuddenly, the speedis extremely fast.
远处的黑焰突然冲向青袍道人,速度极快。AzurerobeDaoistboth eyesstare, the clothesrobeagitation, a fearfulfront surfaceprevents the blackflame, makingitsspeeddropsuddenly.
青袍道人双目一瞪,衣袍鼓动,一股可怕的迎面阻挡黑焰,使其速度骤然下降。„Snort! Managing you are anything, sinceisevil creation, this poor Daoistthenexecutedyou!”
The azurerobeDaoistcontemptuouslysaid with a smile, the under footwooden swordgrew the innumerablevine, swiftlysurrounded the blackflame, above the vinegrows the flowers that colorsvaried.
青袍道人轻蔑笑道,脚下木剑长出数不清的藤蔓,迅速包围黑焰,藤蔓之上长出一朵朵颜色各异的花朵。Ten thousandflowersfire a salvo, raysprojectfrom the stamen and pistil, pierce the blackflame, madeitstattered and torn.
万花齐放,一道道光芒从花蕊之中射出,洞穿黑焰,令其千疮百孔。Whooshingsound that the blackflamevoices the hatred.
The azurerobeDaoistknits the brows, looking pensive.
The blackflameexplodes the powdersuddenly, changes into the blackfogto fill the air, thencontractsto the azurerobeDaoistatmorespeeds.
The azurerobeDaoistwaves, spiritual powererupts, seemsSunto explode, scalding hotspiritual powercauses the Chaosspaceebullition, but the blackfogpassed over gently and swiftlydirectlyhisspiritual power, submergeshimrapidly.
青袍道人挥手,法力爆发,好似太阳星爆炸,灼热的法力使得混沌空间沸腾,但黑雾直接掠过他的法力,迅速将他淹没。In the blackfog, the azurerobeDaoistflustered.
黑雾之中,青袍道人慌了。„What's the matter? Thisiswhatstrength, canimprison the spaceunexpectedly!”
“怎么回事?这是什么力量,竟然能禁锢空间!”AzurerobeDaoist, in the heartangrily roarsunceasingly.
A strangesneeringsoundfromtransmitsin all directions, as ifhastens of thousands ofghoststo smiletohimtogetherstrangely, situationfrightenedcautiousperson.
……Hundred Mountains Immortal Plain.百岳仙川。EndedCundifrom the Han Jueincantation, the timeover the past 732 years.
距离韩绝咒完准提,时间过去732年。Han Jueis practicing, at presentsuddenlypresents the rows ofcharacter:韩绝正在修炼,眼前忽然出现一行行字:【Examinedyouto expedite the birth of Demon God of Curse, becauseEcuadorancursegodinnatewas full ofhatredandenvytoyou, youhad the followingchoice】
【检测到你催生了诅咒魔神的诞生,因厄诅咒神先天对你充满仇恨、嫉妒,你有以下选择】【One, goes to the Chaosdeep placeimmediately, executionDemon God of Curse, forevernever recurringtrouble, mayobtain the oneGreat Daofragment, divine abilityinheritanceandonecreationspirit stones】
【一,立即前往混沌深处,诛杀诅咒魔神,永绝后患,可获得一块大道碎片、一次神通传承、一块创造灵石】【Two, low-keycultivation, far away fromDemon God of Curse, mayobtain the oneGreat DaofragmentandoneHeavenly Daospirit stones】
【二,低调修炼,远离诅咒魔神,可获得一块大道碎片、一块天道灵石】Han Juegawkedstaring.韩绝愣了愣。Demon God of Curse?诅咒魔神?Whatthing?
什么玩意?Is it possible thatisbecausehedid curse many?
莫非是因为他诅咒过多?Han Juehas not made the choiceimmediately, discreteuseEvolution Function: „Iwantto know that Book of MisfortuneandDemon God of Cursedo havewhatrelation?”韩绝没有立即做出选择,谨慎的动用演化功能:“我想知道厄运书与诅咒魔神有何联系?”【Needsto deduct100 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
继续!【Book of MisfortunetouchessomeDetached Rulepowerful, Demon God of Curseis Taigu (Immemorial)Chaos Demon Godresentment, because of the fluctuation of Detached Rule, thusis born, hismissionisto catchyou, executionyou, replaceyou, Demon God of Curseis unable to findyouthroughBook of Misfortune】
这么离谱!„What is Detached Rule?”
“超然规则是什么?”【Involvesto surpass the Systemcurrentlimitcause and effect, is unable to evolve】
【涉及到超越系统当前极限的因果,无法演化】Han Jueis silent.韩绝沉默。Hethenasked: „Demon God of Cursewhether to enterHeavenly Dao?”
他转而问道:“诅咒魔神能否进入天道?”【Cannottemporarily, only ifheturns into the Heavenly Daolife】
The secondissuehas not deductedlife-span.
第二个问题倒没有扣除寿命。Han Jueclosely examinesagain: „Iwhether to useBook of Misfortuneto killhim?”韩绝再次追问:“我能否利用厄运书杀他?”【Needsto deduct100 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
继续!【Book of Misfortuneis unable executionDemon God of Curse, only to providestrengthenforDemon God of Cursestrength】
这么变态!Han Juewas frightened.韩绝被吓到。„Demon God of CursecurrentwhetherexecutionI?”
【暂时不能】Han Juerelaxes.韩绝松了一口气。It seems likeDemon God of Curseis not powerful, is only the statusspecially a value100 billionyears of worth.
It is not ableto doDemon God of CurseusingBook of Misfortune, Han Juecannotdepart Heavenly Dao, that can only wait forDemon God of Curse.
无法利用厄运书搞诅咒魔神,韩绝又不能离开天道,那只能等诅咒魔神袭来。Han Jueputs outBook of Misfortune, the lookis complex.韩绝拿出厄运书,神色复杂。„Does Detached Rule...... have compared with a Great Daohigherrule?”Han Juethinkssilently.
“超然规则……还有比大道更高的规则?”韩绝默默想到。Hethinks the supremestrength that the future of beforehandevolving, Heavenly DaoandHeavenly Courtwill facecanhave the relationswiththisDetached Rule?
他想到之前演化的未来,天道、天庭面对的至高力量会不会与这种超然规则有关系?Han Juesprouts up the fantasy, inquiredagain: „Demon God of Curseestimated how longwill attackHeavenly Daoto askmeto trouble?”韩绝突发奇想,再次询问:“诅咒魔神预计多久会袭击天道来找我麻烦?”【Needsto deduct100 billionyears of life-span, whethercontinue】
继续!【According tohisstrengthenspeed, takes3 billionyears to force one's way inHeavenly Daoprobably】
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